
Chambana.net is a project of Acorn Active Media and the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center that seeks to provide low-cost web hosting services to non-profit organizations, small businesses, and individuals, both locally and internationally, by collectivizing the use of uplink bandwidth on a shared internet connection.


The Chambana.net service is founded on three basic notions:

First, Acorn and the U-C IMC would like to make available low-cost but wide-ranging web hosting and colocation services to the non-profit and independent business community.

Second, most web hosting agreements are bundled with services that go largely under- or un-utilized but that inflate the cost of the service.

Lastly, offer such low-cost service by allowing clients to self-administrate their sites and services, without worrying about basic server and Internet connection maintenance and administration.

Chambana.net service users are expected to have the expertise or skills necessary to implement the web services they desire. Commensurately, technically competent users are not forced to pay for advanced technical support services that they do not need. Chambana.net service users are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the various free and low-cost computer learning opportunities offered in the community, such as the Computer Learning And Mentoring (CLAM) center.


coming hopefully...