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News :: Class War

Sack the Boss: Protest Outside John Key's Mansion

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A dozen activists from Socialist Aotearoa, the Workers Party and the Greens protested outside John Key’s house today, against the passing of the 90-day bill. The new law which comes into force in March 2009 gives small employers the right to sack staff in the first 3 months without legal redress.

The noisy protest ruffled the feathers of some of the residents of Key’s leafy neighbourhood. Some parents complained saying “there are children in the area, you know!” But rather than being horrified by the picket a large bunch of 8 to 14 year olds joined in, obviously enjoying the picket theatrics.

The picketers chanting “So it didn’t take you long; workers rights down the John” got some disapproving looks from the Range Rover mums, but lots of support from the younger set.

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News :: Anarchism : Civil & Human Rights : Global : Police : Protest Activity

Demonstration outside Embassy of Greece

A demonstration took place today outside the Greek embassy, to denounce the murder of 16 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos in Athens on December 6th of this month & solidarity with the anarchist demonstrating throughout Greece.

Heavy security awaited the arrival of people at the entrance of the embassy, two cops stood either side of the doors, private security and police photographer with embassy staff outside taking photos of the demonstrators. There was a report from a member of the public who witnessed a photographer from inside the carpark across the road lying down behind the barrier and hiding whilst photographing the demo.

One of the banner's read in greek: 'No police, no police violence'

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Announcement :: Borders : Civil & Human Rights

Auckland socialist detained and strip searched at Auckland Airport

On November 17, Annalucia Vermunt was detained by officials at Auckland International Airport for over four hours on her return from a visit to Sydney. While being held, she was subjected to a strip search and questioned about her political involvement in the World Federation of Democratic Youth. The Communist League is initiating an open letter to the Ministers of Immigration and Customs to protest this political harassment. We are inviting people to add their names to this letter.

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Announcement :: Indymedia : Miscellaneous

Community dinner fundraiser and Indymedia film screening!

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It's not too late to book your spot at the most delectable dinner of the year!

This coming Saturday, the 13th of December there will be a glorious vegetarian feast (vegan and gluten free options will be in abundance) at 8 Mt Eden Rd, followed by the film What Would Jesus Buy which follows Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir on their tour of America in an effort to save the world from the coming Shopocalypse!

$10 waged, $8 unwaged

RSVP to akfreespace(at)

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Commentary :: Labour

Declare your job a 90-day free zone!

National’s sacking bill is going to meet resistance.

The 90 day bill is an overt attack on workers' rights, targeting the most vulnerable in small worksites. Workers in these job sites currently enjoy few rights as they are mostly not unionised and the employers consequently have a great deal of power.

The CTU is responding with a petition and looking at putting adverts in the major newspapers. This falls well short of what is needed.

Direct action by workers is the way to respond to this attack.

Unite union is taking the lead by saying that any worker can join Unite for $2 a week and get phone advice and back up where needed. If workers are wrongly sacked in the 90 day period Unite will organise pickets in defence of these people. Any employer who sacks under this legislation could find themselves confronted by a rowdy picket line and Unite's 20 foot rat.

Employers plainly want to put the pressure on workers; it's time to push back.

Contact: Daphna Whitmore 0294949865

Links: Unite Union | Workers Party

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Announcement :: Class War

We Won't Pay for Your Crisis - Auckland Public Meeting

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7pm Thursday December 11. Auckland Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road, Grey Lynn.

New Zealand is heading for recession. Our jobs, wages, homes, pensions, benefits and public services are all under threat. We did not cause this. It was the financial elite of wealthy bankers, investors and speculators who have put us in this situation, yet they expect us to pay for their crisis. Already we have seen job losses, cuts in services and price rises.

Socialist Aotearoa has invited a broad range of speakers; trade unionists, socialists, environmentalists, community groups, and interested individuals, to begin the debate on how to unite the left against the effects of the global financial crisis.

Speakers include: John Minto from Unite Union, Green MP Sue Bradford, Frank Doleman from Socialist Aotearoa and other concerned socialists, environmentalists, community activists and individuals.

Links: National's Suprise Move to Ram Through 90 Day Bill | Socialist Aotearoa

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News :: Pacific Struggles

Design Warehouse agrees - no more kwila

Mr. Walsh of the Design Warehouse agreed on Saturday that he would not import anymore Kwila products. Rainforest Action is happy, but there are many more companies to go this summer, and it is important to know that we will be watching. If new kwila appears at the design warehouse, we will return...

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News :: Class War : Labour

Rembrandt Suits picket in Wellington

Workers from Rembrandt Suits held a picket on Saturday 6th December outside the Kirkaldie & Stains department store in central Wellington after receiving a pitiful offer from Rembrandt bosses.

The workers, skilled and experienced machinists (one of whom has worked for the company for 20 years) are currently on the minimum wage and are asking for $13.50 / hour. They have been offered only a 24 cent increase, which would take them to $12.24. Most of the workers require Government subsidies just to survive.

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