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Construction of Citizens

The “Construction of Citizens” is an effort to depict in an animated short the fundamental ideas behind E.A. Rauter’s homonymous manifest. Written shortly after the events of 1968 in Europe...

MOntaje en Oaxaca - Asesinato de Brad Will

Este es el relato, an ónimo, por razones de seguridad, de una persona que estuvo en Oaxaca compartiendo las ilusiones, miedos y alegrías con millones de compañerxs en el intento por revolucionar...

Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp (Lebanon): Transitions

This short films deals with social and political aspects of the aftermath of the destruction of the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared in North Lebanon. Film description/downloads:...

Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp (Lebanon): Between Past and Present

This is a short film on economical aspects of the destruction of the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared in North Lebanon. Film description/downloads:...

The Greed of Feed

Fishy Business: uncovering the truth behind your cheap Christmas salmon...In its latest film the Ecologist Film Unit (EFU), a collaboration between Ecostorm and the Ecologist magazine, travels to...

포르노 이야기 (Pornography Stories)

포르노에 대한 영상언론조사와 비슷하다. 대학생들이 포르노에 대한 생각, 체험, 영향에 대해 이야기한다. 포르노에 대한 인지와 의견들을 살펴보면...

Amour P ère-Fils

Reportage de France2 sur un p ère et son fils handicapé accomplissant des exploits ensemble.

Brad, Uma Noite Mais nas Barricadas

Rebeli ão popular em Oaxaca, México, 2006. Quando paramilitares dão um tiro no peito de Brad Will, a câmera cai, mas continua gravando. Essa câmera passa de mão em mão, contando a...

Opposition in Europe to neoliberal politics - Higher Education

Seminar @ European Socialforum 2008 / Malm ö Description and analyses of projects, reforms implemented all over Europe (EU and others). Reports on all kind of struggles led by students, teachers...

ESF 2008 - Anti Capitalist Art - How Is Creativity Used By The Movement To Change The World

Seminar @ European Socialforum 2008 / Malm ö This seminar will discuss the role of a non-verbal politicization of activists and art practice by integrating visual forms of activism: art projects,...

Reihe zum Antira- und Klimacamp Folge 2 - Ton korrigiert

Reihe zum Antira und Climacamp 2008, zweite Folge Inhalt: Aktionen vor der Polizeiakademie und Ausbildungsst ätte für Frontex in Lübeck, Demonstration gegen Frontex in Lübeck, Aktion gegen den...

Reihe zum Antira- und Klimacamp Folge3

Reihe zum Antira- und Klimacamp, dritte und letzte Folge Inhalt: Fluten 3.0, Aktionen in und rund um den Hamburger Abschiebeflughafen. Video in hoher Aufl ösung in zwei Versionen - für das...

Reihe zum Antira- und Klimacamp Folge3 - nonmtv

Reihe zum Antira- und Klimacamp, dritte und letzte Folge Inhalt: Fluten 3.0, Aktionen in und rund um den Hamburger Abschiebeflughafen. Video in hoher Aufl ösung in zwei Versionen - für das...

kundgebung hafen hamburg

wir sind mit transparenten zur unterst ützung der angeklagten in neuseeland auf 2 booten im hamburger hafen unterwegs gewesen.

The Giri Raja Chicken

Welfare groups have been saying for years that modern farming should give up the use of finely-tuned specialist chickens, split into meat and egg producing flocks, just as they should move away...

Reihe zum Antira und Climacamp Folge 2

Reihe zum Antira und Climacamp 2008, zweite Folge Inhalt: Aktionen vor der Polizeiakademie und Ausbildungsst ätte für Frontex in Lübeck, Demonstration gegen Frontex in Lübeck, Aktion gegen den...

Artists on Amnesty International

Marta (Die Happy), Justin (Anti-Flag), Moneybrother, Thomas D (Fanta 4), Cajus (Blumentopf), Chris Dangerous (The Hives), Turbostaat, Blackmail, Culcha Candela, Nephew and others make a statement...

Reihe zum Antira und Climacamp Folge 1

Reihe zum Antira und Climacamp 2008, erste Folge Inhalt: Interview zum Camp allgemein, Campaufbau, Auftaktdemonstration, Antirassistisches Fu ßballturnier, Global Pass Fest Hochauflösende...

The Coombe End Farm Story

The beautiful and historic Coombe End farm was recently occupied by a collective of Musicians Artists and Performers who protested against the absence of care by the owners - the National Trust....

Climate Camp 2008 Pepper Spray Footage

04/08/08 6am. Protesters at the Climate Camp 2008 are woken up to face the police trying to enter the Climate Camp site by force, using pepper spray and batons on peaceful protesters in the crowd....



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