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Indymedia Events:
12/13/085pm general meeting
@ Red & Black Cafe 400 SE 12th avenue (& Oak)
Saturday's Events (12/13/2008)
Protest.net calendar currently unavailable, hope to have it fixed SOON!
police / legal | prisons & prisoners 15-Dec-2008 13:50

Solidarity Demo With Greek Radicals Today

From the open publishing newswire: Monday 4pm at Pioneer Square we will spark off our manifestations of solidarity with Greek protesters. Meet at the Square, from there, everywhere.


police / legal 13-Dec-2008 20:26

Officer Bergin Arraigned, Kyle Iboshi Gets an Earful

From the open publishing newswire: William Bergin: Murder, rapist, thug. Ex Sandy police officer who killed unarmed accident victim Fouad Kaady.

He was being arraigned today, alas not for murder (yet), but for theft, official misconduct, and misuse of a license. The courtroom was filled with supporters of the Kaady family including Juan Rubio. When Bergin got up to appear, his lawyer Des Connell was served by Michelle Burroughs with an order to recuse himself because of a conflict of interest because Connell's daughter formerly represented the Kaady family. After some fireworks between the two Connell said he needed some ethical guidance from the bar, and the Judge agreed to set the arraignment over until January 5th at 1:30. As soon as it was clear that the proceeding for Bergin was over the courtroom immediately emptied with Bergin running out the back door.

For the record, I am the person who shouted at Kyle Iboshi. Just to recap why: Kyle Iboshi "reported" on the murder of Fouad Kaady in the following manner: He held up a packet of papers that came right from the police agency responsible for the killing, and pretended that this was the last word on the matter. And he apparently did not even read it. Not only did he fail to ask any questions about the inconsistencies and obvious, glaring abuses of power in that sheaf of papers, but Iboshi went many steps further.


actions & protests | labor 11-Dec-2008 07:58

Portland, OR : Solidarity Picket with Chicago workers

From the open publishing newswire: Why we are doing it...Republic Windows and Doors illegally let go 240 union workers without severance pay and only 3 days notice, all caused by lack of financing from Bank of America.

In the past few weeks Bank of America received "bail out" money. This makes us curious to wonder where our tax money is going. Clearly its original purpose of stimulating the economy is not something they had in mind.

In solidarity we are picketing in front of the 517 SW Stark Bank of America in down town Portland from 12:30 - 5:00. We will be there Wednesday 10th to Friday 12th.

Background: United Electrical Workers Plant Takeover in Chicago


community building 09-Dec-2008 12:06

help Clownarchists re-establish a new Clown House & get some honey

my house From the open publishing newswire: Things a Clown House can and has done: Pirate radio, screen printing, Dawg Snax our wheat free, vegetarian dog treats, yoga classes, direct action training, black cross training, circus skill training, free bike shop, freak bike shop, brewing booze, housing tent people, meeting place, car free info, Much more indeed I promise.
In the 10 years of the former clown house we nailed down plenty of good ideas for the world. The last month before C.H. eviction we also had a bike/kite that generated electricity, a lawn mower that is bike powered and last I checked...a lot of happy denizens.
Since then the Clown House kids have been constantly evicted and classed out, we need a home. I (Dingo) have been living in a house bike since May and I love it...I still need a place for the lab and tools to live. My favoright thing that a Clown House does is BRING DOWN PROPERTY VALUES through obnoxious clownery and gladiator style single combat events such as mud wresling and tall bike jousting!!!! The honey is organic, raw and amazing[...]


human & civil rights | police / legal 09-Dec-2008 12:00

Fouad Kaady Civil Suit Goes Forward; Trial Scheduled for April 2009

From the open publishing newswire: The federal civil rights case filed by the family of Fouad Kaady will proceed following a November 26 order by United States Magistrate Judge Paul Papak. Judge Papak's order settles summary judgment motions from the defendants in the case, a process in which the Judge determines which issues have been judicially proven by one side or the other and which facts remain to be determined by a jury.

On September 8, 2005, Fouad Kaady was shot seven times by a Clackamas County Sheriff's deputy and a Sandy, Oregon police officer after being badly burned and disoriented in a fiery car crash minutes earlier. The judge cited conflicting statements by several witnesses, including the two officers, as proof that material facts need to be decided by a jury at a trial.


health 09-Dec-2008 11:58

Yay for public bathrooms!

From the open publishing newswire: A solar potty has been installed downtown. Cool. In a city where the cops routinely cite people for "sex crimes" for having to piss in public, it's just sick that there are so few public restrooms. (James Chasse was actually beaten to death by police because they said that they suspected that he had urinated in public. Turns out he hadn't, but there's one more casualty of no bathrooms. Also, peoples' lives have been ruined by cops who tag them with a sex crime just for having to piss. Damn, what thoughtless, bullying demons those Portland cops are.)


actions & protests 09-Dec-2008 11:41

Events in Athens

From the open publishing newswire: A Greek radio reports : (1431 AM free radio of Thessaloniki , Greece) About the greek riots .. from a free radio Thessaloniki in Greece the condition in general, is out of control. since the early hours the police attacks the protesters who expressed no intention to fight back. all over the country, the police attacked teenagers, students and ordinary people who manifested against the police violence in peace and arrested 8 persons in athens, 1 in thessaloniki and an unconfirmed number in other cities and the numbers grow rapidly. the provoking behavior of the police with the silent agreement of the government lead to impudent use of violence from their part resulting in extended episodes all over greece

a lot of police departments have been destroyed along with a great number of banks and commercial shops. the police uninterruptedly pursue the protesters. unconfirmed information speak about the proclamation of a state of emergence in the country by the government. there is a strong possibility of annuling the asylum tonight or tomorrow morning in all universities. the prime minister asked for harsher protection measures and no tollerance toward the riots from the police. the whole country is burning. the state rules with impunity. the wholesome anger of the people about the state, the education, the economic problems and the church scandals are exhibited through the riots. the funeral of the young alexandros takes place tommorow at 3 o' clock. protests will also take place tommorow and we assume all the following days. a lot of universities are occupied.

The Greek embassy in London occupied: the Greek embasy in London occupied by protestors. seems that meanwhile police managed to get in Read More

The Greek Embassy in Berlin occupied : The Greek Embassy in Berlin occupied since 9 hours! Read More

A statement in support of Greece : To all dreamers, revolutionaries, Anarchists, Riots are lighting up Greece like a structure fire. A sixteen year old boy was murdered by the heavy handed activities of the bulldogs of capitalism: the police. Greece is responding in kind, with riots and protesters filling the streets with the fires of rage. Dreams and desires of freedom and a world without these assassins are flooding from a population who has had to deal with an oppression that sneaks its way into every facet of life. Read More

greece: !BREAKING NEWS! The riot-cops attacked the funeral of Alexis !!! Right now there are fights both in Athens and Thessaloniki. In thessaloniki thousands of protestors attacked the ministry of north greece and thrace. The city centre is closed to all traffic and the streets taken over since 11am. Small fights between people and riot-cops... big groups of 30 civil police each are walking through the centre as well. In athens there are fights in a few spots of Athens and especially in the parliament and around the polytechnic school. THE UNBELIEVABLE IS THAT THE RIOT COPS APPEARED AT THE FUNERAL OF ALEXIS! Read More


labor 09-Dec-2008 11:38

Victory for the United Electrical Workers Plant Takeover in Chicago!

From the open publishing newswire: On December 5, in Chicago, the owners of Republic Windows and Doors were set to close their doors after declaring financial ruin and abruptly laid off its 260 mostly Latino workers. Rather than passively accepting this kick in the teeth, the United Electrical Workers Union (UE) members decided to fight back, using a tactic not seen in this country since the 1930's. They occupied the factory and have continued to do so in shifts since Friday.


labor 09-Dec-2008 11:35

OHSU President Joe Robertson to OHSU Workers: Fuck You

From the open publishing newswire: Citing the downward-spiraling economy, OHSU president Joe Robertson informed employees last week that the annual employee appreciation Christmas party is canceled. He made this announcement less than a month after telling workers what a "priority" it was to him to acknowledge their hard work through this annual event. He now says that canceling this event is necessary because such an event would be "fiscally imprudent."


actions & protests | police / legal 07-Dec-2008 12:51

Police Athens (Greece) shoot dead 16 yr. old anarchist

From the open publishing newswire: A police car patroling in Exarchia, central Athens, passing through Mesologgiou cobbled street (considered an alternative place with music, bars etc and lots of youth in the streets, so we can easily assume the police car was sent there to provoke and harass the youth), was confronted by a few young people, shouting to the policemen to get lost. There are a few reports that an empty bottle or a brick was thrown to the police car. The cops went out of the car provoking the youth and one of the pigs shot against one 15-16 year old boy, right on the heart, murdering him in cold blood. The name of the boy that stood up to the cops is Alexandros Grigoropoulos. Anarchists and residents gathered, but riot police forces circled the area. There are hundreds of policemen in the streets around central Athens.
Anarchists gather in squats, universities, and central squares at Greece's largets cities to protest and fight back the police...


police / legal 06-Dec-2008 18:43

Portland Police Boast of Torture

From the open publishing newswire: On the cover of The Rap Sheet's November, 2008 edition, an article appears that was authored by the Portland Police Association (PPA) President Scott Westerman, entitled "An objective view of the Chasse incident."

In his article, Westerman claims (among other things) that the media attention of the Chasse case was "misdirected" and that the Chasse family attorney is "posturing himself for financial gain" and "attempting to cloud the issue." Westerman further attempts to direct responsibility for Chasse's death from the police to "our degrading mental health system and others in his life."

However, perhaps even greater insight is provided in another article that also appears on the same Rap Sheet's front page, "Riding with Rick." In this article, retired Portland police detective Kent Perry writes about working with his former partner, officer Richard Hegrenes, at North Precinct. Describing events that occurred during the 1970's, detective Perry seems to fondly recall, and vividly describes, incidents of violence, police brutality and torture.

The fact that the Portland Police Association printed detective Perry's 1970's stories of police torture, in 2008, and then put it right next to their article defending themselves in the James Chasse "incident," speaks volumes.


green scare 06-Dec-2008 16:15

Jeffrey Free Luers interviews Grant Barnes

From the open publishing newswire: Jeffrey Free Luers interviews Grant Barnes:

JL: You are currently serving a long prison sentence for arsons claimed on
behalf of the Earth Liberation Front. What compelled you to take such actions?


actions & protests 06-Dec-2008 16:10

Battle in Seattle Showing 12/9/08

From the open publishing newswire: The 1999 WTO riots in Seattle were historic for several reasons. This was the first World Trade Organization meeting in the United States and the first to be effectively shut down. The riots also brought the term 'anti-globalization' to several Americans for the first time. Also, Indymedia emerged from the tear gas of the riots. Now, nine years later, the mainstream media gives its take on the events of late November of 1999. "Battle in Seattle" is a major Hollywood film that manages to leak some truth in with some melodrama. Using staged scenes and actual footage, the movie tells the story of several protesters, bystanders, delegates, cops and politicians and illustrates how everyone was affected by the riots.

It's not perfect but it's a great conversation piece. Portland Anti-Imperialist are proud to show this movie on Tuesday, December 9th at the Red and Black Caf? at 7pm. We will be bringing people that were at the riots and know the people that the characters were based off of so that they can answer any questions. Come join us for this free showing as we wade through Tinseltown's glitter to get to the nitty gritty.


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