Episode 50: Sling

November 29th, 2008

In New Orleans, I spoke with Bertrand Delacretaz, who is a new board member, and also is the composer of the music that we’re using these days for FeatherCast. He spoke with me about Sling, which is in the Incubator, and about his duties on the board

Related links:

You can listen to it HERE or via iTunes.

icon for podpress  Bertrand Delacretaz - Sling [5:28m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Episode 49: Stonehenge

November 19th, 2008

This week, the Incubator PMC voted to accept Stonehenge into the Incubator. While at ApacheCon, I spoke with Paul Fremantle and Kamaljit Bath about this project, which is an effort to produce example applications to assist developers in building products which are interoperable.

You may listen to it HERE or via iTunes.

Related links:

By the way, our cool new theme music was composed by Bertrand Delacretaz, who is a board member of the Apache Software Foundation.

icon for podpress  Stonehenge [8:46m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Episode 48: David Recordon

November 14th, 2008

The first keynote at ApacheCon New Orleans was from David Recordon, who has been involved in Open Social and OpenID, and is now involved in the Open Web Foundation. David talks about all of these things, Apache Shindig and about how he first got involved in Open Source.

Related links:

You can listen HERE or via iTunes.

icon for podpress  David Recordon [8:28m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Um …

November 7th, 2008

Part of what we do when we produce a podcast is to go through the audio and remove the “um”s, “ah”, and so on. What you didn’t know is that I save these up. It’s a hobby of mine. (Just kidding.)

Anyways, the following is my lightning talk from ApacheCon US 2008, posted by the request of the audience. So, at the risk of nobody ever agreeing to do a FeatherCast ever again, here it is.

icon for podpress  Um [1:17m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Episode 47: Apache Web Server 3.0

November 6th, 2008

Yes, we’ve been silent a long time, but ApacheCon has motivated me to do some more Feathercasts. I’ve got 8 of them lined up, and the first one of these is a conversation with Paul Querna about what’s coming for the Apache Web Server project.

Related links

icon for podpress  Episode 47 [6:12m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

You can listen to it here, or on iTunes

Episode 46: Apache Tomcat

March 31st, 2008

Earlier this month I caught up with Filip Hanik to talk about the Apache Tomcat project.

Related Links

The episode is just over 15 minutes and 5.5M. It’s available here or via iTunes.

icon for podpress  Episode 46 [15:58m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Episode 45: The Lost Lightning Talks

March 17th, 2008

There are hours and hours of feathercasts that have been recorded, and then never edited, and even a few which have been edited and never posted. This is an episode that I did in Dublin, at ApacheCon 2005, and it features a number of lightning talks. So, listen, enjoy, and come to Amsterdam to see the lightning talks in person, so that you don’t have to wait 3 years for me to post them.

9 minutes, 4MB

Listen HERE or via iTunes.

icon for podpress  Feathercast 45: The Lost Lightning Talks [8:44m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Episode 44: Mina

March 11th, 2008

This took me a while to post because I lost my voice right after making the recording.

Peter Royal talks about Mina.

Related links:

The episode is just 8 minutes, and is 4MB. Listen to it HERE or via iTunes.

icon for podpress  Episdode 44: Mina: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Episode 43: Lucene

February 22nd, 2008

In Episode 43, I speak with Grant Ingersoll, on Skype, about Lucene. There’s a lot of talks at the upcoming ApacheCon, in Amsterdam, about Lucene and related technologies. One might even say there’s a bit of a search emphasis. So we thought that getting an overview of these important technologies would be a good way to lead into the conference.

Related links:

The episode is 15 minutes (7Mb) and is available here or via iTunes.

icon for podpress  FeatherCast Episode 43 [15:25m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Episode 42: ApacheCon US 2007 Day 5

November 16th, 2007

The final day of ApacheCon US 2007. A very enjoyable conference draws to a close.

The episode is 17 minutes (7Mb) and is available here or via iTunes.

icon for podpress  FeatherCast Episode 42 [17:32m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download