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Presentations tagged "rest"

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Have Some Rest   Building Web2.0 Apps And Services

Have Some Rest Building Web2.0 Apps And Services

from: shonzilla 1 hour ago
26 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

Webengine Gf3

Webengine Gf3

from: nuxeo 15 hours ago
19 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

Five Minute Break

Five Minute Break

from: Hessel 17 hours ago
30 views, 0 comments Category: Business & Mgmt

REST, JSON and RSS with WCF 3.5

REST, JSON and RSS with WCF 3.5

from: rob.windsor 1 day ago
25 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

A Multi-theory Logic Language for the World Wide Web

A Multi-theory Logic Language for the World Wide We...

from: gpiancastelli 1 day ago
19 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

Easy rest service using PHP reflection api

Easy rest service using PHP reflection api

from: matthieua 4 days ago
95 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

An introduction to Struts 2 and RESTful applications

An introduction to Struts 2 and RESTful application...

from: mrdon 5 days ago
94 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

Session 1: The SOAP Story

Session 1: The SOAP Story

from: ukdpe 1 week ago
80 views, 0 comments Category: None

Session 2: Time for a REST

Session 2: Time for a REST

from: ukdpe 1 week ago
69 views, 0 comments Category: None

Devoxx 2008 - REST in Peace

Devoxx 2008 - REST in Peace

from: stevenn 1 week ago
165 views, 2 comments Category: Technology

Segurança em SOA

Segurança em SOA

from: marcelomf 1 week ago
42 views, 0 comments Category: None

Creating a Web of Data with Restlet

Creating a Web of Data with Restlet

from: guest7d0e11 1 week ago
140 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

Integrating RESTfully

Integrating RESTfully

from: srihari.srinivasan 1 week ago
96 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

Web Oriented Architecture at Oracle

Web Oriented Architecture at Oracle

from: EmilianoPecis 1 week ago
762 views, 2 comments Category: Technology

CMIS Round Table

CMIS Round Table

from: nuxeo 1 week ago
107 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

You Look Like You Could Use Some REST!

You Look Like You Could Use Some REST!

from: benramsey 2 weeks ago
370 views, 1 comment Category: Technology

Permanent web IDs or making good web 2.0 citizens

Permanent web IDs or making good web 2.0 citizens

from: derivadow 2 weeks ago
143 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

Nedap Rails Workshop

Nedap Rails Workshop

from: foeken 2 weeks ago
354 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

XML and Web Services with Groovy

XML and Web Services with Groovy

from: paulk_asert 3 weeks ago
93 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

Normes avancées du Web  - GTI780 & MTI780 - ETS - A08

Normes avancées du Web - GTI780 & MTI780 - ETS - ...

from: HommeDeJava 3 weeks ago
106 views, 0 comments Category: Technology

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