Man, what a bunch of cry babies there are in Hip Hop. "Waaah waaaaah, we lost. I hate voting. I hate Bush. America sucks!!!" Quit you'r belly achin'.

Welcome to politics Hip Hop. You got knocked on your ass. Oh, you thought just 'cause a few rappers wore some t-shirts and stuff, that Hip Hop was gonna have old G W runnin' back to texas with his tail between his legs? Please. It was not going down like that. It's really not that kind of party.

Maybe now people will understand that Hip Hop alone- will NOT save America. It won't save the world. But it can be an effective organizing tool for those with a STRATEGY.....Oh no!!! Not the S word!!! Yes y'all, say it with me- STRATEGY. It's defined as "The science and art of using all of the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during times of peace or war."But see, our so-called "Hip Hop nation" had no strategy!!!!

Who would have thought that the insight as to why the democrats lost the election, would lay in the grooves of a Non-Phixion song? In my disgust at the result of the elections, I found an old cassette tape that had tracks from Common and Badu, Rakim and Non-Phixion. Sitting with my bengal spice tea (gotta have the raw honey in it) the line caught me. MC Serch brought the words "How you gonna politic without no campaign?"

In the immortal words of Run D.M.C. "There it is". Russell got people registered, but he had no campaign. Puffy got people to the polls, but he had no campaign. Bakari Kitwana got people thinking and did a lot to spark political critical thought - but he had no campaign. The grassroots activists were the best at formulating local strategies. However, many were not effectively connecting with the people. Many young people I ran into felt that they being TOLD what to vote for but not TAUGHT how to decide things for themselves.

Long ago I asked people, what is the "Hip Hop position" on arbortion, Iraq, countrer-terrorism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stem cell, gay marriage, outsourcing jobs etc.? Nobody in Hip Hop had an answer. The few answers gave, were admitted to be PERSONAL opinions. They did not claim to speak for the so-called "Hip Hop nation".

But the republicans did know their positions on ALL the above. They conveyed that message consistently and effectively in every state in the union. They won with that strategy.

Know this, Hip Hop music and sub-culture will NOT save you. Be CLEAR about that. I never believed that it would. I have always stated that the best Hip Hop can do, is provide a platform for people. It gives a voice to those of various races, faiths, political persuasions and spiritual perspectives. It allows them to share their positions unfettered by the spin machines in mass media. Even that is questionable at times. But thats about it.

Rappers will never be the saviours of Black America and Hip Hop culture will not be the saving grace of minorities (racial, political or spiritual in nature). The sooner we all realize this, the sooner real political change can manifest itself.

I spoke to more than one person who told me that they are seriously considering leaving the United States. They suggested a better life for the disenfranchised might exist in Canada, or Europe. I totally understand the sentiment, but I was born HERE. This is MY country and I will not be ran out by small minded idealistic, spiritually fraudulent, racist, war mongers who hide their white hoods behind the star spangled banner.

Again, I must re-emphisize that WE are the ancestors of a people yet born. What will our political legacy be? What will our reasons be as to why we failed to secure a place of freedom in this country- in this world? How will we show them what it means to fight if after ONE election, everybody quits? REAL political movements are about the long term. So how serious are you? Were you ever serious? Only you know that answer to that.

The democrats have failed not just Blacks, minorities in general, Hip Hop etc., they have FAILED AMERICA. Thats right, I said it.

If the democrats would stop being left wing eleitest, or "right lite", as my moms calls them, we'd have won. If Kerry would have had a better strategy- we'd have won. If these Hip Hop moguls would have put money (meaning videos, mp3's, etc) behind artists who rap about the REAL political topics at hand- we'd have won. Immortal Technique, Fred Wreck and Eminem threw one hell of a hail mary jams to spark the flame- but it was not enough. WE didn't win.

We did a great job though. Russell and Puff, Bakari and a lot of the grassroots did an amazing job. But we are babies at this game (politically speaking). We were SUPPOSED TO LOSE. We're brand new to the game, and we had no concrete strategy.

The Republicans were OLD SCHOOLERS in this arena and they had a SOLID strategy. If you don't have respect for Karl Rove, or if you don't know who he is- get familiar. Yes, Bush himself, is not that smart. But his team is RAW. His team has money and his team does their homework. After they do their homework they do extra credit. Thats why they won. To win we will have to do better.

But here is the good news. We have 4 years to stay up on the issues. We have 4 years to watch Bush screw up and let his arrogance and ignorance get this nation deeper and deeper into international conflict and national debt etc.

Then we can hold him accountable. By then the young democrats SHOULD have OUR platform figured out. OUR strategy figured out, OUR game plan in action. WE should use it to make these dead beat democrats to task on dropping the ball and lead the charge in 2008. If we follow through, we should be able to take the white house back. We don't have to paint it black. But at least we could throw up a photo of Malcolm X, Medger Evers, Assata Shakur or somethin' up on the wall.

But again I say, welcome to politics Hip Hop. You got knocked the f!@# out. Now get your punk azz up for the 2008 shot.

Big shout out to John Ashcroft, thanks for stepping down. You sucked anyway!!!

Adisa Banjoko is author of the new book "Lyrical Swords Vol. 1: Hip Hop and Politics in the Mix". Buy one today at!!

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