Consumer Reports WebWatch : What's Really Going On
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News Across the Web
Google Says it Still Stands by Net Neutrality

Nobel Laureate Urges Release of "Blogfather"

Survey Asks: Internet Access or Sex?

Russian Hopes to Cash in on ; - )
  What's New  

WebWatch and Launch and Consumer Reports WebWatch have unveiled, a new online community for people looking for help removing viruses, spyware and other badware from their computers. We’re launching as an open beta, and encourage your participation to help make the site a valuable, vibrant resource. Visit

‘Look Before You Click’ Campaign Releases New Survey Findings
Almost a quarter of New York State Internet users encountered a badware infection on their computers over the past year, often slowing their computers and prompting them to run software to fix the problem, says a statewide survey by Consumer Reports WebWatch. Download a PDF of the press release. The survey, commissioned by WebWatch in conjunction with its ‘Look Before You Click” campaign, was released together with an exclusive, six-part investigative feature on online auction fraud. Download PDFs of the report. The campaign has already released its initial survey findings and 10 fact sheets full of handy tips to stay safe online in both English and Spanish. In the coming weeks, the "Look Before You Click" campaign will release additional findings from its survey of New Yorkers. Click here for more information.

WebWatch Produces Consumer Education Video: Gone Phishing
Consumer Reports WebWatch proudly presents a three-minute animated video, "Gone Phishing," with an original song written and performed by singer/songwriter Dean Friedman and animated by Powerhouse Animation. Download the lyrics here.

The video is part of WebWatch’s “Look Before You Click” campaign, supported by a grant from the New York State Attorney General’s office, to help educate New York consumers about Internet fraud. Watch a clip from our latest press conference.

  Research Reports  

Fraud New!

WebWatch's 'Look Before You Click' Campaign: Grant-Funded Iniative Educates New York Consumers About Internet Fraud...view

Families and Children

Like Taking Candy From a Baby: How Young Children Interact with Online Environments...view


'Security Risk' Blocks U.S. Military Overseas from Free Credit Report Site: No Free Online Access for Millions of U.S. Citizens...view


'Free' Credit Report Sites: Worth the Real Costs? Review of 24 Sites Shows Potential for Consumer Confusion, Unnecessary Services...view

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Consumer  
  Need help removing a virus? Found spyware on your machine? Visit BadwareBusters and find the answers to your questions.  
  Americans for American Energy, an energy front group, wants to investigate environmentalists.
  The UnSponsored Link  
Is by Animal Planet and Clorox an example of Croakwashing?

The UnSponsored Link : Consumer Reports WebWatch's Blog  

The FTC is warning consumers about bank merger phishing attacks.

Stop Badware

Letters to the Editor

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We will post corrections to any editorial material that runs on our site here, as soon as we learn about it.

"A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
-- Margaret Mead


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Consumer Reports WebWatch at Consumers Union, the non-profit publisher of
Consumer Reports
magazine and, acknowledges these organizations that helped create us:
The Pew Charitable Trust
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Open Society Institute

 © Consumers Union of U.S., Inc.