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A "bilingual restaurant worker" in Athens has published English language coverage including an article, and photos: 1, 2 to the Houston Indyemdia open publishing newswire. You can add your thoughts about the riots and what effect they may have here.
If you read Greek, of course, Athens Indymedia has ongoing coverage, or you can just look at the pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

from the open publishing newswire: This past weekend, December 5th and 6th, in San Antonio, Texas, grassroots organizations, from across the US, and other countries, gathered to celebrate 20 years of struggle by the Southwest Workers Union. The celebration was attended by activists from 10 states, as well as workers from Mexico and Puerto Rican freedom fighters.

The Southwest Workers Union was formed in 1988 to represent public school workers in the San Antonio area. Since its founding, the organization has put organizing and empowering working class, people of color, at the center of its movement. Currently, over 3000 member families form the foundation, from which their work is built upon. In addition to representing public school workers, the SWU organizes and trains young people in grassroots organizing, for clean energy and equal education, environmental justice communities fighting military toxics, immigrant families mobilizing for human rights, and rural communities like Hondo, empowering voters to make real change. [full story | Photos | Audio: 1| 2]

Southwest Workers Union Website | SWU Blog

from the open publishing newswire: I am a volunteer at the Beacon, a homeless day center, A part of Cathedral Health Outreach Ministries in Houston located at 1212 Prairie, 77002 and I would like to express major injustice in witnessed today, 11/30/2008.

We have guidelines guests are expected to follow and if they are not followed the guest is asked to leave for the day. Today, Michael X; who has had difficulties before because he is mentally ill, was asked to leave. Officer Cuffy; a jailer at the Southeast Houston Jail on Mykawa who, decided Mr. X wasn’t leaving fast enough so Cuffy slammed Mr. X into a locked glass door then drug him outside, kicked him like an animal and drug him to the street so visibility is limited. All the volunteers then witness Cuffy pull out his billyclub and stuck him at east 9 times while Mr.X was still on the ground. He was then cuffed and another office came to take him too jail but it was determined he was too injured and he was sent to St. Joseph hospital. He was later released and not arrested. So, Michael X was effectually beat for no reason, whatever reason Officer Cuffy had for the initial brutality. [Read Full Story]

from the open publishing newswire: Friends of Gregory Wright call for an independent review of his wrongful execution on Oct. 30th 2008. The strong evidence of innocence was inadequately weighted and investigated by the prosecution and trial judge, so denying the Appeal Courts of lawful data on which to grant a Stay. His friends call upon the legislature of Texas, and appropriate media sources, to undertake an independent review of the processes and decisions that led to this terrible act. In particular, the following questions need to be asked in order to establish both the constitutional adequacy of the processes and decisions made by the Dallas District Attorney's office and the District Judge, Judge Robert Francis:

1. Given the evidence of an unsolicited and written confession by a co-indictee, supported by other oral confessions attested to by multiple affidavits, why did Judge Francis accept the frivolous denial of the truth of this confession that it was given "to give Wright more time with his wife"?
2. Given the evidence of DNA testing that implicated a co-indictee as the more probable wearer of clothing claimed at Wright's trial to have been worn by the murderer, why was DNA testing not completed as recommended by the testing laboratory?
3. Given the evidence of two independent fingerprint experts, and the police forensic team, that a fingerprint used to implicate Wright as a murderer was of insufficient quality to be used against him, why did the Dallas District Attorney's office and Judge Francis fail to accept that the retired "expert", James Cron, who had been specifically sought to confirm the state's theory of events, has used "junk science" in giving his evidence in court? [read the full story]
Related: Holiday Card Signing for Texas Death Row Tuesday at SHAPE | Terri Been, Sister Of Death Row Inmate Alleges The Guards Sold Cell

from the open publishing newswire: The Turkey Bowl is an annual flag football game played in Adoue Park in Galveston's East End every Thanksgiving since the 70's. This past Thursday brought around 50 people to the park, in the first Turkey Bowl since Hurricane Ike. By 10:15 at least 25 people had shown up, we gathered in a circle and shared how many turkey bowl's people had attended. This ranged from many people's first game to more than a couple people who have been to more than 20. Many also shared things they were greatfull for, many addressed Hurricane Ike and its impact on their families and careers.

Despite the hardships of damage to property, what was a near universal perception of a slow and inadequate State and Federal response, and the cuts of 3,000 jobs at UTMB (described by some as worse than the hurricane), everyone I spoke too was optimistic about the future of the Island, and role that they would play in it. [Full Story, Photos, and Audio]

from the open publishing newswire: Luis Alfonso de Alba is not only the Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations, but also was the first President of the United Nations Human Rights Council. So, his speech on Thursday November 20th at the University of Texas-Pan American (UTPA) was an opportunity to speak to a powerful figure who has worked for human rights causes.

He was the keynote speaker for the Ethics in Intelligence, Security and Immigration: The Moral and Social Significance of Gathering and Managing Information and Borders in the Global Community Conference. I was present and brought up Brad’s case and got a vague response. Meanwhile, outside, students held a protest over influence of the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security on their campus. Specifically, the IGKNU, (Integrated Global Knowledge and Understanding Collaboration) is seen by protesters as Homeland Security and the CIA using a partnership with the University to recruit for and legitimize the role of covert and surveillance agencies. Homeland Security is responsible for implementing many problematic policies for those living close to the border who have seen their families separated by recent border policies, increased violence and militarization, and destruction of local economies. A presentation by leftist professors earlier in the day highlighted the history of abuses of the CIA. [read full story with photos and audio]

UPDATE The Journey for Justice will be rolling back through Houston on November 28th
from the open publishing newswire: Tiel and Frankie have been caravaning from Los Angeles to Fort Benning Georgia to raise awareness and help build a movement to close the US Army School of The Americas (now WHINSEC), and connect social movements for justice across the Americas. On Tuesday November 18th, they stopped at Sedition Books in Houston. Around 20 people came to hear the event, which is nearing maximum capacity for Sedition's space, it was a nice fit. The event started with breif intros by Tina and Cale, and then a screening of School of Assasins, an oldie (produced in 1995) but still really great film about what the School of the Americas is about. [read full story with photos]

Tiel Rainelli, a prisoner of conscious who was arrested last year at the demonstration as well as Frankie Flores, an El Salvadorian torture survivor were in Houston this past week and John had the chance to catch up with them. Here's an excerpt...

School of the Americas Watch | Coverage of the Annual Protests should show up on Atlanta Indymedia

from the open publishing newswire: In early October, six activists from Texas were subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury in Minneapolis in relation to the protests during the Republican National Convention in September. The subpoenas were part of a much larger campaign of repression and intimidation against people organizing against the RNC that included raids, vehicle seizures, arbitrary detentions at gun point, infiltrators, and more. The last couple months have been an emotional roller coaster for us, as we dealt with the uncertainty of our situation and the constant level of stress we all felt. But today we can declare victory: in the past week, all six of us have had our grand jury subpoenas canceled, without ever saying a word to the Feds!

In hard times it can be easy to forget what we are fighting for and lose sight of the victories we win every day. However, sometimes we get to see our communities strengthen in a way we may not have thought possible. Throughout this experience we have received support and solidarity that has been incredible and overwhelming. Many groups across the country stood in solidarity with us through our struggle by offering support, raising and donating money, setting up grand jury teach-ins and trainings, and publicly decrying the grand jury process. Through our community building and educating ourselves and others, we can support each other in ways that are truly liberating, even through the darkest times. When we reject the broken methods of the state, and instead embrace community, solidarity and each other, we create something worth fighting for. With every show of support we received, we felt even more empowered to stand up for our movement and more able to support each other. [read full article]
Background from Houston IMC: Police Continue Harassment of Texas Activists in Wake of RNC | On rumors, governments and mouthpieces: The cases of Brandon Darby, grand juries and our movements

On Friday November 14th in observance of Veterans Day, Houston Indymedia, Chapter 49 of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Chapter 12 of Veterans for Peace, Rice for Peace and Military Families Speak Out cosponsored screenings of Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan and Deserter at Rice Cinema.

Following these films, Iraq Veterans and War Resisters in Houston and in Canada spoke to the audience about their military service in Iraq and Afghanistan and their reasons for becoming anti-war activists. Using Skype, we were able to facilitate a discussion with Ryan, of California and Dale of Mansfield Texas who are currently in Canada seeking asylum to avoid deployment to Iraq in this illegal war. While Canadian Parliament has passed legislation to allow conscientious objectors to stay in Canada, the Conservative Government of Stephen Harper has continued to deport US servicemen who are seeking asylum. Ryan spoke with Houston IMC Radio Before the Film Screening, take a listen.

Houston IVAW talked about their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, how being in war has impacted their physical and mental health, the awful benefits provided by the Veterans Administration, and with the rest of the audience strategized about how we can rebuild an anti-war movement in Houston. Listen to the full audio of the panel of Radio Indymedia

Pictured from left to right: at the table; Brandon, Summer, and Matt of Houston's IVAW Chapter, On screen; Ryan and Dale of Toronto's IVAW Chapter

from the open publishing newswire: Hundreds of Houstonians gathered in downtown starting at noon, as similar rallies and protests against proposition 8 and in favor of the rights of marriage for gays and lesbians took place all across the country and abroad. There were a number of speakers from the GLBT community, and the democratic party. The crowd was diverse in terms of age and gender, it was predominately white, thought there were many people of color. While you cant tell sexual orientation by looking at folks, it seemed to me that definately the majority of the crowd was GLBTQ and there were many straight folks, most of us young, that also came out to support the struggle for civil rights.

Speakers included Garnet Coleman, Jessica Farrar, Ray Hill (who was fantastic, as usual), people from faith communities, lawyers and others. People seemed happy to be there and eager to take action, It was not made clear what will happen next in Houston for folks who want to fight for GLBTQ rights. [full article with photos]

Local Fight H8 group | More Photos from the Rally | Coverage from Houston Press's Hairballs | Houstonians funding the campaign for Proposition 8 in California | Videos from the rally

from the open publishing newswire: Members of Veterans for Peace, chapter #12 (Houston) marched in the Houston Veterans Day parade again this year on Nov. 11, joined by other peace activists. Responses from the crowd were overwhelmingly positive, with at least ten positive responses for every negative one. When onlookers saw the signs and banners, many of them broke into applause and shouted "Thank You" and similar slogans, while showing peace signs, waves, and thumbs up. Some onlookers reached out to shake the hands of the VFP group or give them high fives. A few onlookers uttered negative comments, but they were obviously in a minority. [full story and photos]

This Veterans Day, U.S. Soldiers Say 'Stop the War': On this day, Veteran's Day, we would like to express to the American public why we, veterans of the Global War on Terror, have chosen to refuse orders to reactivate into military service. We are direct witnesses to the horrors of this war, having experienced its atrocities at their source, and we have decided that we can no longer carry out these illegal and immoral policies.

We believe that veterans and active duty G.I.s are in a key position to stop illegal and unjust war, and we are inspired by the resistance of troops who stood against the war in Vietnam. One of the preeminent reasons for the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam was increasing dissent among the active duty troops stationed abroad and at home. [read full story]

from the open publishing newswire: The most thorough story about the decision to put off construction of the border wall in Roma, Rio Grande City, and Los Ebanos was in the Rio Grande Guardian, but there was an interesting pair of quotes in the San Antonio Express-News story:

"Cuellar, who sits on a subcommittee on the House of Representatives' Committee of Homeland Security, said he was told the decision to defer segments in Starr and Hidalgo counties was made weeks ago, but not shared until Friday."

If politics had nothing to do with this, why did the Department of Homeland Security wait until after the election to announce a decision that was made weeks ago? Why didn't they inform Congress? Why didn't they inform the mayors? Why didn't they inform the landowners?

It looks like DHS knew that there was no way to build the border wall in these three sections without endangering the lives and property of Mexican citizens in the event of a flood, but they did not want to admit it until after the election so as not to damage the Republican party's reputation as being tough on immigration and border enforcement. Once again, they show that the wall is nothing more than a hollow symbol, a political prop that looks great behind the candidate in a campaign ad, but which has no impact on border crossings. [read full article] More info at No Border Wall Blog
Pictured: Border Wall construction near Weslaco in the Rio Grande Valley

from the open publishing newswire: When Texas death row inmate Richard Tabler was busted in his cell in October 2008 speaking to a news reporter on a cell phone, the whole state of Texas was ordered by Governor Perry to go on lockdown. A state wide prison search was ordered to search for more cell phones and contraband. Texas has 111 prison units, and all inmates were locked in thier cells, without visitation, necessary hygene, and nutritional food, being "shaked down" and facilities being searched.

Although some of the units are open for visitation, and getting back to normal, the death row unit Polunsky, in Livingston Texas is more "horrific" than usual. The Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement alleges the conditions these death row inmates are under is a violation of prisoners rights. They are working to end the lockdown and are asking abolishinists, prison and human rights activists, family and friends, and concerned people to proceed with action to help end the lockdown on the death row unit.

In an email being circulated on the internet the group has posted the following:
Here's our proposals. How many can YOU do? [Read full article]

Houston Indymedia has changed the wording of our Mission Statement, which sits on the about page and serves along with the Action Guidelines as the document new participants sign. The wording of the new statement is:

"The Houston Independent Media Center is an all volunteer collective committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice. We seek to provide alternatives to for-profit media not only in our coverage, but also within our collective by implementing consensus based non-hierarchical work-group models of decision making. While focusing on local social movements, we will explore connections to global systems. We believe that by reporting on dissent, by critiquing corporate, government and military domination, and by promoting art, culture and critical thinking through participatory events, we can contribute to the development of an equitable and sustainable society."

Some of the significant changes since the previous Mission Statement from early 2001 includes that we are all volunteers, that we are focusing on social movements, that we reporting on dissent, and that our events are intended to be participatory.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with us at Houston Indymedia, please send an email to: houston at indymedia dot org

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Last updated: Wed, 31 Dec 1969 16:00:00 -0800imc-houston (top)

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