ANAWA Anti-uranium training and information workshops

The Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA is the umbrella group in WA for organisations campaigning against the nuclear industry and uranium mining in particular. We are running two information workshops for interested people in December: Sunday 7th and Sunday 14th December

This is in response to numerous requests for up-to-date information to assist in the campaign against uranium mining in WA. Both workshops will cover the same material which will include : uranium mining, the nuclear fuel chain, the risks to human health and the environment, nuclear power and climate change and renewable energy alternatives.

Giz Watson MLC and Former Senator Jo Vallentine

Sunday 7 December 2008, 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm or
Sunday 14 December 2008, 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm

Office of Giz Watson, 339 Oxford Street, LEEDERVILLE

RSVP: ANAWA Convenor, Jo Vallentine on - Please indicate whether attending the 7th or the 14th workshop)  If these dates don't suit you but you'd like to attend a future workshop please register your interest and we will contact you in the new year.

See also and Perth Indymedia