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11.28.2008 - 08:26

BORDC-Tacoma Appeals Detetention Center Expansion

Friday Prayers Northwest Detention Center The Bill of Rights Defense Committee – Tacoma is appealing a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) issued by the City of Tacoma for the 575-bed expansion of the privately-owned, privately operated Northwest Detention Center. Faulty documents, errors, and mistatements have resulted in a bad decision to approve this expansion.
11.26.2008 - 18:20

March 21: Demonstration agaist the war in Iraq (Tacoma)

demonstrate Demonstration against the war in Iraq
March 21, 2009
Jefferson Park (Tacoma)
12 noon

11.25.2008 - 14:10

December 5th - 7th: Schedule for NWAIDAC Founding Conference

The Northwest anti-imperialist direct action coalition founding convention is happening on December 5-7 at the Evergreen State College; follow the signs when you get to campus. All meals and housing are provided.
11.20.2008 - 20:07

UW Regents Approve $33m Nike Contract Without Meaningful Labor Protections

In a room filled over capacity with students and community members unified against sweatshops, the UW Board of Regents ratified a 10 year, $33 million sweatshop contract between the UW and Nike.
11.17.2008 - 21:29

VIDEO-Marriage Equality

This video is a special message to President-Elect Barack Obama. It contains footage of the marriage equality rally, including a clip of Mayor Greg Nichols declaring November 15th, 2008 as Marriage Equality Day in Seattle.
11.17.2008 - 00:33

AUDIO: George Jackson Brigade Members Speak at Evergreen

Brigade members Ed Mead and Walla Walla Black Panther Mark Cook speak about their experiences in the Brigade and as political prisoners.
11.16.2008 - 05:12

Olympia Activists Demand Marriage Equality

November 15, 2008 --The Olympia Marriage Equality demonstration was held on the steps of the city council building. About 300 people listened to a series of speeches. The event was one of over 400 rallies being held across the country to protest the passage of Prop 8 and to demand marriage equality.
11.16.2008 - 02:57

Seattle Says No to Prop 8

Thousands of people marched through the streets of Seattle to protest the passage of California's Prop 8. Similar demonstrations took place in Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, Washington, D.C. and many other cities.
11.14.2008 - 18:04

VIDEO: Speakers from the NW Socialist Conference

THE 2008 NORTHWEST SOCIALIST CONFERENCE aimed to provide space to debate and clarify strategies for change, learn from the history of previous struggles, and put forward a vision for the future. Activists, progressives and socialists from across the region to discussed the key issues facing the Left today, as well as how we can build a revolutionary alternative to the capitalist system of war, racism and poverty that our society has produced.

The conference was held November 7-9, 2008.

11.14.2008 - 13:28

Charges Dismissed against Medical Marijuana User in Inland Stop By Border Patrol

The U.S. Attorney today dismissed charges against Steven Dixon, a disabled veteran and a legally authorized user of medical marijuana. Mr. DIxon had been arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol at an inland checkpoint.
11.13.2008 - 23:20

December 5th-7th: Northwest Anti-Imperialist Direct Action Coalition Convention (Oly)

We are forming a coalition to coordinate direct action in the Pacific Northwest against the wars and against all facets of imperialism. To this end, we will be having a founding convention in Olympia between December 5th and 7th. There will be some great tactical workshops and much room to discuss strategy and where we as a movement are going. We will be providing free housing, food, and entertainment.
11.13.2008 - 22:57

November 15th: Solidarity March for 26 People Arrested During Port Resistance (Olympia)

Thurston County prosecutors have brought charges against twenty-six people arrested during a women's protest in November, 2007. Please comeout and support these activists.

WHEN: Saturday, November 15th beginning at 1PM
WHERE: Sylvester Park, located at Capitol and Legion, Olympia

Speakers will include Karen Weil, noted legal activist who has worked to defend many anti-war activists in the Northwest; Amory Ballentine, Kate Schiffman and other members of the Oly - 26.

11.11.2008 - 15:18

November 15th: Protest the Anti-Gay Prop 8

This is a call for solidarity for all people who are OUTRAGED by the passing of the Anti-Gay prop 8 in California. This is a time for all of us to unify, Gay , Straight, Black , white, to fight against inequality!

SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15, 2008 -- Volunteer Park / Capitol Hill
--> 10:30 AM: Festivities
--> 12:00 PM: Rally and Key Note Speakers
--> March to Westlake after rally

Show how utterly disappointed and outraged we are at the inequality America keeps handing down to the LGBTQ community.
11.10.2008 - 13:33

Save Cascade People's Center!

Cascade People's Center serves over 6,000 low-income residents in the South Lake Union region. The city of Seattle has decided to cut funding for this community-run, nonprofit family support center. All the services are provided at a SIGNIFICANT COST SAVINGS to the City of Seattle and free of barriers to the community.

Please make your voice heard and stop this closure!
11.08.2008 - 21:01

Women Targeted for Prosecution in Non-Violent Olympia Port Protests

Thurston County prosecutors have brought charges against twenty-six people arrested during a non-violent women's protest in November, 2007. Charges follow pressures from right wing editors of a small town sub standard McClatchy owned press, The Olympian.

A Solidarity March will take place in Olympia on Saturday, November 15th beginning at 1PM at Sylvester Park, located at Capitol and Legion.
11.06.2008 - 17:50

Queer Anarchist Zine-Call for Submissions

A call-out for submissions for a new queer anarchist zine.

10.26.2008 - 17:53

November 7th & 8th: 2008 Northwest Socialist Conference

Building a Revolutionary Alternative "Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past." -- Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte

Building a Revolutionary Alternative
The 2008 Northwest Socialist Conference
November 7-8
Seattle Central Community College, BE 1110

10.25.2008 - 22:05

October 26th & 27th: Green Party Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney in Seattle

The Washington Power to the People Campaign is bringing Cynthia McKinney to Seattle Sunday Oct. 26 and Monday Oct. 27. Ms.McKinney will speak on the “Vote…Then What? From The Day After The Election Onward: Strategies for Community Organizing, Greening & Reconstruction” on Sunday, October 26, 2008 at the Umojafest Peace Center in Seattle. The following day she will speak on “The Power of Student Movements: How to Use Your Campus as a Tool to Change the World!” at the Broadway Performance Hall on the south end of the Seattle Central Community College campus.

10.25.2008 - 19:38

November 1st: Give Peace a Dance! 12 Hour Dance Party To Benefit the GI Coffeehouse!

12 hours of dancing to benefit the GI Coffeehouse, Coffee Strong.
Saturday, November 1, 2008 5pm to 5am!

University of Puget Sound Club Rendezvous (Basement of the Student Union Building)in Tacoma.

--> A $5 donation gets you 12hr of dancing
--> Free snacks and yerba mate provided by wee'ours and Mad Hat Tea Co.
--> Eric Anderson & Charlie Bevis (aka More & Honey from KUPS) will be DJing from 1 am to 3 am

100% of donations go to GI Voice & the local chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War

10.25.2008 - 16:58

Shallow Graves in Unfamiliar Terrain (Revolutionary Potentials)

The Revolution is Just an Old Saying

We are conscious of the need for a social revolution. Everywhere the degradation seems to deepen as our distance from our relation to it widens. We are conscious of the need to engage seriously in a war of appropriation against a society of dispossession, withdrawal, and exhaustion. As with any goal of social transformation, the process of anarchist revolution requires an understanding of the social context we live in, the barriers against class solidarity, and our strategy for getting what we want.