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Declare your job a 90-day free zone!

National’s sacking bill is going to meet resistance. The 90 day bill is an overt attack on workers' rights, targeting the most vulnerable in small worksites. Workers in these job sites currently enjoy few rights as they are mostly not unionised and the employers consequently have a great deal of power. The CTU is responding with a petition and looking at putting adverts in the major newspapers. This falls well short of what is needed. Direct action by workers is the way to respond to this attack. Unite union is taking the lead by saying that any worker can join Unite for $2 a week and get
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We Won't Pay for Your Crisis - Auckland Public Meeting

7pm Thursday December 11. Auckland Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road, Grey Lynn. New Zealand is heading for recession. Our jobs, wages, homes, pensions, benefits and public services are all under threat. We did not cause this. It was the financial elite of wealthy bankers, investors and speculators who have put us in this situation, yet they expect us to pay for their crisis. Already we have seen job losses, cuts in services and price rises. Socialist Aotearoa has invited a broad range of speakers; trade unionists, socialists, environmentalists, community groups, and interested individuals,
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Design Warehouse agrees - no more kwila

Mr. Walsh of the Design Warehouse agreed on Saturday that he would not import anymore Kwila products. Rainforest Action is happy, but there are many more companies to go this summer, and it is important to know that we will be watching. If new kwila appears at the design warehouse, we will return...
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Stop The Clean Feed

From the newswire, December 8, 2008:The Australian government is currently quietly going ahead with plans to filter all Australian's access to the internet in a manner similar to the People's Republic of China and Iran. This is despite the facts that the filter: will significantly slow down the internet for all Australians; will not be able to prevent distribution of illegal material anyway; and represents a dangerous erosion of our freedom... So, before this terrible idea is enacted we call on Australians to: get informed - get connected - get organised - and Stop The Clean Feed - Nationwide
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ANAWA Anti-uranium training and information workshops

Anti-uranium workshops: SUN 7 and 14 DEC 08 - The Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA is the umbrella group in WA for organisations campaigning against the nuclear industry and uranium mining in particular. ANAWA website ANAWA are running two information workshops for interested people in response to numerous requests for up-to-date information to assist in the campaign against uranium mining in WA... Both workshops will cover uranium mining, the nuclear fuel chain, risks to human health and environment, nuclear power and climate change and renewable energy alternatives. | Alternatives to Nuclear
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Student Housing Action Collective defy eviciton notice

From the newswire: December 4, 2008 - The Student Housing Action Cooperative (SHAC) are refusing to leave their squatted double story terrace buildings in Melbourne. They face eviction after taking possession of the empty site in August. The Carlton property is owned by the University Of Melbourne and the group were issued an ultimatum to leave by November 28. SHAC have refused to move out. "The University has asked us to leave as soon as we have completed our exams," said Alexander Turnbull, a member of SHAC. "We're not planning to go anywhere unless Melbourne University provides us with a
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10 Tahun Tragedi Semanggi I

Sebuah perjuangan melawan lupa

13 November 2008. Puncak rangkaian peringatan 10 tahun Tragedi Semanggi I dilangsungkan hari ini, berpusat di Kampus Universitas Atma Jaya. Hari ini bertepatan dengan peristiwa Tragedi Semanggi, 13 November 1998, peristiwa penembakan secara brutal dan membabi buta oleh aparat TNI dan Polri terhadap massa demonstran, yang menewaskan 17 masyarakat sipil termasuk mahasiswa dan pelajar saat aksi menentang Sidang Istimewa MPR.

Rangkaian acara hari ini diawali dengan berziarah ke makam Sigit Prasetyo (mahasiswa UPI/YAI) di TPU Tanah Kusir. Pada pukul 10.00 acara di
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Napak Tilas Tragedi Semanggi

10 tahun tragedi semanggi

9 November 2008. Ratusan aktivis melakukan aksi mimbar bebas dan napak tilas rute long march salemba-semanggi sebagai bagian dari peringatan 10 tahun Tragedi Semanggi. Aksi napak tilas dengan kendaraan bermotor ini dimulai dari  Tugu Proklamasi hingga Kampus Unika Atmajaya, melewati rute Tugu Proklamasi, Bundaran HI, Diponegoro, Salemba, Kampung Melayu, Casablanca, Sudirman, Semanggi. Setelah 10 tahun berlalu, kasus pelanggaran HAM yang menewaskan mahasiswa dan rakyat dalam kasus Trisakti, Semanggi I dan II tak kunjung ada penyelesaiannya.

Aksi yang dikoordinir
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Untuk barisan yang tercerai berai, Untuk kawan yang berguguran sepuluh tahun silam

10 Tahun Tragedi Semanggi

aparat keparat
Sudah tiga hari berlalu. Kami kembali pulang ke Salemba. Ratusan kardus berisi roti gopek-an (Rp 500), serta tumpukan air mineral dari merek Aqua, Vit, Ades, sampai merek yang tidak terkenal, tinggi tersusun. Bertumpuk mencapai langit ruangan. Wah-wah dari mana bantuan sebanyak ini datang, sejenak terpikir dibenak saya, pergerakan ini ternyata didukung banyak orang. Tapi kaku otot kaki dan rasa kesemutan di pundak sebelah kanan cepat-cepat merebut perhatian.

(artikel ini kami tayangkan ulang pada feature sebagai peringatan sepuluh tahun tragedi semanggi.. agar
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The Life and Times of Melbourne Indymedia

The Melbourne Indymedia collective met in February after a long hiatus to discuss its future. We decided that we did not have the energy required to continue the project and that therefore the collective had come to an end.

We are however keen to help others take up the challenge of producing an activist based, participatory news site, whether that be a Melbourne Indymedia, an Australia Indymedia or something all together new. We feel such a space is very much needed.

Several Melbourne Indymedia members expressed interest in mentoring such a project. If this interests you please contact us
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Melbourne Indymedia Suspends Publishing

Open publishing has been suspended on Melbourne Indymedia as numbers in our editorial collective are insufficient to manage the site effectively and responsibly. We realise that MIM has played a vital role in reporting activist news from Melbourne, around Australia and internationally. To this end the present collective will be assessing options for how best to provide an activist news service in the future. If you wish to get involved, please contact us, or subscribe to our mailing list.
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Indigenous Elder wins Environment Award

The Australian Conservation Foundation's (ACF) Peter Rawlinson Award was given to 'Uncle' Kevin Buzzacott, an Arabunna elder, on World Environment Day in 2007 for two decades of work highlighting the impacts of uranium mining and promoting a nuclear free Australia. Uncle Kev has been a tireless campaigner for indigenous rights including reclaiming the kangaroo and emu sacred totems from the Coat of Arms from Parliament House in Canberra and accusing the Federal Government of genocide. [Full Story]
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A Spate of Spam

In recent times, we have had to go offline because of a flood of spam.
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Full Circle: The Philippines and the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal

After Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia, the Philippines will only be the third country in history to be the subject of a session twice by the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal (PPT).
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So Young, So Committed, and So Much in Danger

Even as young lawyers, they have witnessed injustices being committed as they chose to defend the oppressed. And because they persist in handling "controversial" cases, Jobert Pahilga and Noel Neri have earned the ire of some of the country's most powerful landlords and capitalists, as well as state security forces, and have become victims themselves of political retribution. BY DABET CASTAÑEDA
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