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Before the Montana Presidential Primary, actor Kal Penn came to Missoula to campaign for Obama. I got to interview him in-studio and he couldn't have been more amenable. Such a nice guy, nothing like Kumar at all (not that Kumar wasn't nice)!


Former SD U-S Senator Tom Daschle on Random Notes in May.


Everyone's endorsing the candidate in Montana as Hillary sinks down low in the polls here.




Southern California is in chaos...

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Michael Vick keeps fumbling; Weird bank robbery story out of Florida, sounds like bad Harrison Ford movie; British tot still missing; an amputated leg is "The Precious" in North Carolina.

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John Edwards made a pitstop in Missoula, MT between Iowa and New Hampshire. 3 Islamic Extremists do their best to bomb the heck out of Germany and oops, the U-S Military "accidentally" flies nukes over some of our 50 states.

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China sends crayons, etc. with lead to the U-S; The Virginia Tech shooter was a real winner and now a new report says the whole thing could have been less than - had the school's administration acted differently; That sleazy Idahoan Senator says his gay way, it's all a witch hunt; A new report says the majority of the benchmarks in Iraq after the Prez's 'surge' have not been met, surprise, surprise!


6 people die in a house fire in Baltimore. Hurricane Season is closing in. Investigators find a suspect in a former Russian Spies poisoning death. A fond farewell to a "folksy" fellow on the far right.

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The leader of the House in Montana is a big foul-mouthed non-professional, but our Governor handles him BRILLIANTLY! See Mike Lange's tirade at:
Accompanying article:

A giant tornado kills in Texas and Mexico. Condy Rice, the A.G. and others in trouble with the U-S Senate. Apparently Osama Bin Laden is still working hard to kill all of us and Miss America does some good.

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Daniellynne's father is made public. Don Imus is a big fat idiot. The President wants to talk to party leaders about Iraq funding and some kids in Georgia take on segregation and win!

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Anna Nicole had an "accidental overdose", but who's the daddy already? The Attorney General's credibility unravels; One U-S Senator says President Bush's Iraq policy may be stopped with impeachment; 15 Brits being held by the Iranian Government for "illegally" entering Iranian water.


VP Dick Cheney's Former Aide Scooter Libby found guilty for 4 out of 5 counts. Another bloody day in Iraq. A couple new scandals rock D-C, yay, That'll keep us busy a while! That blonde with Right Wing ambition is really quite a bimbo. And more info about a smart person gone stupid.


The Brits get the heck out of dodge. Does Iran's crazy dictator want to talk with us? Hillary Clinton's in a dither because there was a giant Hollywood party for one of her main competitors for the Presidency. Big F-up at an Italian Hospital and HIV tainted organs. And it wouldn't be a serious news day without talk of Britney Spears and Anna Nicole Smith!!


Shooting rampages in both Salt Lake City and Philly. Kim Jong Il's peeps agree to a nuke shutdown, is it possibly only temporary? Congress will delve into that 'non-binding' resolution more closely. More severe Arctic weather in the midwest and headed to the East.


More explosions in Iraq and scores die there. U-S officials claim they've got the smoking gun on Iran. Freeeeeezing cold in the East while it barely dusts here in Montana! The Grammy's were on last night and poor lil Anna Nicole Smith's legacy gets more interesting by the day.


More dead in Iraq, no surprise there. Major kiddie porn ring busted overseas. That crazy-ass Astronaut who was a robotics expert, probably needs to act more like a robot to stay outta trouble and love transcends the ages in Rome!


A love triangle that involves NASA, gotta love it! Frigid Temps freeze much of the midwest and the east. That crazy mayor of San Francisco is up to his horny old antics again, but this time he blames alcohol, hmmm, I wonder if we're soon to hear about some intern or somethin, somethin...


The State of the Union has no surprises. Jim Webb from Virginia delivered the rebuttal. Duke Lacrosse case gets curiouser and curioser. The President of Israel is in hot water and black magic crime in the South Pacific ends horrifically.


The President will deliver his State of the Union Address tonight. This is the first time he's had to speak to a Democratic majority, so it should be entertaining. The President of Iran is talking about an imminent attack from the U-S and the President of Israel may be indicted for rape. Plus Academy Awards nods are announced (here's the list):
A man is alive after being chewed on by a shark and a sex offender pretends he's 12 and gets into middle school, yikes.


After today I will once again start podcasting more frequently. I've been hearing recently how advertising in the podcasting world is exploding. A big shout out to my fans in Beijing of all places!

A couple of big names threw their hats into the presidential race in 0-8 last week, Obama, Clinton and some Republicans too, whatever! It was waaaaay more exciting for me to hear our Governor took the National stage with the National Radio Address for the Democrats, Go Brian!

A recap of political news, wacky weather and what good is a week of news without the requisite story of a wacked out Hollywood celeb? Have a great day everybody!


One of three climbers stuck on Oregon's Mount Hood has been found dead. British cops arrest a dude/suspect for the murder of 5 prostitutes. Iraqi forces no where near ready to take over their own security. Check out Newt Gingrich and his ego from yesterday's Meet The Press at


Sad news about Peter Boyle... Three hikers are still missing and it's not looking good as a new winter storm heads to the area. What's the beef at the Taco joints across the country. A possible serial killer is on the loose across the pond. One of Montana's own feels threatened.


Ahhh another day another way to get out of Iraq. Let's take a poll, who will convince the Prez that my way or the Highway ain't workin'? A final farewell to a diplomat. A Rabbi in Washington shows some chutzpah! Will Princess Di EVER rest in peace? Poor rich kid busted in the hood.


President Bush, in his always oh so tender speech delivery, says the War is Bad (Visualizing Jon Stewart doing his best Bush imitation here). It's the 65th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Very sad - James Kim has been found dead. And, the German Spy saga is not a novel it's non-fiction.


The Freak that got to marry Liza is back in the news. Part of a missing Northern Cal family is found in their car while cops continue searching for the Dad. A 5 year old boy in Alabama has been found dead in a car. A Former President and the Dad of our current Prez caught by the media in a sad way. Robert Gates confirmation hearings continue.


The President won't have a lot of time for anything but the War in Iraq this week. He probably won't even be able to focus on his U-N picks impending departure. Wildfire on the loose in my home state and a visit from a local celebrity gets Missoulians excited.


I know! It's just so horrible, the union everyone thought would stick has come undone. Things in Iraq go from dumb to dumber because our Decider in Charge can't make a decision. The NYPD makes the LAPD look like a bunch of wimps and a kid in Florida shows her mom who's really the boss.


Back from Seattle where we spent Turkey Day. It seems like we just ate for 5 days straight. We did do SOME exercise though. We also exercised our hearts with a nerve-jangling drive home. Listen to this!


After a REALLY intense yoga class I decided that I would add some comments to most of the stories that may offend. So don't scare! Listen, it's fun!!


Today is my former boss at KKNS in Missoula's last day - mine 8 months ago. He's responsible for the vision that was a great day in Missoula Radio. The Prez speaks about Iraq, North Korea just doesn't know when to leave well enough alone, Rush Limbaugh IS a big fat idiot and more...


Yesterday was so much fun! I went to the Ten Spoon Winery - for us locals it will probably always be the Rattlesnake Winery. Here's a link:
It was the Grape Harvest. I was probably the only one there who cut my fingers with child proof scissors! I hope you don't mind blood in your Syrah! Look through the pix on my profile for some more great pictures. (Double click, so they don't look distorted.) What a gorgeous day it was. It is today too, so I'm outta here!


The Rolling Stones came to Montana for the first time EVER according to Mick that is. Keith said "It took a long time to get here". They rocked Washington Grizzly Stadium and the town was rockin' with them! NOT THE BEST SOUND QUALITY HERE!!!


Well I finally figured out how to multi track! Maybe I can record the next Pearl Jam record!! Doubt it. I have updated my podcast after several hours of trying to figure my software out. I have a numb butt and a sore arm (from the mouse), but by George I think I've got it!