
Tags: , — sv @ October 31, 2008 — 2:01 pm

… I really had to reset my blog. Too much too old stuff. Pls write me for any suggestions, especially link suggestions (if I forgot you - no offense!).

Zombie Panic!

Tags: , , , , — sv @ — 1:42 pm

Since I’m playing around with Processing for a while, it was a nice opportunity to improve my Processing skills when Justin came up with the idea of coding visuals for the NYC Resistor halloween party. He developed this small box / interface called SpookyBox which would control / influence / do anything with the coded halloween sketches.

I came up with coding a small, funny zombie app: Zombie Panic! In order to run the application, you need a running Processing, a running SpookyBox server and a running SpookyBox / a running SpookyBox interface.

Have fun and happy halloween!

EDIT: If you want to see ZombiePanic in action: Bre made an awesome video about Justin’s SpookyBox! In the video you can see ZombiePanic for a few seconds. Have fun!

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