National - Event Notice
Wednesday October 29 2008
Start Time: 06:30 PM

Protest Against Education Cuts

category national | miscellaneous | event notice author Thursday October 23, 2008 18:54author by Gregor Kerr - member Dublin City North INTO & Workers Solidarity Movement - personal capacity Report this post to the editors

The pensioners and the students have shown the way. Now teachers and parents are set to take on the government in response to education cuts announced in the Budget. The two Brians should get ready for another climbdown.

Amongst the Education Cuts contained in the budget are:

  • Class sizes will be increased. This will mean that thousands of children will be in classes of over 30.
  • A school will only be allowed two English as an Additional Language Teachers irrespective of the number of non English speaking students in the school.
  • From 1 January 2009 there will be no substitute cover for teachers on uncertified sick leave. This will lead to serious disruption in schools as the class of the absent teacher will have to be divided.
  • The free book grant for families with financial difficulties is abolished.
  • Funding for special equipment and library books will not now be given to schools.
  • The Plan for Students with Special Educational Needs (EPSEN) Act 2004 has been delayed. This will delay improvements for children with special needs in our school.

On Wednesday next, 29th October, the Labour Party has tabled a motion on class size in the Dáil which is scheduled to be debated between 7.00pm and 8.30pm. To coincide with this the Irish National Teachers Organisation has organised a protest outside the Dáil beginning at 6.30pm. It is most important that the impact of the education cuts on class size, funding and supports for schools are brought home to our elected representatives.

Get along to the protest. Keep the heat on the government

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author by Mark Conroy - ASTI - Pers. Caps.publication date Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:59author email oscailt at indymedia dot ieReport this post to the editors

This is a very worthy cause and does not just affect the teachers. Whilst each school is rumoured to be going to lose about 3 teachers (my school will probably lose five - out of 25), it is you (students) and your friends/brothers/sisters/daughters and other relations and aquaintances who will ultimately lose out.

* Bigger class sizes
* No more going away for sports, debates, drama, film screenings, guest speakers, visiting colleges, etc.
* Less resource hours/classes for those who with special needs

Please support this demonstration and see the following websites for more detailed information.

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author by Jolly Red Giant - SP/CWIpublication date Fri Oct 24, 2008 16:54Report this post to the editors

Gregor - while dividing classes might happen in primary schools - it won't work at second level. I can see dozens of teachers going on 'certified' sick leave if they continuusly get dumped with extra students. Imagine a home ec class of 25 getting dumped into a woodwork room.

author by lynn m.publication date Sat Oct 25, 2008 17:27Report this post to the editors

*Subjects such as Physics and Chemistries Grants will be abolished*

author by Gregor Kerrpublication date Mon Oct 27, 2008 13:15Report this post to the editors

Student Teachers take note:

The Education cuts announced in the Budget last week will result in:

· The loss of 500 Language Support jobs (schools will only be allowed a maximum of 2 Language Support teachers no matter how many children they have who do not have English)

· The loss of up to 300 teaching posts as a result of the increase in class size (It’s important to remember that increasing class size doesn’t just mean one extra pupil in each class as things don’t break down that easily. Ireland will now have the largest class sizes in Europe)

· The loss of 60 ‘concessionary’ posts in schools which have disadvantaged status but are not part of DEIS

· The loss of a small number of posts as a result of a cancellation of secondments

This means that in total there will be at least 900 fewer primary teachers in the system next year.

Approximately 800 teachers will retire so the implication is that there will be NO jobs for any of the students leaving College in June and up to 200 teachers currently working will lose their jobs.

So Student Teachers need to get organised, come along to support this demo on Wednesday and help defeat these cuts

author by Gregorpublication date Mon Oct 27, 2008 13:22Report this post to the editors

From INTO website
# Regional rallies against the cuts will be organised as follows:

* Saturday 8th November: Galway
* Saturday 15th November: Tullamore
* Saturday 22nd November: Cork
* Saturday 29th November: Donegal
* Saturday 6th December: Dublin

author by Studentpublication date Mon Oct 27, 2008 18:25Report this post to the editors

Free Education for Everyone (FEE) are supporting this demo and calling for all their members and supporters to attend.

FEE was set up in UCD last month to oppose the reintroduction of college fees.

author by BarryBpublication date Mon Oct 27, 2008 20:15author email barrybrennan at hotmail dot comReport this post to the editors

To all concerned Citizens of Ireland,

In this bleak post-budget economic environment it is clear that there are many people in Ireland who are concerned for their family’s and their own future, and for the future of Ireland in general. And understandably so. It is bad enough when certain events occur in the globalized economy and society we live in which are beyond our and our government’s control. But when our own government demonstrates ineptitude in the way it manages our state finances, things go from bad to worse. People across the political divide agree that this government badly erred in its judgement with regard to a number of measures announced in the recent budget, not least those which seek to reform the system for medical cards for pensioners, and cutbacks in funding for education.

Now, I am not under the illusion that governing a country is a simple matter - and isn’t very easy to be an armchair critic. But this government failed to seize an opportunity in times of prosperity to save for the rainy day which has now arrived, and we haven’t even begun to see the worst of it. The point here is that this is a situation which could have been brought under control by this government if it had managed the state finances in a manner which the people would have expected and entrusted them to do.

Of all the flaws in the recent budget, the one that for me stands out the most is the cutbacks in education. The contradiction here is almost laughable. On one hand the Government claims that the “way forward” is to turn Ireland into a knowledge-based country and economy, and on the other through its fiscal policies it is creating conditions in education which will make such a lofty ambition seem unattainable. We have to provide the children of this country with the necessary tools and conditions to make the best of themselves, and this government doesn’t seem to acknowledge that fact. It is pity, as Ireland seemed to be marching forward into modernity, now it seems at though it is in reverse. We should all be concerned about the future of this country.

Should we not organize a protest and use the banner "This is Not the Way to Knowledge"?

Barry Brennan

author by Noel McGrath - Computers for Africa publication date Mon Oct 27, 2008 22:33Report this post to the editors

In connection with this great campaign for education and development in Africa, please see:

and/or contact:

Thanking You all, especially my former socialist comrades in Dublin,

Noel McGrath.

Related Link:
author by npublication date Mon Oct 27, 2008 23:47Report this post to the editors

That's the slogan that is spreading like a rash in italy in connection with protests against education cutbacks. Would work here too methinks.

From the occupied faculties of the La Sapienza, from the University in mobilization, Rome.

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