Thursday, October 30, 2008

Conscientious Non-Voting

The Case for Conscientious Non-Voting Part 7
Christ and Tolstoy

Since about 1979, the Christian church and the Republican Party of the US have “co-branded” patriotism and religion in the United States. That in and of itself is a series of strange events since and evangelical Democrat named Jimmy Carter was president at the time. The genesis is this; Carter supported the lawsuit that ended up at the US Supreme Court that forced religious colleges admit black students. Prior to that, evangelicals around the US had stayed out of politics since at least the time of the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925.

Of course, this is not the first time co-branding has happened, nor will it be the last. It probably first happened in the Christian church in 325 CE when the Roman Emperor Constantine standardized the books of the Bible. Presto, the “Holy” Roman Empire was born. How the words “holy” and “empire” can be used in the same sentence is beyond my ability to comprehend. Other faiths co-branded religion and patriotism prior to 325 CE of course. The ancient Mayans did it in Central America before Columbus landed. Much of the Muslim world is doing it today. It is a sure bet that once an individual abandons reason for faith, and starts believing things like a savior being virgin-born; it is a short hop to becoming a tool of the state. Evangelical Christians, especially in the southern US, have been a tool of the Republican Party since 1979, plain and simple.

The Republican/Christian connection has been so well ingrained into the American political psyche that usually thinks of them as the same. It has been an amazing thing for me to witness over the last 29 years.

There is a bigger question: should Christians participate in electoral politics at all? I will be the first to admit that the Bible is a pretty lousy source document. Early Christian leaders destroyed “heretical” documents, especially those writing by the Gnostics. Only in the last 60 years or so are we re-discovering those documents and analyzing them. Further, early leaders altered combined writings and totally skipped the “missing” years of Jesus.

We know very little about the authors of the Bible either. It is, at best, a second-hand account of Christ’s words and teachings. Since it is impossible to know what Christ said exactly, we have to use our best judgment. All that being said, let’s go back to the original question, should Christians participate in politics? If one is to read Leo Tolstoy, one of the greatest writers and Christians to ever live, the answer is “no,” Christians should not participate in politics. Tolstoy’s most famous book during the latter period of his life is entitled, “The Kingdom of God is Within You.” The title is, of course, taken from Christ’s most famous sermon, “The Sermon on the Mount (TSOTM).”

One would think that Christian denominations would follow the most famous sermon of its founder before following other teachings. That would only seem logical. In fact, you would be seriously wrong if you made that assumption.

A quick Wikipedia search of TSOTM turns up some interesting information. There are 12 major schools of thought in interpreting the sermon according to McArthur. The one most closely associated with TSOTM are the “peace churches.” Specifically, these sects are:

Church of the Brethren,
the Mennonites
the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Old German Baptist Brethren
Old Order River Brethren
others in the Anabaptist tradition
Bruderhof Communities
Community of Christ
Churches of Christ
Jehovah's Witnesses
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Fellowship of Reconciliation

Most scholars would agree that these are smaller sects of Christianity. It’s hard to believe that the smallest subgroup of Christianity is the only ones following Christ’s most famous teachings.

Wiki also says there are no source hypotheses for TSOTM. I would disagree. There is a growing body of evidence that the origin of TSOTM is Indian. The “kingdom of God is in you” is an Indian thought not Jewish. Hindu and Yoga (and to a lesser extent Buddhism and Jain) philosophies share this idea. Non-violence is an Indian idea. In fact, TSOTM shares 4 of the 5 vows common to the Indian philosophies. It only sounds “unique” to Jewish ears of the 1st century. Since this sermon was written from memory years after it was delivered it is understandable why one vow may have been omitted.

Excavations of the library in Alexandria Egypt are stating to turn up Asian skeletons from around the time of Christ. We know that religious seekers traveled between the Middle East and India before, during and after the time of Christ. The Thomas Christians are a sect founded in India by Thomas the disciple. And, of course, there are “the missing years” of Jesus. He probably went to India or Alexandria and studied with Buddhists. Jesus was probably a Buddhist, get over it.

Tolstoy was very interested in TSOTM. He noted that there is a difference between the Christian church and Christ. He believed Christ was human, not divine. Heaven and hell were unknowable. In fact, he was ready to accept that Christ might not have spoken the words in TSOTM. Frankly, scholars don’t know who wrote those words. “Matthew” appears not to be one person, but many. The important element in Tolstoy’s mind is that humankind should follow the words even if Christ never spoke them. He firmly believed in TSOTM as a salvation for humankind, and he believed the Christian church strayed away from Christ’s teaching in 325 CE.

What are the key points contained within TSOTM that Tolstoy so firmly believed:

Live in peace with all men
Be pure
Take no oaths
Resist not evil by force
Renounce national distinctions

Today, we would interpret “resist not evil by force” as non-violence such as that as practiced by MK Gandhi, ML King, Reverend Desmund Tutu, Thich Nhat Hahn,Father Oscar Romero etc. Gandhi was a big fan of both TSOTM and Mr. Tolstoy and corresponded with Tolstoy after reading this book.

I have been deeply involved in the peace movement since late 2001. In that time, I’ve interacted with many religious people. For the most part, these peace-loving religious people practice the universal truth of non-violence. When we look at the spiritual leaders above, it is plain to see that once they make non-violence they pass into a higher state, call it what you will.

Now some words from Tolstoy himself on the ideas of government:

(NOTE: all page numbers are referenced from “The Kingdom of God is Within You”)

“To suggest to governments that they should not have recourse to violence, but should decide their misunderstandings in accordance with equity, is inviting them to abolish themselves as rulers, and that no government can ever do.” Page 110

The error arises from the learned jurists deceiving themselves and others by asserting that government is not what it really is, one set of men banded together to oppress another set of men” p. 111

“No one has an absolute right to govern others” page 116

“We are enslaved by the laws we set up for our protection, which have become our oppression” Page 118

“All state obligations…to which people appear to submit voluntarily, are always based on bodily violence or the threat of it….The basis of authority is violence” page 127

“All methods of appointing authorities that have been tried, divine right, and election and heredity, and balloting, and assemblies, and parliaments and senate-have all proved ineffectual” page 128

“Governments assert that armies are needed above all for external defense, but that is not true. They are needed principally against their subjects and every man, under universal military service becomes an accomplice in all the acts of violence of the government against the citizens….page 134

On oaths:

“For a Christian the oath of allegiance to any government whatever-the very act of which is regarded as the foundation of the existence of a state is a direct renunciation of Christianity” page 162

“Those who refuse to take the oath of allegiance refuse because to promise obedience to authorities, that is, to men who are given to acts of violence is contrary to the sense of Christ’s teachings.” Page 176

Elections and Christian participation:

“…elect others or be yourself elected, to take a pretended share in the government knowing all the while that the government will proceed quite without regard to the foolish speeches you, and those like you, may utter, and knowing that its proceedings will according…to those who have the army in their hands” page 167

Why should I go wasting my time and hoodwinking myself, giving to miscreant evildoers a semblance of legality by taking part in elections, and pretending that I am taking part in the government, when I know very well that the real control of the government is in the hands of those who got hold of the army? Page 167

“The Christian says: I know nothing about the form of government, I don’t know whether it is good or bad, and I don’t want to overturn precisely because I don’t know whether it is good or bad, but for the very same reason I don’t want to support it either. …All state obligations are against the conscience of a Christian…” page 176

“The progressive movement of humanity does not proceed from the better elements of society seizing power and making those who are subject to them better” page 189

One of the famous tennis-playing Williams sisters was asked recently if she was voting for Obama. She replied that she did not vote because she was a Jehovah’s Witness. I would disagree with much of that faith, but they do follow TSOTM better than most and that is what is most important.

She is in the company of Leo Tolstoy.

It is undeniable that, since 1979, US evangelicals have been violating the main teaching of Christ. Frankly, it is not understandable to me. Aren’t they the ones who believe that the Bible is the written word of God and are supposed to be following it? Early Americna Baptists insisted that an amendment be placed in the new constitution separating church and state, not to put religion into the state, but to keep the state out of the church. It looks to me like evangelicals could learn a thing or two from the peace churches.

by Joey King

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

LaRive to Host Final Rally

Socialist Presidential Candidates Gloria La Riva and Eugene Puryear
to Hold Final Campaign Rally

Gloria La Riva and Eugene Puryear, presidential and vice presidential candidates for the Party for Socialism and Liberation, will be the featured speakers at a campaign rally on Saturday, November 1 at 5pm. The PSL has carried out a national campaign to say what the Obama and McCain campaigns won’t say: that the system is broken and can’t be fixed within the bounds of the profit-driven capitalist system. “Socialism is the only answer to the crises that poor and working people in this country have been living,” La Riva said. “We know what capitalism has in store for us in the next four years, no matter who wins next Tuesday: layoffs, cutbacks, police brutality and war.”

One aspect of the PSL presidential campaign has been to put a spotlight on the crisis of police brutality. For weeks, supporters of the La Riva/Puryear campaign have been collecting evidence of police abuse and brutality. The police brutality crisis is national in scope, but the criminal cops never face justice in the courts, and neither big business candidates wants to address it. "The crisis," Puryear said, "has reached epidemic proportions in New York and other cities across the country." Part of the program at Saturday’s rally will be devoted to presenting the evidence and witnesses that the PSL has collected.

Party for Socialism and Liberation presidential candidate Gloria La Riva, and her running mate Eugene Puryear will also be addressing real solutions to the economic crisis, including an immediate end to foreclosures, evictions and rent hikes. "The only bailout that my campaign supports is one that would bail out working people, not the bankers that are at the source of the problem," says La Riva. Speakers at Saturday’s rally will present evidence of what the economic crisis has already meant for poor and working people.

La Riva, and Puryear are active organizers in the movement calling for an immediate end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They call for the withdrawal of all U.S. military from the 800 bases it occupies around the world and to re-direct the billions wasted on war to programs that create jobs and pay for health and human services right here at home.

Come out to the Harlem YMCA in New York City on Saturday, Nov. 1 to hear testimony, presentations and reports that put the whole system on trial. Both Gloria La Riva and Eugene Puryear have been on separate speaking tours throughout the country, but they are converging in Harlem to address this forum. This is an exciting opportunity just three days before the general election.

The PSL Candidates are on the ballot in 12 states including, New York.

"No matter who wins the election on November 4 the crisis facing poor and working people will continue as will the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan," said La Riva. "The Democrats and Republicans are the political parties of extreme wealth in a criminal system of exploitation and oppression." The forum at the Harlem YMCA will present a truly alternative view: a socialist view.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Vanderbilt Adopts Non-Discrimination

Vanderbilt Adopts Fully Inclusive Non-Discrimination Policy

Recently, Vanderbilt University became the latest institution of higher learning to expand its non-discriminaiton plicy to include gender identity, thus banning all forms of discrimination against transgender students, staff, and faculty.

You can view the updated Vanderbilt policy by clicking here or by opening the attachment to this announcement.

Vanderbilt joins University of Tennessee at Knoxville (December 2007) and the Tennessee Board of Regents (February 2008) in adopting fully inclusive non-discrimination policies.

We want to thank the students, staff, and faculty at Vanderbilt who worked with the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition to raise awareness among administrators of the need to expand the policy. The work that was done by so many will now ensure a safe and fair environment for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students, staff and faculty at Vanderbilt University. We encourage the remaining institutions of higher learning, to follow suit.

With one of Nashville's largest private employers adopting a fully inclusive non-discrimination policy, we hope this will lead to a fully inclusive non-discrimination policy for all employees througout Nashville and across Tennessee.

Marisa Richmond

The Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition (TTPC) is an organization designed to educate and advocate on behalf of transgender related legislation at the Federal, State and local levels. TTPC is dedicated to raising public awareness and building alliances with other organizations concerned with equal rights legislation.

For more information, or to make a donation, contact:

Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition (TTPC)
P.O. Box 92335
Nashville, TN 37209

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tent City Update

Tent City used to be a well-guarded secret among Nashville's homeless community where tents and carefully constructed shacks became homes and discarded couches and scraps became furnishings. The population remained under 25 until the summer of 2007 when the "Please Help, Don't Give" campaign was launched downtown and the homeless were forced to seek refuge away from the businesses and rising condos. Tent City's population soon exploded and Inner City Ministries (whose parking lot backs up to Tent City) started to notice the increase and contacted Public Works to see if they could help. Shortly after, there was an incident in Tent City where the police were notified which immediately prompted concern. Within days (and without warning), notices of eviction were posted all over the camp. The original "date of eviction" was set for Sept. 22 and stated that anything standing would be bulldozed, and anyone trespassing would be prosecuted. After various meetings (private and public), it was decided that Tent City would be allowed to stay open until Nov.1 (the start date for Room in the Inn), but that decision is now in limbo.

To complicate matters, there are contradicting stories as to who actually owns the property, and allegations that the camp is a "public safety and health hazard" (which is not a valid argument after the recent efforts to clean-up the camp and the additions of dumpsters and porta-potties). So much more could be said about Tent City's colorful residents, many who have called the camp home for over 5 years, but you can hear their stories from them.

There are 3 main directions that Tent City could go. (1) It could be left alone, allowed to exist organically as it has for years, (2) it could be turned into a "model encampment" with the additions of bathing/showering facilities, provisions for the winter, etc., or (3) it could be unjustly shut down, in which case we would do whatever we could to stand beside and advocate for the residents there.

What is happening here is that the poorest of the poor are being crucified once again. As far as some city officials are concerned my brothers and sisters at tent city have no voice and they have no power. Those city officials are wrong and they will soon find out that the poor do have a voice, and they will use that voice to speak truth to power and together we will expose the lies of empire. If you care about justice, if you care about mercy, if you care about taking one step closer to realizing the beloved community, then join us on Friday October 24th at 3:00 p.m. in front of the Metro Court House to challenge injustice, to challenge violence against the poor, to challenge the destruction of homes, and to challenge the criminalization of homelessness. Our community doesn't have to be a community of cruelty and death. Another way is possible and if we stand with our brothers and sisters together we can change the current reality. Let us pray for the conversion of the hearts of those in power, but at the same time let us prepare for direct action.

written by Nashville Chapter of
Christian Action Against Apathy (CAAP)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Appeal to the Peace Community


Recently there was a photo published of a protest in Minneapolis, if you were able to see the photo you would see a banner near the back that says Money for schools not for war. This is a message that should be appearing everywhere these days. Other similar slogans in our marches and vigils should be Money for jobs not for war, Health care not warfare, Convert the military industrial complex, We can't eat Star Wars, Build mass transit not endless war, We can't live in a bomb, and so on.

The peace movement is doing a pretty poor job of connecting the occupation of Iraq, now costing us $12 billion a month, to the public's concern about a declining economy, jobs moving overseas, and cutbacks in social spending.

By now people get the "No more blood for oil message." They've heard that slogan for five years. What are we saying today that is relevant to their lives?

Joanne Sheehan, regional organizer for the War Resisters League, arrived at our house last night for a meeting that we held about converting the military industrial complex. We are now doing preparations for a long-term campaign in our region of Maine about the need to transform Bath Iron Works from building destroyers (outfitted with "missile defense systems") to build rail, solar, windmills and/or other sustainable technologies. Our point is that research shows that spending money on weapons production creates less jobs than if we invested in any other kind of peaceful production.

Joanne worked on economic conversion issues in southern Connecticut where she lives back in the early 1990's when the issue was big in the peace movement. At the time the Cold War was ending and people all over the country began talking about the peace dividend and started thinking about converting military production facilities. Even the International Association of Machinists, which represents many of the military production workers, was a leader at that time in the peace-labor efforts to bring conversion into reality. The reason that conversion did not survive the George H. W. Bush Panama and the Persian Gulf invasions was because we didn't do a good enough job of getting the peace movement to internalize the issue as essential to our being able to stop endless war.

Weapons are presently the #1 industrial export product of the U.S. Today many local communities are economically dependent on military production. If we don't talk about economic conversion how will we ever end war?

Now is the moment that the public is really casting about for answers. They fear the economic future more than they fear "terrorism." They know that jobs are becoming scarce and that opportunities for their children are drying up. Many are very responsive to talk about converting from a war economy to peaceful production. Many understand conversion means good and reliable jobs, a cleaner environment, and a more humane foreign policy that ends the need to wage war for oil.

But is the peace movement talking about this? Is the peace community offering a transformative economic vision that builds a peace-labor-environmental-social justice movement alliance? Sadly the answer is no. By and large the peace movement is saying the same things we were saying five years ago - Bring the troops home now. That just does not cut it.

We all need to stretch ourselves and begin to incorporate a positive vision of an economy that creates jobs and lessens the need for endless war. We've got to begin to link with the average American citizen who is worried about losing their home, paying for education, buying food, keeping the heat on, and holding onto their jobs. We've got to begin to talk about how military spending is killing their future and our nation.

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 443-9502 (Blog)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Presidential Debate Peace Rally

10.3.08 Nashville, TN: The Nashville Peace Coalition and the Coalition for October Debate Alternatives issued the call this week for a Regional Demonstration for Peace and Real Human Priorities on October 7, 2008 in Nashville at 21st Ave. So and Blakemore, less than one mile from the Presidential Candidate's Debate that evening. The demonstration is scheduled to take place from 4pm to 7pm and organizers say it will be a peaceful and non-violent expression of activists concerns that war in Iraq is not extended into the next Presidential administration. That evening at 5pm organizations representing various regional peace groups will be holding a press conference to call for an immediate end to the war in Iraq. Organizers of the event have expressed concerns that both Presidential candidates have made statements indicating support for a continued military occupation of Iraq and an increase in troop levels in Afghanistan. Both candidates have also indicated that they reserve the right to use military force against Iran if necessary.

The Nashville Peace Coalition is a coalition of organizations and individuals in middle Tennessee dedicated to promoting peace and ending war. The Coalition for October Debate Alternatives is a grassroots coalition of citizens and activists which has been meeting for the past year at the Nashville Peace and Justice Center to organize a grassroots response to the October 7th Presidential Debates. In calling for a regional demonstration, organizers with both groups have said that they would like to send a clear message to the campaigns of both the Democrats and the Republicans that most Americans want to bring the troops home now and they do not want a continuation of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Third Party Candidates Debate

Third Party Candidates to Debate 'Real Priorities' at Vanderbilt University

9.30.08 Nashville, TN: The Coalition for October Debate Alternatives (CODA) announced today the Presidential Candidate's Alternative Debate to take place October 6th, in Nashville, Tennessee. The debate is open to all third party candidates for President in the United States as well as the major party nominees. The debate, which is scheduled to take place on the campus of Vanderbilt University on Monday, October 6th will feature several Presidential Candidates who have confirmed attendance including Brad Lyttle of the US Pacifist Party, Charles Jay of the Boston Tea Party, Frank McEnulty of the New American Independence Party and Brian Moore of the Socialist Party. The Constitution Party has also confirmed that Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin or Vice Presidential Candidate Darrell Castle will attend the event.

The debate, which is being organized by CODA has been in the making for several months and is scheduled to take place on Monday, October 6th at 7:00pm, one day prior to the Presidential Debates which are happening at Belmont University in Nashville on October 7th. CODA says that many of the Presidential candidates have been excluded from attending the Belmont debate.

In a recent release to the press CODA indicated that is was organizing the alternative debate because it believed that voters deserve to hear from all the candidates if they are going to make an informed choice at the ballot box, " While we want to hear what the major party candidates have to say on issues related to the war, health care, the economy, gas prices, the future direction of the military, civil liberties and the environment, we do not believe that most issues of concern to American voters will be touched by the Democrat-Republican debate. That is why we are organizing an alternative debate so that voters in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond may be informed of all their choices as they participate in America's electoral process."

The general public and the media is invited to attend this event, which will begin at 7pm on the campus of Vanderbilt University in Nashville. The moderator for the event will be Bruce Barry, a professor at the Owen School of Management at Vanderbilt.

Chris Lugo, of the Coalition for October Debate Alternatives, said that the Democratic and Republican candidates have also been invited to the event, but have not indicated an interest in attending, "We believe that voters should make a fully informed choice about who they vote for and we do not believe this is possible if they are only hearing from two candidates. We have invited the Barack Obama and John McCain in the interest of fairness, but we are intending to highlight this alternative debate as the most egalitarian possible event by including all the candidates and promoting this as an event to which everyone is invited."

Friday, September 26, 2008

ACORN Statement on Presidential Debate

On Friday, Sept. 26, ACORN President Maude Hurd released the following statement on the first Presidential debate:

Given the recent turmoil in our financial markets and the ongoing negotiations around a bailout package for Wall Street, it's not surprising that much of the debate focused on the current economic crisis, which was in many ways predictable. ACORN has been sounding the alarm for years as more and more deregulation stripped protections for consumers and basic safeguards of sound lending.

Senator McCain failed to acknowledge the trigger of this explosive crisis: predatory lending, which entrapped hundreds of thousands of homeowners into toxic mortgages they could not afford fueling record numbers of foreclosures. If Mr. McCain is unwilling or unable to acknowledge such facts, how is he suitable to lead our country out of the worst financial mess since the Great Depression?

Senator Obama acknowledged foreclosures as the root of the financial crisis and has pledged to help homeowners.

ACORN is calling on both candidates to support a bipartisan approach to a legislative solution that includes help for ordinary homeowners who are on the verge of foreclosure, and not just the big financial institutions. Specifically, any bailout proposal must include provisions that assist

struggling homeowners, including greater access to loan modifications and a change in the bankruptcy law to allow homeowners to restructure their mortgages in bankruptcy court as is allowed with vacation homes and yachts.

Ordinary taxpayers are being asked to bail out financial institutions that caused this crisis. If Main Street is footing the bill, it should also reap the benefits.

Victory for NoSpray Activists


Nashville, Tennessee – Judge Thomas W. Brothers ruled in Circuit Court (Docket #04C2963) on Wednesday that John Primm of the Metro Public Health Department breached his duties when he sprayed citizen Emmett Clifford with the pesticide Anvil 2+2 while spraying a Donelson neighborhood for mosquitoes on October 15, 2003. Judge Brothers stated that the department had a practice of turning off the spray when pedestrians or vehicles were visible near the truck during spraying and that this was wise. He added that it is clearly foreseeable that people would not want to be sprayed with a pesticide. John Primm was charged with the duty to shut off the spray and therefore he was found to have breached that duty and to be negligent in spraying Clifford with Anvil 2+2 twice.

Clifford testified that he was returning home when he spotted the flashing yellow lights of a vehicle stopped on the side of the road. By the time he realized that it was an insecticide spray truck, the fog had entered his vehicle through his open window. Immediately, his eyes and exposed skin began to burn and he gasped for breath. He was a couple of hundred feet from his house, so he parked in front of his house and jumped out. He stood in his front yard rubbing his eyes, coughing, gagging and gasping for air. As he did this, the spraying truck made an unexpected 180-degree turn and headed toward his home. Before he could get inside to safety, the truck passed by and sprayed Clifford with insecticide again.

Primm stated under oath that he had always turned off the spray when pedestrians or vehicles were near and the manufacturer of the pesticide suggested this practice during his annual trainings. The supervisor of the Pest Management Department, Brent Hager, also testified that it was the department’s practice to turn off the spray when pedestrians or vehicles were near.

Citizen Rachel Sumner took the stand and said she had attended a meeting at the Health Department in August, 2003. At this meeting, two Fisk Park residents notified health officials that a Metro driver had failed to shut off the spray when pedestrians were plainly visible on the sidewalk. She stated that Hager had identified the driver as Primm in an Open Records request.

Sumner said she also had obtained documents from the Health Department’s files in 2004 showing that Hager was notified about two separate incidents of pedestrian sprayings in a West Meade neighborhood on October 9, 2003 - one week before Clifford was sprayed. Hager identified Primm as the driver in one of those incidents. Photos were also produced during the trial showing Primm’s white Dodge Ram 4x4 with the spray on and a man in the front yard in a North Nashville neighborhood in 2006.

Clifford was awarded costs for his emergency room visits and court costs. Clifford's attorney Mary Leech stated that a quirk in the law precluded Mr. Clifford's treating physician from testifying about causation. Therefore, the Court was limited to the testimony of the Health Department’s toxicologist who testified that it was impossible for Anvil 2+2 to cause any injury or adverse reaction whatsoever despite the fact that the label clearly indicates that the pesticide can cause injury. However, Primm testified that he wears a face mask and gloves when he works close to Anvil 2+2. Medical proof of causation is required to recover the damages Mr. Clifford suffered from the spray. Leech added that her client is considering whether he will appeal the decision in order seek compensation for the injuries he sustained. The manufacturer of Anvil 2+2 settled with Clifford out of court.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Green Jobs Rally

Green Job Seekers and Ideas Come To Nashville

Nashville, TN. A collaboration of national and local environmental organizations are coming together this upcoming Saturday, September 27th, 2008, from 1 – 4pm to rally for Green Jobs, Businesses and Services in Middle Tennessee.

The event will take place at the George W. Carver Food Park, 10th Ave. South and Gale Lane in South Nashville. "Green industry, entrepreneurialism and cottage businesses" are achievable goals which will help those most in need of quality employment in an upcoming sustainable economy" says Sizwe Herring, Director of EarthMatters Tennessee.

Gateway 2 Heritage Leadership Team, based at Tennessee State University, is a co partner with this event. Gateway students joined EarthMatters in a trip to Memphis this past April at Green for All's "Dream Reborn" conference. Here, over 1,100 primarily African American and other minority environmental leaders came together to promote, plan and plot this new green economy.

Charles Brown, President of Gateway 2 Heritage states

"The conference was an exciting an motivating experience proving that our movement is wide-spread. This rally is a greater extension of what we learned in Memphis and will further our work here in Middle Tennessee."

Oakland, CA based Green For All founder Van Jones, who is originally from Jackson, TN, spearheads this movement and has met with the Clinton, Bush and Obama campaigns on Green Job training and legislation.

Greenpeace's Global Story Telling Tour will be in Nashville at the event. This coast to coast outreach boasts of a truck featuring 256 square feet of solar panels. The stop is part of a nationwide tour that gives Americans an opportunity to show their commitment to ending the crisis and demand action from Congress. Video petitions collected will be sent to local representatives, insisting on their support of green jobs awareness, funding and legislation as part of a plan for global warming solutions.

Donald Plunk, local environmental organizer says "It's exciting to see people from different organizations in the community come together in support of local global warming solutions in Nashville. Green jobs are a real, local investment in people, the economy, and our climate. We need to let our candidates for Congress know that these are issues we are thinking about as the election approaches."

The day's activities will also include live music, motivational speeches, kid's activities and tours of the community gardens, composting land sculpture and the DeFord Bailey Tribute Rose Garden, all on-site.

East Nashville Fall Feast

Local farmers, artisan food producers and craftspeople will all come together for a Fall Fest Celebration at the East Nashville Farmers Market on Wed., October 1, 4-7 PM. In addition to the regular list of local farmers and producers, the Fall Fest market will also feature special food booths with Kettle Corn, Tommy's Sausage, Portland Brew East, baked goods, apple cider and more.

Some of the vendor demonstrations will include Peaceful Pastures' spinning, ASK Apparel doing natural dying with plants, and West Wind Farms will be smoking and serving West Wind Farms Berkshire pork, as well as woodworking and felting.

In addition to the above demonstrations, there will also be a wide variety of activities for the kids, including pumpkin decorating, face painting, and a petting zoo from Columbia's Loving Touch Farm. More local craftspeople to be announced. Music will be provided during the festivities by The Howling Brothers.

Regular farm vendors include Delvin Farms, Madison Creek Farms, Paradise Produce, Timbertop Farm, Peaceful Pastures, Legacy Tea Blends, The Moose is Loose, Twin Forks Farm, Spring Haven Organic Farm, and West Wind Farm. There will be a diverse mixture of products on including a variety of fall greens, herbs, shittake mushrooms, apples, pumpkins, winter squash, sweet potatoes, grass fed and pastured raised poultry, beef, pork, lamb, eggs, and cheese. There will also be organic clothing, candles and more. Other vendors include Angel Radiance, Alchemy of Sol, Spiral Market Dyeworks and ASK Apparel.

The Turnip Truck will also be offering store samplings on their front patio and discounts in the store.

The East Nashville Market's website,, is online and includes market updates, a calendar of events, list of products and farmer profiles and links to participating farmer's websites.

WED., October 1
4-7 PM
The Turnip Truck Market

WHAT: Fall Fest Celebration at East Nashville Farmers Market
WHERE: The Turnip Truck Market parking lot, 10th & Woodland St., East Nashville
WHEN: Wed., October 1, 4-7 PM

Killing the Mentally Ill Is No Solution

The death penalty has one so called social purpose and that is to deter prospective offenders from commiting any future crimes. Though this is questionable in itself, and debatable in more ways than one, what is more frightening is when we impose a death sentence on an individual who is mentally ill and who has diminished capacities to understand and process information; an individual who is unable to communicate, to abstract from mistakes and learn from experience, to engage in logical reasoning, to control impulses, and to understand the reactions of others.

Richard Henyard, whose execution date has been set for September 23, 2008 falls into this category. Recent research concerning emotional development points to the fact that Mr Henyard's mental and emotional deficits have produced a disability within him which is identical to mental retardation in its disabling features. This was not been taken into account by the court when imposing a death sentence on this man. At the time of the murder of both Jamilya, 7, and Jasmine, 3, Lewis, and the rape of their mother, Dorothy Lewis, evidence points to the fact that Henyard was sufferring from a neurological impairment which rendered his social and cognitive skills impaired. Yet the trial court chose to put little weight on these mitigating circumstances, downplaying the fact that at the time of the murder, the defendant was functioning at the emotional level of a thirteen year old and was of low intelligence; ignoring that the defendant had an impoverished upbringing. Limited importance on the fact that the defendant was born into a dysfunctional family.

Mr. Henyard was abandoned by his mother from the age of two months. Although she was physically present at times, she did not bond with Mr. Henyard or demonstrate any emotional connection with her child. Mr. Henyard’s impaired caregiving at infancy produced avoidant/disorganized attachment, which compromised his emotional maturity. He suffered from attachment disorganization and was subject to severe and chronic trauma.

Research indicates that emotional development and the ability to make emotional and social judgments is a skill that begins developing very early, as an infant, and is shaped by both neuropsychological (brain-based) factors such as nonverbal abilities, as well as early emotional environmental influence such as a maternal bond. Mr. Henyard's inability to adapt lies at the core of his capacity to function and to embrace the moral accountabily which is necessary to face the reasons which have brought his actions to warrant the death penalty.

The Defendant’s mental condition at the time of the offense bars the adoption of the death penalty under the rationale of Atkins, 536 U.S. 304 and Roper v. Simmons, 543. In effect the execution of a mentally ill inmate is deemed unconstitutional. The Eighth Amendment prohibits "excessive" sanctions on people suffering from mental illness to the same degree as mr. Henyard, who have diminished capacities and personal culpablity. Why then is this man facing imminent execution?

At the time this crime was commited Henyard, who was just 18, was associating with Alfonza Smalls, his codefendant in this case, barely 14 years old. Tipically, Henyard's pattern seemed to be to seek out younger children as companions due to his lower IQ and "mental" age of 13/14 in order to avoid harassment from children his own age. He was functioning within a background which offered him no support, one in which he chose to be a follower rather than a leader. He displayed a very withdrawn character while growing up, and other than a neglectful mother who rarely accepted her responsibilities and who exposed him to her own petty theivery, there was no significant role model in this boy's life to give him guidance. His overwhelming need to be accepted by others, his emotional abandonment are critical factors in the way this man's life evolved and how it shaped his actions. Records indeed indicate a long pattern of biological-based learning problems in early childhood, traumatic neglect, and

emotional impoverishment which combined, impacted his character in a way which caused him to function at a substantially subnormal level. At the time of the crime, Mr. Henyard was acting with the mind of a 13 year old. How is it possible to justify the death sentence with such an individual? One must seriously question whether a man with this sort of disability is fully able to assess potential outcomes from different courses of action that present themselves to him.

In 2008 Jason Nawara who was housed in the same jail as Henyard's codefendant, sumitted an affadevit in which he testified that Smalls boasted more than once to having himself commited the killings, never implicating Henyard. Such testimony submitted during the penalty phase of the trial would in itself establish statutory mitigation that Mr. Smalls is more culpable than Mr. Henyard and/or that Mr. Henyard’s involvement was relatively minor in comparison to Mr. Smalls. This evidence could establish mitigation and confirm that Mr. Henyard was infact not the actual person who shot Jasmine and Jamilya. This alone merits consideration by the court. It again places doubt on how guilty Mr. Henyard truly is.

While Henyard's deficiencies do not warrant his exemption from criminal sanctions, Florida Support believes that killing this individual is not the solution. What needs to be emphasized is how important it is to take into account the whole framework of Richard`s upbringing, at both a social and psychological level together with the factors which lead this then child to participate in actions which required a level of moral understanding and social responsability well out of his reach. We are now equipped with more options to help individuals like this to coup and function. Killing Richard Henyard is not an option. He can be provided with the tools to live a fruitful life , one in which he can contribute positively to this society, and be of support to other victims. He can be equipped with a new found social consciouns and encouraged by the support of qualified people, step beyond the traumas of his past. With God's forgiveness, we can save a neglected life and help a lost soul to find his way back into the fold.

Today, Richard has a good rapport with Florida Support . He should be given the chance he has never had and recognition that he can function effectively if allowed to understand and deal with his own limitations. What purpose would there be in destroying another life when there is so much to show that Henyard was acting with deminished responsability at that time? Can we even really be sure that he ever committed the crimes he is accused of? There is doubt there too as to the part he played that night. With support and with guidance, the ghosts of his misgiven youth can be chased away. The imposition of the death penalty on a measurably severe mentally ill person, is nothing more than the purposeless and needless imposition of pain and suffering. We cannot allow that to happen.

For information

Friday, September 19, 2008

Knoxville's LGBITQ Heritage

For Immediate Release

Knoxville's LGBT Heritage To (finally) Be Preserved
(Knoxville, TN) After many years of great strides by the LGBT community
in Knoxville, it is time to preserve for permanent record the people,
places, events and heritage for the future generations. Former Pride and
Rainbow Community Awareness Project Director,
Gary Elgin is about to produce and host a monthly video project (much
like the Charlie Rose-PBS model) that will do just that- Put these
valuable pieces of his/herstory on record. The finished programs will be
played on Knoxville's local Community Television station, as well as on
the web and donated to both UT and the McClung Museum's LGBT Archives.
Volunteers are currently being sought for every aspect, especially the
technical side. There will be approximately 20 shows filmed per season.
The series is titled: The Lavender Table. Production is set to begin
late this Autumn.
Gary Elgin can be contacted at

Charges Against Journalists at RNC Dropped

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- Local authorities in St. Paul announced today that they will not prosecute journalists who were arrested on misdemeanor charges during the Republican National Convention earlier this month.

"This is an important first step, but many questions remain," said Nancy Doyle Brown from Twin Cities Media Alliance. "We still need answers about why and how journalists got swept up in these arrests in the first place. And more than anything else, we need to ensure that this never happens again. We'll never know how many important stories never got told because their authors were behind bars, not in the streets."

Nearly two dozen reporters were arrested during the four-day event, including Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman and two of her producers, Associated Press reporters, student journalists, local TV photographers, among others. Other journalists were pepper-sprayed, and reporters with I-Witness were held at gunpoint during a "pre-emptive" police raid aimed at disrupting protesters.

The press release from St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman's office noted that the city's attorney will use a "broad definition and verification to identify journalists who were caught up in mass arrests during the convention."

"We're pleased that the St. Paul authorities ultimately acted to uphold the rights of all journalists -- including those citizens using blogs, cheap cameras and cell phones to report news as it happens," said Josh Silver, executive director of Free Press, the national media reform organization. "Our task now is to ensure that our press remains free to report on the events, issues and stories that matter to our country, our communities and our democracy."

Less than three days after the initial arrests, more than 60,000 people across the country signed on to a letter from Free Press, demanding that Mayor Coleman and local authorities immediately "free all detained journalists and drop all charges against them." These letters were delivered to St. Paul City Hall the day after the convention following a press conference that included local citizens and many of the journalists who had been arrested earlier in the week.

"The news from St. Paul City Hall is certainly welcome regarding the decision to drop charges against journalists who were arrested and cited during the RNC," said Mike Bucsko, executive officer of the Minnesota Newspaper Guild Typographical Union, who spoke at the press conference. "However, it is essential the elected officials in St. Paul and Ramsey County examine the circumstances that led to the needless detention and harassment of journalists to ensure this type of indiscriminate behavior on the part of law enforcement does not happen again."

Local advocates and independent journalists from KFAI Community Radio, National Lawyers Guild, Twin Cities Daily Planet, Twin Cities IndyMedia, Twin Cities Media Alliance and The Uptake were joined by national groups the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Association of Black Journalists, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, The Newspaper Guild, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Reporters Without Borders, the Society for Professional Journalists and the Writers Guild of America, East, in condemning the unusually harsh treatment by city authorities.

Watch the press conference:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

TTPC Annual Fundraiser October 18th

Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition announces its:

Third Annual Fundraising Dinner
Saturday, October 18, 2008, 7 pm
$20 per person

Keynote Speaker

Megan Barry
Metro Nashville Councilmember, At Large


Morgan House
First Unitarian Universalist Church
1808 Woodmont Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37215

Please RSVP by October 13


Reservation Form


No. in Party:_______________________

Amount Enclosed: $20 x _____ = $_____

Please clip and mail with check or money order to:

Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition
P.O. Box 92335
Nashville, TN 37209-2335

Credit Cards accepted at

The Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition (TTPC) is an organization designed to educate and advocate on behalf of transgender related legislation at the Federal, State and local levels. TTPC is dedicated to raising public awareness and building alliances with other organizations concerned with equal rights legislation.