Table of Contents

[fr] Sommaire

These pages under heavy construction.
Ces pages sont en construction constante

English Version


Configure account, delete account




- Layout
- Access Info


Me View
- Dashboard
- Inbox

Page Sidebar
All pages (wikis, messages, discussions, etc) have a side bar that allows you to interact with the pages in a number of ways.

Page Types
When creating a page you have a choice of page types.

Who has access to what.


Getting involved - helping to improve GC

Version Française

A propos de crabgrass

Fil d’Ariane

Salon de discussion


- Disposition
- Droits d’accès


- Tableau de bord
- Boîte de réception

Colonne de droite
Toutes les pages (wikis, messages personnels, discussions, etc) ont une colonne à leur droite qui vous permet d’interagir avec la page de multiples manières.

Types de page
Quand vous créez une page, vous avez à choisir son type.

Droits d’Accès
Qui a accès à quoi.


S’impliquer - Aider à la documentation de Crabgrass


I was able to add the link “Getting involved..” and wanted to create a new page. Other wikis create pages when the do not exist yet simply if you follow the link. How does ist work like in this case?


i’m currently working on / planning screencasts for crabgrass, introducing the basic usage, common problems and issues user might run into, and so on.

I had in mind to create many many small and reusable screencasts, that might be cut together to longer introduction videos. If anyone here is intersted in helping, we could coordinate our work.

I think the first step to go is to simply write down story boards like:

- screencast: login and find a recently changed page as fast as possible -

1. → (or whatever instance)
2. → login
3. → scroll down the dashboard to find it in the recent activity
4. → have a look into the inbox as well, and explain that pages that you’re wathching / having contributed to will be found quicker here then on the dashboard
5. → go the groups home the page belongs to, and find it in the recent activity there

i started to write some more somewhere. could try to find and share it :)


I could not acces to the following pages :

May someone make these avalaible to users group ?


Why am I able to fully destroy pages such as these? Is this setting reflecting the underlying principles of crabgrass, thus making it impossible to write-protect pages?
(Sorry if beeing OT, i just don’t know where else to post.)