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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Protest Activity

Protest Re Police Misconduct in Dover, NH

On December 6, 2008 Seacoast Liberty Police Anti-Corruption Campaign held a demonstration in downtown Dover, protesting abuse of police power and last week's arrest of David Montenegro.


Commentary :: International Relations : War

Get off the S.O.F.A.!

The Iraqi government is currently debating a Status of Forces Agreement with the US that would remove US soldiers from Iraq by 2011.

That's what we are hearing in the news every day, but almost nothing about it is true. All the terms and ideas are carefully crafted distortions fed to and then parroted by the corporate press, defining the terms of debate and thus the outcome.


News :: Protest Activity

Citizen Rips up the Rip-off

Paul Pat Morse rips up his ballot at the Presidential election polls.

11/4/08 Barrington NH
by Paul Pat Morse

Our voting system, does not work, is faulty, rigged, and controlled by cynical manipulators. As we have seen in the last two Presidential elections ballots can be “lost”, destroyed, over or under counted, and altered. The election outcomes are controlled by people who have claimed the authority to decide who gets what when. Many feel that our current President, George W. Bush, has stolen both elections that he “won”. There is ample evidence to show that is true.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

The Candidates on the Issues: Dover Ward 4

Below I analyze the Dover Ward 4 candidates based on their stances on the issues. Each race lists the libertarian, democratic, and republican candidates in that order, as appeared on my sample ballot. This analysis will appear on NH Making Waves, #208.


Announcement :: Children & Education : International Relations : Labor : Protest Activity : War

Celebrate Peace, Not Weapons of War


On Saturday, Oct. 25 at 10 am, the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard will celebrate the launching of another nuclear-powered attack submarine, dubbed the "USS New Hampshire." Protesters plan to meet at the Memorial Bridge embankment outside of Prescott Park at 9 am.


News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Elections & Legislation : Protest Activity

In Nashua, Biden promises to enforce existing gun laws against Gregory W. Floyd.

"I could walk from here to Manchester and doubt I'd find one person who would say the fundamentals are strong and the economy is roaring – unless I ran into John McCain," Biden said.

I told him he and Senator Obama are the most formidable ticket in my 43 years and also appreciated the hug and his response to my question about enforcement of gun laws for people like Gregory W. Floyd, a multiple felon with a violent history.


Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Dover Ward 4 democratic campaign analysis

I was short on time this year, so I didn’t investigate the uncontested races (congress, exec councilor, state rep, sheriff, county attorney, county treasurer, and register of deeds).

For governor, John Lynch has a solidly progressive record, but I prefer Kathryn Forry for her more realistic approach to health care funding.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Fellow swing state voters, convince me to vote Obama

With the race for NH's 4 electoral votes likely to help swing the national election, it's time for the Obama people to convince us Granite State independents why we should support your candidate.

So far, the Obama campaign has been extremely light on platform, and heavy on "hope." I don't care about vague campaign slogans. I could also care less about personality. I want to hear platform—things that actually matter.

Trying to convince me that he is better than voting for McCain isn't going to move me to vote for Obama. Frankly, I am disgusted with both of the major parties. Voting for McCain would just continue the disastrous 8 years of Republican administration. But the Democrats have had the congress for 2 years now, and the political situation just keeps getting worse.

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Regional News


NH is thinking about using the death penalty again after 2 murder cases, should we?
Yes, an eye for an eye
No, it's barbaric
Yes, it's the best crime deterrent
No, it's too expensive
Kill 'em all and let Baldur's son, Forseti, the Lord of Glitnir, sort it out


I say we take the oil. I don't think people realize the super-crisis mode the North Country is in. When you talk about the cost of fuel oil and how it hits a family, our average family income is half what it is down in southern New Hampshire.
-- Republican Sen. John Gallus on 'controversy' of accepting oil assistance for low income people from Citgo and the socialist government of Venezuela.

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