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LOS ANGELES, November 4, 2008 – Local voting precincts are seeing an unprecedented voter turn out today. Long lines are reported polling places throughout the city at many locations. Waits of up to two hours reported at some polling places.

At one polling place at Clover Elementary School in the Mar Vista area, hundreds of voters were lined up around the block even before the polls opened at 7:00 am this morning. Both No on 8 and yes on 8 reps were there passing out flyers to voters waiting in line. Both observed the 100 foot electioneering rule and no incidents were observed between the rival groups.

The parents and school children set up a bake sale with coffee for those waiting in line. The mood seemed positive as people waiting in line and studied their sample ballots or chatted with fellow voters. Many people were seen busy absorbed in their blackberry or iPhone as they waited.
From the newswire: Record Turn Out and Long Lines at Polls by A

Surf the Internet and you'll find thousands of posts about Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, China, Russia, India, Israel, and Palestine. Across the political spectrum, intellectuals obsess over world affairs. Want to know how the U.S.A. got into this mess? Want to know how we were overwhelmed by cynicism, divisiveness, demagoguery, "Pay-To-Play" governance, and sleaze? It didn't start in that mythical "Washington." It started in places like little Wasilla, Alaska... and big Los Angeles. I could write a long book about this. Today, I'll be brief, and just list the Dem screw-ups. One great thing about the Internet is that you don't have to take my word for it. Click the hyperlinks below and read the MSM stories for yourself.

From the newswire: Green Dissent: Why I Won't Vote for California Dems by Alex Walker | | Vote Green! Piera-Avila for Council by twirl

October 31: While some of the weekly vigils went on hiatus tonight, the Glendale vigil (at Brand & Broadway) proceeded as usual—except participants were encouraged to come in costume. Also, candy was handed out for a time. When the candy ran out, pencils publicizing the Glendale vigil were distributed. Flyers were passed, too, announcing an upcoming showing of the film Afghanistan (see

Full story: Halloween at the Glendale Peace Vigil by RP

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, October 25, 2008 - Student leaders of local high school Gay-Straight Alliances banded together this Saturday to demand equality for LGBT people and spread awareness about the insidious proposition 8. They were joined by teachers, community members, and families. Prop. eight, if passed, would eliminate the legal right for same-sex couples to marry. Earlier this year, the California Supreme Court decided that the right to marry was guaranteed by the state constitution, and could not be superseded by initiative.

Students from Rancho Cucamonga and Los Osos High Schools began arriving to the corners of Foothill and Haven as early as nine o'clock. In the morning, several supporters of prop 8 gathered at the northeast corner. Students frantically began calling each other to increase their presence. Their numbers soon overwhelmed the "yes on 8" people, and opponents of 8 were able to establish a strong presence at all four corners. From the Newswire Rancho Cucamonga Youth Demonstrate Against Proposition 8 by Lalo

UPDATE: More No on 8 Protests: CSULB No on 8 Rally Oct 29, 2008 by Lady Madonna | | No On 8 Temecula by Bryan Thomas (Anarcat Collective) | | No on 8 in Upland by Lalo | | MP3 audio: No on 8 rally Downtown LA by A | | Images from the No 8 Rally Downtown LA by A

October 22, 2008 LOS ANGELES - The October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation has been organizing nationwide demonstrations since 1996. The Los Angeles actions have gained a reputation for being among the city's most lively and most youth-oriented marches whose participants tend to be from the very communities targeted by police. With some thirty police murders logged since the beginning of year, protestors had plenty to be angry about.
From the newswire: October 22 Demonstration Attracts Young to Anti-Police Terror Movement by Rockero | | Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality by Marcus

The Los Angeles Independent Media is pleased to present an evening of documentary films from the 2008 DNC and RNC conventions. Both Denver and Minneapolis/ St. Paul were the scene of massive state repression of peaceful protest this Summer. Those who get their news solely from corporate media channels are unaware of the events that occurred outside the convention halls. But those attuned to independent media outlets know well the level of police violence that took place at these conventions. LA Indymedia will be screening previews and rough cuts of films from documentary film makers who were on the ground in Denver and St. Paul this Summer. Details from the Calendar: 2008 DNC and RNC Conventions Report Back

Fast for Our Future: Immigrants Rights Encampment at La Placita
LOS ANGELES October 15, 2008 – Members of the Los Angeles area immigrant community began a fast for their rights Wednesday downtown at La Placita. A diverse group of students, service workers, day laborers, and supporters have set up camp just south of the plaza. About 70 people have committed to the fast, there are currently about 25 tents in the encampment with room for up to 100. The fast plans to run from now until election day, a 20 day fast. Coming together with the organization, Rise, immigrants and their supporters are fasting to urge people to sign a pledge to vote or take some kind of action for immigrants rights.

The fasters are demanding an immediate end to the ICE raids that are terrorizing immigrant communities and tearing families apart. Children of immigrant parents who are US born citizens are being separated from their mothers and fathers by the raids and forced deportations. Supporters are welcome to visit or join the encampment and it is expected that the camp will grow as word spreads.
From the Newswire: Fast for Our Future: Immigrants Rights Encampment at La Placita | | MP3 Audio – Interview with a Faster: Frank Romero-Crockett, at La Placita Encampment | | Hunger Strike for Immigrant Rights! || VIDEO: Video from Day One of the Fast for our Future by Fatima Mojaddidy | | Video Day One & Day Five by A | | Live audio from the camp: Radio Ayuno

Day Six: 1,000,000 Signs Of Hope, Latino Immigrant Rights Activists Stage 27 Days Of Hunger by David Lee Frater

LOS ANGELES - 12 octubre 2008 En medio de una celebración del Día de la Raza, se unieron alrededor de 75 manifestantes para reclamar justicia para los inmigrantes y exigir que se deje de redar y deportar a la gente.
Leer más con fotos: Se exige alto a deportaciones y redadas por Rockero

People demand an end to raids and deportations by Rockero
LOS ANGELES - October 12, 2008 Amidst a celebration of Día de la Raza, about 75 protesters gathered to demand justice and an end to the raids and deportations.

Sound from anti-ICE Raid Demo, Columbus Day- Olvera Street by Anna Kunkin

CARSON and COSTA MESA, October 4, 2008
Clouds grayed the sky, but did not hamper attendance at either of the two anti-Sarah Palin rallies. Hundreds of activists arrived at both events to denounce the vice-presidential hopeful for her misogyny, ignorance, pettiness, and anti-democratic tendencies. A diversity among attendees and willingness to communicate characterized the day, particularly in Costa Mesa.
Story/Photos:Women denounce Sarah Palin in Carson and Costa Mesa by Rockero

Humble Beauty is an hour documentary that tells the story of talented homeless and formerly homeless men and women who, despite a daily struggle for survival, paint and create art in the worst area of Los Angeles known as Skid Row. People will make art, no matter how humble the circumstances.

The film includes spontaneous moments plus intimate interviews with oil, acrylic and watercolor painters, charcoal, pen & crayon sketchers, collage makers and paper mache sculptors. Some artists find their art supplies in garbage cans and dumpsters. They draw on old paper bags.

Article: HUMBLE BEAUTY: Skid Row Artists Documentary by Letitia Schwartz & Judith Vogelsang Photos:HUMBLE BEAUTY photos by Letitia Schwartz & Judith Vogelsang DVD Cover: HUMBLE BEAUTY DVD cover

Amid daily testimonies of the carnage and destruction affecting millions of inhabitants in the southern Philippines, progressive representatives in the Philippine Congress have urged a thorough probe into the permanent presence of US troops . Personalities such as Rep. Maria Climaco of Zamboanga City and Amina Rasul, lead convenor of the Philippine Council for Islam and Democracy, have also urged action to stop US meddling on behalf of the corrupt, bankrupt Arroyo despotism. BAYAN and other civil-society groups recently petitioned the Legislative Oversight Committee on the VFA to terminate all agreements allowing foreign troops (not only the US but also the Australians and other nationalities) interfering in the ongoing hostilities, thus violating the Philippine Constitution. Full story: The Third Vietnam? by the Philippines Cultural Studies Center

No Wall Street Bailout Protesters Picket at Obama LA Office
The protest initiated by Code Pink Women for Peace did receive some local corporate media coverage. KTLA TV and KFWB radio did interview some of the protesters. (It is unknown if they will broadcast the event or if these corporate media outlets can be relied upon to correctly represent the demonstrator’s message.)

This Indymedia reporter did have the chance to speak with No Bail Out activist, Peter Thottam. Peter is a former employee of Goldman Sacks and is now a sharp critic of the Wall Street investment banking industry and its relation with the policy makers in the government. The interview is uploaded in full and with no edits. Peter and some of his fellow No Bail Out, activists have started a web site to help get the word out on the threat that the Wall Street bail out poses to the real economy: Main Street. When asked if the current economic situation was an indictment of capitalism in general Peter responded: Yes.
From the newswire: No Wall Street Bailout Protesters Picket at Obama LA Office by A

Protests are expected to greet republican vice presidential candidate sarah palin. Palin, who has been widely discredited as unqualified by both independent and corporate press, will be holding two rallies this Saturday. One rally is in Carson and the other in Costa Mesa. Many peace and justice groups have called for protests. It is possible that hundreds of protesters could be demonstrating at these events this Saturday.

On September 20 and 21, Long Beach's Aquarium of the Pacific hosted the fourth annual Native American festival, Moompetam Gathering of the Salt Water People. Moompetam (which means “of the ocean” in Tongva) is comprised of several maritime tribes, including Tongva, Acjachemen, Chumash, Costanoan, and Luiseno.

As one of the speakers at the event pointed out, this was a rare opportunity to experience Native cultures up-close vis-a-vis storytelling, food, one-on-one conversations, music, and workshops.

Story/photos: Moompetam Gathering of the Salt Water People by RP

In the middle of a work day on Sept. 17, more than 60 people attended a protest and press conference to at the Downtown Los Angeles Federal Building to demand a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions. The event was organized by the Labor/Community Coalition to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions, under the theme "Bail out Main St.--not Wall St."

John Parker, West Coast coordinator of the International Action Center and member of the Harvard Blvd. Block Association, explained that "the mortgage companies have been playing with and gambling on people's lives." He urged: "We have to change the government's priorities by demanding what we need. They don't count on the will of the people."
From the newswire: Foreclosures Protested by LeiLani Dowell

On Sunda​y,​ Septe​mber 14 2008,​ a peace​ful but passi​onate​ crowd​ of about​ 200 hundr​ed Afgha​ns gathe​red in front​ of the Feder​al Build​ing in Los Angel​es in order​ to voice​ their​ disse​nt again​st incre​asing​ civil​ian death​s from U.S. air and groun​d attac​ks.​ This demon​strat​ion was organ​ized by Afgha​n Unive​rsaty​ stude​nts and comun​ity leade​rs from South​ern Calif​ornia​.​ The prote​stors​ range​d in age from infan​ts to the elder​ly and the speak​ers inclu​ded Afgha​ns from Pasht​o as well as Farsi​ speak​ing backg​round​s.​ The prote​stors​ unani​mousl​y conde​mned US air strik​es causi​ng death​ of Afghan civil​ians like the one on the 22nd of Augus​t in the villa​ge of Aziza​bad,​ near the weste​rn city of Herat​ where​ U.S. coalition bombs killed up to 95 civilians, including 60 children.​ As one prote​stor noted​ "the lack of compa​ssion​"​ has Afgha​ns abroa​d and at home quest​ionin​g the roll of the US milit​ary presence.​

From the newswire: Southern CA Afghan Americans protest the US bombing of Afghan civilians by Fatima Mojaddidy and Arash Yusufi

Karl Rove detained for crimes against humanity in Claremont
CLAREMONT - Over 300 justice activists detained Republican mastermind Karl Rove for over an hour yesterday in Claremont, demanding he be brought to justice for crimes against humanity, democracy, and general moral sensibility. Despite fervent efforts, they were unsuccessful in executing a citizen's arrest.

Ever since his college days, when he snuck into the campaign headquarters of a Democratic candidate and stole 1000 letterheads to distribute false messages about the campaign, Rove has been involved in subterfuge, chicanery, theft, and subversion--and not in a good way. In fact, he has been using these tactics in the worst way possible: to get corrupt politician selected so they can enact murderous, genocidal policies and enrich the richest of the elite's upper crust.

Full coverage: Karl Rove detained for crimes against humanity in Claremont by Rockero

RIVERSIDE - This weekend's Southern California Anarchist Convergence attracted upwards of fifty people. The participants met to share food and water, have fun, discuss, network, and strategize. Primary organizers included the Riverside and Temecula chapters of Food Not Bombs, who spread the invitation to "revolutionaries from all over Southern California, food not bombs, and radicals" primarily via internet.

Full coverage: Southern California Anarchist Convergence draws over 50 by Rockero

MINNEAPOLIS/ST.PAUL September 4, 2008 – Today is the final day of the RNC in St. Paul. While corporate media focuses on the events inside the convention center and ignores the continuing police violence toward demonstrators outside the center, independent media channels are getting the story out. This past week has seen some outrageous violations of citizen’s civil rights in the Twin Cities. A series of raids overseen by the FBI, HLS, and other agencies on activists and journalists took place in advance of the RNC. In the street police have been extremely violent toward peaceful demonstrators. Police have used a wide range of weapons Legal aid groups estimate close to 350 known arrests of demonstrators to date. Only 50 of which have been released. Some have been held for over 60 hours. And there are some very disturbing reports that some people have been tortured while in jail by their captors; the ramsey county sheriffs department. Last night a small march after a Rage Against the Machine concert was attacked by police and about 50 people were arrested. More protests are planned for today and there are fears of more police violence and human rights violations.

Breaking news from St. Paul: Twin Cities Indymedia
Indymedia.US: RNC Day 2: Mass Arrests and Jail Resistance | RNC Day 1: Category (A) Hurricane Hits Downtown St. Paul

From the LA-IMC newswire:
RNC 8 Charged with "Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism
Amy Goodman & 2 DN! Producers Arrested at RNC!
Journalists including DN! producer targeted by FBI in St. Paul by Mary Turck
Welcome to Minnesota: Out of town activists pulled over by police at gunpoint

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Election Night In Hollywood N05 3:15PM

Record Turn Out and Long Lines at Polls N04 10:32AM

- LAPD Shoot Homeless Man N03 12:28AM

Images from the No 8 Rally Downtown LA N02 11:47PM

MP3 audio: No on 8 rally Downtown LA N02 10:38PM

Green Dissent: Why I Won't Vote for California Dems N02 8:30PM

Poll Incident Report Form N02 9:37AM

Halloween at the Glendale Peace Vigil N01 2:05PM

No on 8 in Upland O30 9:29PM

CSULB No on 8 Rally Oct 29, 2008 O30 12:45AM

Ex-Sheriff Michael Carona's Corruption Trail started today O29 11:04PM

Direct Action to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions O27 10:48PM

LA's Really Really Free Market O27 4:42PM

Vote Green! Piera-Avila for Council O27 12:51PM

Filipino Veterans Commemorate 64th Year of the Leyte Landing at HPMC in LA O27 10:13AM

Rancho Cucamonga Youth Demonstrate Against Proposition 8 O27 2:49AM

Banks Make People Homeless Every Day: Protest against Foreclosures, Evictions, and Bailout O27 12:52AM

Video from Day One of the Fast for our Future O24 2:08PM

October 22 Demonstration Attracts Young to Anti-Police Terror Movement O24 3:02AM

This Friday: Counter protest against homophobic hate groups O23 5:15PM

Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality O23 2:41PM


1,000,000 Signs Of Hope, Latino Immigrant Rights Activists Stage 27 Days Of Hunger O20 6:54PM

"I'm not a racist, but..." O20 6:22PM

THIS WEDNESDAY - Celtic New Year event at Cal State L.A. O20 2:00PM

Fast for our Future: Day 5 O20 8:58AM

Live Streaming Radio from the Fast for our Future Camp O19 10:22PM

VIDEO: Fast for our Future - Day One O17 5:01PM

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