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10.26.2008 - 17:53

November 7th & 8th: 2008 Northwest Socialist Conference

Building a Revolutionary Alternative "Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past." -- Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte

Building a Revolutionary Alternative
The 2008 Northwest Socialist Conference
November 7-8
Seattle Central Community College, BE 1110

10.25.2008 - 22:05

October 26th & 27th: Green Party Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney in Seattle

The Washington Power to the People Campaign is bringing Cynthia McKinney to Seattle Sunday Oct. 26 and Monday Oct. 27. Ms.McKinney will speak on the “Vote…Then What? From The Day After The Election Onward: Strategies for Community Organizing, Greening & Reconstruction” on Sunday, October 26, 2008 at the Umojafest Peace Center in Seattle. The following day she will speak on “The Power of Student Movements: How to Use Your Campus as a Tool to Change the World!” at the Broadway Performance Hall on the south end of the Seattle Central Community College campus.

10.25.2008 - 19:38

November 1st: Give Peace a Dance! 12 Hour Dance Party To Benefit the GI Coffeehouse!

12 hours of dancing to benefit the GI Coffeehouse, Coffee Strong.
Saturday, November 1, 2008 5pm to 5am!

University of Puget Sound Club Rendezvous (Basement of the Student Union Building)in Tacoma.

--> A $5 donation gets you 12hr of dancing
--> Free snacks and yerba mate provided by wee'ours and Mad Hat Tea Co.
--> Eric Anderson & Charlie Bevis (aka More & Honey from KUPS) will be DJing from 1 am to 3 am

100% of donations go to GI Voice & the local chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War

10.25.2008 - 16:58

Shallow Graves in Unfamiliar Terrain (Revolutionary Potentials)

The Revolution is Just an Old Saying

We are conscious of the need for a social revolution. Everywhere the degradation seems to deepen as our distance from our relation to it widens. We are conscious of the need to engage seriously in a war of appropriation against a society of dispossession, withdrawal, and exhaustion. As with any goal of social transformation, the process of anarchist revolution requires an understanding of the social context we live in, the barriers against class solidarity, and our strategy for getting what we want.
10.25.2008 - 14:47

Tacoma: Wells Fargo Attacked In Solidarity With Detainees

October 25, 2008 - During the morning of October the Twenty Fifth, a group of people smashed out five of the six windows of a Wells Fargo Home Mortgage office in Tacoma, Washington. The office was located in Old Town Tacoma, one of the city's wealthiest areas.

10.24.2008 - 09:13

Novemeber 22nd & 23rd: IWW Organizer Training 101: How to organize your workplace!

The Tacoma General Membership Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World is hosting a FREE two-day organizer training this November 22nd and 23rd.

This training is for anyone interested in better understanding the process and value of Unions and Union organizing. You do not have to be a member of the IWW to attend this training.
10.23.2008 - 01:26

October 23rd: Vigil For Troy Davis -- Execution Set for 10/27

Seattle: 10-23-08; 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Amnesty International Local Group 4 will be holding a candlelight vigil for Troy Davis at Westlake Plaza.
10.22.2008 - 13:13

No Double Jeopardy for Watada

A federal judge ruled Tuesday that the Army cannot try to court-martial 1st Lt. Ehren Watada a second time for his refusal to deploy to Iraq.

10.19.2008 - 17:19

VIDEO October 22nd: Downtown Olympia Annual Copwatch Tour

National Night Out Against Police Brutality (and training day for the Olympia Police)
Downtown Olympia Annual Copwatch Tour!
Please join us for an informal tour of Olympia’s downtown, guided by local Copwatch Organizer Drew Hendricks.
We begin at 6PM, at Sylvester Park. Wear Black...and consider masks – last year they took photos of people participating...
10.19.2008 - 16:07

Shelton: 13 People Detained By ICE

12-13 people were detained when they were coming out from picking salal, on the afternoon of Oct 15th. The detentions happened on Skokomish Valley Road, 5 miles in from Highway 101. The Forest Service Enforcement first stopped two vans with brush harvesters, at about 4 p.m. People at both vans had permits to harvest salal. Other vans came after them but they were not stopped. The Forest Service Enforcement held people for about 4 hours, until ICE came to take them, at about 8 pm.

10.13.2008 - 01:12

VIDEO: Report Back from SAWAC March

The Seattle Antiwar Action Coalition (SAWAC) is a diverse and democratic coalition looking to turn the massive antiwar sentiment in Seattle and the Northwest into a vibrant movement with the power to end the war. On October 11th, the Coalition organized a march and rally to get the U.S. out of Iraq and Afghanistan.
10.10.2008 - 22:15

October 25th: Seattle Veg Potluck & Anarchist Discussion + Letter Writing Party

Join us for a fun night of community building Saturday, Oct. 25th @ 7:30 PM on Capitol Hill.

Discuss current state of anarchist movement in Seattle and organize upcoming events/actions/projects such as: womyn's diy heal collective, protecting Seattle's 3 remaining urban forests, food not bombs, anarchist cafes, benefit shows/events.

10.09.2008 - 17:47

October 17th: "Farewell to the Thief!" Benefit Concert for the Backbone Campaign

A benefit concert to celebrate the release of "Farewell to the Thief!", the final CD in a 4-CD series of anti-Bush compilations produced by NYC labor activists George Mann and Julius Margolin ( ). Beside George, Jim Page, the Seattle Labor Chorus, Citizens Band and Patriot Act are scheduled to perform.
10.09.2008 - 09:00

VIDEO: Ground Noise and Static

Our goal at the DNC and RNC conventions was to cover what was happening in the streets, not to obtain passes for the scripted and superficial showcases going on inside the armored fortresses. This included a 10 to 15 minute daily video dispatch as well as blogs from each convention. The daily video dispatches are viewable on Seattle Indymedia and were also aired on television via Free Speech TV.
10.03.2008 - 20:29

October 11th: March & Rally to Get U.S. Out of Iraq and Afghanistan Now!"

DATE: Saturday, October 11
TIME: 12:00 noon

Begins at Pratt Park (20th & Yesler).
March past recruiting stations at 23rd and Jackson on
the way to Cal Anderson Park (11th & Pine).
09.30.2008 - 09:50

Class Action Alliance/Common Action General Assembly Report

On Saturday, September 13th, members of Class Action Alliance, a regional anarchist organization, traveled from across the Northwest United States to Seattle, WA, for our second general assembly. Members representing the cities of Bellingham, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia and Portland were in attendance.

09.27.2008 - 11:39

Olympia, WA: Rowdy Critical Mass Turns Into Arrest

This Friday saw one of the largest Critical Mass bike rides Olympia has seen all year. With over 80 people celebrating anti-car culture the mass blocked all lanes of traffic, chanted things like, "Car bombs, not cars!", sang songs, harassed motorists, and spit on pro-war sign holders and anti-choice sign holders. One person, towards the end of the ride, was arrested for allegedly writing an anti pro-life message on a truck belonging to the anti-choicers.
09.26.2008 - 10:00

Nicklesville --- Who owns the land?

Pink Tents at Nickelsville Nickelsville may be evicted at any moment. But on whose authority.
09.25.2008 - 04:51

City Says Homeless in Nickelsville To Be Evicted

Nickelsville is an unauthorized homeless encampment in Seattle that has recently tried to setup more permanent shelter structures due to an increase in the number of homeless. There is somewhere around 100 people living at the location right now. The City of Seattle has issued an eviction notice (.pdf) which will expired Thursday, September 25th, at 5:00PM, even though the camp is on government-issued tribal lands. The city says that it still plans to clear the area, but the people living in Nickelsville refuse to be intimidated.
09.23.2008 - 13:23


Call to Self Organize this Thursday...

It’s socialism for the rich and dog-eat-dog capitalism for the rest of us.

Let’s take it to the heart of the financial district! Gather at 4pm, this Thursday, Sept. 25th at the Washington Mutual Blg - 1301 2nd Ave, downtown Seattle.