Plug in the DISQUS comment system and bring out the best discussion on your website.

Disqus is a powerful comment system that easily enhances the discussion on websites.

In minutes, connect your community with those of over 25,000 other websites.

Track conversations across the web, plus bridge discussions with your favorite services such as FriendFeed and Plaxo.

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WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, MovableType & more

Over 25,000 websites signed up:
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What people are saying:
I now actually get angry when blogs don’t have this. They have really made blog conversation what it always should have been. I would guess my commenting is up 800% since disqus has become popular on blogs that I read. Kortina Disqus is one service that many bloggers could not go without, now that they’ve had it. Justin Baldwin I think twice now before commenting on blogs that don't use Disqus now: not sure it's worth the time if I can't easily track responses. Lindsay Donaghe I hit blogs without Disqus now and I wonder why they don't have it. Duncan Riley ...after using Disqus for a day, I can say that it's not only improved commenting, but increased the amount of comments, plus zero spam. Scott Beale