
Martha Stewart on WP

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , , | September 4th, 2008

“As my blog has grown in popularity, we realized we were ready to switch to a platform offering more programming options. After careful research, that new platform will be Wordpress, which we hope to launch tomorrow with an exciting photo gallery from my most recent trip to Mexico.” — Martha Stewart. Ms. Stewart was previously on Typepad. Hat tip: Joe Clark. (18)


Social Media Bible Podcast

Filed under: Asides | Tags: | September 2nd, 2008

The Social Media Bible Podcast interview. (2)


In Philippines

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , , | September 2nd, 2008

Landed in the Philippines a few hours ago. Looking forward to meeting WordPress users in Davao and Manila! In other news, the immigration/customs forms here are sponsored by a booze company. Smartly, though, they use carbon copy so you don’t have to write the exact same thing twice, like you do in the US. (59)


Captcha is Broken

Filed under: Asides | Tags: | August 28th, 2008

Captcha is broken - now what? The Guardian. I was quoted in today’s Guardian, which consistently has some of the best tech coverage around. (24)


SxSW 2009 Panel Vote

Filed under: Asides | August 26th, 2008

Riding the Crazyhorse: Iterative Testing and Design of WordPress. If that sounds like something you’d want to see at SxSW 2009 presented by Liz Danzico, Jane Wells, and yours truly then vote early and often. Polls close soon. (2)


Ballot Design

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , , , | August 25th, 2008

How Design Can Save Democracy. AIGA tackles election ballots. (6)


Olympians on WP

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , | August 22nd, 2008

Shawn Johnson, a gold medalist and WordPress-powered blogger. Dreamhost says “So far we haven’t had to do anything special to keep her blog up,” even though the first entry has over 1,100 comments. (Man, those things pop up everywhere now.) Any other Olympians on WP you’ve seen? (11)


MT Pro w/ Comments

Filed under: Asides, Personal | Tags: , , , | August 20th, 2008

Movable Type Pro — with Comments! The latest innovation in blogging. See the original here. :) (33)


WordCamp San Francisco 2008 Photos

Filed under: WordPress | August 18th, 2008

Adam Tow got some great photos at WordCamp. Update: Here are mine. See also:

What about mine? Not quite yet.


WordCamp SF Coverage

Filed under: Asides | Tags: , | August 16th, 2008

The best ongoing coverage of WordCamp SF I’ve seen is on ZDNet today. If you post/Flickr use the tags “wordcamp” and “wordcampsf2008″. See also: Techcrunch’s coverage. (4)