Post columnist notes accusation against protesters unfounded

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The innuendo and slander against protesters have been piled deep as the trash left by the Dems at Invesco. To date, few of the lies have been publicly challenged. There are a few exceptions, however; Denver Post Columnist Susan Greene has attempted to set the record straight concerning one false accusation. She also comments about the police state impression left on a youngster visiting Denver during the DNC.

[excerpt] "[Denver Police spokesman Sonny] Jackson — the man paid to provide accurate information — told me Tuesday that officers were getting 'spit on' by protesters. Three days later he acknowledged he 'couldn't verify' any spit 'for certain.'

"'It may have been just a rumor,' he admits."

Follow link for Greene's column:

Rolling Thunder Seeking RNC/DNC Photos and Accounts

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Rolling Thunder, the biannual journal covering anarchist activity and direct action in North America, is seeking submissions for our coverage of the protests at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. If you have access to photos or other documentation, or can write an account of your experiences, please contact us:

Blog: Insurers Will Pick Up Tab For Police Brutality in St. Paul

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At TalkLeft:

Should cities be allowed to insure themselves against claims of police brutality? The City of St. Paul agreed to host the Republican National Convention on the condition that Republican Party arranged "to buy insurance covering up to $10 million in damages and unlimited legal costs for law enforcement officials accused of brutality, violating civil rights and other misconduct." Private donations were used to purchase the insurance.

Immigrants & supporters march for immigrant rights

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News coverage by Erin Rosa can be found here:

Photos below.


After DNC/RNC, fight ICE and support immigrant rights struggle: a call to action

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After DNC/RNC, fight ICE and support immigrant rights struggle: a call to action

please read, forward widely, discuss with others, and ACT!

Recently I was talking with a friend about DNC/RNC and ICE’s (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) assault on undocumented workers. So credit for some of these ideas---and for inspiring this writing---goes to them.

Arrested Street Medic Speaks - Press Release

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by R. Westlund, and the Portland Street Medics

Street Medics Victimized by Police Brutality and Unjustified Arrests at RNC

R. Westlund - the author of this Press Release - is one of the Portland Street Medics who were arrested in Minneapolis-St. Paul this week during the Republican National Convention; is also a trained Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and eyewitness to some of the abuses and atrocities.

This Press Release includes the names of some of the arrested Street Medics and describes some of the details of the incidents from the battle zones, including Police attitudes and behavior plus the level of violence and injuries sustained by peaceful demonstrators at the DNC who were engaged in activities entirely protected by the US Constitution.

Update From The Webmaster

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Hey IMCistas,

There have been quite a few changes to the site recently that should make it better. Here's what's been going on behind the scenes at Colorado Indymedia.


Denver Post: Police detail DNC expenses

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The budget ... revealed numerous purchases by the police department that previously had been kept secret. Those expenses included $111,000 for turtle suits worn by officers for riot control, 1,800 ballistic helmets at a cost of $652,000 and $22,000 in flex cuffs as well as $22,000 in riot shields and $37,000 on riot control batons.

Please follow link:

Last Night of RNC: Police State, Protesters Locked out of City, Journalists Arrested

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When you wake up this morning and read the headlines about McCain's speech, the latest horserace tally, and political predictions, I want you to be aware of events you may not read about, events that illuminate the real state of our democracy, events that brought me to tears (and it wasn't just from the gas). I want to tell you about battle that raged on the streets of St. Paul- A battle waged by the police, backed, funded, and organized by the Department of Homeland Security, a battle against peaceful protesters, war veterans, concerned citizens, and journalists.

Angry Customers Boycott AT&T After Congress Grants Telecom Immunity

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I am not sure people really understand just what took place in Congress this summer with regard to the NSA illegal wiretapping program.

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