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  • Oceanwatcher: "@Randy - I have the same problem with Next page ending in a 404. Did you..."
  • Salim Pria: "Waw.. saya pikir yang bikin “Arthemia” orang bule sana, apa lagi..."
  • Mya Saraswaty: "I love “What If” game. It always makes brain work better,at..."
  • Finally Woken: "Why is it so important to put some label on ourselves? Is it a way to..."
  • Ronggo: "biat indonesia yang mo tanya gi mana cara seting artemia bisa masuk sini ya aku..."
  • Calvin Michel Sidjaja: "Honestly, this is one of the most classical issue among..."
  • Geoff Manning: "Hi Michael, I just dropped you a $10 paypal donation (should be from..."

Check this!

Arthemia Premium

Get the pro version of Arthemia: The Arthemia Premium. Read the side-by-side comparison here.

The Platformate Theme

Platformate: Your blog's total makeover. Available for sale now!

Latest Entries

Platformate Theme is now available. Your personal, 5-color-inclusive, neat magazine theme. Get the theme at now!

11.10.08 # No Comments – From Twitter

Do we have the ideal idealism?

Do we have the ideal idealism?

The title is rather self-explanatory. Let’s see, we are twenty-something, starting to walk through the path of an adult, learning how rough and miserable life can be, getting accustomed to conflicts in our personal life, family life, even to conflicts in things like politics, religion, and business. Furthermore, we are getting the idea of living …

Colorize your Platformate Theme!

Colorize your Platformate Theme!

Platformate Theme has just been released and made avaiable for sale a day ago. The theme is designed for you who are willing to have unique blog design, a magazine look with personal touch. In one single purchase, you get the unlimited possibility to pick and decide the color scheme of the theme. Here is …

Platformate Theme at ColorLabs Project

Platformate Theme at ColorLabs Project

Platformate is a magazine-style theme that keeps your blog personal. Have you ever wished to have a unique, one-of-a-kind design for a personal Wordpress blog? A touch of magazine block elements showing popular posts in the front page while having other posts remain as usual blog date-ordered lists? Along with automatically generated fancy thumbnails that …

1 Year blogging. Thanks to you!

1 Year blogging. Thanks to you!

You have 89 posts, 2 pages, 1 draft, contained within 8 categories and 34 tags. You have 1,921 total comments, 1,921 approved, 0 spam and 0 awaiting moderation. You are using the Platformate theme with 3 widgets. This is WordPress version 2.6.1. Akismet has protected your site from 3,595 spam comments already, but there’s nothing …

Arthemia Premium and Wordpress Localization

Arthemia Premium and Wordpress Localization

So, what about localization? Although WordPress displays in U.S. English by default, the software has the built-in capability to be used in any language. The WordPress community has already translated WordPress into many languages, and there are themes, translation files, and support available in many other languages, including for Arthemia Premium. Check this out!

Arthemia: Free versus Premium Comparison

Arthemia: Free versus Premium Comparison

For the last 3 week, I’ve been receiving many emails asking the difference between both versions of Arthemia. Some seemed to be confused, referring the free version to the premium version, and one was even trying to get the free version by purchasing the premium version! It is true that Wordpress theme reviewers out there …

Arthemia 2 was featured on Smashing Magazine! Check this out: I hope you all like the theme. Thank you!

26.08.08 # 1 Comment – From Twitter

Indonesia, Arthemia Premium Photo Credits

Indonesia, Arthemia Premium Photo Credits

Photo credit page for images published at Arthemia Premium Theme demo site. These images are used as thumbnail examples in sample posts and are licensed under the Creative Commons for commercial work. Click the picture to get to the original author.
Please welcome the magnificent Candi Borobudur, the unique traditional house of Bataks, and the one-of-a-kind …


Welcome to JUBEL and The Unessentials: a blog, portfolio, and personal website of Michael Jubel Hutagalung.

Who am I?

I am a web designer from Bandung, Indonesia. Addicted to CSS, XHTML, AJAX, and Wordpress. I'm currently available for freelance projects. Just give me a buzz and tell me what you need.

Buzz Me!