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Published as of Thursday, 05 October 2006 11:29:59 AM

Medical Examiner Reports: James Chasse was bludgeoned to death

According to Olwen, who called a short time ago to share this report, the cause of James Chasse's death is now public. All 13 of his ribs were broken, and his lung was punctured by the Portland police. After this extreme beating, which also included head trauma from officers kicking him in the head while he was on the ground, he was taken not to a hospital, but to jail. He died in the back of the squad car.

In short, like so many other people who do not conform to the Bland Consumer ideal, he was tortured to death by the Portland police death squads. And then the Grand Jury placed its obligatory seal of approval on the crime. We do not consent.

Portland IMC Newsletter for Oct. 3, 2006


Stop the Illegal Logging of Eight Mile Meadow
James Chasse: Beaten and Murdered by Police
The explosion to come

Portland CopWatch Urges D.A. Shrunk in Chasse Case

On Monday, October 2, Portland Copwatch, a grassroots organization promoting police accountability through citizen action, sent a letter to Multnomah County District Attorney Michael Schrunk urging an "aggressive and thorough" presentation of the in-police-custody death of James Chasse Jr. to the grand jury.

The jury, which meets tomorrow, will be deciding whether the officers involved in the case should be indicted on criminal charges in Chasse's death.

Portland Copwatch points out that the reports published to date imply that the officers could at least be charged with criminally negligent homicide.

Monday's Events

Monday Impeachment Flash Mobs - Help build support for Impeachment! See the smiles of beleagured and oppressed people who stand for more than fascist greed. See the purple faces of fascists as you dare to advertise for the impeachment of Der Fuhrer Bush. Two locations to pick from. One in town and one at: Fremont/Sandy/72d. The in town location is SW Broadway and Market. Usual time, Monday, 4:30 to 6:30 PM. [ read more ]

Cindy Sheehan in PDX at the Bagdad Monday 7pm - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan will be at the Bagdad Theater (SE Hawthorne Blvd) tomorrow, Monday October 2 to discuss her book "Peace Mom" at 7:00pm. Join Code Pink for a street action before this event at SE 37th and Hawthorne at 4:30pm. [ read more: 1 2 ]

Oaxaca Facing Imminent Attack

The word I have now is that there are about 5,000 men wearing army uniforms who are not army, but police, culled from other states like Vercruz and Morelia, that is to say, this is a PRI operation, not the federal troops, altho I don't know how our source explains the "naval" helicopters (maybe not?). The "police" are heavily armed, and the attack is supposed to happen around 10:00 PM Oaxaca time. The attack, code name cicloncinco, was revealed by the same person who informed our friend that there would be a drive-by shooting last night, which came true.

Update on Oaxaca

I am a student from Portland, Oregon and have taken time off for some travelling. Currently I am in Oaxaca City and will be based here for a time.

First I would like to let everyone know that the expected military attack has not yet occurred. There is still time to stop this attack.


Search for more articles about Oaxaca

Pit Bulls and Prejudice

Romeo just moved into my home. He's 5 months old, and already he's the smartest and best behaved dog I have ever met. And if it hadn't been for Rhodie, whom I met first, I would never have let Romeo into my heart. Because Romeo is a pit bull. And you know what they say about pit bulls.

Sometimes, prejudices creep in so stealthily that we don't even recognize them for what they are. Take the way a white man might react if he gets his wallet stolen. If the person who steals it is also white, he thinks some asshole stole his wallet. But if the person who stole it is black, and it's the only black person he's ever met, he might start thinking all black people must be assholes because hey, that black guy stole my wallet. Or take the way so many Americans are starting to be fearful and suspicious of Arab people. We're inundated with corporate media manipulations of our minds trying to convince us not to care that our country is bombing and killing Arabs for their oil. So, to help convince us that this is all right, in the corporate media Arab=Terrorist. As a result, without even realizing it, many people get edgy and nervous when they see an Arab man standing next to a doorway, or riding on a bus with them. They often don't even realize that this is prejudice, they think it's only logical caution. And so it is with pit bulls.

The explosion to come

Can you feel it yet? There is rumbling underground and soon there will be an explosion that will end life, as we know it---here in the good old US of A.

There are few things that I am certain of, but this one truth should be self-evident, "When the government shuts down all avenues of addressing problems; revolution is the end result."

Look back to history and you will find that the catalyst for revolution has always been a minor event, someone is shot and WW1 was the result---broken promises and the Vietnam War murdered millions. How many Americans even know why we went to war in Vietnam? When did it start, what was our reason for going to war, sacrificing 58,000 young and noble citizens? The number of Vietnamese killed was somewhere between two and three million---no one knows for sure. What did we win? What was the real cost? Did you know that in WW2 Ho Chi Minh was our ally fighting the Japanese and was promised that at the end of the war his country would be independent of France We lied and the war started when the French tried to return to Indo-China. Sound familiar? I don't want to fight the Vietnam War again, but it is important because we are doing the same thing again in Iraq.

palestine journal: september 29

ok....i'm really concerned now. first i hear the news item that congress just passed a bill suspending habeas corpus -- essentially taking away the right of a prisoner to challenge their imprisonment. this means that people can be held without charge, tortured, and essentially 'disappeared', legally, in the U.S. people who are innocent!! people who have done nothing wrong. and there will be no trial, no day in court where they can prove their innocence. and no way for them to challenge their imprisonment.

and now i hear that today the house has passed the 'warrantless wiretapping' act, and the senate is likely to soon follow. in this bill, the government can listen to anyone's phone, read anyone's email, demand records from telecom companies, and here, too, there is no legal way to appeal., i'm no legal expert (nor am i a big fan of a so-called 'democracy' built on genocide and slavery), but isn't there supposed to be something called 'checks and balances' in the american government? you know, that thing that I learned way back in grade school was 'the basis of american democracy'.

Theresa Mitchell convicted

Frequent Portland-Indy readers may recall that I reported an incident here in May, in which I was confronted by a sort of armed vigilante parking-patrol as I attempted to look in a shop window on East Burnside. One of them called my employer (because I was wearing my Tri-Met uniform between shifts)-- I bitched him out royally; then the woman said she had a gun. I attempted to provoke her to pull it (so that I could save my butt by executing a dodge-grab maneuver that I learned long ago). This frustrated the woman mightily. So they called the cops and said that they were threatened, and I left.

The "parking patrol" (actually brother and sister Bill and Judy Craine, owners of Holman's Restaurant and Bar) actually filed charges. A week or so later, I was tricked into a "meeting with my manager" and tackled at work by the Portland cops--the arresting officer was Park (yes, Taser-death Park).


related: solidarity and survival, Solidarity and survival, part two

Court Victory for FTAA Protestors

In a significant victory for constitutional rights, today, the Eleventh Circuit handed down its ruling denying qualified immunity to several officers who engaged in unlawful arrests at the demonstrations against the meetings of the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Miami, Florida, during November 2003. This ruling clears the way for the demonstrators who suffered constitutional rights deprivations to proceed with their litigation.

The case, Killmon, et al. v. City of Miami, et al., was brought to challenge the widespread assault on the civil rights and civil liberties of protestors during the demonstrations, including challenging the so-called "Miami model," a deliberate and coordinated effort by over 40 local, state and federal authorities to engaging in silence dissent and engage in widespread political profiling, and swept the streets of anyone viewed as being an anti-FTAA activist, effectively suspending the Fourth Amendment in the city for ten days using excessive force and unlawfully arresting hundreds of people engaging in lawful political protest.

"Houston with Hills" once again Demonstrates Its Lack of Urban Vision

Alone among major US cities, Seattle embarks on a pro-freeway transport policy that would do the late Robert Moses proud.

People often talk about how Seattle has some sort of abnormally high commitment to urban livability and ecological values. I say: money talks, bullshit walks.

A textbook example of this disconnect between perception and ugly reality is to be found in the probable approval of an absolutely wretched freeway-construction proposal by the Seattle City Council today. With the exception of Houston, TX, Seattle is about the only major American city I can think of with a public consensus in favor of major new freeway construction.

Protester Arrested at U.S. Capitol Asks: What About the First Amendment?

A rally against the Iraqi War at the U.S. Capitol, on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, led to the arrests of 71 protesters by the police, according to a spokesperson for one of the organizers. The passionate demonstration was co-promoted by the "National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance" (NCNR) and the "Declaration of Peace" organizations. These conscience-driven advocacy groups, antiwar and/or religious based, endorse the laudable principle of nonviolent resistance to and noncooperation with "the U.S. government, the military, the corporate merchants of war, and all institutions that feed" the War, Mayhem and Death Machine of the Halliburton-challenged and Big-Oil-oriented Bush-Cheney Gang. The specific focus of the activists today was on pressuring the U.S. Congress to "develop a comprehensive and rapid peace plan" for ending the Iraqi conflict and for bringing the troops home.

One of the protesters arrested was Max Obuszewski of Baltimore. He's with the NCNR. He demanded to know from the police before being cuffed by them: "What about the First Amendment?" Obuszewski, with eleven other activists, was arrested on the west side of the Capitol for trying to deliver a symbolic coffin to the U.S. Congress. As they were carrying the coffin along the sidewalk, the activists were yelling out slogans like: "This is what democracy looks like!" "We demand an end to the occupation of Iraq!" "No more killing!" "No more war!""We are not afraid!" and "No more war in the name of 9/11!" Prior to the start of today's event, Obuszewski told me: "We want to bring the war home to the Congress. Unless you cut off the funding, the war is going to continue. More money for the war means more dead U.S. soldiers and more dead Iraqis. We are taking this coffin to the Capitol because they [the Congress] are the people responsible for all the deaths."

New Content on PDX IMC Web Radio

On September 14, 2006 Michael Shuman gave a presentation in Portland, Ore. sponsored by the Sustainable Business Network of Portland and the Northwest Earth Institute. Michael Shuman, an attorney and economist, is vice president for enterprise development for the Training & Development Corporation (TDC). He has written, co-written, or edited six books, including Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in the Global Age, and, most recently, The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses Are Beating the Global Competition. He is currently on the Board of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies also known as (BALLE).

Following his presentation, I had the honor of speaking with Mr. Shuman on September 26, 2006 - stay tuned afterwards to hear that interview.


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