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Top Democrats Privately Urging Major Donors To Fund Outside Groups To Attack McCain

In a sign of just how nervous senior Democrats are about Barack Obama's situation, top Democratic Party operatives are privately urging the party's major donors to get serious about putting big money into outside groups looking to attack John McCain in key battleground states.

Several senior Democratic strategists unaffiliated with Obama's campaign convened a private conference call late last week with at least four dozen of the party's most prolific donors to progressive causes and outside groups -- a call designed to instill a sense among donors that things are "pretty damn urgent" right now, one of the organizers of the call tells me.

The call is yet another sign that donors and outside operatives -- who had earlier gotten the message from Obama that he doesn't want such activity -- now recognize that Team Obama is privately hoping for such efforts to gear up in earnest.

On the call, Stan Greenberg, who did polling for Bill Clinton in 1992 and now partners with James Carville to run the Dem polling firm Democracy Corps, gave a presentation to the donors that painted a somewhat bleak picture of the struggles Obama is having with aging white women in battleground states.

Greenberg and other Dem operatives on the call discussed various messages to target this constituency, and batted around various ideas for contrast ads that could be used to pull these voters away from McCain and to Obama. Also on the call: Anna Greenberg, Stan's daughter and a leading Dem operative in her own right. The Greenbergs couldn't immediately be reached.

"The call was organized to let donors know that things are pretty serious and that if something is going to happen, it needs to happen fast," Dem operative Mike Lux, president of the Dem firm Progressive Strategies and one of the call's organizers, tells me.

"The message was that it's pretty damn urgent," continued Lux, who played a key role in raising money for outside groups in 2004. "We said we think that dramatic things need to happen."

Sources familiar with the call say there were more than 50 major donors or their reps on the call, most if not all of whom have a history of writing six-figure checks to Dem party committees or outside efforts.

Interestingly, there's little talk right now of forming a new vehicle for such ad spending. Instead, the Dem operatives on the call urged donors to seriously consider putting big money into existing groups that are starting to organize or advertise in key states.

Among them: Working America, a labor-backed group which has hundreds of thousands of members in Ohio and other industrial states, Planned Parenthood, the Association for Retired Americans, Women's Voices Women's Votes, and other such organizations.

One outstanding question -- will the billionaires who bankrolled such efforts four years ago, such as George Soros and Steve Bing, put serious cash into the race this time around?

According to Lux, donors on the call seemed to grasp the sense of urgency. "Judging from the feedback we got on the call," he said, "the donors are serious about this and realize the importance of all this and that they need to do something sooner rather than later."

Comments (247)

Where is Liddy Leadbetter? Why isn't she in an ad? Put her in an ad. Run that ad. Reap the rewards of that ad.

who the hell is libby?
McCain Camp, Tina Fey is SEXIST!!!


I think they meant Lilly... check this out:


and this:


thanks, yeah definitely hire her

The Atlantic’s Cover, McCain Photos You Won’t See


Who is liddy leadbetter?


If only Obama would heed the words of these out of work Democratic Strategist....


Exactly, Publicola. Those folks listed in the article are on the outside, still not fully comprehending what Obama is up to, because he's not running a conventional campaign.

This ship is turning around. The media is now collectively writing all those McCain-is-a-Liar ads that worry-warts have been bellowing for; McCain's gaffe today and the polls; $66 million raised last month . . . and (yes, I believe), all those folks who have registered as Democrats that aren't (yet) showing up in polling: all signs that we'll be okay.

Problem is he is not interested in telling anyone else.


The thing about strategies is, they tend to work better if your opponent doesn't know too much about them.

Besides: The party Powers That Be have been told--there are regular meetings between his campaign and the party leadership; it's not Obama's fault if they haven't bought into it yet.


I'll just say also that I'm not at all privy to campaign stuff; but all one has to do is look at how the primaries played out, how Obama basically came out of snowball's-chance-in-hell territory to defeat Clinton by looking down the road at the long term and out-working her and everyone else in the meantime.

Sure, I wish Obama were up by 20 points. But on the other hand, it's clear to me that this guy knows exactly what he's doing.


Well that's sorta that point of the strategy, isn't it?

It's not much of a stealth game if he's telling everybody what's going.


Hey, John, he's getting his ass handed to him in his hat right now, all because he' a control freak. It's not about an "unconventional campaign," it's about a top-down, too-hands-on campaign.

"Control freak" observation courtesy Scholars and Rogues.


Those folks listed in the article are on the outside, still not fully comprehending what Obama is up to, because he's not running a conventional campaign.

I think you're not fully comprehending what Obama is up to. He announced about a week ago that he was no longer requesting that 527's stay out of the election and would say nothing if they made ads. The senior democrats are most likely responding to that, maybe even a private request from obama and doing exactly what he wants them to do. I expected something like this when he announced he had changed his mind about the 527's.

Oh my God!

I thought they stopped distributing the Kool Aid once he won the nomination, but I guess not. This kind of thinking is preposterous.


"If only Obama would heed the words of these out of work Democratic Strategist...."

That's what I was thinking, plus does anyone NOT think that James Carville is a complete idiot?


Bay doesn't.


Are there instructions on how to get an avatar? I'm tired of being a blank but don't know what to do. Thanks!


I like not having a photo!

Anyhow, I think its here:
You upload a picture from your system there.

Go to your profile. There's a place for a picture.

You can use one you already have. Or download from the web.

Simple as that!

And McCain is hitting back already:

McCain camp accuses Obama camp of "swift boat" attack

Fox news attacks "Swift Boat" style attack on McCain

Given the banking situation, this might have a 24 hour shelf life outside of FOX.

Let them whine. Right now, no one else cares.


I think that having McCain whine about how mean the Democrats are being is a positive...first, because it puts him and his campaign on the defensive, and also because it raises a high stink of hypocrisy that pretty much anyone outside the koolaid drinking base will recognize.

Their campaign is built upon two linked strategies:

Lie and Cry (wolf). This is the crying part. But both are forms of lying.

I undertand what you're saying and understand on most levels, you're right. But this is a pretty tame and mostly lame ad. You watch it, and it's kinda like so nu? I think, other than the maniacs who want candidates to wear flag pins on both lapels and spout flags from all their orifaces, this won't light any fires. Most people, even if they don't agree, will think the guy seems like a nice enough old duffer, even if he is batshit wrong.

And I don't think the republican 527's (or the McCain campaign for that matter) need anybody's permission to spew garbage.

Don't know how this showed up here. Meant it for down below where the breastbeating over this ad begins.

When a democrat loses to a republican for being too aggressive wake me

Ever heard of Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton?


Ah yes, Manchurian McCain. Listen up, John, I've got 52 red queens right here and you know what they're saying? Take a bottle of whiskey and some Ambien and go for a stroll around town telling everyone what you really think of them.


Lets go, Dems in Ohio, PA and MI need to come home. Thats all we need. Obama has done tremedous job considering he started from zero, but the Dem Party hasnt lived up to its mantle. Obama can beat McCain but the Dem Party is not beating GOP!


Well, that's not very comforting.

O-B will win even without such a major outside effort, but it'd be hella easier to do it with a well funded, well crafted chorus from these groups about what a disaster M-P really are.

Sheesh, those aging white women probably either remember the Great Depression or grew up learning about it. Brand McCain as Herbert Hoover. If the brain dead Democrats would stop running away from their history and start reminding people of who got us into the last Depression and who got us out of it they might win an election.

Why stop at Hoover? I'd go for Caligula!


aw, poor republicans. it's just so unfair, isn't it? i believe i've finally found the whiners phil gramm was talking about.

seriously, this is like the bully complaining when his victim finally hits back. suck it up, pansies.

oh, and remember: "you just have to keep your sense of humor, hehehe."

I'm glad someone's finally doing it.

Being nice gets you second place and a book deal, Barack. If you want the Presidency, it's time to get mean.


Forget Palin, forget the polls, forget Biden, nothing matters until after the first debate. Everything is even right now.

Obama needs to come out and condemn this stuff. the POW ad is ridiculous and should be slammed. it gives McCainCo a perfect distraction (after trying the "he can't email because he was a POW" shiny object).

Obama can't cry and moan when the original swiftboaters start swinging back with Rev Wright, and this kind of stuff will only rally the GOP big money men to their own 527 causes.

These democratic operatives are ruining everything. They are on the outside, they don't know anything. Carville is a Clintonista trying to ruin Obama's campaign.

I mean the last week was all about McCain being a liar, and this week was going to be about the economy, and now you have this kind of garbage sprouting up.

I want to kick all these fools right in their teeth.

I have to agree. For many of the undecideds (and that's who is important in these discussions) there is no separation between the 527s and the campaigns. I think of how this guy's attack plays in southern Ohio. My guess, not very well.

I think it would be wise to be very discreet, maybe just include a statement at the end of a press release or something.

It is likely to just blow over, so there is no need to drag any more attention to it.

This shouldn't be about attacking McCain for sake of drawing of blood but focusing on the issue -- health care, jobs, environment, reproduction rights, etc. Except for foreign policy, Obama is stronger in them all.

I should add when I say stronger, I mean he polls stronger than McCain. I think Obama's foreign policy approach rocks.

Anybody supporting this 527 garbage is anti-Obama. It's as simple as that. This is going to kill him in the polls, it's going to take him off his economic attack message and will give the networks something else to talk about that McCain's lying.

I have little doubt these folks don't want Obama to win. I wish I could spit in each of their faces.

I'm confused....I thought there were several articles out last week claiming that Obama had been giving signals to these 527s to go forward. What leads you to believe that this isn't part of that effort?

What signals, a wink and a nod during rallies? How is this stuff going to allow the campaign to try and stay on message hammering McCain on the economy?

This is a disaster. This might seem like bringing a gun to a knife fight, but not when the guy with the knife can pull out an even bigger gun.

What "economic attack message?"

Surely you jest!

You know how Obama waited for McCain to go negative first, so he could counter-punch negative? Well now that these Democrat 527 douchebags threw the first 527 punch, the GOP 527's can come in spewing their garbage and it's all fair game because these ignorant pukes opened the door.

If its planned parenthood talking about the issues in a mature way and not a slime attack then Obama is okay.

Not all "527s" are the same.

Did you miss the 527 Ayers ad a few weeks ago?

And it was swatted away and linked to McCain by the Obama camp remember? So then McCain can start linking all of these 527's to Obama and gets Obama off his tight message control.

My point was that these "Democrat 527 douchebags" did not "throw the first 527 punch."

It was a pretty lame attempt that Obama fought off, with many stations not airing it.

Quality of the ads was not the point you were making. You said since the Dem 527s struck first it opened the gate for GOP ones to go full force. That's simply not true.

By your rationale, since the GOP 527s hit first with the Ayers ad, then the Dems have every right to hit back. Just like Obama waited for McCain to go negative first.

I know what point I was making. And even if you want to say the Ayers ad was the first official volley in the 527 battles, Obama seems to be urging an overkill response.

Little Johnny kicked me in the shin, so I beat him about the head and neck with a lead pipe.

And even if you want to say the Ayers ad was the first official volley in the 527 battles, Obama seems to be urging an overkill response.

It was! Or, the Vets for Freedom one was.

In either case, to say that the Dems 527 struck first is simply false.


Not to mention the Vets for Freedom 527 ads that came out in May:


This is far from the first 527 ad this election.


Slap yourself. Please.

You're sitting there freaking out about what a disaster this is, but you're forgetting that all the rich Republicans have announced they will not be funding 527s this year.

This is a blip. Let McCain's Boys whine all they want. they're just pissy because they don't have the 527 clout that Bush had, and they realize they're about to get hammered from every angle.

Am I wrong, or weren't you one of the people here saying Obama wasn't playing tough enough for you? Well, now he is.

Buck up, dude. Seriously.

Right Jonze. The Repubs wouldn't have run those ads if Obama didn't air his own 527s. They've been running an underhanded sleazy campaign the last two months.

The Repubs wouldn't be doing the negative ads had Obama agreed to the town hall meetings.

Organize the troops, nothing wrong with that. You would be handicapping yourself not having those 527's available. I would just say use them wisely. Fire when fired upon, McCain will come with the lies, be ready to combat and fire back with the truth heavier and harder. Hit his plane again.

Greg, this article in no way explains how Obama is involved in this at all.

A less savvy observer would just conclude that Carville and the other cretins are looking to make some money and bash Republican heads in.


Earlier reports show the Obama campaign have been enlisting the help of 527s. I can certainly understand the concern among veteran democratic strategists about the state of the campaign. But people are underestimating the amount of new registered voters and the Obama teams elaborate GOTV effort.

- now recognize that Team Obama is privately hoping for such efforts to gear up in earnest.

Says who? How do they know this? How do you know this?

If this becomes a 527 war, McCain is going to win the election and everybody giddy about this and donating money will be to blame.

I'm sorry, Jonze, but what makes you think that the Republicans weren't going to run 527 ads anyway? Do you truly think that they need the moral cover of saying Obama did it first?" They could give a crap.

The press will rap them on the wrist, McCain will deny any affiliation, and then everyone will move on. The same thing happened with McCain and his negative advertising...there were a couple stories in the press, his positives lost a few points, but Obama took the biggest hit.

] If this becomes a 527 war, McCain is going to win the election and everybody giddy about this and donating money will be to blame.

What a doughy pant load. Politics is a contact sport and McCain is playing to win regardless the lies he's telling and his honor be damned.

Obama needs to go for the jugular and now. Especially given today's events. Tie his ass to Phil Gramm and spill both their guts.

No. You are wrong, Jonze.

T. Boone Pickens - Mr. Swift boat himself - has already said he will not fund 527s this year.

McCain is at a disadvantage here. The GOP 527 is not that into him, period.

Besides, what are these Republican 527s you're so scared of going to hit Obama with? Ayers? Been done. Wright? Old News, beaten to death in the primaries.

What have they got that you're so fucking afraid of?

I hate Greg for even reporting on this.

If this conference call happened with these people, then its news. It should be reported.

I completely understand that, I'm just fuming is all.

I'm not a big-money dude or particularly savvy when it comes to politics, but it seems to me the big money should sit on its wallet or give the money directly to Obama, at least for now. McCain is busy attacking himself by running a sleazy, dishonest campaign and his VP pick's popularity is rapidly showing signs of diminishing. Let's not start slinging mud until we have to, gang. So far, we've been on the high road and that's a good way to start the Obama Years.

I'd rather see big money go to Congressional races to make sure we get every seat possible for Obama's presidency.


I'm not interested in moral victories. Let's run the ads and win. End of discussion.

Obama was winning. Why shuffle the deck when you are winning?


winning what? new york and california?

Agreed Jonze, his lead was gone and McCain's attacks were/are working. Let's not run any more Kerry-Gore campaigns. Let's WIN

I am interested in a moral victory. As Biden said in his hard-hitting but above the belt attack, it might eek out a victory in the election, but leaves you unable to govern a country indivisible.

It's about winning with integrity and the ability to govern this country as it teeters, seriously teeters, on imploding.

I understand what you're saying about a "moral victory".

As long as the 527s aren't below the belt, then I'm all for them. I think the Planned Parenthood ad was fantastic. I'd like to see them do another one talking about Palin and the rape kits.

The Planned Parenthood ad rocked. Get that some few million dollars in tv ads.

Then, acamus, you have to be prepared for this country to get only what it deserves and no better. It's not true that only cream rises to the top. So does scum.

We;ll have to wait and see.

What people tend to forget is that it wasn't so much the content of the attacks in the swiftboat ads that did Kerry in, but his response. In 2004, at a time of war against terrorism still in many minds, he was seen as weak and indecisive. He came back to basically bring it to a tie. I don't fear that with Obama and Biden right now.


I mean, I realize that Obama wanted to have a different campaign, but I say let the motherfucking 527's rip on that old lying son of a bitch pimp and his alaskan whore.

was I thinking out loud?
Anyways, 527's just do it.


Jesus. People here were afraid that Obama doesn't fight back and moaned about it for weeks on end.

Now he starts fighting back and taking advantage of oppotunities that will help him strip the bark off of McCain, and they moan about that.

Pick a side and stay there, goddamnit. Either you want him to fight or you don't.


The "aging white women" worry doesn't make sense to me. The Women's Lib movement was very strong in the late 60's and early 70's and my guess is that the majority of women born before, say, 1950, are either (like me) the kind of feminist who would never vote for Palin/McCain or a person who votes Republican no matter what. I realize this means there's something screwy going on with the poll demographics.

Someone's having a conniption.


Palin's shine is starting to diminish and Obama and Biden are recapturing the headlines.

527s never benefits the democrats, because the MSM and rethugs will start snaring. But if the dems can pull of this time, well, then i am all for it.

Yeah, we're FINALLY getting something of a fair shake from the MSM and why? Because McCain is fighting so dirty and dishonest. Sure, if the 527's could be kept clean and above the belt, issue-oriented and all that, great. But 527's are just that, independent and likely to be emotionally drive. I still say give the money to Obama and to Democratic congressional candidates in close elections.

Damn straight. You all driving me to drink. I don't think I'm going to make it through the night.

I wish this POW ad didn't happen. It's only a thing that resonates with those already on Obama's side. But if the money goes to orgs like Planned Parenthood, then it might not be so bad as a bunch of slime ads that will drag Obama off message.



The Conservative 527s smeared John Kerry( a war hero) in 2004. Why should it be any different with McLame? U think if given the opportunity McCain's 527s won't slime Obama? And by the way there are conservative groups who even accused McCain of war crimes.


Oh noes!!!!1!11!!

Save us Hassan Nemazee and Stan Greenberg!!21!!1!

Where would Obama be right now without the BigMoney Dem donors anyway!?! Perhaps we should bring in Mark Penn just to make sure? He knows how to reach those "aging white women in battleground states" after all.

The sky is falling!!!1


I had the same thought. Who the heck came up with the headline "top Dems"? How about, top Dem consultants who would like to be paid for consulting and producing ads?

There are some things I think Obama should be doing, especially on the tax issue that McCain is pushing (lying about, of course, but still, to great effect).

But unleashing unguided missiles from 527s is probably not high on my list of the most likely helpful strategies. I thought the SEIU ad was good, and I plan to support it.

My only hope here is that the Obama Camp knows a big Swiftboat campaign is coming (which rumors are it is) and wants to muddy the waters so much with utter garbage that it doesn't have the effect the stand alone swiftboaters did in 2004.

If it is seen as a counterpunch, and is out in commercial land with many dem 527's, all will become almost like white noise to the voters, and they'll shut it all out and focus on the issues, the debates and maybe the candidates official ads.

I think this is probably the way it will play out. How much have we alredy heard of Ayres and Rezko. And all Obama needs is one of these to truly cross the boundary into open racism and he'll be the winner. That is what the McCain camp fears.

You mean open racism ala Bush Senior's Willie Horton ad? Or open racism ala Bob Corker's ad against Harold Ford? Please. There's no backlash against open racism.


I dont think so. This smells like an intentional Obama campaign 'leak.' Seizing on 10 days of underdog polling, letting something slip that 'it is really urgent' and that major donors are 'really really worried' to get McCain in a posture of overreaching once more and pressing the kind of attacks he has been on since the Republican convention. I don't think any of them are worried. T'hey are flush with cash, and these ads are already in the can because the 527's have been chafing at the bit for weeks and weeks for the high sign to 'go.'

I'm with you. Just like they let the other side think they were running out of money a couple weeks back...

I don't trust the polls anyway. a pollster has never called my cell phone, and I doubt the young and new voters are getting calls on their's.

much ado about nothing. I just want to see the 527's hit mcCookoo with his own words and ads.

I had a listed landline for years and years, through the 2004 election... was never called once.

However I think these polls are reasonably accurate about how people are thinking, if not what the actual turnout will be, so this news about outside groups starting up their own ads is good news for Obama, if not too late


also, you might be interested in some of the independent ads that have been aired since Obama gave the thumbs up for 527's to start airing them. One of them was developed by cartwrightdale at DKOS and is as good an ad as you will see:


Not all 527 ads are 'Swiftboats' you know. I liked this one enough I gave a donation to get it on the air in Ohio.

As I stated up thread, something that tends to get lost in the discussion about Kerry and the effectiveness of the swiftboad ads, wasn't that the ads made some compelling attack that in and of itself switched people's vote, but Kerry's response to the ads was viewed as weak and indecisive. This response played into a meme alreay out there, and Kerry was never quite able to recover.

That's just my opinion of course.

You're right. I remember screaming at my television, "Get mad, you dumb sonofabitch!!"


This need to chase the "white women" is in large measure caused by a racial issue. Regrettably, no one will ever be able to prove it.

I also don't trust the polls: how can we get anything meaningful about voters' preferences when they're asked, "if the election were held today, who would you vote for?"

The question should be, "who do you intend to vote for in November?"

This would only prove the large undecided voter population and no one in the media, the pollster biggest customers, would want to deal with the elements of a horse race.

Just got this via email. The donations are helping and her numbers are dropping. They are asking for all help. As of today:

Sarah Palin's glossy finish is starting to wear thin.

Last Thursday, Sarah Palin was on her third straight day of enjoying a 52% favorable / 35% unfavorable rating, but according to daily tracking polls, that 17-point net positive rating has dropped every day since then. And today, she's down to a meager 4-point net positive (47% favorable / 43% unfavorable) -- definitively worse than any other candidate in the race (Obama, McCain or Biden). Her slide can be seen in McCain's favorability as well, where his net positive number has fallen from +13 to +6 in the same time span.

Thanks for the update. McCain/Palin hit their highwater mark a few days ago. A nice and well-deserved downward trend from here on out.

I'm coming in off the ledge. I still don't like it, but if the Obama camp really is giving the nod and wink, then I'll have to trust them here.

Maybe this talk is to put McCain on notice that he better call off the swiftboaters campaign or it's going to get ugly.

How can Obama condemn the Ayers Ad and the Corsi Book and then call a 527 free-for-all?

Is this coming from the Obama/Clinton powwow? Is Obama outflanking McCain here with an army that they didn't know was there and didn't see coming?

Maybe Obama's plan of keeping the GOP base unmotivated failed with Palin's selection as VP, and now realizing that the GOP base is rallied, figures bringing the Clinton's out will have no negative effect (of rallying the GOP base) and might motivate the Dems to man the barricades.

If everybody votes, if there was 100% turnout the Dems would win.


Jonze, I think Obama had it in mind all along. the 527's were held back because he wanted to have message control while he was the decisive front-runner. A front-runner has to be very careful of not appearing mean and beating on the underdog, and the front-runner also gets a whole lot more negative press, as we have seen. Obama has been the front-runner over McCain since his nomination. It would be counterproductive to run a slew of independent ads while Obama was comfortably 6 points ahead with 301 EV's in the state by state polls.

Now - he has been behind (not by a lot, but how much doesnt matter) for 10 days or so, and McCain has exceeded all historical precedent in lying about him. NOW the gloves can come off, and no one in the media will fault Obama for it. He is a) the underdog now and b) McCain has been hitting so far below the belt that he is justified. Now is the time to let the dogs loose.

Also, just because they are independents does not mean the Obama campaign has no control of them. For all we know, Axelrod is screening em all.

That would make him a very very hypocritical person and essentially a liar though, wouldn't it

But that's exactly when the gloves don't have to come off: when McCain is making himself look so bad that even the MSM is piling on, calling him on his bullshit. That's the best time for Obama to lay back, not attack.


Not legal to coordinate like this, I believe.


Good good good.

Here is a clever youtube vid of an "Obama Campaign Headquarters" combined with Les Miserables "One More Day" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3ijYVyhnn0

To the barricades!!

I love that every single time I see it! I've seen that more than any other Obama video.

It's preposterous to claim that they are doing this because Obama's people want them to do it. They're doing it because Obama is taking the road to defeat with his "high-minded" refusal to fight the enemy. He has never been in a general election contest with a viable Republican opponent of any kind. Many of us pointed out his naivete and inexperience a long, long time ago but were ignored. Now the chickens are coming home to roost, Obama is wimping out and failing and needs to be rescued.

Using the polls, which is all anyone has to go on at this point, it is tied, with Obama owning the edge in the electoral election. The numbers in the last few days say anything but fading. In fact it indicates that McCain is fading.

If you really think it's a good idea to allow another skin of the teeth election outcome and think they won't steal this one too I think it's time you took another look at the reality of our present day politics.

McCain has only begun to sling mud and Obama has barely even thrown one punch and doesn't seem interested in throwing too many more. If he doesn't face up to the situation and start fighting he's going to lose this fight. There is a reason we use military metaphors in political campaigns. It's all about defeating your opponent, not outscoring them in the electoral college. Yes, one must win the electoral college but the easy way to do so is by beating the other guy soundly not by the hair of one's chinny, chin, chin.

Oh, bullshit.

'Refusal to fight.' 'Wimping out and failing.'

what campaign have you been watching for the past 2 weeks? It sure as hell ain't Obama/Biden.

I think there is an interesting connection to be made between this post, the purported meeting last week and Markos's call to arms on DailyKos.

I think it's pretty clear that there is a blog/media/campaign connection and some kind of coordination going on. That's fine.

The question about 527s role cannot be separated from the question of what's Obama most important priority now, to take down McCain or to focus on his own message.

From pure campaigning point of view, it would be distracting and costly for him to swiftboat McCain/Palin by himself. I think he already wasted a week trying and it's just stupid and counterproductive. He needs to rejuvenate his appeal and regenerate excitement about his candidacy. Economy is a great way to do it.

If he outsources this to 527s, then at least there is some cover that it's not coming from him. That allows him to achieve both objectives.

I suspect this is the real reason, intent and strategy behind Josh Marshall's weeks long mad descent into bloviating about moral fitness, Markos's plea and that meeting. That's fine too.

The question is whether this is going to be effective.

For McCain, the worst case scenario is that his negatives start growing through the roof and he won't be able to counter-attack continously without getting off message and image.

On the other hand, the best case scenario for McCain is that he can link these 527s directly to Obama the person and brand him a bitter partisan celebrity. That allows him to use turn these attacks to his advantage.

Personally, I think the big question is the potential gain and loss over this. I can see a huge risk, alternatively I can see a modest gain (McCain's negatives).

At this point it is hard to say what would be the most political expedient path. The thing about Obama is that he tried to run, much to the chagrin of many, an above the fray campaign. I don't think he's going to change that.

Both Biden and Obama showed today they can go on the attack without getting sleazy.

If something like the POW ad released today gets any traction, Obama will, for lack of better phrase, throw it under the bus.

It will be difficult to connect these to Obama with the undecideds since for most of them, they are not they engrossed as those on these sites are.



Now show him what he won!


See my post below, linking to a blog I wrote yesterday. The main point being is there's no "off-message" for McCain to go to. His one and only message thus far has been "everything's great, except that guy Obama is a sleazy SOB." It's too late for to revive the "honor and integrity" BS.

I disagree with you completely.

Partisans from both parties decided how they will vote, clearly. So both of them are campaigning for the swing vote and the pockets of weakness in opponents base (gun clingers, etc).

So I don't think it's smart to assume that McCain is talking to you and/or me when he's on the stump. We need to evaluate his stumping from the perspective of the independents.

I think he's trying to emulate Reagan with his unshakable belief in America's greatness and he's not really spending any considerable amount of time talking about Obama, rather injecting small jabs here and there.

So its kind of irrelevant what Democrats think because they will never vote for him. He's peforming for other groups.

McCain's mistake is that he doesn't have the political skills to sell his own version of "morning in America." The "original reforms" bringing change is second rate in comparison both in content and delivery.

Well, i agree that he's a very poor version of Reagan. But you know, while Reagan was looking good on screen, McCain was ...eh... tied up?

Jokes aside, I actually think he's doing a pretty good job as far as getting heard by independents. His speech was noticed and very much liked (even while it was predicably hated by Dems mostly because of the delivery).

I would agree that it was received well by a number of independents, but I would say that it didn't have any resonance. Dems are still saying "enough." What are Repubs still saying? "lipstick." As long as McCain is actually talking to them, he can effective, but a few days later it was "did he say something." That is if "drill baby drill" doesn't rock your world.

Oh, you mean there's no catch-phrase or hook or something to capture the message? Yeah, I agree completely with that.

He's trying to wrestle "Change" away from Obama but I honestly don't see how that's possible this late in the game.

Personally, I think his biography and his record and the choice of Palin helps him a great deal - again, if we agree that the target is independents and fence-sitters.

But it's no secret that McCain has no choice but to rely on the "elderly" fireside-chat style of delivery - he can't fire up the crowd like Obama. That's why he wanted so desperately to do these townhalls.

And that's partly why I thought it was necessary to go after Palin the last week or two (and according to KOS/Research 2000 she's gone from +17 to +4 in the last week).

Bush 95% of the time is a pretty strong and factual rebuttal for their new "change" motto. And pretty much every ad, from the lobbyist ones to the "dishonorable" one has some variation of that in there.

And considering Obama and campaign specifically linked the Ayers attack ad to the McCain Campaign, I don't think there is any way Obama can seperate himself from these groups or ads.

He's going to lose the high ground that the media was slowing coming around to making a daily talking point.

Maybe. Usually it takes a while for the negatives to go up and they creep up, not jump. Given how little time is left I'm not so sure.

But on the other hand - who knows. Maybe there is something out there that, despite the established stereotype, will convince people that McCain is indeed a sick Evil lunatic. Maybe they know something we don't know. Or maybe they just think they can do it.


If any of you are interested, I wrote a post about this just yesterday, here. Jonze, calm down, Mary. This is part of the grand strategy, and it's a good one.

Those of you who bother to read my blog from yesterday, if you agree, you might give it a rec'd (hint, hint). This post by Greg Sargent bears out at least part of what I had predicted.

I wish you guys would stop thinking that somehow Obama is running a different type of campaign.

Everyone is worried; I do not dismiss polls by saying "Oh, that' a Repug org," or "They aren't counting the new voters"

Look at the overall trend lines - the situation is serious and urgent.

Obama is not infallible; he has never run a campaign against a credible Republican opponent.

Overall trend lines are rather irrelevant in general election politics. It's all tied up and anything goes. Where things were two weeks ago, two months ago don't matter one spit.

Yet there is a difference between being focus because one understands that things are serious and urgent, and being panicked becaused one understands that things are serious and urgent.

To ignore the internals and methodology the of the polls about which you're panicking seems to be sort of silly.

But it is the silly season.

Obama spokesman Bill Burton on reports that they've turned the dogs loose:

"Whoever is saying that has no idea what is going on inside our campaign," he said.

He's right.  They do have no idea.  But he didn't say they were wrong.H!Gnbsp

What's H!Gnbsp ?

Fat fingers.

Today was a great day for Obama. A real game-changer IMO.

Of course the economic meltdown is terrible news, but Obama AND Biden have been brilliant, while McLame was, well, lame with his "the fundamentals of the economy are strong..." comment. Even his backpedaling hasn't worked.

And Palin? She looked out of her league.

You wait. I predict a poll-boost for Obama. Even in battleground states.

That said, yeah! to the rich donors! Bring it on!

I am surprised we didn't get an ad today highlighting McCain's comment.

It took them all of 3 hours to get an ad out with the houses gaffe.

I'm thinking that they've been so good at letting things simmer... letting the press go after him, letting people figure out for themselves.... Then the Obama folks put out their ad. And WHAM!

The houses thing was different. That was putting out the word.

But this economy thing. Anyone paying attention could see that the view of mcShame was not the word going around all over the web and the tv and wherever nervous people huddled together. I think they can let that one simmer. People thinking for themselves... not seeing mcShame's comment as reality at all.

Possibly. Because I'm also still waiting on the Western Water Pact ad for Colorado. But I guess maybe he's keep that one in his back pocket for later in the game. Keep in close in CO until the last week or two and then drop that bomb.


Hey, Greg and the TPM Team:

What's with running the series of "oh noes" chicken little stories. I'd almost think you were stuck in a narrative of Obama getting his ass handed to him and invested in it.

As mama stacy mentioned, today was a great day for Obama, but its been nothing but sky-falling stories.

How about the hard left-hook punch Obama threw today in the form of the "Honor" ad. He's attacking McCain's core, his integrity, in a way everyone was howling for. And the timing was perfect, as McCain is damaging himself with his lies and building up an MSM image as "lyin' McCain and his veep". You put up every smear ad McCain runs, so what's up?

How about the fact that on a day of an economic meltdown, which Greenspan calls once-a-century, that Biden went at McCain for his "the fundamentals are strong" b.s.

I don't usually complain about the refs, as Obama says, but c'mon!


McCain Campaign announces Palin will not meet with Troopergate Investigator because investigation is "Tainted."

What a surprise. Up next, Todd moves to quash subpoena.


My understanding was that Palin herself did not receive a subpoena because she was expected to cooperate with the investigation. Any chance she gets one now?

by kos Mon Sep 15, 2008 at 11:16:23 AM PDT

Here are Sarah Palin's daily approval numbers from the Daily Kos/Research 2000 tracking poll:

Approve Disapprove No Opinion
9/11: 52 35 13 +17
9/12: 51 37 12 +14
9/13: 49 40 11 +9
9/14: 47 42 11 +5
9/15: 47 43 10 +4

In the span of five days, Palin has gone from +17 to +4 -- a statistically significant shift. This includes the Gibson interview as well as the media's sudden focus late last week on the Palin/McCain lies. In comparison, Biden is at 48/32/20, Obama is at 54/38/8, and McCain is at 51/45/4.

So Palin may not be the least popular of the four -- McCain is, but she is certainly the least liked of the four candidates, and given that both Obama and Biden are at +16 favorability, McCain's +6 and and Palin's +4 point to a fundamental weakness that will likely play a role moving forward.

How about McCain in that time period?

Approve Disapprove No Opinion
9/11: 55 44 1 +11
9/12: 56 43 1 +13
9/13: 55 43 2 +12
9/14: 53 44 3 +9
9/15: 51 45 4 +6


And Friday was when we began to "feel" the turning of the tide.... that fits so well with these numbers.

And if that's 5 days....oh brother, I'd hate to be in their shoes... looking toward November!

I forgot to tell you - Openleft.com apparently came to the same conclusion Kos did. He links it in the post I linked to.

So, um, this means the blogosphere's "obsession" with Sarah Palin actually didn't give her big leg up?

Well now I'm just so confused. All of the really smart people around here said it was going to, just for surer than sure, and that Josh Marshall was absolutely the ruination of Obama's chances by going on about Palin. But at the same time Obama was blowing it by ignoring her.

And weren't all Democrats who participated in asking questions about Palin or, even worse, snickering about her in some liberal latte elitist kind of way just destined for hell without passing go?

I mean, what are we to do if all the really smart people here at TPM are wrong? Will that mean...they'' have to stop calling Josh Marshall an asshole, and Obama an even bigger asshole and a fool.

What's a poor girl to think after this kind of turn?



her refusal to cooperate with the Troopergate investigators ain't gonna buy her any points either.....especially that she vowed to cooperated prior to becoming McCain's running mate and soul mate.

Cooperation: She was for it - before she was against it!

Testify? Thanks, but no thanks.

But... I thought was was all for "testifying"... like they do in her bible church!

I will testify that you are possessed by demons, I will.

Oh NOes!

Wait... the above should have read... I thought "she" was all for "testifying."

Sorry if it looked like I was referring to you.

No worries. Didn't take it as against me. I was just rifting on the that testify thang.



While she is in the lower forty eight, Scary Palin better stop tanning, or Tom Tancredo might have her rounded up, and shipped back to Mexico.



Damn. Another very strong ad, I think.


great ad.

Great ad. And once we've got this lying meme going, it's hard for him to even defend himself!

Pretty soon he's going to be really boxed in. Maybe he's already boxed himself in completely!

66 million dollars at work.

Agreed. I like the fact that there's a variety of ads on different issues, instead to repeat the same theme over and over again.

Gosh, does this constitute a "Doh!" moment?

Really, it seems to me that this comes down to Obama not wanting to delegate and take his own finger off the trigger. That is not a good omen for a Presidency.

I sure as heck hope we aren't too late to get this project completed.




If Obama-Biden insists on not going neg, the 527s HAVE to step up to the plate. Send money!


Obama is a poker player. McCain is a craps player.
I though this was a silly piece when I read it, but now it seems perspicacious.

Strategy versus thrill seeking/attention seeking.

Strategy wins every time!

And this makes me think that the thing to do is to lead mcThill-seeker into losing his cool, not in terms of anger, but in terms of seeking thrills and risk...

Not sure what to propose here... but a good strategy if you can find the right thing. Ideas?

It's nice that the heavy hitters have honed such a fine sense of urgency

It's nice to know that they share the pain of ordinary democrats here at the grassroots

Local volunteers are pouring into the SF Hdq - in 2000 about this time....a weekday, the SF phone bank consisted of the city unified campaign director and me calling local dem clubs begging them to come to a meeting


Obama should be so far ahead of McCain right now. McCain took the wind out of the the Dem convention the day after. For two weeks we have been hearing nothing but Palin. We now hear nothing but how McCain and Palin are liars. Who is controlling the media and the message here? Regardless if it is good press or bad press McCain is in the news. Obama just spits out the same old Kerry speeches that go way over the heads of most voters. I, nor most for that matter, do not need to hear a litany of our economic woes. All he needs to say is, "Look the economy is a mess and the republicans got us here. Do you want to continue down that path?" Stop with the highbrow stuff already. You are wasting your breath and the message is getting lost. FOR GODS SAKE TAKE OFF THE GLOVES AND START HITTING OR LET THE 527S DO IT!

You think McCain and Palin being called liars indicates that the McCain campaign is controlling the media narrative and message? If that's the direction they want to steer the media, I say let them take the wheel.

And the things you say Obama should be saying? He's saying them. So your concerns are all addressed. Congratulations!

Wait... the above should have read... I thought "she" was all for "testifying."

Sorry if it looked like I was referring to you.

Posted in the wrong spot!

Anderson Cooper doing the tease for his show, "all campaigns stretch the truth, but is the McCain campaign simply lying?"

The meme has taken hold.

Rejoice ye progressives.

Glory be!

Can I get an Amen!?


For ever and ever - Amen!

For McCain, the worst case scenario is that his negatives start growing through the roof and he won't be able to counter-attack continously without getting off message and image.

That's an essential ingredient of McCain's worst-case scenario. But its not the whole thing.

McCain's true worst-case scenario is that the constant questioning about his message contradiction, (in other words the media questions about his campaign's outright lies), cause him to have the kind of emotional melt-down that he's famious for. My guess is that if it happens it'll be over some question about his lack of support for Veterans. That seesm to be McCain's big hot-button isssue.

If it's going to happen it will be a week and a half from now at the foreign policy debate.


Again, I point to my blog from yesterday. Sorry I'm pimping it; it's my first one ever - blog post that is. But my point was that McCain has already so soiled himself that once the liberal 527s go after him hammer and tongs, he can't pivot back to his "honor and integrity" message - which let's face it, has been the totality of his positives.

I appreciate your flagging that! Excellent blog. Interesting analysis.

If we only knew how mcSham had interacted as a POW, we'd be able to predict how he reacts when they use the "hammer and tongs" as you put it. Somehow, I see the guy as almost baiting his captors. Would he get to the point of doing that in a debate? How does he act when cornered? That's the question!

Great blog.

Things are playing out this way it would seem.


BTW, I also sent an email to Gwen Ifill today, suggesting that in the debate she ask Palin specifically when and how she conveyed that "thanks but no thanks" message to Congress, given that at the time the earmark was killed, she did not hold any public office and wasn't even yet actively campaigning for governor. I doubt it will show up during the debate, but keep your fingers crossed.

At this point I would feel it is quite possible.

Cooper 360 is hammering McCain and Palin on all their lies from the Sex Ed Ad to Bridge to Ireland. The beginning of the end?

And then just before commercial, what's up nextL "getting Palin to answer a question [from the press], well, pretty much impossible."

Lady Abstinence. She's just a tease!




Obama demonstrated himself as a true leader when he was able to shut down MoveOn et al.

I would like to see Obama give a ready-set-go on these ads, have a deluge of negative (but true) ads rain down on McCain/Palin, and then have it all stop one week later at Obama's command.

Then he can ask the question, "Is McCain too weak to stop negative ads, and come back to the table to talk about issues?"

This has the advantage of demonstrating the power of Obama, and also being significantly cheaper than maintaining air time from now until November.

Gergen on whether McCain gone too far in stretching the truth: "Yes."

Makes you wonder if his base is catching on...

The other Republican base: fiscal conservatives, socially moderate. Obama looooooking surprisingly good.

I am of the firm opinion that corporations are not going to want mcSham. And upper management has to know they would NEVER hire SP for anything - well, maybe for receptionist.

But I really see the market as wanting a firm hand and a stable personality. Obama is their man!

And here is where Biden adds to Obama's appeal.


Me likey 527s. Kick McInsane in the balls all day every day, and laugh at the son of a bitch when he whines.


Whoops. Posted this on the wrong thread earlier...

More good news on the liar meme. It seems the meme is even taking hold a little on Fox. You know about the Karl Rove thing, but I don't know if you've seen this one with Tucker Bounds. Its worth a look:


One YouTube commenter actually had a clever take. Its like you ask maid to sweep a little dirt under the rug, but then show up with a 50-pound bag of manure. They can't do it.

So, lets hear it for the doom-and-gloom headlines! Despite the TPM vibe, I think the worm is turning.

What what what?



What's fascinating to me is that a pivot has taken place. SP is a gonner... And now we're picking over mcSham like a moose being butchered.

McCain saw he was losing the overall battle and bet everyting on a surge that had initial success but couldn't be sustained in the long run. Hmmmm.

Excellent. Plus, he was a pilot. So he knows how to drop bombs. But he knows nothing about guerilla warfare. And the community organization that type of warfare entails.


Excellent timing, in fact.

K.D. Lang sings Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah


This was for the Amen upthread, but what the hey.

That was clear. So beautiful.

Markets in Asia collapsing as they open:

Japan -5%

Hong Kong -6.5%

China -4%

This can only benefit Obama.

Yeah, but this isn't something to cheer for. People are losing their jobs and their savings. And there's no telling how out of control this will get.


This is terrible, of course. But our guy is gonna be way more credible around the world! The world wants Obama. And I honestly think the markets will only settle down if he wins.

I biked a lot today. Amazing how many people are on bikes now. And even worse, how many little shops have closed. Empty shops for rent. People out of work. (people needing to bike and not drive)

We're at the end of the quarter. People are going to be really feeling the pinch when they get their quarterly statements. And so many people are having to dip into their 401k's. A lot of suffering.

I agree - this isn't funny at all.

This is scary.

I've got elderly parents - in a house. 91 and 86 - in a house! Market going down. They can't leave the house in this market! Then my dad has a ton of
GE stock... tanking. Not good for people in that situation.

Not good for anyone retiring now. 401K's going down and down - and depending on how they invested. Not a good time to retire!

Maybe somebody has money to put into the market. But not me!

O I am so sorry.

Both my parents died before Bush, so I haven't had to go through the medicare Plan D thing - and my husband, a corporate lawyer, couldn't figure it out for his mother; I haven't had to go through any of this with them and I am so grateful. My mother would already have had 15 nervous breakdowns and Mama would have been on the phone with me 24 times a day in hysterics over her retirement funds. She read the financials every damn day. Now I just get to worry about ours. I love watching what we saved devalue.

But I do not envy you at all and I hope you have family to help - I am, as my mother used to say: the last button on Gabriel's coat - I'm it. That pressure is intense - I know.

Just got an email about this. Fascinating stuff! More bad news for mcShame - due to campaign going down the drain!


This is something that Obama should find a way to highlight. "These are the people you want reforming the broken system? I guess if you want to make it more broken."

The glass ceiling keeps breaking over and over - right on top of them!

I don't why but the movie Ishtar comes to mind.

Economy economy economy....

Does anyone realize how crazy today was?

We are headed for 1929 again. We CANNOT afford as a country to have McCain as President.

And that isn't to say Obama won't be hit with a depression in his first term. We are spiraling downwards with these mortgages.

If these housing prices don't balance out - we are going to see one of the worst economic times in 70 years.



Ever wondered why Obama always looks cool under pressure? Because he is a contemplative thinker and sees things coming, nothing special just through an analytical mind.

This Obama speech in Cooper Union NY March 27th 2008, is spot on on todays even. Again, Obama is right, on the economy, on foreign policy. It Obama time


Will this country finally shed it's anti-intellectual streak and elect a President who actually understands Hamilton's role in the formation of this government. Are we asking for the moon?


I've got to admit. Obama was truthful when he said he was going to step it up a notch. I'm looking forward to the next seven weeks.

He even took McCain's weak excuse to what he meant by the fundamentals and threw it back in his face that same day at a rally. I like the expediency of his attacks and counter attacks now. He's got a great way of playing offense/defense and stay on message.

He's had to work to find his attack voice, one that is not underhanded or sleazy, and is still aligned with what he believes, but now that he has found it, watch out.

But now that it's become a meme, it's more like he's just singing the chorus as the press and the pundits sing the verses. I love it!

Just a little didi about Obama and Biden, two politicians campaigning in the heartland.

Wow! I am a little shocked at the reactions expressed here. I think that the whole idea of opening up to the 527's is that it takes financial limits of the funds that can be used to support Obama's campaign. There are alread republican 527's running ads nationally etc. on his behalf. So they can't give the money to Obama's campaign because of finance laws. They can run ads etc and pay for various efforts in a somewhat freer way.

However that DOES NOT mean that they are going to run sleazy, lying ads. Hopefully they will run veyr effective, brilliant ads using the truth. I am 100% behind outside groups raising big funds to supplement Obama and being creative in finding powerful ways to speak truth the power. Go for it! Calling McCain and Palin on lies and hypocrisies is also totally awesome! Getting more players and more ideas/creativity in the game to handle these dirty dogs is a smart thing to do!

Another smart move by Senator Obama!!

Dirty dogs - with lipstick! Don't forget that part!


In response to the kd lang video above, I see your Leonard Cohen and raise you with one of my most favorite Cohen songs ever. Love the line about "my very close companion goes and falls against me laughing she's a hundred but she's wearing something tight". We should all be such sexy great-great-grannies. Odd factoid: Rebecca deMornay was executive producer for the album this song was on. Ah, the things you learn working at the used record store in grad school!

Hey Jenn.

Personally, I'm growing old very disgracefully indeed.


Well, I have to, in the spirit of all the Obama campaign, put out Leonard's Democracy



Obama’s starting to fight now is like sand bagging the levees after they have been topped. Obama has already been defined McCain. Mccain wrote the narrative for both Obama, McCain and Palin

Obama couldn’t see this coming? It happens every 4 years. The Dems have the lead all summer and during the RNC the repubs rip the skin off the Dems and take the lead and win.

I think Axelrod and Phoufle are A students of Donna Brasile and Bob Shrum. Their favorite classes are never adjusting your strategy and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

And the evidence of your conclusion regarding the election is what?


During the debates,Barrack needs to reprise some of his best lines from the campaign: "Enough is Enough", "John! You can't just make stuff up>", "Not this time". Any others?


John McCain has already sold his soul. Obama does not need to, he will win anyway.

The 527s are coming! Thank God. The Intrade numbers have me nervous.


The Democratic candidate's only chance now is to grow a pair and challenge McCain to a debate on the Economy and stop appearing to be chickenshit ducking Hillary's and McCain's debate challenges.
Unless of course he is an Empty Suit?
Both Hillary and McCain both voted against the Bush Cheney Energy Bill which gave away 9 Billion dollars to Big Oil.
Why did Oilbama vote with Bush and Cheney?

Because of the Roswell Incident?

On the contrary, I think Obama should tell the networks he's to have no debates at all. After all there's no rules that say you must debate. Leave them hanging. It not like they have shown much difference.

I like the bit about "trouble with aging white women".... that line could cost a few million votes. if you know anything at all about women, white or otherwise.


She didn't lose to a Republican. ;-)

Obama should show no mercy. Go in all guns blazing with finesse, of course. Leave nothing to chance or the good will of his opponent. McCain will show Obama no such respect. Obama must return the favor one thousand times.

You know that is not Obama. He will be tough. But overkill is not in his DNA. And honestly, I'm glad for that, disagree with me though you may.

Obama will show restraint. And toughness.

I can understand where you're coming from. But I urge patience and vigilance, courage and strength.


"In a sign of just how nervous senior Democrats are about Barack Obama's situation,..."

I hope they are no more nervous than the Republicans from whom I receive solicitations. They are only now beginning a somewhat hysterical grassroots movement, offering training days for local campaigning, phone banking, get out the vote, and so on. I think they've relied on the "base" until now to move their float along the parade route.
I guess they are soliciting help now from those who do not speak in tongues.


Why are people trying to get Obama to agree, aren't those 527's supposed to be independent? People scared of a McCain presidency need to start a campaign warning USA voters about him, whether Obama agrees with it or not.

Someone needs to just blast the air with the truth vs. fiction of McCain and Palin statements and McCain's support of the policies which have caused the current meltdown. It could simply be a montage of contrasting statements and quotes from people who note he's not the guy they remember, then end with "he's lying."

Also, someone who like Obama could start giving Bob Barr some fundraisers, try to siphon off some McCain support from the right (although Palin does make that less likely to be successful).

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