Rally Against Police Brutality in St. Paul Wednesday

UPDATE 10/23: Photos from the rally

Organized by Communities United Against Police Brutality, the first major protest in St. Paul after the Republican National Convention begins at 4:30pm at Wabasha Street and Kellogg Boulevard in downtown on Wednesday. Twin Cities Indymedia will be there! If you attend, publish your pictures, video or thoughts here after you get back!

From the calendar:


From mass police brutality during the RNC to the everyday brutality against people of color and poor people in the streets and in the jails, something has got to be done to end the reign of terror.

RNC Activist Dave Mahoney Facing New Charges

The RNC 8 aren't the only activists facing trumped up terrorism charges in the wake of the RNC. Dave Mahoney, one of the many who came to the Twin Cities to join thousands of local residents protesting the convention, is now facing new charges and the possibility of several years in prison.

According to his support site, Dave was arrested by FBI agents while bicycling to a grocery store on September 4th. After being accused of allegedly throwing a sandbag off a bridge, the Star Tribune reported on October 3 on that an assault charge against Dave had been dropped. But in a letter from Dave dated October 10 (below), he says that Ramsey County prosecutors plan to charge him with two counts of assault in the second degree and two charges of terroristic threats. His next court date is November 13 in St. Paul.

Monday: Call-ins to Drop Charges, Six of RNC 8 in Court

UPDATE 10/13: The six were given a new date to continue the hearing: Nov. 10 at 1pm. However, this date may prove to be irrelevant as discussions are underway to consolidate the eight individual cases into one.

Monday, six of the RNC 8 will make appearances in Ramsey County court. Eryn Trimmer, Erik Oseland, Nathanael Secor and Max Specktor are all scheduled for omnibus hearings beginning at 1pm; Monica Bicking and Robert Czernik are scheduled to appear in a continuation of their hearings from earlier this month. This is the most notable day in court yet for the 8 anti-RNC organizers who are charged with felony conspiracy to commit riot in furtherance of terrorism under Minnesota's Patriot Act. The appearances are at the Law Enforcement Center at 425 Grove (near bus lines 21 and 74 from Minneapolis).

In conjunction with the hearings, a call-in day has been organized to presure St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman (651.266.8510), Ramsey County Attorney and 2010 gubernatorial candidate Susan Gaertner (651.266.3222) and St. Paul City Attorney John Choi (651.266.8710) to drop all charges against the RNC 8 and the 800+ other arrestees. See the links below for more info.

Phone-In Against Phony Charges: All day 10/13 | Court Watch 1pm | RNC8.org | Anti-War Committee | RNC '08 Arrestee Support |

Five Texas Activists Served Grand Jury Subpoenas; Asked to Appear in MPLS October 21

Police Continue Harassment of Texas Activists in Wake of RNC
(submitted to the newswire)

Over a month after the conclusion of the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, the FBI continues to harass and intimidate activists who chose to voice their opinions about the status quo. In the last ten days, five activists in Houston and Austin have received subpoenas to appear before a Federal Grand Jury in Minneapolis on October 21. Several other activists have had their homes, or those of parents and friends, visited by the FBI.

First Lawsuit From RNC Raids to be Announced Friday

On Friday afternoon, a press conference will be held at St. Paul City Hall to announce the first lawsuit stemming from the pre-emptive raids on anti-RNC organizers. Laywers representing Mike Whalen of St. Paul will seek $250,000 in damages from the raid on Whalen's duplex on Iglehart Avenue August 30. The raid turned into a tragic comedy of errors when the SPPD and assisting agencies - apparently targeting I-Witness Video - came with a warrant for the wrong address and detained dozens of people in the backyard, creating a storm in the independent press. Later authorities cited Arise! Bookstore in Minneapolis, imprisoned activist Sara Jane Olson, and alleged deliveries of weapons that turned out to be vegan outreach literature as reasons for the raid.

Below is a press release from Ted Dooley of the National Lawyer's Guild. The conference is at 3pm on Friday.

Anti-Capitalist Bloc @ the RNC: An I.W.W. Report

During the first week of September 2008, Republican Party delegates gathered in St. Paul, Minnesota for the Republican National Convention (RNC) - the media spectacle and corporate sleaze-fest that completes their nominating process. An army of armor-clad riot police, National Guard, and private security with their humvees, rubber bullets, and tear gas protected them. FBI-assisted sheriff's raids at more than a half-dozen activist homes and organizing centers in Minneapolis-St. Paul sought to hinder opposition.

September Deadly for Bicyclists; Memorial Ride Begins Saturday Morning

Between September 11 and September 27, at least four bicyclists were killed on Twin Cities streets. On Saturday, riders are invited to take part in a memorial ride visiting the sites of these recent crashes, leaving from Saint Paul in the morning and traveling to Uptown and Downtown Minneapolis, followed by an afternoon ride to Blaine. The stepped-up assault of car culture on cyclists is not limited to the Twin Cities; activists in the Midwest are also mourning the apparent loss of a participant in August's PNC2RNC bike ride after a car struck her bike.

Memorial Ride to Honor Fallen Bicyclists: meet 10:30am Saturday at Summit and Snelling in St. Paul
Route | Ghost Bike MPLS | TC Streets For People

Maintaining Momentum and Unleashing Evil: Call for post-RNC consulta

Calling All Anarchists Throughout the Great Lakes and the Midwest,

Ya'll are invited to a Midwest and Great Lakes anarchist consulta in Milwaukee, this Halloween weekend (October 31st - November 2nd).

In early November of 2007, anarchists from across the Midwest gathered in Milwaukee to network and to plan some havoc for the Republican National Convention. Almost a year later, we in Milwaukee are excited to invite our friends of dubious intension back to our city. The purpose being to strategize and network for increased conflict with capitalism and the state in the coming months, and of course to cause some old-fashioned, ghoulish mischief on Halloween. Oh, and of course good food and warm places to stay.

Anti-War March Organizers Express Solidarity and Respect for Diverse Tactics

Shortly after the RNC, Francisco Gonzalez, a guest blogger for Engage Minnesota wrote an article called “March organizers failed to protect message.” http://www.tcdailyplanet.net/article/2008/09/08/march-organizers-failed-...

This article was later posted on the Twin Cities Daily Planet website. As a member of the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War, I felt compelled to respond. Gonzalez suggested that those who organized the permitted anti-war march on the opening day of the RNC should have tried to prevent “unruly elements” from engaging in direct action or should have denounced those who did the next day. He suggested that our message was stolen by “a few who acted mindlessly” and that we should have stood “side by side with police” to denounce them.

Video- Fight for Your Right to Shop: Riot Cops Detain IWW Starbucks Workers Union Supporters in Train at Mall of America

IWW Starbucks Workers Union supporters are sealed into a train by riot cops en route to the first union shop in the Mall of America.

Twin Cities Indymedia @ The Republican National Convention in St. Paul - Sept. 1-4, 2008

Read the Callout from TC Indymedia to see what we're planning and how you can help. Thanks for the response so far! Email IMCatRNC@gmail.com to plug in.

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Operation: March for Our Lives MN Statewide Caravan - Schedule | Daily Blog

Repression Watch: More incidents of police harassment | MPD confiscates indy videographers' equipment | Cyclist detained for taking pics of cops | 6 detained in STP for suspected anarchist affiliation | FBI reportedly knew of ATK lockdown | Anoka Arrestee Intimidated re RNC by SPPD | Another Anoka Arrestee Visited | Moles Wanted (from City Pages) | Activist detained while protesting loosened MPD restrictions | Pre-RNC Police Harassment

Tell Coldsnap, National Lawyers Guild MN & TC-IMC visitors about all police activity!

Auto/Bike Restrictions Announced, Alternate Routes | RNC Food Update | List of GOP parties | GOP Express delegate transport schedule | SPPD readies temporary holding cells

Convergence Center: 627 Smith Ave. S., St. Paul - Lunch 1pm; Dinner 7pm | Convergence Center Schedule

***Logistics and Organizing Update from RNC-WC A28***

Multimedia: NEW! RNC-WC video tour guide for delegates | Our World In Depth interview | RNC-WC radio show | RNC-WC 2007 Trailer

Organizing Bodies: RNC Welcoming Committee | Sector calls S1 | Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War S1 | Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign S2 | Anti-War Committee S4 | Youth Against War and Racism S4 | CODEPINK | Anti-Capitalist Bloc | People's Networking Convention, Madison WI A15-17 | PNC2RNC Grassroutes Caravan A17-30 | ProtestRNC2008

Convention Resources: RNC-WC Housing Board | Bike Program & Space Hours | Getting to the TC | Coldsnap Legal Collective (jail support hotline) 651-356-8635 | Northstar Health Collective | Tin Can Comms Collective--for general RNC announcements text "follow rnc08_announce" to 40404 | Arise! Collective Infoline (starting August 29) 612-871-2283 | TC-IMC Dispatch Phone Number for breaking news: 651-503-5661 live starting 4pm Friday A29

Multimedia: NEW! Official Delegate Tour Video Leaked by RNC-WC | Our World In Depth "Crash the Convention" interview | RNC-WC radio show | RNC-WC 2007 Trailer

Thanks for visiting!
--The TC-IMC Tech Collective, bringing you
"movement media for the masses!" one kilobyte @ a time

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Suspicion of Infiltrator Confirmed

In a recent affidavit written by Inspector Tony Samec of the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office, frequent references to 2 Confidential Reliable Informants (CRI) and an Undercover Investigator are made — a man known as Andy/Panda has been identified as one of the Confidential Reliable Informants. Grounds for this claim — among others — are as follows:

Interview with Undercover Infiltrators at the March For Our Lives in St. Paul

Without going into all of the supersecret ways that anarchists spot undercover cops in a crowd, these two men were pointed out as infiltrators by reliable sources and then interviewed on camera. The two split up once they realized they were "made" and then one just left the march all together.

Interview conducted at the the March For Our Lives in St. Paul, September 2nd, 2008:


Cops Attack Anti-Capitalist Bloc on Shepard Road, 9/1/08: video

Video starts just a few seconds after cops and perhaps national guard began to attack the Anti-Capitalist bloc across the street on the Shepard Road waterfront at Jackson.


The bloc was moving northeast on Shepard and paused at Jackson Street across from a line of riot cops. Police, and what appeared to be Minnesota National Guard, then began to wildly attack the bloc with tear gas, bean bags, concussion grenades, and colored smoke bombs/people markers.