
Daniel McGowan Transferred - Threat of Madison Grand Jury

daniel_image003_1_0.jpgIt's 10 pm on the east coast and a few hours ago we finally heard from Daniel. He called from the Columbia County Jail in Portage, Wisconsin. Daniel was woken up at 4 am and on a plane en route from Oklahoma City to Chicago by 6 am. Daniel and his supporters presumed he was going to Marion, Illinois, but once he landed in Chicago, he was put in a van and driven to Madison, Wisconsin. From there he was driven to Portage.

Introducing Twin Cities Indymedia - 2.0

drupal_0.gifWelcome to the new Twin Cities Indymedia! We apologize for the delay in launching the new site, but think you'll agree that it was worth the wait.

Our new site is light years ahead of the old Twin Cities Indymedia (TC-IMC) in user-friendliness, functionality, and style. In addition, it is based on the Drupal Content Management System, which helps us maintain wiring of the site, which in turn means less downtime.

Of course, this website is only part of what makes Indymedia work. The crucial component of every Independent Media Center is YOU, the users. The launch of this new site is only one part of an overhaul of Twin Cities Indymedia. We are also in the process of forming new Editorial and Tech Collectives. If you are interested in participating in either of these groups, please set up a site account, visit the Groups page (above), and join the working group you would like to participate in!

Please take the time to poke around a bit to explore the new layout and functions. The new site includes the same core functionality as the old site, with a few critical augmentations:



alert to Twin Cities activists: Tent State at the University of Minnesota needs your support! please forward widely!

The university administration is trying to shut down Tent State! Tent State is a student-led effort to build community on campus and to raise awareness about the corporatized University. On Monday afternoon, university representatives delivered a letter to organizers, threatening police involvement unless they limit their activities to five hours per day, and then only if they are willing to navigate the university bureaucracy.