Protest / Direct Action

Obama Banner Drops (stp)

MN Anarchists leave love notes for Obama?!

Obama Is Hot, Empire is Not!

On Thursday June 4th Barack Obama visited Saint Paul Minnesota to deliver a message to the people. While this was going on, Anarchists were delivering a message of their own. An action group calling themselves "Obama is hot, empire is not" released the following letter:

Dearest Barack,

Embarrassing though it is, we have to admit that we have a crush on you.
Alas, our love for you is bitter-sweet! While your speeches and charisma
are enough to make anyone swoon, your winning smile just isn't enough to

History of the Honeywell Project Part 1

This article begins a Five-part history of the Honeywell Project.
This paper will examine the mutual benefits gained by the United States government and the Honeywell Corporation. These benefits came at a great cost to the citizens of the United States and other victims of the United States counterinsurgency mission in Vietnam. The U.S. government enlisted the aid of an insidious corporation called Honeywell to create weapons of human destruction. Honeywell was able to reap huge economic gains while enjoying the accolades attributed to patriots.

Critical Mass!

06/27/2008 - 17:30

Meet at Loring Park at 5:30 for the June Critical Mass ride!