Events and Activities Calendar

There are lots of events and activities happening against the RNC. Click here for our calendar of upcoming events.

Sep 1- March on the RNC and Stop the War

We have had lots of calls to the coalition office asking, "Are the demonstration and march still going as planned?" The answer is YES! The anti-war movement has ALWAYS had a demand of money for human needs not for war, and Hurricane Katrina was one of the reasons for that demand. Hurricane Gustav affects the Republican Party because they don't want to be seen as ignoring another crisis. However the demonstration will be voicing opposition to the war's prioritization above human needs such as building levees, the economy, health care, etc. In addition, the RNC will still be in session during our march. Tomorrow we can still give our message to the party that supported the war and that supports its continuation. Lets show up in record numbers!

If you want to know who is speaking or to look at maps for parking or other issues please go to We hope to see you there with your friends and family! US Out Now! Money for Human Needs Not for War! Say NO to the Republican Agenda!

- the Anti-War Committee
for the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War

Schedule for the September 1 Rally at the State Capitol:
7am - Set-up help needed at State Capitol Building, St. Paul
9am - Marshals meeting in front of the stage at State Capitol Building, St. Paul
9:30am - Volunteers meeting at the Information Tent at State Capitol Building, St. Paul
11am - Rally at the MN State Capitol
1pm - March on the Xcel Center
4pm - Closing Rally
6 to 7pm - Clean up crew needed at State Capitol Building, St. Paul