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Global day of action against state terror in Aotearoa / New Zealand

Trade Unions for Tino Rangatiratanga

Demonstrations and protests were held around the world on August 30th for the global day of action to 'Drop the Charges' against the 20 people arrested in the nationwide State Terror Raids of 15 October 2007 in Aotearoa / New Zealand. The deposition hearing (i.e. the pre-trial) starts in the Auckland District Court on Monday, 1 September 2008. [ Report | Photos ]

On Monday, October 15th 2007, more than 300 police carried out dawn raids on dozens of houses all over Aotearoa / New Zealand. Police claim the raids were in response to 'concrete terrorist threats' from indigenous activists. The reality, however, included heavily armed police terrorising an entire township. To date, no evidence of the so-called terrorist plot has been revealed.

Police arrested 17 indigenous, anarchist, environmental and anti-war activists, including people from T¨±hoe, Te Atiawa, Maniapoto, Ng¨¡ Puhi and Pakeha. Police wanted to charge 12 people under the Terrorism Suppression Act (TSA), however the Solicitor-General denied the police permission to proceed. After four weeks in jail everyone was released on bail. On Tuesday, February 19th 2008, police raided further properties, arresting 3 more men. All were released on bail with strict conditions that same day. A woman was arrested on Thursday April 17th, 2008, and also faces charges under the Arms Act.

Links: October 15th Solidarity | Te Mana Motuhake o Tuhoe | AoCafe | Civil Rights Defence | Te Kotahi a Tuhoe | T¨±hoe: History of resistance | Tu Kotahi - Freedom Fighting Anthems


Rechazo a las nuevas sentencias en el caso Atenco

“¡También exigimos seguridad contra el secuestro!”

El martes 26 de agosto manifestantes acompañaron a los abogados presentando una apelación contra las nuevas sentencias dictadas en el caso Atenco la semana pasada sin una sola prueba plena. El juez primero Alberto Cervantes, quien reconoció que la decisión sobre las sentencias “venía de allá arriba”, ha sido reemplazado. A la vez hay un aumento de hostigamiento contra el plantón fuera de la prisión. El Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra anuncia una serie de acciones.



Falo sobre política, sobre a luta para garantir os direitos dos indios, dos quilombolas e daqueles que não sabem se defender.
Falo sobre política e cumpro o dver constitucional de informar as mazelas os desmandos, as corrupções o não cumprimento do Governo pelo que trata promete, pede dinheiro fazendo projetos para estas pessoas e desviam todo pela ganancia e corrupção dos chefes de estado.
Temos que lutar para que este cancer seja estirpado, e não façam do Brasil um campo de concentração dos menos favorecidos


Ação direta interrombe projetos industriais na Islândia

A Islândia tem a boa reputação de utilizar energia limpa, sendo muitas vezes o exemplo de matriz energética ecológica. Contudo, recentemente as indústrias de alumínio ALCOA, RioTinto-Alcan e Century Aluminium estão desenvolvendo em larga escala a energia geotérmica para suprir o processo de fundição do alumínio chamado de "smelter", destruindo grandes extensões de natureza intocada da ilha do subártico. E não pára por aí: se todos os planos da indústria pesada forem executados, os rios glaciais mais importantes também serão represados..

"Saving Iceland" está organizando seu quarto acampamento de ação direta nos campos islandeses. Há algumas semanas o canteiro de obras da Century Aluminum Helguvik foi interrompido por um dia.. A indústria já existente e a fábrica de aço foram bloqueadas,, atrasando a troca de turnos por muitas horas. Um campo de perfuração geotérmica da Reykjavik Energy em Hellisheidi, em construção pela Century, foi completamente parado durante um dia por ativistas que travaram as máquinas, escalaram a máquina de perfuração e ocuparam a sala de controle. A companhia nacional de energia Landsvirkjun teve seu escritório invadido, além de uma visita feita à casa do seu diretor-executivo, Fridrik Sophusson. A Saving Iceland pregou um aviso de despejo na sua porta.

A Landsvirkjun quer remover os camponeses do vale do rio Thjorsa para construir uma série de barragens com o objetivo de fornecer energia à companhia Rio Tinto Alcan. No Norte da Islândia a mesma empresa Landsvirkjun está perfurando maciçamente poços geotérmicos para uma fundição de alumínio da ALCOA, afetando grandes áreas naturais. Fora da Islândia, houveram manifestações nas embaixadas e consulados islandeses, assim como nas sedes da Glencore, ALCOA e Impregilo na Suíca e Itália.

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UK - Thousands take direct action on climate change - 10 Aug 2008

UK Climate Camp Besieges Power Station

As the UK Camp for Climate Action 2008 managed to breach the security fences at Kingsnorth Power Station, despite a huge police presence, activists across the world are setting up similar camps and convergences to build resistance to the ever demanding fossil fuel industry and more importantly, to tackle the root causes of climate change, through direct action.

The Climate Camp in the UK took place in Kent this year, near Kingsnorth power station. Its owners (German owned EON) want to expand the plant and this would mean the first new coal fired power station in the UK for over 30 years. A site was occupied about a mile from the power station and although the police illegally confiscated a lot of essential materials for the camp (and raided it twice) they didn't manage to stop up to 2,000 from taking direct action against the development. People from across Europe and beyond joined the camp and took part in blockades, bannerdrops and pickets across the South East region. During the main day of action on 9th August, activists managed to breach both security fences at the power plant in an effort of olympic proportions which saw the plant besieged by land, sea and air.

Coverage of the UK camp: Indymedia UK | Full UK Climate Camp 2008 Coverage | Climate Camp Radio | Vision On TV daily news shows | the very latest: UK Climate Camp timeline

Climate Camps: UK | Belgium | Germany | Quebec | Australia | New Zealand | Climate Convergence US | Climate Convergence South East | Climate Convergence North East | Climate Convergence West

Collected features: Climate Camp: Kingsnorth Power Station Breached | Climate Camp: How The Police Radicalized An Entire Generation | Climate Camp: Down With the Eastside | Climate Camp Day 6: Action Spreads Across South East | Heathrow to Kingsnorth Climate Caravan 2008 | Climate Camp: Site Taken | Carry on Camping | Vandaag: Bestorming E.ON-kolencentrale UK (Nederlands) | Eco-activistas tomaron planta de carbon en Kingsnorth (Español)

IMC Israel: Apartheid - 05 Aug 2008

Two Youth Murdered As Israel Tries To Suppress Ni'ilin Uprising

For almost 4 months residents of Ni'ilin Village in the occupied West Bank, along with their Israeli and international supporters, have been trying to defend their lands through grassroots popular resistance, which includes almost daily demonstrations, attempts to block bulldozers and clashes. After losing much of its land in 1948 and due to the massive construction of settlements on its lands since 1967, Ni'ilin is now left with merely 7,000 dunams (1,700 acres). 2,500 dunams (about 620 acres) of these lands are expected to be left isolated and effectively confiscated behind Israel's illegal segregation wall according to the current trajectory.

The Israeli army has employed severe and brutal violence in its attempt to suppress the Ni'ilin uprising, that has so far caused hundreds of injuries and has included arrests, the imposing of siege and curfew as collective punishment, the the shooting of a cuffed and blindfolded detainee, and most recently the cold blooded murders of ten year old Ahmed Mousa and 17 year old Ahmed Amireh who was mortaly injured on the eve of Mousa's funeral, and succumbed to his wounds five days later.

The village of Ni'ilin remains undeterred, and after three days of grieving over Ahmed Mousa, struggle struggle has already resumed. Villagers vowed to continue the struggle against the theft of their lands and their livelihood.

AOTEAROA: ANTI-WAR - 30 Jul 2008

Fugitive Rice makes narrow escape in Auckland

United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a narrow escape from justice, with the assistance of the New Zealand Police, in Auckland on Saturday 26 July. The police can now consider themselves accessories to war crimes. Rice met with government leaders in Auckland but was chased by 150 protesters spurred on by a bounty of $10,000. They called for her arrest, under the Geneva Convention, for war crimes and for her role in authorising the use of torture.

Photos: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]
Links: Condi Must Go | Our World is Not For Sale | Uriohau: Haere Atu Condoleezza | TV3 Video Coverage
Rice Bounty: AUSA offers $5000 for citizen's arrest of Rice | AUSA to lodge police complaint over Rice visit | AUSA: Further Development Regarding Citizen's Arrest | VUWSA Doubles Bounty On Condy's Head

Philadelphia, US: Political Prisoners - 20 Jul 2008

Supporters Mobilize as Mumia Abu-Jamal Appeals for New Trial

Last week, death row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal filed an appeal of a March 27 US Third Circuit Court ruling that rejected his bid for a new guilt-phase trial.

On the 4th of July in Philadelphia, over 75 supporters of Abu-Jamal gathered at the Liberty Bell, including NYC rappers Rebel Diaz (pictured), former Ossining NAACP President Sundiata Sadiq, Theresa Shoatz, and Pam Africa. [View Photos and Video Here] Issue #3 of Abu-Jamal-News was released, spotlighting Freedom Archives, this fall's CR10 conference in Oakland, CA, organizing to abolish the prison industrial complex, the NYC Jerchico March to the United Nations demanding freedom for all political prisoners and POWs, and updates on the cases of political prisoners Ruchell Magee, Hugo Pinell, Leonard Peltier, the San Francisco Eight, Kansas City Five, and Omaha Two. [View PDF Here.]

RELATED: 4th of July report by Betsey Piette; photos by Joe Piette | | New articles on The Framing of Mumia Abu-Jamal by Carolina Saldaña, Linn Washington Jr., Dissident Voice and radio shows Law and Disorder, Jazz and Justice, and KOWA | | Philadelphia events for Mumia and the MOVE 9 on Aug. 8 & 9 | | Online Video Series | |

Israel / Palestine - Apartheid Wall - 13 Jul 2008

4th Anniversary to Hague Ruling: Repression and Resistance Intensify

Four years after the International Court of Justice published an advisory ruling against Israel's Apartheid Wall, without a change on the ground, the Palestinian popular resistance intensifies in actions, courtrooms, and prisons.

In Bilin, Ramallah area, Israeli settlers and army expand illegal settlement on Bilin's land, in contempt of a ruling by Israel's High Court from more than a year ago, leaving Bilin residents to commence legal proceedings against profiting Canadian companies. Like other areas, Bilin has also seen an upsurge in army violence during weekly demonstrations aimed at the fence, a month ago Ibrahim Burnat was shot by three live bullets in the thigh, and is still in hospital.

Nilin village, neighboring Bilin, has been holding nearly daily demonstrations for several weeks and this week faced a full on siege (video) by Israel's army. Curfew and closure were imposed Friday to Tuesday by Israeli soldiers in an attempt to stop protests against annexation of the village's lands under the illegal excuse of needing to wall off a settler-only apartheid road that runs through the village deep in the West Bank. On Monday (video) and Tuesday (video) demonstrators broke the siege, then continued with demonstrations marking 4 years to the Hague ICJ ruling Wednesday and Thursday (video). Demonstrations are also being held in several other villages and towns, including: Dier Al Ghson in Tulkarem, Azzoun Atmeh and Jayyus in Qalqiliya, Beit Hanina in Jerusalem, Beit Iba in Nablus, and Al-Masara, Umm Salamuna, and Al-Khader in Bethlehem.

Among those spending these days in prison for participation in resistance is a Palestinian organizer from Beit Omar, Mousa Abu Maria, in administrative detention since April 11th. Demonstrations will continue tomorrow as well.


J12: International call for solidarity actions against G8 repression

Free the arrestees! Protest against police state and capitalist summit! Take simultaneous actions on Saturday 12th July (en) (日本語)

Three of our friends were unjustly arrested at the demonstration against the G8 summit on 5th July 2008. One of the arrested (vid,ja) is an indymedia activist who is organizing sound actions and a member of the G8 Media Network. The police used overwhelming violence. For instance, they stopped the sound truck forcefully, three [1] [2] [3] policemen broke the truck window with their clubs, (vid,ja) and they viciously dragged out the driver. This situation was exposed as Japanese police brutality once again, reported by independent media.

While most of the Japanese media coverage focussed on the summit, a homeless activist in Osaka was quietly, unfairly arrested on the 4th. Allegedly, his mobile phone ownership and user had different names. Even though his group from Osaka had planned to come and join the poverty and labour unit of the counter G8 Action Network, they cannot because they must rescue him, just after the liberation of another activist who was also arrested for a tiny bureaucratic mistake last month. All of these bureaucratic errors are unreasonably trivial things. This is obviously suppression of dissent.

We denounce the repression at the 5th July sound demonstration and of the homeless activists (ja) by the police, and demand immediate release of all. On 12th July, simultaneous protest actions will be taken at 3pm (GMT+9) in Sapporo, Tokyo, Osaka, etc. against police capitalism. We appeal for international solidarity! Take action simultaneously! Protest against unjust arrests, police violence and the capitalist summit.

July5th Relief Association for Sapporo Sound Demonstration (ja) (j5solidarity (at), in solidarity with Indymedia Japan.

VIDEO: cameraman arrested [file] | policemen smash window [file] | Indymedia activist arrested/Declare Independence
STATEMENTS: international activists | Lawyers (WATCH) | No Vox   G8 LINKS
G8 MEDIA: G8 Media Network [video] | No-G8 | Alt-G8 | IMC Japan | Teiko (ru) | J5 Solidarity (ja)

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