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No More Clear Cuts!

Liisa, 02.11.2008 - 17:55
On October 9, 2008, the BLM released its Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Western Oregon Plan Revisions (WOPR). The BLM’s final proposal would clearcut 74,000 acres of stands over 80 years old in the first decade and 27% of the remaining old growth across 96,200 acres of BLM lands over the next 100 years. The WOPR will increase logging by nearly 400% compared to current logging levels; get over 70% of the timber volume from clearcutting; shrink streamside reserves by 50%; add 180 million tons more carbon to the atmosphere compared to no logging and result in 1,300 miles of new roads.

The final plan will mirror the draft in most regards. It will: 1) remove BLM forests from the scientific framework of the Northwest Forest Plan; 2) ramp up clearcut logging across hundreds of thousands of acres; 3) remove streamside buffers that protect clean water and fish; and 4) log some of the last remaining older forests in western Oregon.

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STRIKE THE INERTIA! A zine on electoralism.

Noah Balloon, 02.11.2008 - 15:33
Below is the e-zine version of a print-zine double feature, the bulk of which was written in late July by Washington, DC anarchist Spoonboy. The second part is a brief analysis of the Rogue Valley and where it stands in the days leading up to, and the aftermath of, the electoral spectacle, as written in late October by Ashland anarchist Noah Balloon.
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Vote Animal-friendly and Eco-Friendly

Ambuja Rosen, 29.10.2008 - 14:09
When you vote for candidates who want to limit how long dogs are tied at home, generally you're voting for the candidates who respect the environment and their human constitutents. So please vote animal-friendly. It's a litmus test of a candidates' virtues.
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Public Hearing about LNG Pipeline in Medford

Liisa, 26.10.2008 - 01:00
Protestors in Coos Bay Public Hearings on Southern Oregon LNG Pipeline - October 27th-30th

Meeting times and dates are below, ore information on the terminal and pipeline can be found at: Citizen's Against LNG and No California Pipeline and LNG Pollutes.

Monday, October 27, 2008 North Bend Community Center
6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (PST) 2222 Broadway Street
North Bend, Oregon 97459
Telephone: 541-756-8500

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 Umpqua Community College
6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (PST) Campus Center Dining Room/Timber Room
1140 Umpqua College Road
Roseburg, Oregon 97470
Telephone: 541-440-4600

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 Red Lion Inn
6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (PST) Rogue River Ballroom
200 N. Riverside Avenue
Medford, Oregon 97501
Telephone: 541-779-5811

Thursday, October 30, 2008 Oregon Institute of Technology
6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (PST) College Union Auditorium
3201 Campus Drive
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601
Telephone: 541-885-1000, 1032

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No More War! 50 Years Later

Author is Linda Richards from Ashland, Oregon, 23.10.2008 - 09:29
Peace Activist Linda Richards Southern Oregonian Linda Richards is attending graduate school in Corvallis Oregon where she is studying at Oregon State University. Our peace activist friend who has worked so long to end the threat of nuclear war recently wrote an article that appeared in an OSU publication. Learning about her writing we asked Linda if we could post it to the Rogue IMC so that others could see her work. Linda responded:

"thanks for the suggestion of posting my piece, sometimes I feel like the points I am trying to make get lost and I look like a shameless self promoter but what I want is to keep nuclear news in the news, it so easily slips out of view. (the article) was actually much stronger originally but it was edited.... so I wasn't sure it was so cool anymore, but the picture alone makes me happy and is a way for the people who helped me here know I am still doing my peace work, just in a different way..."

Continue for first Linda's introduction and then her article "No More War! 50 Years Later"
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FREE Film & Concert in Ashland Oct 26th

S O C L C -- a n d -- S O J w J, 22.10.2008 - 13:08
Julius Margolin - A Union Man "A Union Man: The Life and Work of Julius Margolin"
56 minute documentary film

Question and discussion after the film with filmmaker George Mann, and then he will perform a concert of labor and folk classics

Sunday, October 26 at 7 PM
The Siskiyou Pub
31B Water Street
Ashland, Oregon

Film & Concert brought to the Rogue Valley by the Southern Oregon Central Labor Council and Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice. Free, but a collection will be taken. All welcome regardless of donation.
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--------------------labor donated by IWW members--------------------
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Great Decisions Series

Pogo, 21.10.2008 - 10:28
Great Decisions KSKQ RADIO AND SOU STUDENTS FOR TRUTH present GREAT DECISIONS: a series designed to inform and create discussion on U.S. foreign policy. SOU, Art Building, Meese Auditorium, near the intersection of Indiana and Siskyou Streets

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Portland Passes Sweatshop Free Ordinance

Article provided by Arthur Stamoulis/ORFTC, 15.10.2008 - 15:59

Portland passes the First Sweatshop Free Ordinance in the Pacific Northwest
Proactive policy will help ensure taxpayer dollars are not spent on sweatshop labor

At today's Portland City Council meeting, Wednesday, October 15, at 9:30 a.m., the Portland Sweatshop Free Purchasing Policy passed unanimously. The policy requires city agencies to procure public employee uniforms and other apparel only from those companies that disclose the locations of their manufacturing facilities and abide by ethical sourcing practices. Portland is the first city in the Pacific Northwest to adopt an ordinance for sweatshop free purchasing.

TODAY'S VICTORY IS A POSITIVE PUSH FOR THE SWEATFREE CAMPAIGN IN SOUTHERN OREGON! Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice and its coalition partners have been preparing for the City of Ashland to take up similar procurement procedures with a resolution planned for an upcoming city council hearing.

*UPDATE* Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice has just been notified (same day as PDX news) by Ashland City Administrator Martha Bennett that the city council will take up a sweatshop free resolution at their Dec. 2, 2008 meeting!

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Openness in Government - Call to Action!

pogo, 14.10.2008 - 14:22
No Police State This is a call to action for those who want accountability in their police and openness in their city government. The Medford Communications Advisory Committee is meeting Wednesday, October 15th at 4:00 PM and people need to know about this.
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Ashland Commuter Challenge Results!

Steve Ryan, 12.10.2008 - 12:21
The results are in on the first ever Ashland Commuter Challenge. Thanks to all who helped reduce vehicle miles traveled like the Ashland Comprehensive Plan mandated at least as far back as 1982. Lets do it again next year!
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Text AMERICA - Don't fall asleep again!
06-11-2008 01:33

Image Open Letter: Ralph Nader to Senator Obama
04-11-2008 16:50

Text KSKQThisWeek 11/04 KSKQ Democracy Now 5 hours
03-11-2008 23:30

Text Video: Excerpts from Northwest Winter Soldier (1 comment)
02-11-2008 21:48

Image Big Mountain Benefit Show in Ashland Thursday
02-11-2008 09:38

Text PODCAST: Community discussion Oregon Ballots
28-10-2008 16:06

Text Terrorizing Dissent: Election Cut ONLINE NOW
28-10-2008 12:48

Text KSKQ This Week 10/27 Web Spirt FUNdraiser M&D
27-10-2008 23:36

Text Pam Vavra on Brain Labor Report
23-10-2008 16:35

Text Peace House E-News
22-10-2008 21:10

Image Stopping War On Iran - Washington DC Report
22-10-2008 18:41

Image Citizens Fight Walmart in Medford, Oregon
22-10-2008 13:07

Text KSKQ This Week 10/20 FREE Forum @ SOU Great..
21-10-2008 00:00

Text RV IMC Features screws up global indy page (2 comments)
16-10-2008 12:57

Image DIY Traveling FilmFest on it's way to Ashland (2 comments)
15-10-2008 21:11

Text HATE CRIMES: An Age Old Foe in Modern Times
13-10-2008 18:08

Text RNC Arrestees Call-In Day of Action 10/13
13-10-2008 00:03

Text Peace House E-News Oct 9, 2008
12-10-2008 21:03

Text Klamath-Siskiyou eNews, Issue 129
09-10-2008 20:52

Image Candidate John Gaffey on KSKQ 94.9 fm
09-10-2008 16:18

Text The US and the Reign of Terror
08-10-2008 14:55

Text KSKQ This Week 10/08 Grange Seed Saving and..
08-10-2008 01:42

Text The Art of Seed Saving
07-10-2008 21:51

Text Off the Anvil
06-10-2008 19:47

Image Workers Falling Behind - Jobs & Economy Forum
02-10-2008 16:43

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Text Portland, Oregon: Local Nazis on Display
05-11-2008 23:45

Text Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”???
05-11-2008 09:59

Text The Destroyed Reputation of The United States
03-11-2008 22:48

Text The rise of the Obamacons (1 comment)
02-11-2008 15:42

02-11-2008 15:04

02-11-2008 10:28

02-11-2008 02:24

01-11-2008 14:20

01-11-2008 12:21

Text Earth Liberation Front Press Office Returns..
31-10-2008 21:41

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