Oklahoma Hate Actions raise awareness in Oklahoma City

12/04/2007 - 4:00pm

OKC Faith Leaders Protest Hate Crimes and Support Federal Anti-Hate Crimes Legislation
(S 1105, Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 )

Events planned in Oklahoma City, on Tuesday, December 4, will respond to the recent hate murder in the city of Steven Domer, targetted, according to Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater, because of his sexual orientation.

At 2 pm, on Tuesday, local faith leaders and a representative of the national Human Rights Campaign (HRC) will participate in a news conference decrying Domer's murder and calling Congress to enact the Federal Anti-Hate Crimes Legislation, S. 1105, entitled the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007. "This bill has already passed the US House and Senate, but a veto has been threatened by President Bush," said Rev. Loyce Newton-Edwards, Assistant Pastor at Oklahoma City's Church of the Open Arms, UCC. She said the bill has been attached to military spending legislation which Bush is most likely to sign. "Supporters of the Matthew Shepard Anti-Hate Crime legislation need to contact Congress members now," Newton-Edwards said.

The news conference will be held at Oklahoma City's Church of the Open Arms, 3131 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Speaking will be Harry Knox, Director of Religion and Faith for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) -- largest civil rights organization in America working to achieve gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality; Rev. Loyce Newton-Edwards, President of PFLAG-OKC; Rev. Dr. Kathy McCallie, Pastor, Church of the Open Arms United Church of Christ; Richard Ogden, President, Cimarron Alliance Foundation; Rev. Dr. George E. Young, President, Oklahoma Conference of Churches; and Rabbi Russell Fox of Emanuel Synagogue.

At 6 pm, a candlelight vigil has been called by local civil rights activists and faith leaders. The vigil will take place in the parking lot of the Angles Club, just west of Pennsylvania Ave. on NW 39th Street. Organizers are Rev. Scott Jones and Oklahoma City activist Rob Howard.

At 7 pm, an Interfaith Service of Healing and Prayer will be held at Church of the Open Arms, featuring local faith leaders and Rev. Harry Knox of the HRC. "This service is an opportunity for people of every faith and people of no faith to join in the strength and healing of our community," said Rev. Dr. Kathy McCallie, senior pastor at Church of the Open Arms, UCC.

EVENTS: Tuesday, December 4th, 2007

Clergy Call for Freedom and Justice for ALL!

2 PM Joint Press Conference: PFLAG-OKC, Church of the Open Arms United
Church of Christ, Cimarron Alliance Foundation
3131 N. Penn OKC, OK 73112 405 525-9555

6-6:30 PM CANDLELIGHT VIGIL: Angles' Parking Lot,
West of NW 39th & Penn

7-8 PM Interfaith Prayer and Healing Service, Church of the Open Arms UCC,
3131 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Oklahoma City

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I don't get it. All crimes

I don't get it. All crimes are hate crimes. Have you ever seen a crime committed on someone because the criminal loved the victim? Look at Jena, that was hate. Six guys attacked a single victim.

You could argue that

You could argue that criminals are hateful, but unless you have some agenda that is closing your mind, you would know (or become aware) that the term "hate crime" has developed a specific meaning, which addresses the fact that the victim(s) is/are targeted because of the group or class to which they belong. Therefore, the crime is one intended to intimidate or otherwise affect that entire class or group. Law enforcement agencies have thus come to think about and address these crimes differently.

Historical context is also worth noting, but perhaps that is too much to "get" in one sitting.

These pages are a good start for study of the concept:

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