Climate action camp in Hamburg (germany) 15. - 24. August 2008


The climate camp will be a place for us to educate ourselves, and to talk about different relationships between society and nature. The point is to develop positions and strategies of and for an emerging climate movement. If we want to really cushion climate change, decisive action is needed. By organising this camp, we’re beginning to look for ways to resist the CO2-economy and the general climate of social repression – also in our everyday lives – including small and large disobedient actions. This climate camp is one of many, and is connected to camps and processes in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Great Britain and Sweden. The climate camp will be taking place together with an antiracist action camp.


News> Finally, a place for the camp is found, the authorities have given up their blockade. The campsite will be located in Hamburg Lurup.







