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No sign of Justice reform: politicians idle

As an independent media organisation Indymedia Malta applaudes the Ministry of Justice for ordering an investigation on the case of Nicholas Azzopardi. Indymedia Malta believes that such investigations should not also be undertaken by magistrates but also by speicalists and indepndent bodies who have no hidden interests. Indymedia Malta also believes that media should have full access to all to the information the government possesses. The ministry of Justice has also moved forward in the right direction by the principle of freedom of information in granting access to journalists at the Hal Safi Detention Centre.

FAA will defend public’s voice, even on St. John’s

St. John's co Cathedral Valletta

Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar is surprised that the St. John's Cathedral Foundation should express itself so strongly against public participation in the St. John’s Cathedral debate.

By failing to hold a public presentation before submitting the applications, as is the norm when dealing with a project affecting Malta’s premier national monument, the Foundation clearly looked upon the public’s interest as unwelcome and uncalled-for trespassing on the hallowed grounds of "experts".

It-Tarzna: falliment jew sabutagg?

Pawlu Bugeja - Segretarju Taqsima Metall u Konstruzzjoni - General Workers Union Is-suggett tat-tarzna hwua suggett li ricentament qanqal hafna dibattitu fost il-Maltin u Ghawdxin minhabba l-pjanijiet godda ta' privatizazzjoni li ghandu l-gvern. Kemm il-partit Nazzjonalista u kemm il-partit Laburista qaghdu lura milli joffru ragunijiet validi wisq inqas alternattivi cari u ekonomici ghal din l-intrapriza. Bhal ma jigri s-soltu fil-politika Maltija, id-dibattitu tas-suggett  ma giex diskuss b'kull liberta, serjeta u kull informazzjoni possibli biex jigu ssalvagwardjati ir-reputazzjonijiet tal-individwi li ghandhom xi tip ta' poter jew iehor.

General Workers Union holds protest meeting against shipyards privitization

The crowd at the meeting The General Workers Union has yesterday held a protest meeting against the way shipyards are being privatised and the way its workers are being treated. The protest which was attended by students and shipyard workers with families cheered the Union's officials when they said that the Union will keep battling for worker's rights.

Increasing Apathy Towards Environmental Appreciation in the South

Construction waste at XghajraIllegal dumping has continued in the coastal area between Xghajra and Marsascala, despite reports done from Indymedia. It is shocking that construction and domestic waste can be found all along the stretch of the coast and till this day have still not subdued. After Indymedia’s reports dated July 2007, some of the waste had been removed, yet new dumpings have again been made. This shall become a serious environmental issue, effecting the area and natural habitats.

FAA Letter Of Objection - St. John's Cathedral, Valletta - July 2008

As you may we are seriously concerned about two development applications to extend the St. John's Cathedral Museum out to the St. John's courtyard on Merchants' Street and also under St. John's Street and Square. These projects are potentially very damaging to our heritage for reasons which we have set out in the letter below. We feel that MEPA should refuse such applications especially as a much wiser alternative exists to restore and convert one of the nearby deteriorating palazzos as a museum extension.

Rapport Specjali mill-Kollettiv Ir-Realta' - Strike!

Din il-ġimgħa bħal ma jaf kulħadd sar l-istrajk tal-ħaddiema tat-trasport pubbliku. L-istrajk, minkejja l-iskontri u l-battibekki li jġib miegħu kull tip ta’ strajk ġie penġut mill-midja bħala xi ħaġa illegali u ta’ barra minn hawn u l-ħaddiema saħansitra ġew demonizzati. Il-misinformazzjoni totali li pproduċiet il-midja lokali f’dawn l-aħħar ġranet kienu n-nuqqas ta’ professjonalità li jġorru magħhom ħafna ġurnalisti Maltin u l-intenzjonijiet opportunisti tal-parlamentari.

Tony Bunyan in Malta

Tony BunyanTony Bunyan yesterday made a speech at the Hotel Excelsoir regarding the imporotance of the Freedom of Information Act in Europe. Malta is one of the only countries in the EU where there is yet no Fredom of Information Act Tony Bunyan who is head of State Watch ( has claimed that this Act has been suppressed and avoided due to the excuse of the war on terror. He claimed that the 'war on terror' has justified the suppression of civil liberties which have ben gained through long struggles especially, the right of the citizens to have any information and any document which the government possesses.

Monstrous Corruption from MEPA

Just after the Nationalist Party entered office, Prime Minister Gonzi has boasted about an incoming reform in MEPA which will increase transperancy and opted a new chairman for the task. The situation of the Malte Environment Planning Authority has not become more transparent because corruption has actually increased and irregularities are on the rise again.

Nature Trust Malta calls on PM to save Dwejra

Nature Trust (Malta) called on the Prime Minister, as the responsible authority on the environment and tourism, to intervene in the Dwejra Heritage Park issue and help solve the various issues which have become long overdue.

Nature Trust (NTM) had been awarded a LIFE grant by the European Union in 2004. This project encountered problems from the very start, with the Malta Environment and Planning Authority delaying the approval of the action plan by over one and a half years. The project eventually came to an end in March 2007.

Since then all uncompleted tasks indicated in the action plan have come to a halt and NTM now feels that all the investment poured in to conserve the site is now going up in smoke and the park is falling into degradation.

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