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Brad Fitzpatrick

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One Year. [Aug. 19th, 2008|11:25 pm]
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Today was my 365th day at Google.

Tomorrow begins year two.
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 16th, 2008|11:41 pm]
  • 13:17 OH: to his dog, "well, whoever she is, she sure as hell ain't good enough for you buddy..." #
  • 16:06 Helped kid whose shoelace got stuck into end of moving walkway. Karma for today? Check! #
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 15th, 2008|11:34 pm]
  • 10:21 OH: "what?! Families can't wait for each other at the arrival gate anymore?" #
  • 19:01 OH: hoed up girls in hotel elevator: "I feel weird without my wedding ring on!" #
  • 21:50 Class reunion. Um, yeah. #
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 14th, 2008|11:48 pm]
  • 18:30 Fire Eagle launch party @ 330 Ritch #
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 13th, 2008|11:40 pm]
  • 13:55 Fire Eagle would be cooler if it'd stop "falling asleep" and instead work. #
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 12th, 2008|11:40 pm]
  • 10:57 Car still in bodyshop, won't likely be ready before Burning Man. Need to find a ride! Motorcycle not quite feasible. #
  • 19:11 gcc errors too often useless. Trying to enjoy a drink but left tricky C++ template problem unsolved. Argh. #
  • 20:23 @dewitt yes! #
  • 20:53 "typename". Lawlz. I'd say I lose (and I'll know better now) but really? Really? #
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 11th, 2008|11:40 pm]
  • 19:30 Where is everybody's Monday night sense of adventure? #
  • 21:59 Adventure found. Clock Bar. #
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 10th, 2008|11:44 pm]
  • 19:46 18th and dolores: hipster alert! #
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 6th, 2008|11:36 pm]
  • 14:44 Too long hair is now too short hair. The cycle repeats anew. #
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 2nd, 2008|11:40 pm]
  • 18:52 @daisysf: you have to not suck first and then the name will fit. #
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My Daily Tweets [Aug. 1st, 2008|11:39 pm]
  • 12:38 "are the beers REALLY $11?" "oh, no no no.. Don't worry, our signs are wrong. It's only $7.50" hah. No. #
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My Daily Tweets [Jul. 31st, 2008|11:41 pm]
  • 08:45 OH: "If WordPress were ported to App Engine, somehow they'd still find a way to introduce a system security hole thru GAE's layers of sec." #
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Perl on App Engine Status Update [Jul. 26th, 2008|11:49 am]
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Lengthy status update:
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My Daily Tweets [Jul. 24th, 2008|11:32 pm]
  • 20:47 OH: "Wait, wait, wait... Was this _before_ the Prime Directive?" .. *silence* ... *laughter* #
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Perl on App Engine [Jul. 22nd, 2008|08:38 pm]
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Fellow Perl hackers,

I'm happy to announce that the Google App Engine team has given me permission to talk about a 20% project inside Google to to add Perl support to App Engine.  To be clear:  I'm not a member of the App Engine team and the App Engine team is not promising to add Perl support.  They're just saying that I (along with other Perl hackers here at Google) are now allowed to work on this 20% project of ours out in the open where other Perl hackers can help us out, should you be so inclined.

As background, I've been writing Perl code for almost 15 years now and quite fond of the language.  (I'm "bradfitz" on CPAN.)  Here at Google, though, it's not one of our big languages so I don't get to write as much Perl as I used to.  I'd still like to run my personal web apps on App Engine, though, and I'd like to write them in Perl.  And I'm definitely not alone, looking at how many people have starred the wishlist bug.  Some of you have already started talking about it.  We'd like to join the discussion, and start hacking out in the public.

In the process we can build the start of an open source App Engine server clone that's suitable for many purposes:  initially just for regression testing & local development (like the "dev_appserver" that comes with the App Engine Python SDK), but perhaps in the future (once Hypertable/Hbase/etc are ready) a full stack to give to ISPs to let them run App Engine apps on their own.

Before I get into my proposed roadmap, let me describe what's publicly known about the App Engine architecture.  In a nutshell, it looks like this:

The App runs in a multi-layer hardened environment, one layer of which will need to be a hardened Perl interpreter.

Basically, we need a hardened Perl runtime which can:
  • open & read files
  • NOT write files
  • NOT open sockets
  • NOT fork
  • NOT do any other system functionality that's not strictly needed for a web app
Basically we need a Perl interpreter that's very tame and isn't allowed to do anything other than read web requests and write out responses.  Any privileged operations (like Datastore access, fetching URLs, etc) need to be done via a trusted XS Perl module (the "apiproxy") that takes a service request parameter and returns a service response.  The request and response are both encoded as Protocol Buffers, which were recently open sourced by Google.

Perl on App Engine then would involve the following steps (in no particular order):
  • Hardened Perl Interpreter:  basically, we'll be statically linking in a hardened, customized libperl to a C++ application, disabling all Perl dynamic loading.  Only vetted, security-audited XS modules will be allowed.  Only safe Perl opcodes will be allowed.  (No sockets, no ioctl, no fork, etc, etc.)  To get a preview for what this'll feel like restriction-wise, check out the newly written Sys::Protect which Artur and I wrote this evening and will be continuing to develop for people's dev environments (not production).
  • Protocol Buffers for Perl:  we need support for Protocol Buffers for Perl.  I've started on this project internally and will open source the code soon, once I have a few free minutes.
  • Server:  we need to write an App Engine server for testing, local development, and potentially production deployment.  (Replace Bigtable with MySQL, Hypertable, Hbase, Couch DB, etc.)
  • Libraries:  Perl client libraries for Datastore, URLFetch, etc services.  Including docs.
Not included is the Google-internal side of things, gluing the hardened Perl interpreter into the GAE world.  That needs to be done by a Googler and not open source. 

If you'd like to discuss this and/or help out, join the perl-appengine mailing list.  We'll be submitting code to the appengine-perl project on Google Code hosting.  For more information about this, see the Perl-on-AppEngine FAQ.

Brad & the other Perl Googlers
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IPv6 [Jul. 15th, 2008|02:05 pm]

I saw that this was open sourced today:

I followed our internal instructions for using it and now I have IPv6 on my desktop at work. Any good IPv6 sites to hit? (besides the Great Experiment, which isn't quite SWF)
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My Daily Tweets [Jul. 13th, 2008|11:35 pm]
  • 09:49 Google Earth with 3D polarized glasses and huge LCD = f'ing awesome #
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My Daily Tweets [Jul. 11th, 2008|11:36 pm]
  • 01:03 Playing with twitterific on new iPhone software. Yay new shiny! #
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Я ищу друзей на одноклассниках! [Jul. 10th, 2008|11:46 pm]

(Have to try out all the social networking sites, ya know...)
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Facebook QR Code "me"-link [Jul. 10th, 2008|09:40 am]
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Facebook's public profile pages don't let you include any links (notably: no XFN "me" links), so you can't setup a bi-direction proof that you own your Facebook account from another page.

I got around that:

Check out my QR code in my profile photo. That QR code says "".


Update 12:42pm: I made it with Google's new Chart API feature. Make a URL like this:;=qr&chl;=

You can read them with this:
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