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Shell To Sea Newsletters

Shell To Sea News letter. Issue 8

Issue 8

Issue 7

Issue 6

Issue 5

Issue 4

Issue 3

Issue 2

Issue 1




 Shell to Sea Press Statements

11th August 08

8th July 08

17th April 08

23rd Feb. 08

16th Oct 07

3rd Oct 07

24th Sep 07

14th Sep 07

5th Sep 07

12th Aug 07

26th June 07

18th June 07

21st April 07

16th April 07

1st April 2007

16th Feb 2007

13th Feb. 2007

1st Feb. 2007

27th Nov. 2006

24th Nov. 2006

20th Nov. 2006

13th Nov. 2006

Proposal 6th Nov. 2006


Willie Corduff: Winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize 2007.

(the world's largest prize honoring grassroots environmentalists.)

Willie's profile on the Goldman Award page

The Goldman Environmental prize

Mural of Ken Sara-Wiwa by Rossport residents Chris Philbin & John Monaghan

Ken Sara-Wiwa winner in 1995 : Executed over his opposition to Shell's activities in Ogoniland in the Niger delta.


Shell announces profits

€19.5 billion per annum
€375 million per week
€53.5 million a day
€2.25 million per hour
Send Shell to Sea = €360 million 
(Less than a weeks profit!)
Benefits to Ireland = €0
Shell, Statoil, Marathon
Local community
Citizens of Ireland 


 Independent report says pipeline project is flawed:

Download CPI report pdf




 Corrib gas will be traded at international market price.

 So will it make any difference to the price Irish people pay for gas?
'No it won't' - The head of Bord Gáis Energy Supply, David Bunworth.

Five Seven Live (Fri 21st Jul 06)



 Fact sheets


Health and Safety




Natural Resourses pdf


The Irish Times On-Line Poll: Is Shell's Corrib Gas project good for the local community?

NO = 84%

YES = 16%   follow link for details



Nuacht RTÉ/TNS mrbi Poll. September 2006.  

6 out of 10 people in Mayo want Corrib Gas terminal located offshore at sea.  Read the report



 Quotes for the day

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from off the goose.


"Fr Sean Noone, parish priest of Pollathomas, fears for the future. "The opponents, portrayed as baddies by Shell, are the prophets when it comes to our environment," he says. "


"the practice of "flaring off" excess gas, has damaged many peoples' health"
"Ever since the hanging of Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other activists in 1995, this region has been seething with anger. Saro-Wiwa had been fighting against environmental degradation of his native Ogoniland by the Shell oil company."  John Egan - BBC journalist - April 1999  
Crossing Continents program for the BBC

John Egan now External Affairs Manager Shell E & P

26th Sept. 2006 at Bellanaboy, Co. Mayo

"I am becoming sick and tired of lying..." Shell executive Mr Van de Vijver  (Read how Shell misled its investors)

"We depend on fishing and farming, and to take that away from us — it’s genocide. If you take away our land, and then you pollute the water and so on, it’s just saying we don’t have any right to live." Ken Saro-Wiwa

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Washington politicians, lobby groups pledge support to Rossport campaigner"

"I don't think any company, even Shell, umh, will introduce expensive safety measures unless they have to" Christy Loftus - Shell's Communications Officer in Mayo. (Those Who Dance - Part 2 of 5 - timeline 07:54)


"First you came and tried to take our land.
Then when that didn't work you put 5 of our men to jail.
Then when that didn't work you brought in 200 gardaí and beat us into the drains and ditches"
Moving response by local resident P.J.Moran to Shell at the EPA oral hearing April  2007.

'Ireland should not negotiate away it's environment
for the sake of a few jobs..''
Dr Owens Wiwa,
brother of of executed Nigerian poet Ken Saro Wiwa

 We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.  When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.  ~Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,then they fight you, then you win. "


"We do not seek conflict, we know the strength of the forces arrayed against us. Know that because of them we can only use peaceful means, but we are determined that justice will be done!"
 Mohandas K. Gandi


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
Albert Einstein

Nigeria pipe fire kills 100 ... read details here


Major gas explosion at Shell refinery (Bacton, Norfolk)

"Jean Smith, who lives about half a mile from the plant in Kimberley Road, said she heard an explosion about 6pm and saw a ball of smoke followed by flames.

She said: "We heard a bang, like a plane going through the sound barrier. The place shook and we looked out to see a ball of black smoke above the plant."Then all the alarms went off up there."

The Guardian - Major Gas Explosion

BBC News - Major gas terminal blaze put out

BBC News - Gas terminal blaze investigated

Fire at Shell Refinery at Bacton, Norfolk, England

Saudi gas pipeline fire kills 28   follow this link

Gas distribution pipe line exploded in Germany (100bar pressure)

Read the full report & watch the video news of gas explosion

Gas distribution pipe line (100bar pressure) exploded in Lahntal, Hessen, Germany 28th Aug 07.



Shell’s weekly profits = €375 million. Cost to send Shell to Sea = €360 million which can be completely written off against the 1992 tax deal. Norway's 'Oil Fund' = €52,000 pension fund per person. Norway's gain is Ireland's shame! KEEP UPTODATE WITH

Our Gas Our National Interest (O.G.O.N.I.)
'No other country in the world has given such favourable terms as ireland...'   Mike Cunningham, former Statoil director, Ireland.

"Time to impose windfall profits tax on Shell’s Corrib find as Government plans to give away all of the Rockall offshore area" says Colm Rapple - Economist and Journalist

"... But despite spiralling energy prices there is no sign of the Government moving to harden the licence terms to ensure that we get a fairer share of the gas and oil that is undoubtedly under the sea bed. Yet this is the time to both demand more from new licensees and to introduce a windfall tax on the existing Corrib find off the Mayo coast."   ... Read Colm's full article here

      "Commission officials told the Oireachtas Committee on Energy that recent "softening" in world oil and gas prices would have a "minor" effect on projected price increases.

They also warned that the coming on stream of gas from the Corrib field off Co Mayo could lead to higher, rather than lower, prices for consumers because of the cost attached to the current supply infrastructure." the Irish Times article here


Monday 13th October 2008-10-12 

Let Shell and its partners feel some pain in Budget 2008. 

Shell to Sea calls on Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan to re-introduce royalty payments on all oil/gas exploration companies operating in Ireland as the only way of ensuring a consistent flow of Revenue to the State from this activity. This would be the first step in the process of regaining control over our own natural resources. 

Future liquidity of this country depends on the proper control and management of its assets. Now is the time to regain control and ownership of the country’s oil and gas for the benefit of everybody living in Ireland. 

Any change in Corporation Tax rates for exploration companies (as recently introduced by Green Party Minister Eamon Ryan) can and will be neutralised through exploration programmes, transfer pricing and entity splitting. 

Successive Finance Acts implement fiscal policy. In the current and future severe economic conditions there can be no excuse for allowing oil/gas exploration companies to continue making obscene profits immune from taxation while ordinary people are expected to take all the pain. 

Contact for verification: Spokesperson Maura Harrington +353 87 959 1474

October 2008:

Royal Dutch Shell to go to Trial for Complicity in Torture and Murder of Nigerian Protesters:

“We are looking forward to finally bringing Shell into court, where we will prove their role in the torture and murder of our clients and their pattern of human rights abuses,” said CCR attorney Jennie Green. “It’s time for our clients and their families to see justice.” Read full article here

Afri Hedge School 2008: 'Pipelines and Profits: People under pressure - From 24th to 26th October 08

See event details here

September 2008:

Massive Gas pipeline explosion in Virginia, USA

For full details click here

Shell To Sea press release 28th Sep. 08

Diary of Maura Harrington on hunger strike 

74% of people in an RTE news poll said that the Gardaí are protecting Shell's interests over the public by arresting the two fishermen

Read the Irish Times (11th Sep. 08) story here

August 2008:

Build up of Irish States resources against local community peacefully protesting against Shells plan to build gas and oil industry in rural community of Erris

The Battle for Glengad Beach over the summer of 2008 ...more details here 

"Naval sources speaking to the Mayo Echo have said they are concerned that they are being used to police protesters, and that they are concerned that a nuclear-powered British Royal Navy submarine is positioned approximately 11 miles off the coast of Mayo" full article here

 "This is the first time we have been used against civilian protesters, says Navy as gunboat is sent to protect Broadhaven Bay pipeline" ... Daily Irish Mail Saturday 30th Aug 2008


Shell To Sea Flotilla   Shell To Sea Flotilla LE Orla, a 39-man warship, brought into Broadhaven Bay at request of Gardaí

LE Orla, a 39-man warship, brought into Broadhaven Bay at request of Gardaí




" AN INTERNAL report from a senior Government ecologist to officials at Environment Minister John Gormley's department has severely criticised the environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared by Shell in its planning application to build a controversial gas pipeline in Mayo." the article here 

Anniversary of the September 2003 Landslides:

Recent heavy rainfall in Glengad/Pollatomish area leads locals to call on Environment Minister to halt heavy excavation works by Shell at the foot of Dooncarton Mountain (Glengad - site of previous landslide Sep. 2003) amid fears of fresh landslides: ...fear of fresh landslides in North Mayo

Pollatomish landslide 19th Sep. 2003 Pollatomish Landslide 19th Sep. 2003

Dooncarton Mountain after 40 individual landslides on 19th September 2003

Recent bogslide near Corrib gas site-related work: ESB confirms bog slide near Corrib gas site-related work

Pollatomish /Glengad landslide 19th Sept. 2003: Read related articles here

"...pod of dolphins within Broadhaven Bay was herded away by a speed boat hired to work on the Corrib gas project."  ...from article in Irish Times

July 2008:

Willie Corduff: Winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize 2007 and 12 others were arrested at Glengad 23rd July 2008



Thursday 24th July: "This morning (at approximately 8:00am over 40 gardaí, who are now stationed in the Shell compound, and 70 Shell specialist security forced the local community from a section of Glengad beach so that Shell could erect 10ft high fencing about 40ft down onto the beach. " ...full story here     

watch the video here


Yet another oversight!

MINISTER FOR Energy Eamon Ryan has acknowledged an "oversight" in failing to publish latest authorisations for work on the Corrib gas project. story here




Shell surveillance:
"PARISH PRIEST in north Mayo claims he has been monitored by Shell’s extensive security arrangements at a location where work on the controversial project is ongoing." the full story here    "parishioners ‘prisoners in their own area’"    "registration of his car had been noted and, moreover, he believed he had also been photographed by security officials at Ballyglass harbour." 

Mayo family complains over Shell surveillance


Shell security filming on Glengad public beach: Local musician and resident of Glengad says:""We object to our grandchildren being filmed while walking and paddling, and we will be seeking to have this footage returned to us,"

Mayo family complains over Shell surveillance - The Irish Times Monday 14th July 08

Glengad family ‘tormented’ by Shell surveillance - The Mayo News - Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Community outrage as Shell films children on public beaches - The Mayo Echo - wed. 16th July 08

Irish Shell is accused of video surveillance activity by a Mayo family - RTE Radio 1 - Pat Kenny show 15th July 08  Follow the link to Today with Pat Kenny - Go to time line 03:33

More coverage on the Pat Kenny show re Shell's surveillance of Glengad and the public beach. Local journalist confirms Shell surveillance - 16th July 08

New Rossport Solidarity Camp website:

The hypocrisy of Shell:

Shell posts a notice on the beach at Glengad pretending to care about nesting sand martins. Next to it is a photograph of a dead sand martin which had exhausted itself trying to get into its nest that Shell had covered with a net.

  Dead Sand Martin in Shell's net

A sand martin nesthole netted over by ShellSand martin nest holes netted over by Shell

Glengad public beach: Netted by Shell to stop the sand martins nesting

" "Most bird species are protected under the Wildlife Acts, barring those regarded as pest species, and those considered as game species (where they may be hunted under conditions). Under the Wildlife (Amendment) Act, 2000 it is an offence to disturb their breeding or resting place".

This is a quote from the recent pipeline planning application that Shell (& RPS) have given in to An Bord Pleanala 
... read the article

Recent News:

"Mayo residents' group lodges formal complaint against Shell to OECD" the full article here

Shell has bought a share in the commonage in Rossport: ... read the full story here

Mayo County Council and the Shell haulage route (L1202) ...updated report 10/7/08

This is as far as Mayo County Council can go with the road works to facilitate the haulage route for Shell.

Since Shell paid Mayo County Council €3 million euro to widen the road from Bellanaboy to Glengad to facilitate Shell trucks and machinery going to the Landfall site at Glengad, the following environmental destruction has been visited on the local villages along the haulage route: 

Landslides - resulting in road closures and loss of electricity to local villages for more than 24 hours


Mayo C.C. continue to buldoze local opinion and dismiss their complaints   ... read details here

Complete destruction of hedgerows and wildlife habitat (despite legislation which prohibits such work except in March and August)

Pollution of feeder streams to Sruth Fada Conn bay (SAC). North Western Fisheries Board warned the council not to silt streams and rivers


A letter from the North Western Regional Fisheries Board to the Secretary of Mayo County Council dated 31st January 2008 specifically warned of the potential for release of silt during road works.

... Read it here

To read the full story from planning proposal to present day environmental disaster ... read full article here

Friday 6th June 08:  100's of letters of objection to Ministerial consent being given to Shells proposed application to construct a natural gas pipeline were handed in to the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, in Dublin.

Bog Fire: If it takes 4 days to extinguish a bog fire 10 km from Shell's controversial refinery at Bellanaboy, what chance do residents have if an explosion or major fire were to occur? about the bog fire here  Shell EP Ireland is unable to give details of its emergency plan.

European Parliament Petitions Committee to discuss the Corrib gas issue on Monday 26th May 2008 ... full details here

Pictures from the AFRI Famine Walk 2008 here

Shell erect netting on public beach (SPA & SAC) to prevent birds nesting on the cliffs during construction work: "Labour Party president Michael D Higgins has questioned the legality of the netting, and said it would appear that Shell contractors were “playing fast and loose with the EU Birds Directive”." the article here  EU Birds directive

US human rights monitor examines Garda action at Rossport  ...see report here  "The Garda Siochana Ombudsman Commission wrote to Justice Minister Brian Lenihan regarding a possible examination of the management of incidents protest, but the minister did not feel it was appropriate to proceed." ... read the story here 

"A PROPOSAL by the Garda Ombudsman Commission that it examine the handling of protests over the Corrib gas project should be reconsidered by Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern, according to Denny Larson, director of US-based Global Community Monitor."
... read the article here

" LEGISLATION passed by the Government more than six years ago to facilitate the Corrib gas onshore pipeline was flawed" ... read full article here

NO CONSENT from locals so Shell resort to another land grab in Rossport using Compulsory Acquisition Orders (CAOs) on commonage for new pipeline route ... read the article here

Shell/RPS can't get community consent for shortlisted pipeline routes article

Double standards again applied to Shell: An Bord Pleanála say it's OK to build a road without permission on a SAC article

EPA grants Shell licence to pollute:  Read article 

It is left to Shell to Sea to stop Shell drilling in an SAC - Who is responsible for monitoring Shell?
The Irish Times - Lorna Siggins - Monday, November 5, 2007
Corrib Consents 'errors' !

read full story
Shell had no consent to drill on SAC

Shell To Sea delegation hands letter from Kilcommon parish priests to Minister  Read letter
Shell consultants can't enter private lands article
Back to top



Shell private security imprison and detain peaceful protester on public beach at Glengad. Glengad security firm revealed  

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Global Community Monitor

Solidarity Camp website 

Corporate Watch

Mayo gas information web site 

Shell to Sea Germany

News and inside infornation on Royal Dutch Shell  

Interviews with Maura Harrington on hunger strike

Locals forced off Glengad beach

Those Who Dance  

Policing the pollution "Don't mention the water"

Shell in Mayo: A new Nigeria?

Shell in Nigeria

Don't let Shell kill again, Part 1

Shell to Hell

Gards baton charge Shell To Sea


The Price of Our Souls: Gas Shell and Ireland

The Price of our Souls: Gas Shell and Ireland

 The Environmental Movement in Ireland

 The Environmental Movement in Ireland

 Riding the Dragon: Royal Dutch Shell and the fossil fire



Get involved & get your views heard


Contact Shell in Bellmullet

Mark Carrigy,
Operations Manager, Corrib Gas Project.
4 Údarás na Gaeltachta
Béal an Mhuirthead
Co Mhaigh Eo
Tel +353 (0)97 27100
Fax +353 (0)97 27101

Email addresses of 5 Mayo newspapers:

Letters to the editor The Western People,

Newsdesk email addresses 

Contact MidWestRadio


More info






Afri Hedge School 2008: Pipelines and Profits: People under pressure - From 24th to 26th October 08 - 24 October '08

Solidarity Protest - Dublin - Shell head office -52 Lwr Leeson Street 1PM - 15 September '08

Solidarity Protest - London - Allseas Office - Albemarle St, Soho W1- 12Noon - 15 September '08

Protest at GPO, Dublin - 2pm Saturday in solidarity with the people of Erris and Maura Harrington on hunger strike. - 13 September '08

Vigil outside the Shell Headquarters on Leeson Street at 5.30PM - 11 September '08

Solidarity protest at the GPO on OConnell Street at 6.30PM - 11 September '08

Dublin Shell to Sea meeting tonight 7pm at Connolly Books, Temple Bar. - 26 August '08

Weekend Beach Party to Reclaim Glengad Public Beach - 09 August '08

Erris Inshore Fishermens Association assembly: Ballyglass Pier Monday (14th July) 12 noon - 14 July '08

Official Book launch: The Price of our Soul – Gas, Shell and Ireland - 10 July '08

Afri famine walk 2008 - From Doolough to Louisburgh, Co. Mayo - 17 May '08

GCM Director Denny Larson on policing of environmental protests - Liberty Hall, 7pm - 15 May '08

MAOR - Scannáin ar an Imeall - Films on the Edge - Gort an Choirce in the Donegal Gaeltacht - 15 May '08

Protest at Shell/Topaz station, Finglas - 12 noon Saturday - 26 April '08

MAOR ENERGY FORUM FORTNIGHT - DERRY, March 31st- April 12th - 31 March '08

Protest: 12.15 at Shell station, Glasnevin, Finglas Road Dublin 11 - 29 March '08

Book launch - The Environmental Movement in Ireland - 5:30pm Foyer, Aras Moyola, NUI Galway - 28 March '08

Annual Good Friday solidarity walk at Rossport - 21 March '08

Bring the pipe back to Shell - 17 March '08

Shell to Sea public Meeting - ATGWU Hall - Dublin - 7pm - 13 March '08