Tuesday, August 08, 2006

SAMIDOUN's Website

This blog will no longer be updated regularly. Please visit www.samidoun.org .

Saturday, July 22, 2006


كما كانت الحجّة في اجتياح العام 1982، فإن الرواية الإسرائيلية مازالت هي هي، إذ يحاول الإسرائيليون ترويج قصة "خطف" جنديين في تبريرها للقتل الرهيب الذي تمارسه على المدنيين الآمنين أو النازحين وتدمير للبنى التحتية.
تتبنى الروايات الرسمية العربية، وأكثرها وضوحاً السعودية، تلك الرواية الإسرائيلية. فالقتل الإسرائيلي الهمجي هو سياسي بامتياز إذ أنه مدعوم بكشاف أخضر أميركي وضوء أخضر عربي. الدعم السياسي العربي، بحده الأدنى وإن كان متدنيا في العادة، غاب هذه المرة، بل وقف ضد تصدي المقاومة للعدوان ومن الضروري مجابهته الآن!
ولا يتوقف الضوء الأخضر العربي للعدوان الإسرائيلي هناك، بل يتغلغل ويعمل على تحريض طائفي، ضمني ومباشر. إذ تحرّض الروايات الرسمية العربية على المقاومة اللبنانية طائفيا بينما هي تخشى من أي شكل مقاوم في فلسطين أو العراق أو لبنان أو في بلدانها هي. لم تعد أيٍ من السلطات السعودية أو المصرية أو الأردنية أو السورية، برغم اختلاف موقفها السياسي، جميعها قوية في قمع شعوبها كما كانت قبل عقد من الزمان، ولا تستطيع التمادي أمام شعوبها في ذلّها أمام الولايات المتحدة وحليفتها إسرائيل. بالتالي، علينا توسيع حلقة الضغط عليها من بيروت وخارجها.
لكن هذه الأنظمة تخشى من مقاومة إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة في أي مكان لأنها تخشى من امتداد المقاومة بأشكالها المتعددة إلى التصدي داخليا لتشبث كل من هذه الأنظمة منفردة بكراسيهم المنفردة وبالزنزانات الانفرادية للشعوب ونهبهم للناس، وتسخير بلادنا لهيمنة الدول الغربية ليزدادوا غنى، هم وأسيادهم.
من أجل التصدي لإسرائيل ومنعها من الاستمرار في عدوانها على لبنان وفلسطين واستغلالها للضوء الأخضر العربي والدولي، فإن المطلوب هو الضغط على الأنظمة العربية وصديقاتها الغربية، بالإضافة إلى تقديم أي نوع دعم ممكن تقديمه لتكريس حق المقاومة، التي تحاول جاهدة وبنجاحٍ كبير إيجاد توازن عسكري في تصديها للعدوان وكسر الغرور الإسرائيلي، رغم عدم تكافؤ الأسلحة.
إن الاختلال السياسي الحاصل ليس في صالح المدنيين اللبنانيين ولا المقاومة اللبنانية. فمن الضروري وجود دعم سياسي لبناني وعربي ودولي، ولا يسعنا ترجمة صمت أي مسؤول عربي أو دولي سوى أنه داعم ومشارك في هذا العدوان الذي يستهدف المدنيين مباشرةً. وللأسف، وفي مثل هذه الأوقات، فإن مواقف لبنانية أساسية في الحكومة، في البداية، وبعضها حتى الآن، قد شجعت سلطات عربية ودولية في وقاحتها.
ومثلما نشهد حالات التضامن اليومية، ونفسية جديدة في هذه الأيام، فإنها فرصة لتخطي سلبيات سابقة. الواقع المقاوم لا يخلو ولم يخل يوما من سلبيات ونقاش، لكن المطلوب تخطي سلبياتها لا التخلي عنها.
هذه لحظة صمود وكرامة وأفق مختلف، اخترنا فيها التحرك لدعم الصمود... نحن مجموعة من مناطق مختلفة، نعمل على المساندة الإنسانية للمهجرين، ونعتبر أن موضوع المساندة الإنسانية لا ينفصل عن البعد السياسي، لا سيما أنه يتعلق بحياة المدنيين وبمساكنهم وبلبنان بأكمله.
من لبنان المحاصر والمقاوم سنبدأ بسلسلة من الأنشطة السياسية والإعلامية والتواصل مع المعارضات العربية والمتضامنين الغربيين لوقف قمع الأنظمة العربية، كلها، وكسر الحصار السياسي.
بيروت في 22/7/2006

Friday, July 21, 2006

Solidarity protests

Here are all of the upcoming solidarity actions we have heard about so far. All times given are local. We're hearing about reports from actions that have already taken place, like this one from Korea and these from Sao Paulo, Florianopolis, and Brasilia in Brazil.

Friday July 21, 2006
  • Brazil: Sao Paulo - Praca da Se, 3 pm
  • Canada: Calgary - City Hall 3 pm
  • France: Reims - Place d'Erlon 6:30 pm
  • Germany: Berlin - Adenauerplatz 4 pm
  • Switzerland: Bern - Bundesplatz, 3 pm
  • UAE: Dubai - In front of the Lebanese consulate in Dubai 5 pm
  • USA: Columbus, Ohio - SILENT CANDLELIGHT VIGIL at 15TH AND HIGH STREET 6 to 8 pm

Saturday July 22, 2006
International day of Action

LEBANON - ALL WOMEN from ALL regions, are invited to join the sit-in to be held on Saturday July 22 at 11:00 am in front of the ESCWA building.
WHITE SHIRTS are requested. LEBANESE FLAGS are welcome.

  • Australia: Adelaide - (12PM) at Parliament house in Adelaide
  • Australia: Melbourne - (1 PM) in front of the State Library in Melbourne CBD
  • Canada: Toronto - (1 PM) Israeli Consulate, 180 Bloor Street West
  • Canada: Vancouver - (3 PM) Vancouver Art Gallery
  • Canada: Ottawa - (11 AM) Parliament Hill
  • France:Dijon - Place Darcy (13h30)
  • France: Marseilles - (6:30 pm) Vieux Port
  • Germany: Munich - (3:30 PM) Kalsplatz
  • Germany: Hanover - Kröpcke Strass
  • Germany: Frankfurt - (2 PM) - Homburger Landstrasse/Ecke Friedberger Warte (contact: Tel.: 0172 519 84 13 , 0152 051 251 25, 0162 932 83 04 )
  • Hong Kong - (11:00 AM) in central station Hong Kong
  • Ireland: Dublin - (2:00 pm) march from central bank plaza to the Israeli Embassy
  • Netherlands: Amsterdam - At the Beursplein
  • Sweden - Goteborg
  • Switzerland - Geneva
  • UK: London - (12PM) march from Embankment to Marble Arch
  • UK: other locations
  • USA: Boston (12 to 3 PM) - In front of City Hall Plaza
  • USA: Chicago (noon) - Chicago Tribune Plaza
  • USA: Detroit - (12 PM) Tribune Plaza
  • USA: Columbus, Ohio - (6 to 8 PM) Candlelight vigil at 15TH and High St.
  • USA: Rochester, NY - (1 pm) Federal Building

Sunday July 23, 2006

  • Italy, Ancova - ROMA SQUARE
  • USA, Dallas TX - (3 pm) Ferris Plaza
  • USA, Fort Myers FL - (4 PM) Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) campus

Monday July 24th, 2006
  • France: Marseille - (6:30 pm) Vieux Port
Tuesday, July 25th:
Wednesday, July 26th:
  • Portugal: Lisbon - (6:30) Israeli embassy
  • Portugal : Porto - (6:30 pm) Praca da Batalha
Saturday, August 12th:
  • USA: Washington, DC - (12 noon) White House

Update from the Arab NGO Network for Development - July 20th

Nothing can describe the feeling of having worked tirelessly for 15 years rebuilding a country from the ruins of war, only to see it once again laid waste within a period of days.(This is one thought that most of the Lebanese have on their mind everyday)

Israel finds new pretexts to kill Lebanese civilians. The Israeli military seems to have "discovered" a new threat in trucks and vans, some of which were carrying civilians and medical supplies, but Israel maintains were bringing weapons and supplies to Hezbollah fighters. A Lebanese military jeep and a civilian van were destroyed when they were attacked by Israeli warplanes. An Israeli jet also fired four rockets on a truck used to drill for water, which reportedly was mistaken for a missile launcher. A convoy of trucks was also struck before dawn by Israeli jets, in east of Beirut. The attacks prompted acting Interior Minister to warn civilians Wednesday to stay clear of trucks, after Israeli air strikes appeared to be targeting any vehicle that could be used to transport weapons. (From www.dailystar.com)

Here are some thoughts on American media
In a photo gallery posted on the CNN website, one can find three kinds of pictures: an extensive collection of pictures for people evacuating Lebanon through luxurious ships or military helicopters, pictures of Arab-Israelis looking at a whole in the ground caused by a missile by Hezbollah, then a picture of an Israeli man in his house impacted by another Hezbollah missile. That is how CNN sums up the Israeli attack on Lebanon. Palestine Media Watch called CNN asking their International Desk about their lack of coverage of civilian suffering on the Lebanese side, and the person answering the call, a Jennifer (the phone number for the CNN international desk is: 404/ 827-1519), explained that the reason for that was that they did not have enough equipment and could not be everywhere all the time! An absurd proposition, obviously, since the same heavy bias applies to their web site! Read more on: http://www.pmwatch.org/pmw/mediocrity/displayCall.asp?essayID=383

An Arab-American wrote to NBC: NBC refers to what Israel is doing as "the attack on Hezbollah". How is this? The attacks are not limited to Southern Lebanon, nor are they limited to Hezbollah militants. Is not much of Beirut in ruin? Are not most of the Lebanese victims innocent civilians? Why is this not referred to as an attack on Lebanon? ….Of course, anyone can sympathize with the old Israeli woman sitting on the stairs crying, or the people running to their bomb shelters, or the family who has just found out they lost a loved one. Why don't we see the same from the Lebanese side? I'm not referring to the American students at the university who seem to be in relative comfort working on their laptop computers discussing when they will be evacuated. With over 10 times as many Lebanese dead, surely there are numerous opportunities for equally gripping reports from Lebanon, no? To read the whole letter please visit: http://inquisitor.com/pcgi-bin/NYD.cgi?NA=NYD&AC=File&DA=20060719ZBE&TO;=OW

Note on UN role
I am starting to wonder why the United Nations exists. The UN is still not able to take a decision at the level of policy making in the Security Council to protect a small country like Lebanon, which is torn apart by the Israeli killing machines. Nor are the peace keeping missions of the UN able to protect the people, the groups of villagers that are begging for refuge from the terrorism of a “state” that have isolated itself from any concept of human rights. They (UN mission) claimed there was a massacre in 1996 (The Kana Massacre) when the UN mission took in a group of Lebanese southerners who were fleeing the Israeli war planes, but was targeted directly by the Israeli missiles. But from 1996 till 2006 the UN did not look and investigate this massacre, they did not even hold Israel responsible for this massacre. The situation is leading a lot of us, people that work on daily basis to strengthen the United Nations system and the respect of its conventions, to question the benefit out of supporting an international system that cannot protect us when we really need.

"We are not targeting civilians!"
Commentary from http://siegeoflebanon.blogspot.com/
In a debate with an Israeli blindly supportive of the Israeli government yesterday, he said that Israel is not killing civilians. It is not intending to kill civilians. It is all a matter of intention? So, all these hundreds of Lebanese civilians killed- they have been killed "accidentally." Their homes must have been destroyed by accident, their schools, their hospitals, their churches and mosques, their cars as they try to escape on the roads -- all of these attacks have been unintentional. hmm….

So, if with all the military precision that Israel has, if with all the most up-to-date military weaponry supplied (with US taxpayer money) by the country with the most advanced weaponry (US), Israel still continues to "accidentally" kill civilians, hundreds and counting, then perhaps we should all be demanding a disarmament of the state of the Israel. They seem not to know how to use military weapons. Let’s disarm both sides. No one-way disarmament should be allowed.

(After a milk factory was destroyed two days ago, a fish farm and a chicken farm were targeted and destroyed by Israel as well. Yes! Lebanese fish, chicken, and even milk can be quite dangerous as well)

Let’s hear from the displaced Lebanese: (Taken from article by Sonia Knox)
Fatima in Nasra School: Fatima is 10. Her head is shaved, because the whole family got lice at the first school they stayed in, coming up from the South. “Hello, what’s the situation?” Fatima asks, holding my phone upside down to her ear. “This is Fatima Hashem, reporting live from Beirut. We have one hundred people here in the school. They’re sleeping on the floor, on mattresses. Last night I couldn’t sleep because it was hot. So I went outside. Then Mama came out and told me not to go outside anymore at night. So tonight I get to sleep next to the window.”

Walid, volunteer at Nasra School: “My uncle is staying with us. He had a building in Tyre (A Southern village), and three stores in the same center in Dahieh. First they bombed his building in Tyre, then the same day they bombed the building in Dahieh, and it collapsed. ‘It’s ok,’ he told me, ‘I still have all the keys’.”

From the words of the Lebanese Prime Minister (for more check http://inquisitor.com/NYDiary/) “……Is the value of human life in Lebanon less than that of the citizens of other countries? Can the international community stand by while such callous retribution by Israel is inflicted on us? Will you allow innocent civilians, churches, mosques, orphanages, medical supplies escorted by the Red Cross, people seeking shelter or fleeing their homes and villages to be the casualties of this ugly war? Is this what the international community calls self-defense?
Is this the price we pay for aspiring to build our democratic institutions? Is this the message to send to the country of diversity, freedom and tolerance? Only last year, the Lebanese filled the streets with hope and with red, green and white banners shouting out: Lebanon deserves life! What kind of life is being offered to us now?
We shall spare no avenue to make Israel compensate the Lebanese people for the barbaric destruction it has inflicted and continues to inflict upon us, knowing full well that human life is irreplaceable….
We the Lebanese want life. We have chosen life. We refuse to die. Our choice is clear. We have survived wars and destruction over the ages. We shall do so again.”

News coming from the Security Council: Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Anan, presented a report at the UN tonight and asked for immediate cease fire and for sending multinational peacekeeping forces to Southern Lebanon for three main reasons: 1) to relief people under siege in the areas of military actions and evacuate injuries and civilians 2) to let humanitarian aids access to Lebanon 3) to give a chance for diplomacy to find a solution.

US ambassador to the United Nations, Bolton, stressed that there will be no negotiations at this stage.

The first civic activity on the streets of Beirut since the beginning of the Israeli attacks: The morning of Thursday 20th of July 2006, more than 400 Lebanese citizens and representative of civil society organizations organized a rally in downtown Beirut to strongly demand an immediate ceasefire. This rally took place while Israel continues its collective punishment of the Lebanese people by bombing civilians and infrastructure, and holding the whole country under siege.

The rally started in front of the UN building in downtown Beirut, and ended at the European Union (EU) house. The group of civil society organizations, which organized the rally and call themselves “Lebanese Civil Society Organizations For Life”, submitted a memo to the UN Secretary General and the EU head of mission, in which they demanded for ceasefire in sympathy with the innocent civilians and what is left of lives in the country.

The message delivered by the EU head of mission to the demonstrators is that there will not be a cease fire unless Hezbollah gives a positive sign (hinting to the release of the two captured Israeli soldiers). Hezbollah’s response was that the cease fire should be immediate and without conditions, and the release of the captured soldiers will take place after indirect negotiations with Israel (referring to the mediating role to exchange Lebanese and Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons with the two soldiers).

This update was prepared by the Arab NGO Network for Development- information was collected from various news agencies, but mostly from blogs created by civil society groups and individual activists- for more information please visit our website at www.annd.org, email us at annd@annd.org, phone us at +961-1-319366 or fax us at +961-1-815636.

Update from the Arab NGO Network for Development

And the death toll increases….
At least 55 civilians were killed and scores wounded in a series of Israeli raids across Lebanon Wednesday in the deadliest day since the bombardment began one week ago. A total of 310 people, mostly civilians, have been killed and hundreds injured.

Another massacre!
Twenty-one Lebanese civilians were killed and 30 others wounded in raids on the Southern village of Srifa, where 10 houses were destroyed. "Fighter-bombers and helicopters carried out a series of raids lasting two hours between 1:00 am and 3:00 am (22:00 GMT-midnight Tuesday) on the same sector in the centre of the village, part of which was completely destroyed," one resident reported. Israeli gunboats also took part in the attack on the village.

Oups, wrong target!
Israeli helicopters fired four rockets on a residential neighborhood of central Beirut- the first direct strikes in the heart of the Lebanese capital. The rockets hit a piece of water-bore drilling equipment in a parking lot behind a police station. Maybe they thought it were a missile launcher! (From the Lebanese daily newspaper www.dailystar.com.lb)

The United Nations human rights chief Louise Arbour said that the scale of killing in Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories could involve war crimes. "The scale of the killings in the region, and their predictability, could engage the personal criminal responsibility of those involved, particularly those in a position of command and control," she said.

There are "serious questions" over Israel's conduct in Lebanon said the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRD) on Wednesday, as civilians bear the brunt of the Jewish state's strikes on Lebanon. "The high number of civilian casualties and the extent of damage to essential public infrastructure raise serious questions regarding respect for the principle of proportionality in the conduct of hostilities," ICRC director of operations Pierre Kraehenbuehl told journalists at the organization’s Geneva base. (From AFP)

Today was relatively quite compared to the seven previous days. This was because foreigners were evacuating from Lebanon and Israeli gave them space to finish that. Moreover, the European Union delegation headed by Xavier Solana met with the Israeli Prime Minister, who assured Solana that the official decision of the Israeli government is that the war against Lebanon will continue until the two soldiers captured by Hezbollah will be released. Today, Lebanese Prime Minister convened the diplomatic missions to Lebanon to launch an urgent appeal to the international community for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and assistance to our war ravaged Lebanon.
Warnings of a humanitarian catastrophe are on the rise, with 500,000 people displaced by the Israeli onslaught and blockade through air and sea.

Watching bombs from the bar - a holiday in Beirut (Commentary by Paul Hughes)
You know your holiday has taken a turn for the worse when the hotel slips a note under your door with directions to the bomb shelter. Blissfully unaware and delighted to be going to our favorite Middle Eastern city, my wife and I reached Beirut just as Hizbollah militants seized two Israeli soldiers, sparking an Israeli military onslaught on Lebanon.

Instead of the exhausting nightlife and wonderful food we had anticipated in a city regaining its swagger after decades of war, we now had front-row seats on a show of Israeli firepower. During Lebanon's 1975-90 civil war, foreign correspondents such as myself used to marvel at the ability of Beirut's hotels to keep them in pressed shirts and fine wine, even at the height of the fighting. Now, here we were on the terrace of our hotel's piano bar as missiles crashed into a residential area that we overlooked. Beirut is largely defenseless against Israeli air power. A few half-hearted bursts of anti-aircraft fire were barely enough to drown out the chanteuse stumbling through John Lennon's "Imagine".

"ANOTHER DRINK, SIR?" The impeccable waiters, epitomizing the standards Lebanon's tourism trade tried to maintain in the dark days of civil war, hardly batted an eyelid as the ambulances wailed below, "Another Caipirinha, sir?"

Before the bombing, the hotels were packed with wealthy Gulf tourists and Lebanese emigrants, and this was going to be their best summer for decades. Beirut had begun to believe it was at last recapturing its glory as the playground of the Middle East. For all their stiff upper lips, the hotel staffs, like most Lebanese, are devastated. The dream has gone again, amid pictures of dead and wounded, ruined buildings and bridges, and thousands of people sheltering in schools and parks.

By the time we decided to leave, three days after the fighting erupted, the hotel was virtually deserted…Usually Damascus is a two-hour taxi ride from Beirut costing $100 (55 pounds). On Saturday, the hotel concierge said he could find us only one driver willing to risk the trip, and he wanted $1,000……

This update was prepared by the Arab NGO Network for Development- information was collected from various news agencies, but mostly from blogs created by civil society groups and individual activists- for more information please visit our website at www.annd.org, email us at annd@annd.org, phone us at +961-1-319366 or fax us at +961-1-815636

Iraqi LGBT condemns Israeli aggression

(originally posted here)

IRAQI LGBT Support Lebanon, Stop the inhumane and barbaric attacks.

IRAQI LGBT calls for Boycotting the Jerusalem World Pride 2006.

IRAQI LGBT - London 19 July 2006

As the world stands silent against the intense raids and massacres towards innocent Lebanese by Israel, at least 212 Lebanese - mostly civilians have been killed, 498 injured and made to suffer on unjustified kind of violence since Israel launched attacks a week ago.

IRAQI LGBT condemned the inhumane and barbaric attacks on Lebanon by Israel and its army.

Lebanon will always remain the heart of freedom and liberation in the Middle East.

As we watch carefully the bleeding of Lebanon, we stand shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand to support Lebanon and call for an end of the military operation against it.

Lebanon has now been drawn in to the struggles of Iraq and Palestine, and the whole world is standing still without doing anything to stop this machinery of killing of innocent civilians.

IRAQI LGBT has watched and warned of the endless circle of violence in Palestine and what has become of the unlawful and illegal invasion of Iraq.

Israel has been and will always remain the very unwelcome alienated neighbor in the Middle East as long as they keep their killing policy against Palestinians and Lebanese innocent civilians.

We call for all LGBT world organizations to boycott Jerusalem World Pride 2006, and support the Iraqi's, Palestinians and Lebanese in their struggle and call for the occupying Israelis government to end their occupation and violence against innocent civilians.

We also call for all the LGBT groups and organization to support Helm the Lebanese LGBT organization.

IRAQI LGBT supports the global movement to boycott Jerusalem World Pride 2006 as part of the international boycott of, and divestment from Israel.

IRAQI LGBT strongly condemns holding World Pride in a city beleaguered by violence and conflict, and where the words "Love without Borders" belie a reality of separation, ubiquitous borders, destruction of homes and livelihoods, land theft, gross human rights atrocities and violations, and the apartheid policies of Israel.

We support the rights of all lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender people to love and live in freedom and to demonstrate publicly to demand their rights. These rights should not be placed in competition with the long struggle of the Palestinian people, including Palestinian LGBT people, for self-determination, for the right to return to their homes, and the struggle against apartheid and the occupation of their lands.

IRAQI LGBT support ASWAT-the Palestinian gay Women group decision on not to take part in the World Pride 2006.


(français çi-dessous)


As Israeli attacks on civilians continue and escalate day after day in Lebanon and Palestine and as the world's governments support Israel's crimes or, at best, turn a blind eye to its actions it is time for the people to speak.

Saturday July 22, 2006 has been declared "International day of action against Israeli aggression". We call on people all around the world to rise up on that day and be heard.

Please organize an action in your city or area on that day under the banner of the "International day of action against Israeli aggression". If you already have something planned for that day condemning Israel's actions or in support of the people of Palestine and Lebanon, please link it to the international action.

Each city / area is requested to appoint one coordinator (or more) and send us their email addresses to create a coordination list.

Please act now. There is no time to waste. Thank you.

Montreal coordinators: Mohamed S. Kamel mohamed@btceramique.com) +514.863.9202 Ehab Lotayef (ehab.lotayef@mcgill.ca) +514.941.9792

Further information: tadamon.resist.ca

ALSO, please let lebanon.solidarity@gmail.com know of your action: http://samidoun.blogspot.com/.

The "International day of action against Israeli aggression" is endorsed in Montreal by the following organizations: Association des jeunes libanais musulmans, Canadian Muslim Forum, Coalition against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees International Solidarity Movement Montreal, Members of the Lebanese Diaspora, Members of the Palestinian Diaspora, Palestinian And Jewish Unity (PAJU), Parole Arabe, Presence musulmane Montréal (PMM), Solidarity with Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR), Tadamon! Montreal, Voices of Conscience (OCVC), Le Regroupement des Algeriens du Canada, Solidarity Across Borders, No One Is Illegal-Montreal, Canadian Muslims for Jerusalem (CMJ).


Tandis que les attaques israéliennes contre les populations civiles se poursuivent et s'intensifient jour après jour, tandis que les gouvernements du monde appuient la position d'Israël ou, au mieux, détournent leur regard de ses actions, il est temps pour le peuple de s'exprimer.

Le samedi 22 juillet 2006 a été désigné comme « Journée internationale d'action contre l'agression israélienne ». Nous demandons aux gens à travers le monde de profiter de cette occasion pour se lever et se faire entendre.

Organisez une action dans votre ville ou dans votre région, sous la bannière de la « Journée internationale d'action contre l'agression israélienne ». Si vous avez déjà prévu une action pour condamner les actes de l'État israélien ou en appui avec les peuples de la Palestine et du Liban, veuillez considérez établir un lien avec la journée internationale d'action.

Nous demandons à chaque ville / région de mandater une ou plusieurs personnes qui assureront la coordination de l'action. Veuillez nous faire parvenir leur adresse courriel pour que nous puissions créer une liste de diffusion pour la coordination.

Veuillez agir maintenant, il n'y a pas de temps à perdre. Merci.

Coordonnateurs pour Montréal: Mohamed S. Kamel (mohamed@btceramique.com) +514.863.9202 Ehab Lotayef (ehab.lotayef@mcgill.ca) +514.941.9792

Pour plus d'information: http://tadamon.resist.ca

AUSSI, svp notifier lebanon.solidarity@gmail.com de votre action : http://sanayehreliefcenter.blogspot.com/

La « Journée internationale d'action contre l'agression israélienne » est endossée par les groupes montréalais suivants: Association des jeunes Libanais musulmans Forum musulman canadien Coalition contre la déportation des réfugié(e)s palestinien(ne)s Mouvement de solidarité internationale Montréal des membres de la diaspora libanaise des membres de la diaspora palestinienne Palestiniens et Juifs uni(e)s Parole Arabe Présence musulmane Montréal (PMM) Solidarité avec les droits humains palestiniens (SDHP) Tadamon! Montréal Objection de conscience (OCVC) Le Regroupement des Algériens du Canada Solidarité sans frontières Personne n'est illégal - Montréal Musulmans canadiens pour Jérusalem (CMJ)

Tadamon! Statement of Solidarity on Lebanon and Palestine Montreal, July 18 2006

In the strongest of terms, we condemn the Israeli apartheid state's military assault against the people of Lebanon and Palestine. The assault on Lebanon, unrelenting for seven consecutive days now, and increasingly destructive and deadly, is an act of state terror, an exercise of state power in its most physically violent form in complete disregard of international law and conventions and of the principles of ethical human conduct. The entire population of Lebanon has been subject to the callous, calculated and arrogant use of force by the Israeli state which, on the pretext of avenging military losses (the death and capture of military personnel in a clash with Hizbollah), launched an assault of mass and indiscriminate punishment on Lebanon and the people of Lebanon. The Israeli attack - according to many observers, a means of achieving wider strategic aims in the region - has resulted in the death of hundreds of civilians, many of them children, injury to hundreds of others, the forced displacement of thousands and the destruction of essential civilian infrastructure (roads, ports, airports, power supply facilities).

In the strongest of terms, we also denounce the continued Israeli military siege of Gaza, now in its fourth week. Victims also of the ultra-nationalist logic of Israeli state power, Gazans have endured a decades-long occupation with its attendant forms of repression, rights abuse and humiliation. During the latest siege, they have been subject to the deliberate destruction of their essential infrastructure, to deprivation of the necessities of subsistence, to generalized state terror practices, the bombing of homes and institutions and the killing and injury of civilians.

We deplore the Canadian government's failure to either condemn Israeli aggression or to hold Israel responsible in any way for the current state of crisis in the Middle East. The Prime Minister of Canada, in public statements in London, England and, more recently, in St. Petersburg, Russia , affirmed his support for Israel's "right to self-defence" and characterized the Israeli military's assault on Lebanon as "measured". Meanwhile, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in his 12 July 2006 statement, condemned Hizbollah for its actions against Israeli military targets but remained absolutely silent about Israel's crimes against civilian populations. This stance of the Canadian government amounts to acquiescence in Israel's strategies of mass punishment of Arab populations and, according to many commentators, of regional domination and forcing regime change in Arab states.

In the strongest of terms, we express our solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation from occupation and colonial domination. We also add our voice to those in Lebanon, Palestine and elsewhere who call for an immediate cessation of Israeli military aggression and practices of state terror in Lebanon and Gaza, and for the immediate release of Lebanese and Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli prisons. We urge the Canadian government to call on Israel to end its attacks on Lebanon and Gaza and, subsequently, to be engaged in a fair and balanced way in the working out of a just settlement to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians including an Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Palestinian territories, full respect of the Palestinian rights of return and self- determination and the dismantlement of the Israeli apartheid wall. Finally, we urge the international community to take immediate measures to address the humanitarian crises in Gaza and Lebanon and to provide humanitarian aid and reconstruction assistance to people in Lebanon and Gaza.

Tadamon! Montreal - Web - mail

CNN downplaying Lebanese civilian suffering

(originally posted by touwais on LebanonUpdates July 19th at 2:44 pm)


PMWATCH - July 16, 2006 -- CNN is at it again: choosing its words and images carefully to remain safely well within the officially accepted and sanctioned storyline: Israel is reacting to provocation -- perhaps a bit heavy-handedly -- but reacting all the same.

We just placed a call to their International Desk a few minutes ago complaining about their lack of coverage of civilian suffesring on the Lebanese side, and the person answering the call, a Jennifer, explained that the reason for that was that they did not have enough equipment and could not be everywhere all the time!

The phone number for the International Desk is:

(404) 827-1519. When you call, do ask for Jennifer.

We explained that when showing us the toll on Palestinians or Lebanese, we are treated to the usual pile of rubble, twisted metal, and smoke, with a backdrop of healthy, young men running around defiantly, or the occasional wide shots of civilians fleeing in confusion. When showing us the toll on the Israeli side, we are taken inside the homes of terrified Israeli civilians, with whom the reporter engages in a reasoned exchange, or are shown the bloodied bodies of the dead and the wounded attended to by civilized and orderly medics.

To no avail. The reason why we are not shown the human suffering is because CNN is not well equipped!

An absurd proposition, obviously, since the same heavy bias applies to their web site!

If you go to CNN's web site now, you will see this headline: "Hezbollah rockets kill 8 in Haifa".

And you will also find, "Israel strikes back after Haifa attack," "Israel pounds Beirut after Haifa hit by rockets," "Israeli tanks, aircraft hit Gaza targets: IDF says it is targeting 'terror infrastructures'," and "Two Palestinian militants killed in Gaza air strike: 'Israel says it is targeting 'terror infrastructures'"

In other words, the Arabs kill people, but Israel merely "strikes" and "pounds" (after being hit), "hits targets" and kills "militants" (in its attempt to "target 'terror infrastructures').

When a crisis like this develops, CNN is the place that most people who care about what is happening go.

Please call them right now and demand that they show the real human toll on the Lebanese and the Palestinians.

The phone number for the International Desk is: (404) 827-1519. When you call, do ask for Jennifer.

In 1982, Israel killed more than 17,500 Lebanese CIVILIANS. Not "militants" and "armed men" -- but civilians, including women and children. They were able to do that because the images that the American people saw were those of mangled building and charred cars, not of killed and maimed civilians, or wailing children.

Let's make it our mission to focus our media efforts on ensuring that the human toll of Israel's new offensive is covered to the maximum extent.

Do not let your local newspaper get away with headlines like, "Israel pounds Hezbollah targets," or "Hezbollah strongholds hit hard".

Insist on the human story, on humanizing language and telling images -- on treating the Lebanese and the Palestinians like the full human beings that they are.

For tips on writing letters, go to: http://www.pmwatch.org/pmw/tools/T_WritingLetters.asp

Please also feel free to share with us your letters or a summary of your conversations with editors at letters@pmwatch.org

You can also call us at: (866) DIAL-PMW

Palestine Media Watch
(866) DIAL-PMW

NGO Declaration

The Euro-Mediterranean Non-Governmental Platform expressed in its meeting in 12 & 13 July, 2006 in Paris, its deepest concern regarding the current situation in Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories, in particular the Gaza Strip.

Already under siege for several months, the population of Gaza is undergoing perpetrated destruction of civil infrastructure, as well as, growing human losses.

The arbitrary arrest of members of the Palestinian government and parliament, all elected in a democratic process, confirms that the security reasons proposed by the Israeli government are only pretexts.

The destruction of civil targets in Lebanon, and the civil losses which were caused by the military actions carried out in this country comply with the same logic of force.

We believe that all the detainees and captured persons should be liberated, and we condemn and reject all acts of violence against civil populations.

Nothing could justify the collective punishment inflicted to the Palestinian people or the destruction of the Beirut airport’s tracks or bridges.

The Euro-Mediterranean Non-Governmental Platform strongly condemns the Israeli aggressions which are a striking violation of International Law, in particular the Geneva Convention, and can only lead to a humanitarian catastrophe, and most of all, turn any peace perspective out of reach.

The Euro-Mediterranean Non-Governmental Platform, that gathers civil societies’ stakeholders from the North and the South of the Mediterranean, deplores the international community’s silence, in particular that of the European Union and its members.

It is the European Union’s responsibility, on the one hand, to respect the democratic choice of the Palestinian people and re-establish its aid, and on the other hand, draw the consequences of the so evident and serious violations of the articles guaranteeing the respect of human rights in the Israeli - EU Association Agreement. It should intervene quickly and firmly in order to stop the Israeli government’s military operations which are threatening the entire region with its dangerous escalation.

We call upon the EU and its member states to put an end to this imbalanced policy that notably supports the denial of existence of which the Palestinian people are victim. The persistence of this European positioning undermines the demands of dialog, justice and peace, laid in the BARCELONA Declaration, and which the peoples of the region need so much.

We call upon the international bodies and all the states of the region to act urgently to put an end to this double aggression.

Paris, 13 July 2006

Message from Haifa

Personal letter from Ameer Makhoul: keep looking to Beirut and Gaza not to Haifa

Haifa, July 19, 2006
Dear friend,

Thanks to every one of you who did contact us in ittijah as we based in Haifa and asked for our safety. It’s a very encouraging contact. It’s again to know what friends are for.

Me, my colleagues and families are safe and will take care to our selves, but PLEASE keep your eye raised to the biggest crime of the terror state of Israel in Lebanon. Keep the other eye looking to the ongoing destruction of Gaza. Keep your ears aware to two voices: one to Tel-Aviv where the Israeli war and destructions decision making, while the other ear to listen to the voices of the victims in Beirut, South Lebanon and Gaza.

In several places, villages and towns in South Lebanon and some neighborhood in Beirut there are no ore voices because of the silence following the total destruction, ethnic cleansing and “mini” massacres which are considerable for the ears of the G8 leaders, the EU and the international community and even to several Arab leaders. This Israeli terror is as usual fully supported by USA.

It’s not a war, it’s Israeli aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity, it’s as the Israeli Head of Staff declared with big smile (16 July): “The Southern Neighborhood of Beirut (Al-DaHiya) doesn’t exist any more”.
81% of the Israeli public opinion is urging the government to go ahead and to escalate the aggression.

The state of Israel behaves as terrorist entity, the Israeli government as well the Israeli media are over satisfied from the international community support and understanding. The Head of Staff perceived this international support as green line in order to continue with the destruction of Lebanon.

What’s about the guilt? the guilt is of the whole world. Lebanon is totally destructed with actions of ethnic cleansing, war crimes and acts of “mini” genocide, with total support of US and the EU is silent and understanding, while Tony Blair declared (17 July) the need for sending international forces in order to protect the Northern Israeli boarders!!

The international legitimacy never had been valid in order to commit Israel to. It’s became a tool to which abused by Israel to justify their crimes. It’s to abused in order to oblige the Palestinians and Lebanese to be conformist to the roles of US-Israel hegemony in the Middle East.

I urge all of you don’t accept the Israeli language and narrative which is trying to give the impression of war. The media coverage which makes balance between Beirut and Haifa means supporting the Israeli aggression. The Israeli foreign ministry and media strategy is to focus the international media on Haifa not on Beirut and not on Gaza. This is the attempt to oblige the whole world to look by Israeli glasses.

I want also to make clear that WE the Palestinian citizens of Israel reject the Israeli propaganda which is trying to say that we are in the same boat. We are not, we are not part of the Israeli total public support to the Israeli war, we are not part of the Israeli media which adopted the position of war vehicle, we are not victims of the Lebanese resistance to Israeli aggression but victims of Israel which is risking us all the time by its both internal and external policies. We are part of the Arab peoples and specifically Palestinian people where our people are suffering the Israeli aggression in both Gaza and the refugee’s camps in Lebanon. This is our ‘boat’, and our hearts are there these days not in Haifa where we based.

So, please keep asking about our safety it’s important for us and for you, but the most important is to keep raising your eyes to Beirut, South Lebanon and Gaza, and decide what you can do to stop the Israeli crime.


Ameer Makhoul
Ittijah – Union of Arab Community Based Associations
(UN ECOSOC Special consultative status)
P.O.Box 9577
Haifa 31095
Tel: +972 4 850 7110
Fax: +972 4 850 7241
Mobile: +972 54 4862 171

Website: www.ittijah.org

More solidarity actions

(originally posted on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 20th at 10:38 pm)

We're continuing to hear about more solidarity actions. Besides the events already mentioned in earlier posts, we've heard about protests wich have already happened in Nicosia, Genoa, and several cities in the US. Some upcoming protests:
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 21st 3 pm in the Praca da Se
  • Bern, Switzerland, July 21st - 3 pm at the Bundesplatz
  • Canada, July 22nd - rallies in many cities including Montreal, Ottowa, Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, and others. Many cities are also having actions in the preceding days.
  • Marseilles, July 22nd and 24th, 6:30 pm at the Vieux Port. another demonstration on July 29th.
  • Athens, July 25th
  • Buenos Aires, July 25th - 4 pm, march to the Israeli Embassy

Also, a reminder of one important event we've mentioned before:

  • Wahington DC, August 12th, at the White House

Thanks to everyone who is organizing these events and to everyone who is sending us reports about these events.

1500 New Yorkers Demand End to Israel's Attacks on Lebanon and Palestine

(originally posted on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 20th at 10:00pm)

July 18, 2006 New York, NY- 1500 New Yorkers packed the city block opposite the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan today, chanting and waving Lebanese and Palestinian flags. This was the third in a series of growing protests in New York City over the last two weeks. The protests have been organized by an ad hoc New York coalition against Israeli aggression.

Protesters demanded, "Stop bombing Lebanon." "Free, free Palestine," and "End the occupation now." They chanted, "No justice, no peace, US out of the Middle East." Speakers called for an end to the US and Israeli wars in the Middle East. They criticized the US' one-sided support for Israel, and the lack of media coverage of Lebanese and Palestinian civilian deaths. The demonstration concluded with a spirited march past Grand Central Station and into Times Square.

Israel's attacks on Lebanon are a disproportionate response to the detention of two Israeli combatants. Israeli bombing has killed over 230 Lebanese people, including entire families, and many children, and destroyed Lebanese ports, roads, bridges, power plants, apartment buildings, and Beirut's International Airport. In Gaza, Israel has killed more than 90 Palestinians in two weeks, bombed Ministry buildings, roads, and homes, and jailed Palestinian Cabinet Ministers. This has plunged Gaza's 1.4 million residents into a humanitarian crisis, with little access to electricity, water, medical supplies and food. Israel's actions have been widely criticized by human rights groups and the UN.

Issa Mikel, a spokesperson for the ad hoc coalition against Israeli aggression, said, "Israel must be held accountable for its grave violations of international law, reminiscent of those of the South African apartheid regime. For peace, based on justice, we call on international civil society organizations and people of conscience around the world to carry out broad boycotts, implement divestment initiatives against Israel, and demand their governments impose sanctions on Israel until it ends its apartheid system, respects the sovereignty of its Arab neighbors and the right of refugees to return to their homes and lands, and fully complies with international law."

The protest organizers vowed to maintain the pressure with continued New York demonstrations. Endorsers of today's demonstration included: The National Council of Arab-Americans – New York, International Solidarity Movement – NYC, the New York Campaign for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, ANSWER Coalition, Campus Anti-War Network, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee – ADC NY, International Socialist Organization, United for Peace and Justice - NYC, International Action Center, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, Women in Black Union Square, Jews Against the Occupation – NYC, West Queens Greens, and Sunnyside Woodside Peace.

Media Contact:
Issa Mikel: 917-446-8032, issamikel@gmail.com

Demonstrate for Lebanon in the UK

(originally posted on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 20th at 4:58 pm)

End Israel's Barbarism Now

London: Saturday 22 July Whitehall Place, SW1, 12 Noon (Nearest tube: Embankment. Please note there are some tube restrictions this weekend.)
Route: Whitehall Place, Trafalgar Square, Pall Mall, Piccadilly, Berkeley Street, Grosvenor Square (by US Embassy), Park Lane, Hyde Park.
Organised by: Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Muslim Association of Britain, British Muslim Initiative, Lebanese organisations. Contact: office@stopwar.org.uk Tel 020 7278 6694 go to: www.stopwar.org.uk across the UK

Birmingham: Saturday 22 July. 1-3pm, outside Waterstones at the entrance to the Bullring.

Bristol: Friday 21 July. 5.30-6.30pm. City Centre, opposite the Hippodrome

Exeter: Saturday 22 July 11am-1pm at Bedford Square on Exeter High Street Edinburgh: Saturday 22 July Assemble 2pm: The Mound precinct, Princes Street.

Glasgow: Saturday 22 July Assemble 12 noon: George Square

Kirkcaldy: Saturday July 22 Assemble 12 Noon outside Kirkcaldy Town House

Manchester: Saturday 22 July Assemble 1.00pm: Outside the BBC. Oxford Road. Contact: info@mancsagainsttanks.org Tel: 07760 224 580

Newcastle: Saturday 22 July Assemble Grey's Monument 1pm Nearest Metro: Monument. Organised by Tyneside Stop the War Coalition and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign: Contact 07914 606 452

Norwich: Saturday 22 July, From 1pm. The Haymarket, Norwich city centre.

Sheffield: Saturday 22 July Noon. Town Hall. York: Saturday 22 July. 1.00pm. St Sampsons Square

An invitation for a demonstration against the Israeli Attacks on Lebanon

(originally posted on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 19th at 7:49 pm)

A group of civil society organizations "Lil Hayat" (For Life) invites all Lebanese to gather in front of the UN House (ESCWA) in Riad El Solh Square in Beirut at 11am on Thursday July 20, 2006 to march to the European Union Headquarters in Saifi. The gathering will be submitting a statement in protest of the Israeli attacks and calling on the mobilization of the world to stop the Israeli attacks on Lebanon. Be many so we can be one. Center of Research and Training for Development Action (CRTDA) Lebanese Association for Democratic Election Permanent Peace Movement Nahwa al-Muwatinya Amam05 Haya Bina Hilm Spring Hints Lebanese center for Civic Education Lebanese Association for Active Learning Organization of Arab Parliamentarians Against Corruption Lebanese Transparency Association Arab NGOs Network for Development (ANND) Lebanese Forum for Development Lebanese Center for Policy Studies Green Line Kafa Maharat Sawa Group Development for People and Nature Association (DPNA) Youth Association for the Blind Khiam Center for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims Lebanese Union for the Disabled National Association for Vocational Training and Social Services Cultural Center for Southern Lebanon Let’s Build Trust Humanitarian Group for Social Development (HGSD)

دعوة إلى مسيرة احتجاجا على العدوان الإسرائيلي على لبنان

(originally posted on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 19th at 6:23 pm)

يدعو تجمع هيئات المجتمع المدني "للحياة" اللبنانيين للتجمع من أمام مبنى الأسكوا (ساحة رياض الصلح) الساعة الحادية عشرة من صباح يوم الخميس الواقع في 20/07/2006˛للانطلاق في مسيرة نحو مركز الاتحاد الأوروبي في منطقة الصيفي بعد تقديم مذكرة استنكار و مطالبة العالم التحرك لوقف العدوان الإسرائيلي على لبنان. (كونوا كثرا لنكون واحدا) الجمعيات المشاركة
مجموعة الأبحاث والتدريب للعمل التنموي الجمعية اللبنانية من اجل ديمقراطية الانتخابات حركة السلام الدائم جمعية نحو المواطنية أمام 05 هيا بنا جمعية حلم أذار ربيع الأسئلة المركز اللبناني للتربية المدنية جمعية الشبيبة للمكفوفين الجمعية اللبنانية للتربية الناشطة منظمة برلمانيون عرب ضد الفساد الجمعية اللبنانية لتعزيز الشفافية الشبكة العربية للمنظمات غير الحكومية للتنمية منتدى التنمية اللبناني المركز اللبناني للدراسات الخط الأخضر منظمة كفى عنف واستغلال جمعية مهارات مجموعة سوا الجمعية اللبنانية للإنسان والبيئة مركز الخيام لتأهيل ضحايا التعذيب اتحاد المعوقين اللبنانيين الجمعية الأهلية للتأهيل المهني و الخدمات الاجتماعية المركز الثقافي للبنان الجنوبي لنبني الثقة جمعية التنمية الاجتماعية الخيرية

Protests Sround the World

(originally posted by touwais on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 19th at 11:09 am)

Timings for the demonstrations are in Local time

Tuesday July 18, 2006

Canada, Montreal - (5:00PM) PMDORCHESTER SQUARE, 1155 METCALFE Canada, Tornoto - (5:00PM) Yonge St & Dundas St (Dundas Square across Eaton Center) Germany, Stuttgart - (6 PM) Schlossplatz in Stuttgart (downtown) Qatar, Doha - (8:30 PM) Lebanese School of Doha UAE, Abu Dhabi (7:00PM) in front of the Lebanese embassy Abu Dhabi France, Grenoble - (6 PM) Place Félix Poullat, Grenoble Greece, Athens - (7 PM) In front of EVAGILISMOS Hospital Italy, Torino - (5:30PM) Piazza Castello London - (9PM - 10.30PM) on Parliament Sq. London. UAE / Abu Dahbi - (6 PM) in front of the Lebanese embassy in Abu Dhabi USA / Detroit Michigan - (5 PM) Intersection of Warren and Oakman in East Dearborn USA / Washington - (5-7pm) at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW - in front of the White House USA / New York (Manhattan) Tuesday July 18, (4-6pm) at UN headquarters First Ave between 42nd St. and 48th St. USA / University of Berkeley campus - (12 - 2 PM ) Sproul plaza USA/ Chicago (7 PM) Location: Our Lady of Lebanon Church Address: 950 N. Grace St, Lombard, IL Tel #: (630) 932-9640 USA / New York - (4-6pm) at UN headquarters First Ave between 42nd St. and 48th St. USA / Dearborn - (5:00pm) on Warren and Oakman

Wednesday July 19, 2006

Australia, Sydney - (12 noon - 3PM), at Wynyard Park on York Street Sydney (behind Wynyard station). Switzerland, Genève - (6 PM) Sur le Pont du Mont-Blanc côté Jardin Anglais (contact: info@rpl-suisse.org) Togo, Lome - (7 PM) USA / Boston - (4-7pm) at Gibran Khalil Gibran's sculpture which is at Coplay Place, Boston USA / LA (4:00 PM to 6:00 PM) Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles 6380 Wilshire Blvd, LA (near Wilshire & San Vicente) USA / Florida (12 PM) Place: Turlington Hall - University of Florida

Thursday July 20, 2006

Germany, Stade - (3PM) Street: Am Sande Qatar, Doha - (8: 30 PM) Location: Lebanese School Spain: Madrid (7:30 PM) from Puerta del Sol to Plaza de Ópera (Isabel II). Barcelona (8:00 PM) Plaça Sant Jaume Tarragona (7:30 PM) Rambla Nova. Estatua dels Despullats Lleida (8:00 PM) Plaça Paeria

Saturday July 22, 2006

France, Dijon - Place Darcy (13h30) Australia, Adelaide - (12PM) at Parliament house in Adelaide London - (12PM) march from Parliament sqare to Marble Arch Netherlands, Amsterdam - At the Beursplein

Protesters worldwide condemn Israeli onslaughts

(originally posted by towais on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 18th at 4:46 pm)

Compiled by Daily Star staff

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets across the world on Monday in a show of support for the Lebanese and Palestinians in face of Israel's continuing attacks. In Germany, more than 1,000 Lebanese and Palestinians staged an anti-Israeli protest at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on Monday, police said. A witness said demonstrators were chanting "death to Israel" and "death to Zionists," while some carried placards bearing the image of Hizbullah's leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Police said around 1,200 people took part in the protest at the German capital's most famous landmark, not far from a major memorial to the millions of Jews killed in the Holocaust.

On the other side of the world, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Muslims gathered in protest and chanted slogans denouncing Israel's attack on Lebanon.

Pakistan also saw demonstrations, at which protesters burned Israeli flags and chanted slogans against ongoing Israeli offensives in both Lebanon and the Occupied Territories.

In the Middle East, thousands of Palestinians rallied in the Gaza Strip and West Bank Monday to express support for Hizbullah and urge Nasrallah to strike Tel Aviv.

Answering a call by the Islamic Jihad faction and a prisoners' support group for Palestinians held in Israel, 2,000 people marched from Red Crescent headquarters in Gaza City to the Parliament building.

Holding Hizbullah flags and banners of Palestinian factions, women also carried pictures of sons, husbands or parents jailed in Israel.

"Dear Nasrallah, blow up Tel Aviv!" the crowd chanted. "Greetings to Sheikh Nasrallah from Gaza and Ramallah."

"Hassan Nasrallah is the Palestinians' new hero," a spokesman for one of the prisoners' groups told the crowd.

One mother said that Nasrallah "is the only one who supports us after God. He will be the supreme leader of the Palestinians!"

At least 2,000 people marched in the West Bank city of Ramallah, shouting warnings to Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz. "Hizbullah will defeat you, Nasrallah will defeat you," they cried.

"This aggression is not just against Lebanon and Hizbullah, but against our dignity and our future," Palestinian MP Mustafa Barghouti told the crowd.
Thousands of Syrians also demonstrated in a show of support for Lebanese people. Some carried banners reading "Long live the resistance and down with surrenders." - Agencies


(originally posted by touwais on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 18th at 4:40 pm)


From: The Arab NGO Network for Development

(originally posted by touwais on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 18th at 4:38 pm)

Dear colleagues and friends over the world,

We have sent you yesterday our call from bombarded and shattered Beirut to SAY STOP TO ISRAELI WAR ON LEBANON (please find attached the call if you have not received it beforehand)

We are appealing to you today, as activists and loud voices in your county and the world alike, to take action within the capacities and resources available to you, to say NO and STOP to what is proving to be one of the most brutal, violent, and inhuman act of aggression and murder by Israel on Lebanon and its people.

Upon the sixth day of war attack by Israel on Lebanon, over 180 civilians, including children and elderly, have been killed. More than 26,000 of the Lebanese have been displaced and forced to leave their homes under the threats of Israeli aggression. Still the situation is continuously deteriorating, the military attacks escalating, and the death toll increasing.

Under these circumstances, we call upon you, in your capacities as activists and in the capacity of your organization as an active entity, to take action and refuse what we all agree is a direct violation of our right to life, protection, and security.

In Beirut and its surroundings, Lebanese civil society organizations, including non-governmental organizations and individual activists, are directing all their efforts to answer to the direct needs of displaced people. But also, we are working to spread the word about the reality of the severe situation on the grounds. A media center has been organized by several civil society organizations and is currently producing updated information about the situation in Lebanon under attack.

We at ANND have taken upon ourselves to disseminate this information to all our partners, colleagues, and friends around the world trusting that you will get the word out and spread the information. We suggest, if possible, that you take upon your self some of the following activities, which need not take much of your daily time, to help us stand up in refusal of this brutal attack on Lebanon, for the sake of all what we have been working on worldwide towards the enhancement of our rights as humans.

We suggest:

- Disseminating the information and possibly pictures you receive from us to your media agencies and to alternative media groups available at the local level.

- Put the information you receive on your website, and dedicate a small section of your or your organization’s website to continuously post and update this information

- Call people in your community or even your organization, through your website or other means, to self-organize in small or big mobilizations against the unexplained war attack on Lebanon.

- Write to your government officials, parliamentarians, and United Nations Secretary General

- Suggest any other tool or idea that is feasible for you to implement in refusal of the current Israeli aggression against Lebanon. We would highly appreciate your feedback and will work on disseminating it to other colleagues.


قل كفى للحرب الاسرائيلية على لبنان

(originally posted by touwais on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 18th at 4:36 pm)

نداء موجه الى المجتمعات المدنية الدولية والعربية

قل كفى للحرب الاسرائيلية على لبنان

الاحد في 16 تموز 2006

صادر عن شبكة المنظمات العربية غير الحكومية للتنمية

يتعرض لبنان منذ الاربعاء في 12 تموز 2006 الى عدوان عسكري اسرائيلي ولاتزال الاوضاع في تدهور والاعتداءات الحربية ثثصاعد حدتها.

تخطى العدوان الاسرائيلي الرد على عملية أسر الجنديين الاسرائيليين، لا بل إستخدمتها اسرائيل كذريعة للانتقام من الشعب اللبناني والاعتداء على تطلعات ومستقبل اللبنانيين، تماما مثلما يحصل مع الشعب الفلسطيني من خلال الاعتداء المستمر على غزة والضفة.

يقوم الجيش الاسرائيلي باستهداف المدنيين اللبنانيين والبنية التحتية المدنية في كافة المناطق اللبنانية. فالعدوان الاسرائيلي على لبنان يأخذ شكل العقاب الجماعي للشعب اللبناني. أكثر من مائتي شهيد والف جريح معظمهم الساحقة من المدنيين هي حصيلة الايام الاربعة الاولى للعدوان. وبالاضافة الى الخسائر البشرية، تم تدمير ثلاثة مطارات وجميع المرافئ البحرية والبنى التحتية للنقل والاتصالات بما فيها الجسور ومعامل ومحطات الكهرباء التي قصفت مباشرة. هذا وقد اعطى رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي وحكومته الضوء الاخضر للجيش الاسرائيلي لمتابعة الحصار البري والبحري والجوي على الشعب اللبناني وتقطيع اواصر المدن والقرى اللبنانية.

تدين شبكة المنظمات العربية غير الحكومية للتنمية هذا الاعتداء غير المبرر على الشعب اللبناني الذي يتنافي مع اتفاقية جينيف 1949.

لقد تحول لبنان من بلد آمن ويعج بالحياة والسلم، الى بلد منكوب غير قادر على حماية مواطنيه ومدنه، وهو في أمسّ الحاجة الى الدعم والتضامن لمواجهة التحديات الناتجة عن زيادة عدد النازحين والجرحى بالاضافة الى الدمار الناجم عن العدوان الاسرائيلي.

تدعو شبكة المنظمات العربية غير الحكومية للتنمية المجتمع الدولي للتدخل مباشرة من أجل حماية المدنيين وقف العدوان الاسرائيلي على لبنان. كما تضم شبكة المنظمات العربية غير الحكومية للتنمية صوتها الى صوت رئيس مجلس الوزراء اللبناني في الدعوة الى وقف فوري وشامل لاطلاق النار تحت رعاية مباشرة وقوية من قبل قوة من الامم المتحدة لحفظ السلام.

نحن ندعو المجتمع الدولي للتنديد بالاعتداء الاسرائيلي من منطلق كونه ارهاب دولة، فاستهداف المدنيين وخلق اجواء الترهيب بينهم هو إرهاب بحد ذاته. في ظل هذا الوضع، نحن بحاجة الى تأكيد واضح وصريح من المجتمع الدولي على أهمية وأولوية الحياة الانسانية بغض النظر عن الهوية، الجنسية، أو الدين. فالحق في الحياة والامن هما فوق كل الاعتبارات الاخرى.

نحن ندعو كل منظمات المجتمع المدني المعنية حول العالم الى التعبير عن رفضها للعدوان على لبنان وللاحتجاج على الدور غير الفاعل للامم المتحدة إن كان على مستوى مجلس الامن أو على مستوى قوة حفظ السلام المتواجدة على الارض اللبنانية، والتي لم تتخذ الخطوات الجدية الكفيلة بحماية المدنيين المهددين من المجازر التي ينفذها العدوان الاسرائيلي على لبنان.

ونحن ندعو منظمات المجتمع المدني العربية للتحرك على مستوى إقليمي وعالمي للضغط على حكوماتهم وبعثات بلادهم إلى الامم المتحدة في نيويورك، من خلال علاقاتهم الدبلوماسية أو آليات الامم المتحدة، لوقف العدوان الاسرائيلي على لبنان. ندعوهم لمطالبة حكوماتهم بالعمل من اجل الدعوة لانعقاد الجمعية العمومية للامم المتحدة، والتي يحق لها، في حال فشل مجلس الامن، أخذ القرارات في حالة عدوان عسكري ضد اي بلد.

نحن نعتقد بأن شعوب العالم الذين يؤمنون بحقوق الانسان والحق في الحياة وفي الامن وفي العيش بكرامة لهم دور كبير وأساسي في رفض العدوان الاسرئيلي غير المبرر على لبنان. نحن ندعوهم للتعبيرعن رفضهم في كافة الاشكال السلمية.

نحن نعتمد عليكم.

Say STOP to Israeli War on Lebanon

(originally posted by touwais on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 18th at 4:34 pm)

A Call upon the International and Regional Communities Say STOP to Israeli War on Lebanon Sunday- 16.7.2006 The Arab NGO Network for Development Lebanon has been under a war attack by Israel for the fifth day since Wednesday the 12th of July 2006. The situation has been deteriorating and the military attacks have been escalating. Israeli aggression against Lebanon went far beyond a reaction to a military operation targeting its soldiers. The capture of Israeli soldiers is serving as a mere pretext for a major offensive attack by Israel on the aspirations and the morale of the Lebanese people, as is the case with the Palestinian people through the continuous attacks on Gaza. Israeli army is targeting Lebanese civilians and civil infrastructure. The Israeli aggression against Lebanon can be described as a collective punishment against all the Lebanese people. More than 100 victims and thousands of injured inhabitants is the result of the first four days of the attack. In addition to human losses, three airports were targeted and all the coastal ports and transport and communications infrastructure including wheat elevators, bridges, and power stations have been bombed and rendered unusable. Moreover, Israeli army was given the political encouragement and green light from the newly elected Israeli prime Minster and his government to systematically siege the Lebanese people and fragment Lebanese villages, towns, and cities into isolated areas. ANND condemns Israeli military aggression against civilians which is a direct violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention that prohibits the attacks on the civilian infrastructure. From an alive, peaceful, and secure country, Lebanon became a shattered country not able to protect its citizens and cities. Lebanon is in an urgent need for relief support and solidarity in order to face the challenges related to displacement and injuries, in addition to the reconstruction plan of the destructions resulting form the Israeli aggression. The Arab NGO Network for Development calls upon the international community to immediately intervene in order to protect civilians and to end Israeli aggression against Lebanon. ANND joins the call of the Lebanese prime minister to an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire under the support of a strong UN Peacekeeping Mission supervision. We call upon the international community to condemn the Israeli attack as “state terrorism”. The targeting of civilians and deliberate creation of terror is terrorism. We need a clear and wide affirmation from the international community that human life is precious irrespective of nationality or religion. The right to life and security is above any other consideration. We call upon all concerned civil society organizations around the world to voice out their refusal for the current attack on Lebanon and the ineffective role of the United Nations whether at the level of Security Council or at the level of their peacekeeping troops on the grounds which are failing to protect the threatened civilians from the massacres resulting from Israeli attacks on Lebanon. We call upon Arab civil society groups to mobilize on a regional and international level; to push their governments and their country missions at the United Nations in New York to take action whether through diplomatic channels or the United Nations channels to stop the brutal Israeli military attacks on Lebanon. We ask them to push their governments to call for a General Assembly of the United Nations, which have the right in the case of failure of the Security Council, to take action against military attacks on any country. We believe that the people around the world, who believe in human rights and the right to life and security, have a big role to say NO against such an unexplainable attack on Lebanon. We call upon them to take their refusal to the streets, to voice their refusal to such fierce and brutal aggression over Lebanon. We depend on you.

Solidarity protests around the world

(originally posted on Relief Center - Sanayeh July 18th at 11:34 am)

We've heard about many solidarity protests happening recently. To mention just a few of the upcoming ones for our western readers:
  • New York, Tuesday July 18th: 4:30 pm at the Israeli mission to the United Nations, 2nd ave between 42nd st and 43rd st
  • London, Tuesday July 18th: 9:00 pm vigil in Parliament Square
  • Montreal, Tuesday July 18th through Saturday July 22nd: various actions
  • Paris, Wednesday July 19th: 6:30 pm at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Metro Invalides
  • UK-wide, Saturday July 22nd: various times and locations
  • Washington DC, August 12th, 12 noon at the White House

We wish success to all of these actions and we thank everyone involved for their efforts. If you know about any other actions or if you have reports on these actions, please let us know.


(originally posted by touwais on LebanonUpdates July 19th at 11:10 am)

Tuesday July 18th 2006- 7th day of attack


The Higher National Council of Relief:

Bank of Lebanon- Account number 411150067

The Lebanese Ministry of Finance set up two accounts for money donation:

Bank of Lebanon- account number 0/700362123 for Lebanese Pounds

Bank of Lebanon- account number 02700362123 for US dollars.

More and more destruction and displaced people

Today, the Israeli army destroyed the Lebanese Milk factory (the estimated losses overpass 10 million dollars- this factory was the main provider to the UNIFIL in South Lebanon since 2002; before that, Israeli factories used to provide UNIFIL with the same products) and the Grain Silos in the Bekaa area. Israel targeted the ambulances and trucks of aid products sent by the United Arab Emirates and Syria to Lebanon. Israel continued its use of phosphorous bombs whereby several villages and churches were reported hit in the South.

Beirut is dangerously low on vegetables, because they come from the Bekaa area, which like every other area in the country completely isolated and cut off.

The number of people displaced countrywide due to ongoing Israeli attacks has been reported by the government to rise to 65,000, with most seeking shelter in Beirut and in the north of the country. But thousands of people are on the move to other areas and it's difficult to track them. "It's now a more difficult situation because bombing has increased and there's little information available," said the spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Beirut. "People are stranded and villages in the south are isolated from one another and the rest of the country."

More Massacres….. 240 dead and 850 injured- the majority are civilians- since the beginning of the Israeli war on Lebanon (as reported by Al Jazeera net)

The Massacre of Marwaheen

"It will be called the Massacre of Marwaheen. All the civilians killed by the Israelis had been ordered to abandon their homes in the border village by the Israelis themselves a few hours earlier. Leave, they were told by loudspeaker; and leave they did, 20 of them in a convoy of civilian cars. That's when the Israeli jets arrived to bomb them, killing 20 Lebanese, at least 9 of them children. The local fire brigade could not put out the fires as they all burned alive in the inferno. Another 'terrorist' target has been eliminated".

(By Robert Fisk, The Independent, July 16, 2006)

Another massacre in the Southern village of Aytroun… a family of 13 dead, 9 of them children, they were sleeping in their house. They ended up charred and dismembered bodies, stiff from the fire, guts hanging out. There's at least one of these episodes every day now. Israel had perpetrated a massacre of children in the same village back in the 1970s

People are standing up for Lebanon, you can join them too!!!

For a detailed list of protests around the world please check http://www.lebanonexpats.org/

In Lebanon: A group of civil society organizations "Lil Hayat" (For Life) invites all Lebanese to gather in front of the UN House in Riad El Solh Square in Beirut at 11am on Thursday July 20, 2006 to march to the European Union Headquarters.

The sounds at night
(Commentary from a citizen in West Beirut)

Last night we didn’t have electricity. Sitting in the darkness, in safe West Beirut, this is what I heard:

First, there’s the new voices in the neighborhood, the refugees that were lucky enough to escape from Southern Lebanon and Beirut’s southern suburbs before Israel started bombing. Then, there’s the whine of the generators – Israel’s land and sea blockade of Lebanon means not enough fuel can get into the country, so the government is rationing hours of electricity across the country. Generators are surprisingly loud.

Then there’s the semi-constant drone of an Israeli F-16 overhead. With the Beirut airport bombed, if you can hear a plane, that means it’s Israeli and, thus, dangerous. Which means you have to wonder: scoping mission, on the way to an attack, or just back from one?

Then there are the bombs themselves. In West Beirut, the loudest, the ones that shake your windows and make the CDs topple over, are those from Israeli gunboats, shooting their shells over your head into the port or the southern suburbs. Less loud, but more frequent, are the bombs from the F-16s, which can happen at any time. Sometimes at 10.30am, when you’re finishing a late breakfast. Sometimes at 4 pm, when you’re driving back from visiting a friend, watching her try to help her parents, grandmother and sister leave a small village in Southern Lebanon. Often at night, waking you up at 1.30 am, and then again at 2.10am, and then again at 2.20am, and so on. And then a final shot at dawn, in case you had actually managed to sleep.

And then, of course, there’s the crying. No constant, but devastating. Over 150 Lebanese civilians have been killed in the past 6 days, and thousands more are in immediate danger. Anywhere you go, someone’s in tears. (By: Sonya Knox- West Beirut, Lebanon)

This update was prepared by the Arab NGO Network for Development- information was collected from various news agencies, but mostly from blogs created by civil society groups and individual activists- for more information please visit our website at www.annd.org, email us at annd@annd.org, phone us at 961-1-319366 or fax us at 961-1-815636

Amnesty International: Security Council must adopt urgent measures to protect civilians in Israel-Lebanon conflict

(originally posted by Muzna on LebanonUpdates July 17th at 11:04 pm)

Amnesty International today called on the UN Security Council to meet urgently in order to adopt measures to protect civilians caught up in the deepening Israel-Lebanon conflict. The organization deplored the failure of G8 member states to put the protection of civilians above politics in their discussions of the conflict and condemned continuing attacks on civilians by both Israel and Hizbullah.

Read the full press release