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  • Fri, 09/05/2008 - 21:17

    arrested, harassed, or brutalized by the police/military this week? come to a meeting get updates, learn about legal options at fight back: 11am Saturday at the convergence center, 627 Smith Ave S.

  • Fri, 09/05/2008 - 21:13

    the activists at camp coldwater plan to spend the night tonight.

  • Fri, 09/05/2008 - 14:21

    the permit for the dakota reclamation action at camp coldwater expires at 3pm. they request support in the form of media, legal observers and anyone. to get to camp coldwater, go south on highway 55 to 54th street in minneapolis, take a left, then right and continue past the bureau of mines building.

  • Thu, 09/04/2008 - 22:18

    WCCO reports one of their photojournalists has also been arrested. will all these arrests wake up the corporate media? it never hurts to dream...

  • Thu, 09/04/2008 - 21:58

    wabasha street bridge appears to be clear.

  • Thu, 09/04/2008 - 21:51

    theuptake reports that a Kare11 reporter was arrested and a fox news crew gassed.

  • Thu, 09/04/2008 - 21:47

    unconfirmed report: people trapped on wabasha river bridge

  • Thu, 09/04/2008 - 21:33

    leadership of the antiwar committee was targeted and arrested at march tonight ** flashbang grendaes at marion ave right now

  • Thu, 09/04/2008 - 21:22

    codepink has just disrupted the proceedings inside the xcel energy center!

  • Thu, 09/04/2008 - 21:04

    democracy now! producers arrested earlier this week are on marion bridge where mass arrest appears likely. other journalists too. repression of journalists is totally unprecedented in recent regional history.

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VIDEO: RNC Welcoming Committee Unmasked Press Conference, 9/4/08

The RNC Welcoming Committee held a joint press conference with the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign regarding the charges announced the day before against eight Welcoming Committee members, the violent tactics of the police to suppress dissent in St. Paul and across America, and the media's role taking the word of the police without question and largely ignoring those who are denied basic resources in our society. One person who had been arrested testifies about having been tortured in the Ramsey County Sheriff's Jail.

RNC finale: Unprecedented police riot against peaceful protesters & journalists

The jail vigil needs more support. Perhaps the National Guard will finally go away? FRIDAY: Delivery of 50,000 Letters Demanding St. Paul Drop Charges Against Journalists

[Politicians will have to answer for the abuse and detainment of journalists, which spectacularly escalated on Thursday evening. --TCIMC]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 4, 2008
Contact: Nancy Doyle Brown, Twin Cities Media Alliance, (612) 374-9380, Jen Howard, Free Press, (202) 265-1490, x22 or (703) 517-6273

ST. PAUL, Minn. -- On Friday morning, local advocates and independent journalists will deliver more than 50,000 petitions to St. Paul City Hall calling on Mayor Chris Coleman and local law enforcement officials to drop all charges against journalists arrested while covering protests outside the Republican National Convention.

WHAT: Delivery of 50,000 letters demanding charges against journalists be dropped
WHEN: Sept. 5, 10 a.m. CT
WHERE: St. Paul City Hall, 15 Kellogg Blvd.
WHO: Local advocates and independent journalists from KFAI Community Radio, National Lawyers Guild, Twin Cities Daily Planet, Twin Cities IndyMedia, Twin Cities Media Alliance and The Uptake.

On Monday, local law enforcement officials arrested Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman and two producers from her show, Associated Press photographer Matt Rourke and several independent videographers while they were covering protests outside the Republican National Convention. Other independent journalists have also been pepper-sprayed and even held at gunpoint during "pre-emptive" raids aimed at disrupting protesters.

"The targeting and harassment of journalists that we've seen during the RNC sends the message that the Twin Cities don't value the essential role that journalists play in a democracy," said Nancy Doyle Brown of Twin Cities Media Alliance. "From the pre-convention raids to the ongoing harassment and arrests of journalists, these have been dark days for press freedom in the United States. We're bringing Mayor Coleman more than 50,000 letters from people across the nation demanding that all charges pending against these journalists be dropped."

Indigenous Occupation of land in Minnesota: Defend Camp Coldwater! B'Dote Defenders!

On Tuesday September 2nd, Members of the Oceti Sakowin (Seven Council Fires) of the Dakota Oyate reoccupied Coldwater Spring and the surrounding land. The Coldwater Spring site is an abandoned property of the defunct Bureau of Mines. As Dakota people who consider the spring as essential to our spiritual lifeway and the surrounding land as a part of our homeland of Bdote, we believe that we will be better stewards of the land than either the United States or the State of Minnesota has been.

RNC Welcoming Committee to Unmask, Answer Questions

10am Thursday, 627 Smith Avenue, St. Paul.
Photo and interview opportunities
Contact:, 202-277-5262

In light of the massive police and military violence playing out each day of the Republican National Convention, the targeting, entrapment, and persecution of protest logistics organizers, the inhumane conditions that continue for the hundreds of people in the Ramsey County Jail, and the harassment of supporters outside the jail, we in the RNC Welcoming Committee are not backing down from our organizing. The Welcoming Committee is working harder than ever to ensure that our friends and comrades are safe and that protesters who are speaking their minds in the face of repression have access to food, housing, bicycles, a meeting space, workshops, legal/jail support, and medical care.

The St Paul Police Department, the City of St Paul, and particularly Bob Fletcher with the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department have labeled us a "criminal enterprise", painting a picture of us and other anti-RNC organizers as faceless terrorists. On Thursday, September 4th at 10 AM on the 2nd floor of the RNC Convergence Space at 627 Smith Ave S., we will show the true faces and stories of the RNC Welcoming Committee.

We will show the 2nd floor of the convergence center as it was arranged at the time of the police raid last Friday night. We will give the latest information on the RNC 8, and we will take and answer questions. Afterwards, several members of the Welcoming Committee will be available for interview and photo opportunities.

The joint press conference will also feature the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign.

Dozens arrested after RATM; Welcoming Committee "to unmask" at 10 AM!

Important: All media are invited to visit the Convergence Center at 10 AM @ 627 Smith Avenue, wherein the Welcoming Committee has announced they will "unmask" themselves and even grant media interviews.
A huge moment in what has actually been - in some respects - one gigantic public relations battle.

Local journalists take note: even though the constant abuse against journalists has been relatively under-reported by you people, has gathered 50,000 signatures to dump on Mayor Coleman sometime Thursday morning, demanding all charges against journalists be dropped. The harassment continued Wednesday, and yet the usual reporters have not really put any context onto this pivotal story. Shame!

Additionally, clear examples of media manipulation - PSYOPS - as innocent arrestees tonight were paraded in front of TV cameras and then released. Same as those fake TV military analysts; you guys are pawns in the Public Relations scheme - at least you'll get paychecks on Friday, eh? (see for a media arrestee stunt, made to order for the cameras)

Thursday's events:
* Jail vigil continues under harassment:
* : Student walkout against the war criminals:
Youth Against War and Racism is calling for a massive student walkout on September 4, the last day of the RNC, followed by a festival of resistance and a huge theatric march to "arrest the war criminals." and . 651-210-5342 | |

* 1 PM Peace Picnic on Harriet Island - yum! (correction: it is NOT at noon)
* 4 PM March @ State Capitol: Anti-War Committee sponsors No peace for the war makers:
* 7:30 PM Ralph Nader Super Rally @ Orchestra Hall feat. Cindy Sheehan, Nellie McKay, Jesse Ventura, David Rovics . Sure to be entertaining, however ballots will still be rigged against independents & no airtime will be provided.
* 7 PM Scott Ritter Iran Talks out in Wayzata . Thanks for yr efforts to stave off the warmongers!
* 7:30 PM Mental Health & Decompression sessions @ Sisters Camelot Thanks, this whole police state has been stressful.

Notes for Wednesday:
* More intimidation from riot cops at exit from Ramsey County detention. Reportedly, there is a large Minnesota National Guard presence there with checkpoints, an unprecedented militarization. We are hearing of extreme detainee abuses.
* The RATM show resulted in dozens of arrests (Coldsnap confirms 31 @ 2:30 AM), as well as a photo of some ridiculous 6-wheeled ATV that can apparently fire tear gas: - how much money are they blowing on this kind of garbage? (This is how Bernie Kerik type guys make money - selling stupid homeland security products like this). Why the hell did they decide to bottle up the whole area with riot cops? Another great decision.
* Our friends were able to expose undercover cops at the Tuesday Poor People's March, which seemed infested with provocateurs. Impressive!
* The Dakota were able to hang onto their Coldwater Springs area all day; there was some police harassment purportedly because campfires are Teh Bad.
* Our Twitter feed @ has been helpful for staying apprised of events.
* Another great SubMedia video dispatch

Events moved around:
* In our events calendar Events have been moved: Our events calendar locked up with many things @ "NOW" which was true but stopped the information flow. Of particular interest, Student Convergence for Thursday:
8pm - 9pm - Intro to Students for a Democratic Society - Weyerhaeuser Boardroom
8pm - 10pm- Wellness Space - Chapel Basement
9pm - 10pm - Mass Meeting - Kagin
[We are sure Brian Rosenberg is loving it.]
also moved: Convergence Center hours:
And a duplicate event hidden.

Media spin notes: the realistic perspective on property destruction
* According to mainstream media, smashed windows are the worst thing anyone could possibly do in town; however the housing collapse which equals thousands of smashed windows every day is totally cool & not a crime at all. Way to go, serious adults! Your rationalizations never cease to depress us. [Plus, Wall Street & the Federal Reserve System can launder $100 billion in drug money annually and no one gets in trouble - well done, media!]

National Call for Action to Stop Police Brutality at the Republican National Convention

Support 300 people arrested in Saint Paul! Demand an end to illegal
detention and brutality in Ramsey County Jail!

9/3/08, St. Paul - Approximately 300 people have been arrested for
participating in demonstrations since the beginning of the Republican
National Convention. The majority of arrestees remain in custody and are
being held in inhumane conditions. Of the 300 arrested, approximately 120
have been accused of trumped-up felony charges by police; many of them are
being held illegally beyond Minnesota’s 36-hour limit on detentions
without formal charges.

The Right to be Here


I'm not an anarchist. At least I wasn't one of the kids running around the Xcel Energy Center in black handkerchiefs during the St Paul RNC. Nor did I store my urine in a bucket for a week to throw on delegates, and I didn't break any windows either. But, I was one of the people detained by police on Monday. One of my co-workers even saw me on the Channel 11 news, zip-tied like a hog, being led away walking backwards by two riot police. I'm assuming that he knew me well enough to reason I wasn't there with violent intent, but asked nonetheless why I went to downtown St Paul that day.

BREAKING: RNC 8 Charged with "Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism"

In what appears to be the first use of criminal charges under the 2002 Minnesota version of the Federal Patriot Act, Ramsey County Prosecutors have formally charged 8 alleged leaders of the RNC Welcoming Committee with Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism. Monica Bicking, Eryn Trimmer, Luce Guillen Givins, Erik Oseland, Nathanael Secor, Robert Czernik, Garrett Fitzgerald, and Max Spector, face up to 7 1/2 years in prison under the terrorism enhancement charge which allows for a 50% increase in the maximum penalty.

Interview with Undercover Infiltrators at the March For Our Lives in St. Paul

Without going into all of the supersecret ways that anarchists spot undercover cops in a crowd, these two men were pointed out as infiltrators by reliable sources and then interviewed on camera. The two split up once they realized they were "made" and then one just left the march all together.

Interview conducted at the the March For Our Lives in St. Paul, September 2nd, 2008:

Twin Cities Indymedia @ The Republican National Convention in St. Paul - Sept. 1-4, 2008

Read the Callout from TC Indymedia to see what we're planning and how you can help. Thanks for the response so far! Email to plug in.

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Operation: March for Our Lives MN Statewide Caravan - Schedule | Daily Blog

Repression Watch: More incidents of police harassment | MPD confiscates indy videographers' equipment | Cyclist detained for taking pics of cops | 6 detained in STP for suspected anarchist affiliation | FBI reportedly knew of ATK lockdown | Anoka Arrestee Intimidated re RNC by SPPD | Another Anoka Arrestee Visited | Moles Wanted (from City Pages) | Activist detained while protesting loosened MPD restrictions | Pre-RNC Police Harassment

Tell Coldsnap, National Lawyers Guild MN & TC-IMC visitors about all police activity!

Auto/Bike Restrictions Announced, Alternate Routes | RNC Food Update | List of GOP parties | GOP Express delegate transport schedule | SPPD readies temporary holding cells

Convergence Center: 627 Smith Ave. S., St. Paul - Lunch 1pm; Dinner 7pm | Convergence Center Schedule

***Logistics and Organizing Update from RNC-WC A28***

Multimedia: NEW! RNC-WC video tour guide for delegates | Our World In Depth interview | RNC-WC radio show | RNC-WC 2007 Trailer

Organizing Bodies: RNC Welcoming Committee | Sector calls S1 | Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War S1 | Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign S2 | Anti-War Committee S4 | Youth Against War and Racism S4 | CODEPINK | Anti-Capitalist Bloc | People's Networking Convention, Madison WI A15-17 | PNC2RNC Grassroutes Caravan A17-30 | ProtestRNC2008

Convention Resources: RNC-WC Housing Board | Bike Program & Space Hours | Getting to the TC | Coldsnap Legal Collective (jail support hotline) 651-356-8635 | Northstar Health Collective | Tin Can Comms Collective--for general RNC announcements text "follow rnc08_announce" to 40404 | Arise! Collective Infoline (starting August 29) 612-871-2283 | TC-IMC Dispatch Phone Number for breaking news: 651-503-5661 live starting 4pm Friday A29

Multimedia: NEW! Official Delegate Tour Video Leaked by RNC-WC | Our World In Depth "Crash the Convention" interview | RNC-WC radio show | RNC-WC 2007 Trailer

Thanks for visiting!
--The TC-IMC Tech Collective, bringing you
"movement media for the masses!" one kilobyte @ a time

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VIDEO: RNC Welcoming Committee Unmasked Press Conference, 9/4/08

The RNC Welcoming Committee held a joint press conference with the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign regarding the charges announced the day before against eight Welcoming Committee members, the violent tactics of the police to suppress dissent in St. Paul and across America, and the media's role taking the word of the police without question and largely ignoring those who are denied basic resources in our society. One person who had been arrested testifies about having been tortured in the Ramsey County Sheriff's Jail.

Interview with Undercover Infiltrators at the March For Our Lives in St. Paul

Without going into all of the supersecret ways that anarchists spot undercover cops in a crowd, these two men were pointed out as infiltrators by reliable sources and then interviewed on camera. The two split up once they realized they were "made" and then one just left the march all together.

Interview conducted at the the March For Our Lives in St. Paul, September 2nd, 2008:

Cops Attack Anti-Capitalist Bloc on Shepard Road, 9/1/08: video

Video starts just a few seconds after cops and perhaps national guard began to attack the Anti-Capitalist bloc across the street on the Shepard Road waterfront at Jackson.

The bloc was moving northeast on Shepard and paused at Jackson Street across from a line of riot cops. Police, and what appeared to be Minnesota National Guard, then began to wildly attack the bloc with tear gas, bean bags, concussion grenades, and colored smoke bombs/people markers.