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U of O vs. Denis Rancourt

Denis Rancourt, 30.08.2008 - 19:35
Deaf access complaint retained against U of O Activist physics professor Denis Rancourt with to his colleagues, all 1,200 profs at U of O, on the matter of the University's treatment of him and the associated collateral damage...

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Protest/Blind Man Evicted from Ottawa Housing

Sue Clark-Wittenberg, 21.08.2008 - 07:42
Fred Timms who is blind got kicked out of Ottawa Community Housing (OCH)
because he had too much stuff. He lived at 1065 Ramsey for 16 years.
He has been homeless now for almost 6 months. He wants his housing back.
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U.S. Embassy Plans Arms Bazaar in Ottawa

anon, 23.07.2008 - 09:37
U.S. Embassy plans Arms Bazaar in Ottawa (Sep30-Oct1) despite 1989 ban!

The U.S. Embassy has scheduled a huge arms bazaar at Lansdowne Park this fall, despite an Ottawa City Council Motion of 1989 that banned all future military trade shows from municipal property. If it goes ahead, the "U.S. Embassy Defense & Security Exhibition" (Sept. 30 - Oct.1) will be the first weapons expo on Ottawa City property since May 23-25, 1989, when ARMX—Canada's largest military exposition of that time—filled Ottawa's Lansdowne Park.
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Barriere Lake Algonquins Back in Ottawa

Barriere Lake Solidarity Collective, 13.07.2008 - 14:47
Poster ----

1. 3-Day Ottawa/Gatineau Picket
2. Barriere Lake Film Screening and Panel
3. Benefit Poetry Slam
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Finding One's Humanity in Nablus

Ben Saifer, 08.07.2008 - 10:49
Al-Haq Wall (Luay Sababa/MaanImages) Ottawa member of the group Not In Our Name (Jewish voices opposing Zionism) reports on his time in Palestine/Israel.
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Peter Hallward Speaks on Haiti

revolushuneyz, 29.05.2008 - 06:38
Join the Canada Haiti Action Network for the public launch of Peter Hallward's searing new book "Damming the Flood: Aristide, Haiti, and the Politics of Containment" (Verso Books).
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Mayday Rally

Ottawa Panhandlers' Union, 25.04.2008 - 01:00
MAYDAY RALLY on Thurday, May 1st at the Human Rights Monument
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Indy Coverage of Upcoming SPP Summit in NOLA

Lia Tarachansky, 17.04.2008 - 14:06
Stay tuned to Indymedia Ottawa for independent news coverage of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, Summit of the State Leaders, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 21st-23rd, 2008 from IMC journalist Lia Tarachansky.


 http://ottawa.indymedia.ca/en/2008/04/7380.shtml (Day 1)
 http://ottawa.indymedia.org/en/2008/04/7389.shtml (Press Release for Action on Day 2)

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Anti-CANSEC Schedule of Events

PGA Bloc Ottawa, 25.03.2008 - 15:41
stop the war machine! Here is a list of upcoming events aimed at resisting the CANSEC arms fair:
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"Own Your Media" Tour Stop in Ottawa

IMC Volunteer, 04.03.2008 - 08:53
Own Your Media! Building a Grassroots News Cooperative
Thursday, March 6, at 7pm
Jack Purcell Community Centre, Room 201
320 Jack Purcell Lane, Ottawa
Refreshments provided
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Text Harper's on a role, so is Palin
12-09-2008 13:24

Image TRNN Charged with Unlawful Assembly
11-09-2008 10:15

Text Mark Steyn vs. The Human Rights Commission
09-09-2008 10:12

Text Ontario's Ecotourism Comes At A Cost
09-09-2008 10:10

Text The Mistake By the Bay
09-09-2008 09:37

Text How Corrupt Regimes Use Democracy To Survive
09-09-2008 09:35

Image Sexual Assault against Indigenous Youth
08-09-2008 23:47

Text Kaboom! Did You Feel the Earth Move? (1 comment)
07-09-2008 21:13

Text Day of Action to Support War Resisters
05-09-2008 10:36

Text Anti-Racist Action Network Conference 2008
03-09-2008 13:17

Generic media Walk For Justice Events: September 10, 12, 15
03-09-2008 11:27

Image Call for Proposals – Outaouais Social Forum
02-09-2008 21:37

Text In Memory of Dee
02-09-2008 03:18

Text Love of Place vs. Patriotism
01-09-2008 00:18

Image No Uranium Mining in Ottawa-Gatineau Watershed
31-08-2008 11:35

Text Alarm Clocks Kill Dreams
30-08-2008 05:41

Text Call for Solidarity with the Lubicon Cree
29-08-2008 13:13

Text "...if you won't join us, you're bad..."
26-08-2008 20:55

Text Sex Offenders on Parole
25-08-2008 16:17

Text Another Sorry Apology from Harper
23-08-2008 16:33

Text Citizen's Income Meets the Parties
22-08-2008 21:12

Image Controversial Rachel Corrie Play in Ottawa
22-08-2008 18:17

Generic media Nova Scotia Power Report
20-08-2008 20:46

Generic media Starving in Canada
20-08-2008 19:54

Text Why There Are No 'Red Fridays' For Me
20-08-2008 17:43

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Text Excesses of Supply Theory
13-09-2008 07:50

Text Further Oppression of the Poor Likely at the UN: America – Both the Problem and the Solution
12-09-2008 09:39

Text Facing Up To The Capitalist Crisis
11-09-2008 17:18

Text Russia Demonization
10-09-2008 12:11

Text Omar el-Béchir accusé de génocide
09-09-2008 10:07

Text Biblical Sabbath Economy
09-09-2008 07:09

Text The Psychopathology of the Rightwing Mind
08-09-2008 05:08

Text Occult IKE -- Geo-War 9/11
07-09-2008 15:57

Text The Destruction of America - Series 5 (Justice)
07-09-2008 10:17

Text The Psychopathology of the Republican
06-09-2008 13:40

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