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Aug 10 16:23

Can't Pay? Then DON'T Pay!

As sheriff officers rampage across the Capital in a new campaign of terror and intimidation, targeting the poorest and most vulnerable and bringing back dark memories of the grim Poll Tax years, we hear that the SNP government will not be scrapping the huge Poll Tax debt it helped to create, while concern grows that it is also about to renege on its election promise to replace the Council Tax with a fairer system. Is it time for the Old Brigade of anti-Poll Tax activists to dust off their banners, replace the word ‘Poll’ with ‘Council’, and show the new generation how we wrecked Thatcher’s flagship  policy  and  brought the Tories to their knees? asks Willie McRae.

Aug 05 11:30

Scargill at Climate Camp

Arthur Scargill, former General Secretary of the National Union of Miners, spoke at Climate Camp on Monday outlining a proposed energy policy consisting of 'clean coal', and development of renewable sources of energy.

Aug 03 12:05

Climate Protest Aberdeen

the planet has no emergency exitIt's along way from Aberdeenshire to the climate camp. So since we couldn't make it all the way down to the climate camp,we decided to do a small protest outside Aberdeen Airport and opposite the $hell garage.
A small group of us held a banner display helping us feel a little better about missing the camp and adding some support from up here to those who have made it down.
We did of course get a bit of police and BAA company , but they didn't steal our pens or wood .

Jul 27 19:31

Update on John Bowden

John BowdenIn May this year, long-term prison resister John Bowden went on the run whilst out on a routine shopping trip from HMP Noranside.

We can now reveal why he did so when he was so close to a new parole hearing.

Lifer and long term prison rebel John Bowden, who absconded from Open Prison whilst on home leave, was recaptured on 6/6/08.
After 3 weeks on the run the Police discovered JB hiding on a farm on the outskirts of Glasgow. He now languishes back in maximum security conditions in HMP Glenochil in need of support and solidarity.

Jul 22 23:32

What the Climate Camp is and Why you might like to attend.

When the history of the early 21st century radicalism is written, special attention will be given to the Camp for Climate Action. In an age of tokenism and denial, it has and is articulating the concerns of the majority of the population. The importance, however,  does end there. In an age in which the geography of protest is largely defined by large, formalized and somewhat alienating organizations, the Climate Camp movement has on the contrary been defined largely by it’s openness, it’s participatory structure and it’s propensity for direct action.

[Camp For Climate Action Website | site occupied ]

Jul 16 15:38

Save Pencil Bay Campaign launch summer of protests

The Save Pencil Bay campaign held the first of its summer of protests last Sunday, in an attempt to stop Largs most beautiful beach being concreted over. Pencil Bay - scene of a historic victory for Scots over the Vikings  in 1263, is under threat from the expansion of sailing facilities and the Save Pencil Bay Campaign need your help.

Jun 09 00:04

Quick Guide to Local Housing Allowance of Housing Benefit

Local Housing Allowance limits the maximum Housing Benefit you can receive in the private rented sector.
If you can rent a place cheaply though, you could pocket up to £15 per week of the saved Housing Benefit in cash.

Aug 26 13:46

IMC Scotland is back

Apologies for the recent service disruption and disappearance of the site over the past week or so. This was due to problems with our webserver (located in a galaxy far, far away...) which we were unable to rectify without the help of the friendly internet gods of Mt Olympus.

We hope that our temporary absence has made your hearts grow fonder and invite you to take the opportunity to  help us prevent this happening in the  future, either by getting involved in the running of the site (we're meeting tonight) or by making a financial contribution to provide us with more options to deal with problems like this that happen from time to time.


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