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LOS ANGELES, July 30, 2008 - Residents of the Wyvernwood Community in Boyle Heights, are organizing to stop plans to demolish 1,178 units of affordable housing in the historic district and replace them with 4,400, primarily luxury units. The project and others proposed in the Boyle Heights area threaten to displace an estimated 6,000 people if approved.

The tenants have vowed to fight against any development plans that will result in demolition of historic buildings, displacement of any tenants, loss of rent controlled units or rent increases, loss of green space or have adverse impacts on traffic and congestion.
From the Newswire: Boyle Heights Residents Come out to oppose move

On July 2, Angelinos overcame the City-planned divides between rich and poor, cultural differences, and even broke through language barriers in the fight to restore the South Central Farm. When the developer proposed a diesel-spewing warehouse distribution center for the site, Farmers and Farm supporters threw a wrench in the cogs of City Hall and won a round in the fight to force Horowitz to do an Environmental Impact Report: they forced a twenty-one day delay for more public comments, and gained a glimmer of hope to restore the Farm. The fight between the people and developers' grip on City Hall could be decided by this Wednesday, July 23, 2008, the new deadline for public comments and the second hearing, a week or two later on the tenth floor of City Hall, in front of a small advisory board.

From the Newswire: Save the Farm. Deadline: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 by Leslie Radford
Saving the South Central Farm: Listening to the Land by Juan Santos and Leslie Radford

SANTA MONICA, July 16, 2008 – The run on Indymac Bank, continued into its third day this Wednesday. The branch on Wilshire Blvd in Santa Monica has started issuing numbers to customers wanting to withdraw money from their accounts. Today, the doors to the bank were guarded by two security agents. Customers were only allowed entry when their number was called. Over 500 people have been issued numbers at this one branch to meet with bank officers to try and secure their life savings.
From the Newswire: MP3 Audio: Interviews with Indymac Customers

July 2, 2008: Former Santa Monica Green Mayor Mike Feinstein spoke against approving a warehouse on the land of the South Central Farm, and the conflict such approval would have with the Los Angeles General Plan Framework, at the City of Los Angeles Hearing Agenda.

Also, Linda Piera-Avila (County Councilmember, Green Party of Los Angeles County) spoke against approving a warehouse on the land of the South Central Farm, and the negative air quality impacts it would have.

Videos: VIDEOS: South Central Farm - Feinstein, Piera-Avila oppose warehouse at Farm by Mike Feinstein

Related article: South Central Farm Shows Alternative to Industrial Ag Monocultura

There was a lot of consciousness about the event itself, and quite a bit of discussion about the meaning of the Fourth of July and the whole concept of “Independence” in light of how many people have historically lost their freedom so that some could call themselves “Free”. Another interesting discussion was the idea promulgated by the media, (at whose behest?) … that Black and Brown people are at war with each other. The lie to that supposed idea was obvious in the parking lot of Self-Help Graphics where people of all colors, (whites included), celebrated, if not their independence, their unity and solidarity in the face of common challenges…and enemies.

[Opt. Ed. Feature] - After Sen. Barack Obama, clinched the nomination to be the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate in the 2008 election, he began taking on bum advice. He is also running “scared” and it’s only July! No wonder the GOP’s standard bearer, Sen. John McCain, is smiling more these days. Sen. Obama, the supposed “Candidate of Change,” is fast reprising Sen. John Kerry’s losing, timid, don’t-rock-the boat strategy of his 2004 White House race against Dubya. As I write, Sen. Obama, who inspired millions in the primaries, is caving in on issue after issue. This is the same candidate who gave the appearance of strong resolve in smashing the Democratic Party’s Political Machine in Maryland last February. (1) Today, he’s looking like he’s part of that Old Boys’ network. From the Newswire: Barack Obama Is Taking On a Lot of Bum Advice by William Hughes | | The Odds of Change: A Statistical Look at Our Democrat’s Voting Records by Debbie Morgan | | Obama: Just Another Lie

LOS ANGELES, June 30, 2008 – It has been two years since the South Central Farmers were forcibly evicted and their farmland destroyed. While most all of the farmers have found new land to till they have not lost hope that the site at 41st and Long Beach will some day grow food again. The fight for the land where the farm once was is not over. The farmers are now organizing to stop the city from granting a building permit for developer Ralph Horowitz's proposed construction of a truck depot and warehousing complex on the site. They are asking supporters to come to a planning commission hearing this Wednesday, July 2 at 10:00 am at Los Angeles City Hall, 200 North Spring Street, Room 1020

From the Newswire: July 2nd - Stop warehouse on old South Central Farm Land

LOS ANGELES, June 23, 2008 - The Los Angeles activist community is mourning the sudden passing of long time local human rights activist, Don White. Don was discovered dead in his apartment by friends this Saturday. The cause of his death is unknown at this time.

Public memorial services have been arranged for August 10th at Immanuel Presbyterian Church, see: Sun Aug 10: Celebrate the Life of Don White for details.

Don White was the director of CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador) and for many years active in the local Salvadoran community. Reports from the newswire: BREAKING: Local Activist Don White Found Dead

Readers share memories of Don: Don White Presente...With Love by Anna L. Kunkin | | Don White: My Recollections and Pictures since 1985 by Carl Gunther | | Don White - La Lucha Continua! & Don White March 15 by Hugh Stegman | | Companero Don White, PRESENTE! by AJLPP | | Roberto Lovato: Companero Don White, Presente! by Roberto Lovato | | JFAV and the Filipino Community Salutes Companero Don White

  • Req. for Donations for Don White Funeral Guest
  • VIDEO Don White Addressing a Los Angeles Antiwar Rally in March of 2005
  • AUDIO MP3 Audio of Don White at Anti-Reagan Protest

  • Next weekend, Friday June 27th to Sunday June 29th is the LA Social Forum. Billed as “a weekend of building bridges between LA-based campaigns for social justice, environmental action, criminal reform, election fairness, gender equity, political power and cultural expression.”

    The conference kicks off Friday evening at 6 pm on the campus of USC. Over 70 workshops on a wide range of issues will be offered during the weekend. The Los Angeles Independent Media Center is among those groups holding a workshop, see: LA Indymedia Workshop.

    “The Los Angeles Social Forum is a place where Southern California activists will meet and share power, plans, perspectives, and ideas while building a network for peace and social justice.” For more information please see:

    NEW: Commentary on the Forum: [Opt. Ed.] "Outreach" or Alliance Building? by Michael Novick | | An Open Letter Regarding the LA Social Forum and Leftist Organizing by Tom Louie

    CALIFORNIA, June 17, 2008 – Hundreds of marriages of same sex couples took place yesterday as the state of California officially ended discrimination based on gender. This Saturday, June 21st, more civil ceremonies will be conducted all day long in West Hollywood Park from 8 AM to 8 PM. While people are celebrating now there is concern about an anti-gay proposition on the ballot this November. A coalition of homophobic fundamentalist groups claim they have enough signatures for a measure that would amend the state constitution to ban same sex marriage. But for now wedding bells continue to ring throughout the state.
    Reports from the newswire: VIDEO: Same-Sex Marriages: Orange County, California, USA

    LOS ANGELES, June 6, 2008 – Over 40,000 Los Angeles teachers sacrificed an hour of their pay to protest the proposed state budget cuts on Friday. The hour-long protests were held in front of the schools as students entered the campus and administrators were relegated to supervising children.

    At Belvedere Elementary School in East Los Angeles, about 300 parents, teachers and students banged drums, shook maracas and hoisted bilingual signs reading "Save our schools," some hand-lettered in crayon and marker. "This affects all of us in the state. It's worth losing an hour [of school] if it gets kids Schwarzenegger's attention, because if they take everything away that would be worse," parent Lizbeth Roman, 25, of East L.A. said in Spanish as she marched with her three children, chanting, "More money for education!"

  • VIDEO: LA School Teachers Stage 1 Hour Walkout
  • 6/6 Los Angeles Teachers Strike; General Strike Needed
  • Teachers Strike In LA by Echo Park Community Coalition
  • New report with photos: L. A. Teachers Fight Cuts in Education Budget by jlr - builder123

  • LOS ANGELES, May 31, 2008 – A group of about 50 people gathered today at Olvera Street and marched to the downtown federal building for a demonstration against the ongoing ICE raids in local communities and workplaces. The raids are tearing families apart when undocumented parents are seized and deported leaving their US born children behind. ICE raids have been increasing in scale and brutality. There are reports of violence and human rights violations by ICE officers during recent large scale raids locally and in Iowa this month. From the Newswire: VIDEO: Stop the Raids Demo | | Photos: Stop the ICE Raids Protest

    Stop Rape: Breaking the Silence and The UCLA Clothesline Project
    The UCLA Clothesline Project is a student organization that aims to stop sexual violence. The project strives to take that first most difficult step: to break the silence surrounding sexual violence and raise awareness about a crime where it’s the victims that are made to feel guilty and ashamed.

    Rape survivors are invited to make t-shirts about their experience and hang the shirts on a clothesline. For many it is a brave step they take toward speaking out about their histories with sexual violence. Families and friends of victims are also welcome to create t-shirts.

    Most sexual assaults go unreported and the problem is more widespread than many realize. Even when the crime is reported the victim is often blamed for instigating the attack. Rape is also systematically used as a weapon of war by governments around the world. And the so called developed nations like the US are no exception to this.
    From the newswire: Stop Rape: Breaking the Silence and The UCLA Clothesline Project by Survivors Ally

    SANTA ANA, May 15, 2008 - Labor unions from Orange County and San Diego County gathered at the Civic Center in Santa Ana to protest Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new round of budget cuts. Deep cuts to public education, health care, welfare recipients, law enforcement, parks, probation departments, and the disabled are expected. Massive layoffs of certificated and classified employees in school districts throughout California have already occurred. Report From the Newswire: Santa Ana Labor Rally: HEY, ARNOLD! NO BUDGET CUTS! by df

    Related article: IS CALIFORNIA REALLY BROKE? by Alex Walker

    NEW VIDEO: Hey, Arnold! No Budget Cuts 4 CA Education: Segerstrom Hi Students & Teachers Speak Out by df

    Related - Video: Cal state LA students protest budget cuts with sit in, Part 1 | | Part 2

    The Los Angeles Independent Media Center is proud to present the film, Bastards of the Party. The film explores the creation of two of Los Angeles’s most notorious gangs, the Crips and the Bloods, from the perspective of the Los Angeles community. The documentary features interviews with gang members; historian Mike Davis, whose book "City of Quartz" inspired the film’s title; former FBI agent Wes Swearingen; and Black Panther, Geronimo Pratt. The 2006 documentary film was produced by Antoine Fuqua and directed by former Bloods gang-member Cle Sloan.

    Update: LA Indymedia Film Night Report Back

    What started on May 1, 2006 as some of the largest political demonstrations in U.S. history for immigrants' rights have in 2008 brought together three fronts -- labor, immigrant, and antiwar -- in one struggle for peace and social justice.

    The work stoppage at all 29 West Coast ports on May 1, 2008 by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) was an historic turning point for the U.S. labor movement. For the first time in more than seventy years, a major U.S. trade union led marches and a system-wide strike on May Day. And for the first time ever, it was not for economistic reasons, but for the political demand to end the disastrous and debilitating U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    Story and photos: May Day revival on three fronts: labor, immigrant, and antiwar by Sharat G. Lin

    On Thursday, May 8, the Ad-Hoc Working Group for Haiti launched a weekly vigil outside the Brazilian consulate in Beverly Hills for the return of Haitian human rights activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antione. A weekly fast, begun last November and practiced around the world, continues.
    Story/photos: A Weekly Vigil is Launched for Haiti and Kidnapped Human Rights Activist by Ross Plesset

    Update: (5-15-08) Today was our second weekly vigil. Seven of us held our banner and signs and talked to pedestrians about the issue. There were lengthy and interesting conversations, and people signed our petition. Many of us continue to fast each week.

    Update: (6-12-08) For over a month now, we have been standing here each Thursday with signs and banners. Today, nine of us turned out. Passing motorists seemed especially enthusiastic--even the double-decker Starline Tour buses honked. Pedestrians stopped and asked to learn more about the issue, and we got more signatures on our petition.

    Update: (6-26-08) Today we held a large photo of Don White along with our usual signs. Don was an organizer of this vigil--the banner pictured above was his idea. Also, Wilson, a colleague of Lovinsky's, called from Haiti at his own expense to express his regret about Don. Seven of us were present.

    RANCHO CUCAMONGA, Monday, May. 05, 2008 - Approximately 200 people gathered today in honor of Jose Fernando Pedraza, a Jornalero (day laborer), leader, and friend, who died while defending his right to be a worker in Rancho Cucamonga. Pedraza died after being struck by a car. The motorist is said to have been distracted by the protest when they hit Pedraza. A march to city hall was held demanding Pedraza's dying wish: a day labor center for the city. Full Story Day Laborer Remebered, 1 year after Killed in Rancho Cucamonga during Minutemen Protest by miss x

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