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Arkansas IMC


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Announcement :: Media

An Announcement From Arkansas IMC/Aviso desde Arkansas IMC

imclogo2.gifSeveral months ago, Arkansas Indymedia published an article that addressed the mounting barrage of unsolicited spam that we were receiving on a daily basis, violations of editorial policy, and the efforts by some writers to fill up the newswire with their own material, leaving little room or time on the newswire for anybody else’s.

Hace unos meses, publicamos una articula sobre el problema creciendo de publicidad comercia y violaciones editoriales en este sitio de web. Todavía, muchas personas no han prestado atención a nuestra solicitud por publicar solamente articulas inteligentes, y por publicar solamente una por día.


Commentary :: War

H. Con. Res. 362: The Road To Further War

203816_iran_oil.jpgIn recent weeks, Iran conducted two missile tests in response to both the alleged dry run by the Israeli air force last month for a potential strike against that country’s uranium-enrichment plants, and increasingly bellicose rhetoric and war threats coming from the Bush Administration and some members of Congress.


Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Running for President in Arkansas – Ballot Access Issues for Write-in Candidates

I wanted to bring to your attention a ballot access issue in Arkansas that I have uncovered in recent research.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

More than three billion people condemned to premature death from hunger and thirst

THAT is not an exaggerated figure, but rather a cautious one. I have meditated a lot on that in the wake of President Bush’s meeting with U.S. automobile manufacturers.

The sinister idea of converting food into fuel was definitively established as an economic line in U.S. foreign policy last Monday, March 26.

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News :: Children & Education

ASVAB is Military's Stealth Recruiting Tool

nnomy_logo.jpgThe Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is the military's most valuable recruiting asset. You can stop this predatory practice.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Labor : Prisons : Protest Activity

Ruling Against Mumia Shows: No Justice in the Capitalist Courts

On March 27, the U.S. appeals court in Philadelphia reaffirmed the frame-up conviction of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the former Black Panther Party spokesman and world-renowned radical journalist who has been locked up on Pennsylvania’s death row for more than a quarter century. After previously rejecting Mumia’s request to present evidence of his innocence, as well as a host of issues showing that he was railroaded by a racist court, the Court turned down Mumia’s request for a new trial. It upheld the 2001 ruling by a federal district judge that ordered a new hearing on the sentence, but limited the “choice” to the living hell of life imprisonment without parole … or execution. Mumia is innocent. He was declared guilty and sentenced to die because of his revolutionary politics and because for years he had been a thorn in the side of the racist rulers of the misnamed “city of brotherly love.” Around the world, millions have come out in defense of Jamal. This latest ruling, like all those that preceded it, shows that the exploited and oppressed must have no faith in the racist injustice system. We call on the workers movement to mobilize its power to free Mumia now!

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Intifada comes to Tibet 30 dead

China ordered tourists out of Tibet's capital Saturday while troops on foot and in armored vehicles patrolled the streets and confined government workers to their offices, a day after riots that a Tibetan exile group said left at least 30 protesters dead.


Commentary :: International Relations

Texto De La Renuncia Oficial De Fidel Castro/Text of Fidel Castro's Official Resignation

alba-02.jpgEn el dia del 19 febrero, y hace 49 años de poder, el Presidente Cubano Fidel Castro Ruz se renunció su posición en el periódico oficial Granma.
El texto de su mensaje continua de bajo, en español y ingles.

On February 19, after some 49 years of being in power, Cuban President Fidel Castro Ruz announced the resignation from his position in the official newspaper Granma. The full text of his message follows in Spanish and English:

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