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08.06.2008 - 16:31

Aug 9-11: Direct action at Naval Base Kitsap: no more nukes!


All weekend: CAMP OUT!
Aug 9: Film festival and making connections
Aug 10: Nonviolence training, spokescouncil, and direct action planning
Aug 11: CD at Naval Base Kitsap, family-friendly vigil

08.06.2008 - 12:54

From Hiroshima to Hope

Wed August 6 starting at 5:30 p.m., to begin lantern preparations, held on Green Lake's northwest shore, south of the former Bathhouse Theater.

08.06.2008 - 06:09

Port Update

A summary of the events during the latest port protest.

08.05.2008 - 15:06

Olympia Attorney LeGrand Jones in Tacoma Court Wednesday

Courtroom support has been requested for LeGrand Jones, the first person arrested during this round of PMR activity in Tacoma. LeGrand, a local attorney from Olympia, was arrested for failing to provide ID. Washington State has no "stop and identify" law, so officers had no right to demand ID of someone not committing a crime. He will appear in Court at Tacoma's City-County building at 1:30PM Wednesday, and requests the pleasure of our company if we are able.
08.04.2008 - 21:58

15 Arrested during Anti-War protests at Port of Tacoma and Fort Lewis Army

Anti-war demonstrations are ongoing at Port of Tacoma since Wednesday, July 30th. Protesters and observers have gathered at the port, despite harassment by law enforcement such as the demanding identification, arbitrary detention of pedestrians and use of physical violence. Six arrests have taken place at Port of Tacoma, all of which are unjustified and used to intimidate protesters from expressing their first amendment rights to oppose the occupation of Iraq.
08.04.2008 - 01:26

Forest Student Tased, Arrested at the Port of Tacoma

Forest student was minding his own business when he was tased without warning by a police officer at the Port of Tacoma. Student, completely incapacitated as he was, was then arrested and charged with third degree felony assault, but not before a trip to the emergency room first.

08.03.2008 - 22:02

August 4th: Rally at the Port of Tacoma - 8pm

Rally against port shipments and against police response
08.02.2008 - 18:31

Photos Of Vandalized Tacoma Recruitment Center

Photos taken on 8/2/08
08.02.2008 - 01:20

Where do the Convoys Go?

See the pwetty pitchers. WSDOT Rocks
08.01.2008 - 12:45

PMR in the Local Corporate Press

The Tacoma News Tribune (TNT) has a strategy for superficial reporting that works in the same way most corporate media works. Last night Ian and Drew from the TNT focused on what was peculiar and humorous 'about' the activists, neglecting to take notice of what was peculiar and humorous 'to' the activists. This is perhaps the single most annoying tactic of the bourgeois media, since it is not only a "superficial" excuse for reporting, it is also a way to characterize any action in a way that seems like real reporting but is essentially degrading.

08.01.2008 - 03:51

Two Arrested at Port of Tacoma Late Thursday Night

Two activists, K-Tee-O (Katherine Olejnik) and Kelly Beckham, were arrested for crossing a police line at the Port of Tacoma late Thursday night. Both women were thrown to the ground and treated roughly. K-Tee-O was pulled across the line by her hair. They are being held at Pierce County Jail in Tacoma, each on two charges.

07.31.2008 - 16:00

VIDEO: Port of Tacoma Militarization Resistance

Port of Tacoma, July 30th 2008
07.31.2008 - 01:54

Call to Action for Port Militarization Resistance in Tacoma NOW!

USNS Brittin is now unloading returning Strykers from the 4th Brigade stationed at Ft. Lewis. We need you to help resist the Port of Tacoma from being a revolving door for the war in Iraq NOW!
07.29.2008 - 13:07

Interview with G8 Activist Wu Ming

Wu Ming (无名) is an activist from the Seattle-Tacoma area who was at the 34th G8 Summit in Toyako, Japan, a rural resort area on the island of Hokkaido.

Wu Ming tells us what it was like engaging in autonomous actions against the G8, and what the political atmosphere of the G8 was like for activists.

07.28.2008 - 20:55

August 2nd: Rally Against Wars in Iraq and Iran (Ft. Lewis)

Saturday, August 2nd, is the National Day of Action against war with Iran. Join your friends and neighbors outside Fort Lewis, for a family-friendly demonstration and overpass rally organized by IVAW, G.I. Voice, and Olympia SDS.

WHERE: I-5 Exit 119 (Outside Ft. Lewis)
WHEN: Saturday, August 2nd, Noon-3pm.
07.28.2008 - 01:27

AUDIO: Nicklesville

So what happens when you’re homeless in Seattle? Many find a doorway. Others, illegally camp out in various Green Spaces. And some are organizing to take matters into their own hands. A group of roughly 35 people gathered on a sunny University of Washington campus lawn to rally for a permanent homeless encampment. They’re calling it Nickelsville in response to Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels and the city’s recent sweeps on homeless camps found on hillsides, in greenbelts and beneath freeways.

07.27.2008 - 08:27

Driver Hits Cyclists At Critical Mass Ride

Just after 7 pm on July 25th, a group of about 100 Critical Mass cyclists was moving en masse down East Aloha, a narrow, winding arterial in an upscale neighborhood in Seattle. A man parked in a Subaru station wagon didn’t want to wait for the cyclists to pass because he had "a reservation". Screaming for the cyclists to get out of his way, the man pulled out of a parking spot, hitting one cyclist as he backed up onto the sidewalk and then another as he accelerated forward through the group of cyclists. The driver fled the scene of the accident with one of the injured cyclists still on his roof. A group of cyclists followed the car, confronting the driver a block later at Aloha and 15th Avenue East. When the police arrived, they arrested two of the cyclists but released the driver. Police spokesman Mark Jamieson said the driver is not considered an aggressor, but a victim.
07.26.2008 - 18:26

VIDEO: Take Back the Media!

As you prepare for the RNC and DNC actions this summer, so will we. We are independent media activists and video-makers from Cascadia. We will be at the conventions this summer producing a 10 minute episode each day of "It's the End of the World As We Know It And I Feel Fine" and broadcasting it to IMCs and posting it on our websites.
07.26.2008 - 16:02

VIDEO: New G.I. Coffeehouse

A social movement doesn't have a specific place or a location. It lives in the actions, the minds, and the relationships between people. But there are places where the ideas of a movement develop, places where the movement's ideas go more mainstream.

A group of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) are planning to start up a GI coffeehouse near the entrance of the Fort Lewis military base in Washington State. Though the project is still in its planning stages, the idea is that it will be a center for supporting GI rights and war resistance in the region, as well as a place for GIs to get coffee right off the base.

07.26.2008 - 10:33

VIDEO: Tribute to Seattle Busker Jim Hinde

At the end of their life, the best you can say about some folks is that they really didn't do much harm, or maybe they were nice to their kids. Fallen comrade Jim Hinde did more. Just about anybody who has spent much time in Seattle's open-air public market probably saw Jim playing at one time or another. He entertained, inspired and influenced many with his music.