
Unite wins Super-sized payout for McDonald's worker

10 September
A Kaiapoi McDonald's worker was recently awarded $15,000 after her employer was found by the Employment Relations Authority to have constructively dismissed their 18 year old employee, Chantelle Coup, after she joined the union.

SkyCity Negotiations Restart

25 August
SkyCity and the unions will meet this week in an attempt to reach a fairer deal than currently offered. Advocates from both sides met on Thursday and have committed to work positively.

Union Negotiation Briefings 8am & 8pm daily in 24/7

25 August
The SEA-Unite union advocate, Matt McCarten, will be available in 24/7 at 8am and 8pm each day to update union members on the latest progress of bargaining negotiations to be held this week.

Call for change grows louder

25 August
It's 6pm and your busy getting dinner ready. "Ring ring," goes the phone. "Oh no", you think as you hear the market research worker on the other end of the phone introduce themselves. Spare a thought however for the market research worker on the other end of the line.

SkyCity Backs Down Over Discrimination

25 August
Union dealers walked out after vindictive discrimination by casino middle managers. We understand that up to 35 SkyCity workers got interviews for promotion to dual rate dealers.

SkyCity Security Meltdown

25 August
On Saturday night the entire security shift walked off the job and met with Unite union advocate Matt McCarten in 24/7 after they believed they had been unfairly discriminated against. Matt and security union delegates met with their managers on Sunday.

Our right to strike

25 August
SEA-Unite and SFWU members have a legal right to take industrial action at any time. We do not have to give the company any notice before taking action.
We can take action either as a whole union with every member involved or we can decide to take action in smaller groups by department or shifts.

Cinema workers accept new company offer and settle with SkyCity Cinemas

18 August
SkyCity and Rialto cinemas workers voted overwhelmingly last week to accept a new contract that will lift their wages to equal the highest cinema rates in the country.
The settlement followed strikes taken in June this year when workers rejected a minimum wage offer by NZ largest cinema operator.

My Rights! What Can I do?

11 August
Question and answer sheet for industrial action at SkyCity.

Security staff on strike for the first time in over three years

6 August
For the first time in at least 3 years, security patrol staff from First Security Guard Services walked off the job last Tuesday from 7:30pm in protest against the company's offer during pay negotiations.

Advice to Non-union staff

5 August
As it was the unions’ first 24 hour strike SkyCity had plenty of notice to roster their management and non-union staff to cover Saturday. We weren’t too worried about this as the weekend’s strike was to send a message to the CEO and SkyCity shareholders that we reject the 4% offer and we are determined to fight for a fairer deal.

Service with a smell - story from Herald on Sunday

5 August
Staff in some of Auckland's finest hotels are refusing to clean up after guests who leave rooms severely soiled. About 30 room attendants at three Millennium hotels have placed a ban on cleaning up "bodily fluids" left by guests, claiming they should be paid extra for the unpleasant task.

Union pressure sees upgrade at Copthorne hotel

5 August
Since raising the matter of unfit facilities at the Copthorne Hotel in Auckland with the HR manager, Daphna Whitmore, Unites hotels organiser has achieved some results.
The hotel has agreed to refurbish the toilets and changing rooms.