The Council of Canadians


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Media releases:

[20-Jun-08] Canadians Reject McCain's NAFTA Plea - Continental Movement for Renegotiation Grows

[20-Jun-08] Bottled Water Losing Steam

[03-Jun-08] Hold public hearings on Ontario-Quebec trade negotiations, says Council of Canadians

» [02-Jun-08] Barlow to challenge Shell over environmental record

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Stop the Bush-McCain AgendaCanadians Reject McCain’s NAFTA Plea
Continental Movement for Renegotiation Grows

On Friday, June 20 the Council of Canadians held a mock press conference and protest outside Ottawa’s Chateau Laurier, where Republican Senator John McCain spoke to an elite audience of Canadian corporate executives. The action featured the “NAFTA-saurus”, a representation of unjust trade policies that are facing extinction.

“We have lost democratic control of energy under NAFTA and we may lose control over water..." (more)

Not Counting CanadiansNot Counting Canadians: The Security and Prosperity Partnership and public opinion

On April 21, 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper traveled to New Orleans to attend the fourth annual North American Leaders’ Summit to discuss progress to the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) with his American and Mexican counterparts. It has been four years since this process began, and no one beyond an elite group of corporate CEOs has been asked how they feel about the SPP—until now.

» Click here to read the report. 

Click here to read a letter to Prime Minister Harper demanding a debate on the SPP, which was signed by Maude Barlow (Council of Canadians), David Suzuki, Ken Georgetti (Canadian Labour Congress), and Maher Arar and Monia Mazigh.

Visit for SPP updates, to download audio, video and to read more about the SPP.


Council of Canadians 2008 General Water Presentation (PDF or Powerpoint) - Spring 2008

Support our World Water Day action - Tell PM Harper 'Water is for people, not profit' visit and sign our letter.

VIDEO & AUDIO: Maude Barlow discusses "Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water" at Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle., KUOW - Seattle, WA, May 8, 2008

AUDIO: Maude Barlow, Diane Snelling & William Driscoll on Vermont's groundwater issues, VPR News, April 1, 2008

Maude Barlow debates Water as a Human Right, CBC The Current: Part 2, March 24, 2008

VIDEO: Water expert and author Maude Barlow links water desalination to climate change, OnPoint March 4, 2008

VIDEO: Blue Covenant: Maude Barlow on the Global Movement for Water Justice, Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman, FebrJune 25, 2008enant U.S. book tour January 17 - April 15

VIDEO: Maude Barlow addresses water issues on Allan Gregg in Conversation, TVO, February 8, 2008


NEW! Best Kept Secret: Canada’s health care competitive advantage – a comprehensive resource guide about the advantages of Canada’s public health care system for citizens and businesses.


Stop the injustice: Overhaul Ontario's mining laws and policies Joint statement on Ontario's mining act, March 17, 2008

Send a mitten to Stephen Harper - All Canadians need to stay warm!

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updated June 25, 2008

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