Dominion Post editor summoned to Auckland to answer contempt of court charge in Operation 8 case.

The Dominion Post editor has been summoned to the Auckland District Court to appear before Judge Perkins today for breaching the suppression order relating to the Operation 8 case.

The Dominion Post breached suppression in an article dated 9 September.

Reports from the Depositions Hearing

The first round of the Depositions Hearing at the Auckland District Court is over. The court is taking a break until 22 September, when the Hearing will continue.

Below are the dispatches from the first 7 days of the Hearing. Also check out Aotearoa Indymedia for updates

Public Meeting: In the Aftermath of the Urewera Raids - Discussing colonisation, courts and contempt

Public Meeting in Wellington, 6:30pm, Monday 22nd September 2008
St Johns in the City, cnr Willis and Dixon Sts, Wellington

In the Aftermath of the Urewera Raids - Discussing colonisation, courts and contempt

Moana Jackson (Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Porou)
Speaking about the context of the raids of October 15th last year

Steven Price (media lawyer, author of
Speaking about media law and contempt of court

Global Day of Action - Drop the Charges!

On a cold and miserable day, the cries of "No More Police State!" echoed through Central Auckland's Queen Street as over 200 Maori, trade unionists and left wingers joined a rally to defend the Urewewa 20, and remember the State Terror Raids of October 15th last year. There were banners and contingents from Tuhoe, Unite, Socialist Aotearoa, the Workers Party, and Auckland's Anarcha-Feminist collective, with individuals from the NDU, Green Party and Maoridom.

Raid Me! Global Day of Action Tickets Going Fast!

Tickets to the global day of action to drop the charges against the 20 accused in the State Terror Raids are now available on Trade Me! There is a two-day auction that closes at the start of the demo on Saturday at 12 noon. The beautiful tickets are for freedom lovers, supporters of Tino Rangatiratanga, friends, and whanau and are free to print or $5 for limited edition colour print. Tickets for police and other spy scumbags are $8 million – about the cost of the entire ‘Operation 8’ investigation (the name given to the State Terror Raids by the police).

Media Release: Drop the Charges! Global Day of Action

"Many people believe that since the terrorism charges were not successfully laid by police following the State Terror Raids in October 2007 that the case is closed. That is not correct, charges are proceeding" said October 15th Solidarity spokesperson Peter Steiner. Demonstrations and protests are being planned around the world for the global day of action to drop the charges against the 20 people arrested in the nationwide State Terror Raids of 15 October 2007. In Wellington, there will be a rally and march starting at 12 noon at 128 Abel Smith Street.

Solidarity statement with arrestees - RAM

Solidarity statement with arrestees of 2007 police terror raids

National Executive of RAM - Residents Action Movement
24 August 2008

RAM condemns the clear abuses of state power which occurred during the 2007 anti-terror raids, particularly the blatantly illegal conduct by members of the NZ Police Force, and the nature of the legislation with which the accused were initially charged (the Terrorism Suppression Act), as grounds for objection by any reasonable citizen.

Screenprinted Oct. 15th Solidarity Poster

To support the Global Day of Action on Saturday 30th August (for the October 15th Solidarity Crew) I thought I'd do something as well, so, what better than to design and hand screenprint a limited edition poster?

To show your support on this day of solidarity with the October 15th Arrestees, or to simply get hold of a limited edition poster, please feel free to purchase one of the screenprints pictured above. Each poster costs $10 (add $2 for mail postage, or $8 for a poster tube), with all sales going towards the October 15th Solidarity Fund!

Global Day of Action 30 August - Drop the charges!

Demonstrations and protests are being planned around the world for the global day of action to ‘Drop the Charges’ against the 20 people arrested in the nationwide State Terror Raids of 15 October 2007. Check out the calendar for a full list of events!

Sign onto the Solidarity Statement!

Support the international day of action and the on-going solidarity work by signing onto our statement below and getting active in your community. The solidarity statement below is for both individuals and organisations. If you would like to sign onto the statement, please use this form or email us at with your name and/or organisation and we will include you.

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