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Miami Final Dispatch: March on the Mayors Conference
06/27/2008 The historic Right to the City March on the Mayors is over. Last week grassroots members of community organizations from throughout the country flooded Miami to launch a national fight for the right to live, work, build community, and govern their cities. After a summit and a rainy march residents and city community members from across the U.S. spent two days discussing strategies to build a national movement. At the end of Sunday people left our tropical city, ready to return home and build a mass movement, bringing with them lessons and new connections to strengthen their work.

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Charges Finally Dropped Against Fr. Gerard Jean-Juste in Haiti
06/22/2008 The Court of Appeal of Port-au-Prince has announced the dismissal of all remaining charges against Father Gerard Jean-Juste. The Catholic priest is a prominent supporter of Famni Lavalas, the political party of ousted Haitian president Jean Bertrand Aristide. Jean-Juste was arrested by the de facto government of Gerard Latortue in July of 2005. His imprisonment was such a flagrant act of political repression that Amnesty International designated the priest a “Prisoner of Conscience”.

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Miami Dispatch J19: March on the Mayors Conference - The People's Summit
06/22/2008 It started friday night and it doesn’t end for a few more days. Friday evening was filled with work group meetings of the Right to the City Alliance where people shared strategy and began hashing out bigger strategy that bridges cities. Last night over 300 people attended the People's State of the City Summit at Miami Dade College.

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Miami Dispatch J20: March on the Mayors Conference - The Skys Open Up
06/22/2008 Yesterday the Right to the City Alliance took to the streets of Miami. With umbrellas splashed with our messages and skeleton puppets looming over coffins carried by the crowd we danced through the tropical streets to the riling sounds of To Be Continued?, a NOLA second-line. The March on the Mayors, escorted by a phalanx of police, marched from Overtown through Downtown Miami to just outside the InterContinental hotel where over 200 of the nation’s mayors were meeting at the U.S. conference of mayors.

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"Right to the City" March on the Mayors Conference, June 20th in Miami
06/19/2008 The nation’s mayors will gather in Miami from June 20-24 for the 76th Annual Meeting of The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) to debate national policy impacting America’s cities and metropolitan areas. "Right to the City" under the call "Who's City? Our City!," will mobilize with Alliance Member Organizations and local activist groups to assert our rights to live, work, play, pray, and govern over the city.

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2012: Free Internet Ends - unless we fight for "net neutrality"
06/11/2008 Every significant Internet provider around the globe is currently in talks with access and content providers to transform the internet into a television-like medium: no more freedom, you pay for a small commercial package of sites you can visit and you'll have to pay for seperate subscriptions for every site that's not in the package.

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Federal Judge strikes down 2 Miami-Dade County anti-demonstration laws
06/07/2008 Rob Ross and Mara Shlackman, as National Lawyers Guild attorneys, litigated a constitutional challenge to two Miami-Dade County ordinances, a parades and processions permit ordinance, and a loitering ordinance. The challenge was prompted by the County's hindrance of the organizing efforts of groups mobilizing to protest when Pres. Bush gave a commencement address at Miami-Dade College in Kendall in April 2007. The Plaintiffs were Miami for Peace, the South Florida Peace and Justice Network, and Haiti Solidarity.

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Local activist announces her candidacy for Supervisor of Elections, Broward County
05/25/2008 It's Official! Ellen Brodsky, a local election reform activist is running for Election Supervisor for Broward County. While other candidates are slugging it out, she will be building a strong Non-Partisan "grassroots" campaign. Her Campaign is truly in an embryonic state. All volunteers, ideas, contacts and Campaign Help is Needed. Most importantly, she needs Donations to Qualify by June 20, 2008.

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CIW Burger King penny a lb protest Over: BK and CIW to work together
05/24/2008 The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and Burger King Corp on May 23rd announced plans to work together to improve wages and working conditions for the farmworkers who harvest tomatoes for the BURGER KING® system in Florida.

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Military Test is Mandatory in Hundreds of High Schools
04/19/2008 The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB provides the military easy access to more than a half million high school students nationwide. Although the military calls the ASVAB voluntary, thousands of high school juniors are forced to take it.

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04/06/2008 I went to the meeting of the InterAmerican Development Bank going on this weekend through Tuesday on Miami Beach. It is a VERY BIG event, and includes the finance ministers and the heads of the national banks of all of the countries in the Western Hemisphere. Bill Gates even came to town on Friday to address this group. As I wandered around the Miami Beach Convention Center, Sponsors Pavilion, looking at the various governmental and business displays touting their wares along with the displays of various cities and countries, I came across the following site:

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Don’t drink USA tap water: Fluoride Horror Stories Report - lowers IQ, causes cancer
03/26/2008 The establishment media will have to find a new tactic with which to ridicule those who oppose the fluoridation of water after a major new Scientific American report concluded that "Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift" as new evidence emerges of the poison's link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.

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Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication
03/08/2008 BBC’s killer documentary called “The Power of Nightmares“. Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time.

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Pentagon's troubling role in Haiti
02/27/2008 Cite Soleil is a sprawling seaside shanty town that is home to more than 300,000 people who continue to live in abject poverty despite more than 1.5 billion dollars of international aid injected into Haiti over the past three years.

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Japan Parliament - Fujita Questions US version of 9-11/ Asks can they arrest Pres. Bush?
01/21/2008 Don’t expect the New York Times or CNN to report on Fujita Yukihisa’s grilling of Japanese PM Fukuda over the official 9/11 fairy tale. Yukihisa is a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet, that is to say the national legislature of Japan, and his questions about the transparent sham that is the official version of events is indeed a big deal — but not as important in America as the travails of Britney. Yukihisa’s presentation was all the more important due to the fact he was the Chief Cabinet Secretary under former PM Junichiro Koizumi in 2001.

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"Hacking Democracy" - Electronic Voting Documentary
01/18/2008 The cautionary documentary "Hacking Democracy" exposes the vulnerability of computers - which count approximately 80% of America's votes in county, state and federal elections - suggesting that if our votes aren't safe, then our democracy isn't safe either.

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Want to understand why folks are making a fuss over "Habeas Corpus" these days?
01/16/2008 If you want to understand why some folks are making a fuss over "Habeas Corpus" these days, here's a little primer....... Habeas Corpus is a legal term that defines the basic right of someone to question why they are being held by the government. If the agency holding someone is presented with a "Writ of Habeas Corpus" the agency must either release the prisoner or present a valid justification for their arrest.

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Legislators vote fraud caught on video
12/23/2007 I don’t even know what else to say other than this makes me sick. The elected representatives of the citizens of the state of Texas are caught on film casting votes on one another’s machines and all they can say is “well, we’re very busy”?

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Fla & Calif Senator speak out-oppose EPA nazi-style experiments on US children
12/23/2007 Bush adminstration supports Program to deliberaretely subject infants and small children to known toxins. Of course they manipulate poor people into subjecting themselves to poison for money.

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Gov’t publishes nuclear secrets. Then Bush says Iran dangerous if they have those secrets
12/20/2007 Last March 2006, the government set up a web site to make public a vast archive of Iraqi documents captured during the war that included what the New York Times called a "nuclear primer' because it included about a dozen documents in Arabic that contained "charts, diagrams, equations and lengthy narratives about bomb building. The documents, the experts say, constitute a basic guide to building an atom bomb.

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2001 Anthrax Mailings Case Revisited: Russian Defector was Lead Suspect
11/26/2007 Three veteran investigators have independently narrowed the field of anthrax mailings suspects to a single Russian defector affiliated with two heavily implicated defense contractors and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Kanatjan Alibekov, alias "Ken Alibek," the President of Hadron Advanced Biosystems, should be re-interrogated by the FBI, according to three researchers who arrived at this conclusion independently. They say Stephen Hatfield-the military virologist cited by FBI officials in recent weeks as a chief subject was not likely involved in the mailings at all.

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Seven CIA Veterans Challenge 9/11 Commission Report
10/02/2007 Seven CIA veterans HAVE denounced the official account of 9/11 as: "a joke", "a cover-up", "a monstrous series of lies", "a pretext for war", "not a serious piece of analysis", riddled with "serious shortcomings", "omissions" and "major flaws."

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Global Warming Solution. Will it make it through the bureaucracy to the upper atmosphere?
08/02/2007 My friend Joe Fox, who is a molecular microbiologist, invented a modality to absorb CO2 in the atmosphere and reverse the global warming problem in days. He is submitting his plan to The Virgin Earth Challenge (Richard Branson-Al Gore) is a prize of $25m for whoever can demonstrate to the judges' satisfaction a commercially viable design which results in the removal of anthropogenic, atmospheric greenhouse gases so as to contribute materially to the stability of Earth’s climate. The only problem is that it will be 3 years before they look at all the plans and judge who will receive the prize money.

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Alan Greenspan & former Bank of England Governor reportedly arrested in London for fraud
07/10/2007 On 2nd July 2007, the former Governor of the Bank of England, Sir Eddie George, was reported to have been arrested, after he had been apprehended ‘in flagrante’ interfering with the banking codes and sequences affecting the Wanta Settlement. Our sources confirm that there have been ‘multiple confirmations’, since we first reported the matter, that Greenspan himself was arrested. Although there have been conflicting reports from unreliable sources about his fate, the preponderance of authoritative reports from Group of Eight intelligence community and Gold Badge informants, reiterate that Dr Alan Greenspan is in solitary confinement, with no access to a telephone, and that he was not granted bail (1).

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93 Bombing World Trade Center Revisted: FBI Linked To Bombing
05/22/2007 Tapes made secretly by an FBI informant of conversations between him and his agency handlers have linked the nations largest law enforcement agency to the "the most destructive terrorist act in U.S. history." Emid Ali Salem, an FBI informant used hidden microphones given him by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents to record his conversations with agents of the bureau. A Los Angles Times article on 10/28/93 revealed to shocked readers details of FBI involvement in the terrorist act. FBI spokesmen in Washington refused comment.

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