Is This How We Want to Fight HIV in the Black Gay Community?

A long time Worcester-based HIV/AIDS activist sounds off on funding to fight HIV/AIDS among black gay and bisexual men

By Jesse T. Pack

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Transgender Organizing Efforts in Worcester Continue

Worcester efforts to develop a Transgender Emergency Fund in Worcester continue, with the extremely successful, "Freedom!", drag show fundraiser held this past Friday, July 11th at Blü Nightclub.

Organizing work is not just all fun. The Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) is set to announce that it will be opening a Central Massachusetts chapter in early August. The kick-off is scheduled for August 10th and group leaders are disseminating an invitation to anyone who would like to work to support transgendered individuals.

Earlier stories: Worcester transgender organizing


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Worcester’s Pools and Beaches Still Last

Public Works and Parks Commissioner Robert Moylan organized a tour of two city pools for City Councilors the day before this year’s pool season kicked off. Members of Save Our Poolz found out about the tour and joined in, lucky enough to end up crashing a planned media photo-op.

The tour of Tacoma Pool just knocked everyone over. Although Great Brook Valley residents had asked, probably even pleaded that bathroom doors be re-installed in the bathrooms, there wasn’t a single door in either the Boys or Girls rooms.

Pool Tour.jpg

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Save Our Poolz

The Save Our Poolz Coalition is asking for community residents to help them remind Worcester City Councilors of their campaign pledges and commitments to Worcester's nine municipal pools. Commissioner Bob Moylan announced this past week that the proposal he has submitted to the City Manager calls for the closing of 5 Worcester pools!

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City Manager recommends closing more pools
Earlier Indymedia Stories
Watch Candidates' statements at WCCA forum


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City Councilor Haller and Billy Breault anti-Narcan/anti-harm reduction Letter

Many people throughout Worcester were knocked over by news of the lastest salvo against poor people and people with addictions from City Councilor Haller and Billy Breault "Anti-OD grant triggers alarm - Adopting Narcan plan feared" which appeared in Saturday's T&G.
An EMT, Buck Paxton, has already responded with a harsh response, "William Breault: Stupidest man in Worcester, part 2"

Unsuccessful at getting a copy of the original letter from Councilor Haller, I was able to secure a copy from one of the recipients. Here's the letter in full.


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Cafeteria workers: Don't cut our hours!

Worcester school cafeteria workers demonstrated at City Hall this afternoon against a plan to cut their hours, at the same time that school administator pay may be increased.


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Worcester "rosary trial" set for Sept. 23

At a pre-trial hearing in Worcester's federal court today, Judge Timothy S. Hillman set a court date for 5 Roman Catholics arrested for praying the rosary for an end to the Iraq War inside the lobby of the federal building March 19.

The trial will be 9am, September 23, 2008. The defendants will be representing themselves, and encourage supporters to gather outside the courthouse or to come inside for the trial.

Judge Hillman said the 5 cases would be tried at the same time, and that the defendants, who will be representing themselves, will be allowed to question each other and witnesses. He is considering whether to allow them to attempt a "necessity defense," and will be issuing a written decision.

Links: More about the pre-trial hearing, more about the trial


Worcester Residents Join New England Transpride Rally

On Saturday, June 7th, local transgender rights organizers joined others from across New England for the First New England Transgender Pride March, which was held in Northampton, MA.

"Remember Stonewall?" That was us!"stood as the march and rally's theme. Bet Power, Director Sexual Minorities Archives in Northampton, and a event steering committee member highlighted that history, "A transgender woman, Sylvia Rivera threw a bottle at a cop in 1969 after being prodded by his nightstick, and the whole world changed. Her's . . . Sylvia's, was the first act of resistance at the Stonewall Inn, sparking several nights of riots that started Gay pride."

Event participants focused on statewide efforts to pass House Bill 1722, which seeks to end gender-based discrimination and hate crimes. Additionally, Worcester organizers announced plans to hold a July fundraiser for Worcester's Transgender Emergency Fund.

Past: a personal journey


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Local Catholic activist to stand trial for Supreme Court Guantanamo protest

On Tuesday, May 27th, Claire Schaeffer-Duffy, a member of the SS.Francis and Therese Catholic Worker and mother of four, will enter the Washington DC Superior Court and into a legal debate over the fate of America's detention at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Along with 34 Americans from cities and towns across the country, Claire will stand trial for a protest at the U.S. Supreme Court on January 11, 2008. The activists face charges of either "unlawful free speech" or "causing a harangue" or both. Each count carries a maximum penalty of 60 days in jail, as well as fines and court fees.

More about the trial.

An interview with Claire.

Worcester Public Schools

The Worcester Public School children need your support. Please sign our on-line petition that reguests the city council fund more than just 0.5% over the minimum mandated by the state.

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