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Anti-social woman breaches ATM etiquette Print E-mail
Thursday, 03 April 2008
ImageThe unspoken rules of ATM behaviour were blithely disregarded yesterday, as public relations consultant Jerri Cuthbert, 23, withdrew a total of $210 from various bank accounts during what onlookers described as "a complete disregard for her fellow man". "I don't know how she was raised," said disgruntled queuer Nick Mendes. "But I was always taught not to waste everyone's lunch hour with on-screen account balances."
Anti-bingeing advertisement revs teens up for big night Print E-mail
Sunday, 16 March 2008
ImageThe federal government's $53 million anti-bingeing campaign has had an inspirational effect on teenagers, psyching them up to get together and drink large quantities of alcohol. Year 10 student Wayne Greer has spoken on behalf of his peers: "Flickering lights, wasted chicks everywhere and a punch-up on the street – if tonight is half as messy as that ad, I'll be stoked."
Belief system debunked by T-shirt Print E-mail
Saturday, 08 March 2008
Churches around the nation have reported a sharp decline in attendance following the revelation of a dogma-shattering item of clothing. The T-shirt, which bears a humorously blasphemous slogan, is believed to have undermined the core tenets of 2000 years of Christianity. "Our faith has survived persecution, child abuse allegations and the Spanish Inquisition," said Archbishop George Pell. "But this garment has proven too strong for Jesus Christ."
Gary Gygax fails saving throw vs heart attack Print E-mail
Thursday, 06 March 2008

More than 5000 men and three women, clutching dog-eared rulebooks and dice, have gathered outside Dungeons & Dragons creator Gary Gygax's Wisconsin home this week, after learning the American game designer had died at the age of 69. Although official reports have blamed a heart attack, archmage Mordenkainen is claiming responsibility and demanding experience points for the kill.

Outsider artist angry at positive review from conservative critic Print E-mail
Thursday, 28 February 2008
ImageSelf-described "social commentator with a camera and a palette" Xavier Bullock was furious beyond measure at a glowing review of his recent exhibition, Sunrise Splatters, which featured in The Age. Despite being generally old-fashioned and preferring classical painting, critic Bill Rutherfoord found the work "a real eye-opener".
'Gigli' no better on Blu-ray Print E-mail
Thursday, 14 February 2008

ImageFrustrated film buffs have reported that recent advances in laser technology have had no discernible impact on the quality of 2003's Ben Affleck-Jennifer Lopez romantic comedy Gigli. "Those Blu-Ray ads led me to believe anything I watched would include samurai warriors and awesome blue beams of light, not appalling dialogue and tacked-on romantic subplots," complained PS3 owner Ian Murphy. "If anything, Gigli sucks even more in high definition." 

Lazy man hoping unironed clothes become fashionable Print E-mail
Thursday, 31 January 2008
ImageInvestment banker Rob Garrus, a deeply slothful man when it comes to routine household chores, has been watching the spring/summer ready-to-wear collections like a hawk, hoping black-clad fashionistas declare unironed clothes to be in this season. "As soon as they give it the nod," he said, "I'll be sleeping in an extra 12 minutes every day."
Guy at school reunion remembers way too much Print E-mail
Thursday, 24 January 2008
ImageTen years after they finished high school together, former Young Achiever Lee Rosken can recall minor personality quirks and biographical details about every single one of his classmates, an ability he demonstrated at his reunion late last year. "Lee was pretty quiet at school," said reunion organiser Anna Aprile. "Which made it kinda creepy that he could describe all the different outfits I wore on mufti days."
Homeless community agrees to phase out giant plastic bag usage Print E-mail
Thursday, 27 September 2007
ImageIn what has been described as a massive coup for Australia's environmental movement, the nation's homeless have put their support behind the push to phase out giant plastic bags. "This is a great day for Mother Nature," said Clean Up Australia spokesman Ian Kiernan. "From now on, we can expect to see homeless people using reusable giant green  bags to carry their meagre possessions, not those planet-harming stripey plastics."
Zombie angered at Facebook misrepresentation Print E-mail
Friday, 14 September 2007
ImageFormer signwriter and current member of the walking dead, Trevor Fleck, has voiced his outrage at what he calls "the blatant inaccuracies of Facebook's ‘Zombies' application". Fleck has called upon his fellow zombies to join him in a Million Mob March against "lame, bullshit online media portrayal of flesh-eating monsters".
Pub trivia champ humiliated on 'Temptation' Print E-mail
Thursday, 06 September 2007
ImageDespite regularly winning the Thursday night trivia at his local watering hole, history buff Gerald Sugden failed to answer a single question correctly during his one-night stint on the Nine Network’s Temptation. Viewers say Sugden occasionally attempted to press his buzzer, but for the most part sat silently, with an intense look of sweaty, baffled concentration.
'Bill & Ted' director hoping to jump on threequel bandwagon Print E-mail
Thursday, 30 August 2007

ImageSeeking to follow in the footsteps of well-received movies like Spider-Man 3, Shrek The Third and Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End, director Stephen Herek has announced plans to make Bill & Ted's Radical Pilgrimage later this year. "I think the time is right for us to all learn what happened to the dudes 16 years on," he said. "Are they still married to the babes? Are the Wyld Stallyns still together?"

Peter Andre happy to have songs illegally downloaded Print E-mail
Thursday, 30 August 2007

ImageIn the wake of fresh crackdowns on unlawful file-sharing, Peter Andre has announced that he personally has no problem with people making digital copies of his work and trading them online. "If the people want to hear my work, who am I to stand in their way?" he said. "I sang 'Gimme Little Sign' for the fans, not for the money."

Actual world not as good as World Of Warcraft Print E-mail
Thursday, 30 August 2007
ImageAccording to millions of overweight, socially awkward players worldwide, life on Earth cannot hope to compete with a virtual existence comprised of heroic adventure, powerful magic and sexy maidens in need of rescue from dragons. For many, attaining level 70 in World Of Warcraft is a far more worthy achievement than anything they could hope to accomplish outside the game.
Lost mountain-climber already envisioning book deal Print E-mail
Sunday, 26 August 2007

ImageDanish tourist Nikolaj Neilsen, who has been lost in the Snowy Mountains for seven days, is already imagining a successful and profitable publishing career once he is rescued. The 23-year-old fell 35 metres when a rope snapped, causing him serious injury. "I've been keeping a video diary," he said, sheltering under an icy overhang. "I plan to use it as a reference when I recount my harrowing experience in a gripping tale of tenacity and survival for a major publisher."

Text message lacks nuance Print E-mail
Friday, 20 July 2007

ImageCritics have slammed an SMS sent by account executive Morgan Teuber to a group of his friends, claiming the tone of his brief communication is unclear. The text message, which stated a desire "2 C TRANSFORMERS ITLL B COOL", has divided recipients, who are unable to reach consensus on whether Teuber was serious, joking or something else entirely.

Man yet to find situation not covered by Simpsons quote Print E-mail
Thursday, 12 July 2007
ImageWhether he's informing his wife she's a "big, fat dynamo" or telling his co-workers "don't have a cow, man", Brisbane removalist Gareth Schreiber takes all his conversational cues from The Simpsons. The 32-year-old, who has been watching the long-running TV show since it began, is able to apply his encyclopaedic knowledge of the program to any circumstance, be it a deceptively painful injury or a discussion on the relative cowardice of the French.
Nobel Prize introduces 'Most Improved' Category Print E-mail
Friday, 15 June 2007

Image The Royal Swedish Academy of Arts and Scientists will break with more of a century of tradition to award their first award for effort, rather than excellence. Stung by criticisms that the body was elitist, the Academy has announced a new 'Most Improved' Category, for those trying hard in their given field.

Celebrity proud supporter of some shit with spastics Print E-mail
Friday, 15 June 2007

Celebrity footballer Wayne Freehold reaffirmed his commitment to charitable causes yesterday, when he agreed to make an appearance for disabled children's charity Bright Futures, or as he calls it "that fucking thing with the kids". The announcement was made in a late-night cell-phone call with his agent, Michael Liebowitz, who laughingly declared the footballer "a bloody humanitarian."

Tae Bo video finally thrown out Print E-mail
Thursday, 14 June 2007

ImageAfter gathering dust on a rumpus room bookshelf for more than seven years, a faded copy of Tae Bo Gold has been consigned to the dump during a moment of self-awareness on the part of its owner, accounts payable clerk Teri Rosewater. "Every other time I've cleaned that room, I've told myself I'll get back into Tae Bo one day," she said. "This time, I had to face the facts. After all, we don't even own a VCR anymore."

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